RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (Full Version)

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missbratly -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:38:56 PM)

I think there are some good points in the OP, having wasted around 5 years of my life on Time Bandits already, I can understand the frustration. Unfortunately, it does nobody any good to start treating all prospective people online as potential time bandits or fakes or whatever you want to call it. These people make themselves known fairly early on  in my experience, its just the suspending of disbelief that makes people reluctant to see the 20 foot high writing on the wall. 

kc692 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:39:22 PM)

**whispers, I just think hes trying to get rid of that nilla cone!!**

(In case you couldnt tell, OP, that was a joke.....[;)])

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:40:22 PM)

Well we have some people who are active on the boards who fit your description quite well. 

You responded to one of their threads earlier this week, then got perturbed when someone was trying to point out that you were responding to what you describe here as a "time bandit".

Anyone who participates in the boards regularly, and who pays attention, will be able to identify the fantasy dwellers.

kc692 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:45:18 PM)

Well said, BRNaughty, which might be why some of us, right or wrong, have reacted the way we have to his words.....again though, very well said!!

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:46:16 PM)

KC! I  love my vanilla cone!

I was under the profile of SirVanilla for 4 years!!! 

Had a cult of Wiccan yahoos from Wisconsin who would not leave me alone because I ended a consideration with one of their favorite honeys. Maybe I will reclaim the name one day when it becomes too obvious I am an experienced member. *sigh*

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:48:41 PM)

Actually, BR, I saw that comment later and thought, damn, the original posting person was accused of that. I'm careful of assuming anything other than my own personal experience. My post had ONE purpose. I wanted to post something original and see what they would say back. Of course, Candystripper was long gone.

My bad. LOL

DesFIP -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:48:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet

My next post should be about people with no life -- people with nothing else better to do than cruise the message boards -- who then make themselves feel better by insutling others who speak intelligently and freely and then seek kudos from the others just like them.

I am glad these people idenitfy themselves so readily, their shannigans is now obvious to everyone else and once again, time is saved :)

shenanigan, fyi.

Btw, if everybody you talk to refuses to give you a phone number or meet, it's probably you and not them. Remember you are the only constant in all your relationships, or nonrelationships as it appears.

kc692 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:51:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet

Actually, BR, I saw that comment later and thought, damn, the original posting person was accused of that. I'm careful of assuming anything other than my own personal experience. My post had ONE purpose. I wanted to post something original and see what they would say back. Of course, Candystripper was long gone.

My bad. LOL

She's not gone, smiles, just on to other stirring pots........

edited to add:  Keep an eye out, there are posts dated VERY recently, lol.

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 7:54:34 PM)


I thought we grew up and stopped the finger pointing in second grade??

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:02:55 PM)

Miss Bratly

YOU see the writing on the wall easily becaue of your experience. Hence, this post was clearly not designed to attract you. Nor did I bend your arm and make you read it. Fact remains that I met dozens of people on this site who have been bitten by the bandit. I placed this post as my way to assist those who want the help.

anguisette22 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:18:19 PM)




ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet

My next post should be about people with no life -- people with nothing else better to do than cruise the message boards -- who then make themselves feel better by insutling others who speak intelligently and freely and then seek kudos from the others just like them.

I am glad these people idenitfy themselves so readily, their shannigans is now obvious to everyone else and once again, time is saved :)

shenanigan, fyi.

Btw, if everybody you talk to refuses to give you a phone number or meet, it's probably you and not them. Remember you are the only constant in all your relationships, or nonrelationships as it appears.

^Exactly what I was going to say.

Yeah, well, I'm tired of getting messages with "Can I call you RIGHT NOW?" or "You should move to Australia." That's creepy as hell, and way worse than a time-waster. I'm a teenage girl who lives alone, I'm not giving my phone number to someone I met two days ago online. I don't have time to talk on the phone to each of the several people I'm talking to online anyway. If you don't like it, too bad. This is a social networking site (essentially), not a listing for hookers.

Also, asking for numbers right away probably makes you come off as desperate, you know.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:20:20 PM)


Thank you for the interesting post, it was well written and thought provoking.  It did raise a few questions that if you have time, and are so inclined to share: 

1) Using your prescribed method, what is your success rate?  Success being measured not so much as NOT wasting your time, but rather cutting through the online courtship and coming to a positive common ground that moved forward into a rewarding relationship in real life?
2)  Assuming your prescribed method works, (and I'm assuming it did) how long were those relationships sustained?
3)  Assuming you found fulfilling relationships offline using your prescribed method, did the relationships end amiably?


VeryMercurial -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:34:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance


Thank you for the interesting post, it was well written and thought provoking.  It did raise a few questions that if you have time, and are so inclined to share: 

1) Using your prescribed method, what is your success rate?  Success being measured not so much as NOT wasting your time, but rather cutting through the online courtship and coming to a positive common ground that moved forward into a rewarding relationship in real life?
2)  Assuming your prescribed method works, (and I'm assuming it did) how long were those relationships sustained?
3)  Assuming you found fulfilling relationships offline using your prescribed method, did the relationships end amiably?


What wonderful questions.
I really hope his system is working for him, if so maybe I will try it.
If not?
I will keep doing what I have been doing.

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:36:03 PM)


I do understand your point of view, but perhaps your emotions are blinding you to the circumstances of the post. The key assumption is that the TB is baiting a person by telling them they are interested. If you express mutual internet, the TOP experts (shrinks) in the field say that if yuo are spending a lot of time with someone online who makes it clear they want more, you either exit the relationship or make them put up some proof.

Again, place into context of male and female and think about what you just said. I'm detecting a little repressed anger here... and I find it a bit anal that so many people are complaining about one particular and obviously misspelled word, because last I checked, there were about 20 misspelled words in my main post and NO ONE has noticed or complained. LOL

RedMagic1 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:39:23 PM)

Well, I don't think I'm wasting my time.  This thread is hilarious!

SirBitterSweet -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:39:26 PM)

Dear Winsome

Challenging questions and exactly what I was hoping to draw in this post. YAY! Alas, I have to run for the evening, I might come back very late, but surely by Sunday afternoon to address excellent questions.

Venatrix -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:44:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet

. . . and I find it a bit anal that so many people are complaining about one particular and obviously misspelled word, because last I checked, there were about 20 misspelled words in my main post and NO ONE has noticed or complained. LOL

To say nothing of your misuse of the word "whom."

anguisette22 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:44:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet


I do understand your point of view, but perhaps your emotions are blinding you to the circumstances of the post. The key assumption is that the TB is baiting a person by telling them they are interested. If you express mutual internet, the TOP experts (shrinks) in the field say that if yuo are spending a lot of time with someone online who makes it clear they want more, you either exit the relationship or make them put up some proof.

Again, place into context of male and female and think about what you just said. I'm detecting a little repressed anger here... and I find it a bit anal that so many people are complaining about one particular and obviously misspelled word, because last I checked, there were about 20 misspelled words in my main post and NO ONE has noticed or complained. LOL.

I'm calling bullshit on you. None of your "diagnoses" is even close to accurate given the information. You're vomiting out Freshman psych vocabulary words in situations that make no sense. Also, if you actually had a degree in Psychology you would know that "shrinks" are private therapists that deal with subconscious problems, not research psychologists.

And we did notice your terrible spelling, we just didn't point it out at first. It's called tact, you may want to look into it.

Look, dude, I'll step up and say it: I think you're a hypocritical liar. It's obvious you know nothing about psychology, or you wouldn't make such stupid, shallow generalizations and misuse so many simple psychological terms. So here, I'll take a page out of your book and make a judgement of who you are based on how I perceive you online: a sad, lonely man who fantasizes that he is a psychologist.

RedMagic1 -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 8:46:24 PM)

And we'll all see what kind of man you are if you flame the new kid for telling you the truth.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: How to Spot a Time Bandit on CM (7/12/2008 9:09:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: SirBitterSweet

Dear Winsome

Challenging questions and exactly what I was hoping to draw in this post. YAY! Alas, I have to run for the evening, I might come back very late, but surely by Sunday afternoon to address excellent questions.

Thank you.  I look forward to your answers. 

There are a few things I'd normally address in the OP, were it posted elsewhere than Ask a Master.  Since I'm not a Master, I'm respectfully keeping my personal opinions to myself, and instead reserving judgment.  Your indulgence of my curiosity really is appreciated.


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