Whats the catch? (Full Version)

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DiurnalVampire -> Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 7:49:30 AM)

For all of us looking for a budget fix on some playtime equipment.
I am not sure if there IS a catch, but I dont think there is. I might consider getting their catalog


Diphon -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 8:23:39 AM)

quality perhaps?

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 8:42:13 AM)

For a beginner though, I dont see any problem with not having a high quality piece to learn with. I am sure for an experienced whip wielder its not good...
But it is also out of a catalog for people using them for their intended purposes, not for kink.

CalifChick -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 8:45:10 AM)

I'm no whip expert by any means, but if you look at the way it lays in coils and then look at some quality whips, to me, there is a huge difference.  The linked one looks loosely braided, and kinda amateurish. 


Leatherist -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 8:46:22 AM)

There is nothing worse to learn with than a piece of crap whip that does not throw smoothly and evenly in all of it's axises. I've seen these in real life,and they are a hard, uneven leather-the cutting and braiding is truly awful-not even worth a quarter.

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 8:48:23 AM)

The one in the link will probably find a home as a photo prop more than anything else. Thats why I posted here, yall know what you are talking about. I do however, like their knife assortment, so it might still be worth getting the catalog

I have no yet decided if I actually want to learn to throw a single tail or not.

Leatherist -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 10:11:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: DiurnalVampire

The one in the link will probably find a home as a photo prop more than anything else. Thats why I posted here, yall know what you are talking about. I do however, like their knife assortment, so it might still be worth getting the catalog

I have no yet decided if I actually want to learn to throw a single tail or not.

The leather in these is about as thick as paper-they really are absolutely useless as more than a pretty awful looking prop-you get what you pay for.

I PASSABLE whip starts at around 200 bucks, a GOOD whip is anything from 300 on up.

Lucylastic -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 11:04:22 AM)

Having had a look at the catalogue, it looks like fun, but  I agree with Leatherist, this was similar to the one I got as a gag gift from a friend when I first started  in bdsm, basically I thought i w as the bees knees,  it even cracked, but its cheap, the leather breaks, its like dry but has been soggy cardboard, so thin you could break it without any force and badly formed with metal rods thru the handle into the braiding length of it, and you could see where the maker ended one strip of lace and started with another.
They are mass produced in india/pakistan/china
The difference between it and a "proper" one is like chalk and cheese.
Just my opinion

VadFarkas -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/1/2008 11:17:09 AM)

I buy from BudK all the time but you get what you pay for.
I just looked at a wooden pirate sword for my grandson for $9.99
a few minutes ago. My wife collects dragons and they always have
something for that last minute gift.[:D]

Many years ago we were on a motorcycle trip around Lake Michigan.
We didn't know any of the other riders and it was our fist trip with this club.
There was much whispering why my wife was setting up the tent and doing
all the work while I layed on the bike having a beer. So at a shopping stop
about half way around, I saw one of these cheap whips and bought it.
Back at camp, I told everyone I know they wanted to know my secret, so I
showed them the whip and cracked it a few times. We still have it somewhere.
You get what you pay for... but sometimes it is priceless.[;)]

ladysekhmetka -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/9/2008 9:28:44 PM)

I had one of those, it frayed at the end and left alot to be desired... 

SNoB -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/10/2008 6:36:34 PM)

They have those in porn shops, the staff will ask you not to crack them, not for safety, but because they will fall apart in the store.  They are horrible horrible pieces of junk.  If you were thinking about learning to use a single tail, dont let your experince with one of these make up your mind.  Its nothing like a signal whip.

Abaddon2u -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/14/2008 5:59:58 AM)

I thought I would post to strongly agree that you get what you pay for. Not all single tails are created equal. Bascially there are two ways to make a single tail. Either the handle is crafted from all leather braid (blacksnake), or using and premolded or shaped handle (bullwhip). Some are crafted splicing in brades to get the length desired, as long strands of precut braid are expensive. The method I use when crafting a whip, is to sprial cut a piece of the chosen type of hide to be used.There are many other considerations, the number of braids the whip is going to start with, where the braids are dropped to decrease the diameter and achieve the proper taper. Tapering the width of the strands as you near the tip and shaving the leather as you near the tip. And lastly deciding what shape/size/finish the clacker will have. It is the sound of the tip of the whip exceeding the speed of sound that produces that wornduful "CCCRRRAAAACCKKKK".


"Get em up, head um up, move um out,  CRACKKK" - Rawhide

subbie333 -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/18/2008 10:05:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: DiurnalVampire

For all of us looking for a budget fix on some playtime equipment.
I am not sure if there IS a catch, but I dont think there is. I might consider getting their catalog


Well, for one thing, it doesn't say what it is made out of.  Leather?  Doubt it.  Other materials?  "golden plated studs" could be anything.  Personally, i am not into whips, but, that isn't what i would call a "bullwhip".  Plus, if you look at the length being 8 feet, looking at the pic, how thin does that make the handle?  If they do some actual braiding and/or something interesting with the handle, it might only be worth buying if the idea is to learn something by taking it apart.

angaothsi -> RE: Whats the catch? (8/18/2008 10:49:36 AM)

The answer is quality, I know, I ordered some of these as favors for a fetish party I hosted for a friend. They are so flimsey that you cant get ANYTHING out of them. They are very light, wont "flick" or anything.They are pretty useless you may as well try yarn it would work better.

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