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what is a munch? - 2/29/2004 2:15:07 PM   

Posts: 6142
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I keep hearing about munches on here and from the discussion it sounds like a gathering of those in the lifestyle but in a vanilla setting--is that accurate? and what goes on at one?
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RE: what is a munch? - 2/29/2004 3:47:17 PM   

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A *munch* doesn't have to be in a vanilla setting, though it normally is, nor are they necessarily lifestyle related. First time I heard the word was 7 years ago for an AOL party. Locations, times, and *extra's* vary. One group use to have it's munches at a bar with really decent food and Karoake that started afterwards. Other's allow alcohol, but supply coffee and do not promote drinking. Some are non-smoking, others are. Each is decided by location and the group that holds the function.

Hope that helps :)


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RE: what is a munch? - 2/29/2004 6:01:41 PM   

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Thank you Sandy.

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RE: what is a munch? - 2/29/2004 9:26:39 PM   

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From the FAQ for the munch I host:

A munch is a gathering of people involved in or interested in bdsm (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadomasochism) and related pursuits. They're generally held in public places like a restaurant or food court. Its a no pressure way of meeting like minded people in a casual, relaxed atmosphere without the pressure of roles, party etiquette, etc.

-- Sherri


-- Sherri

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RE: what is a munch? - 3/1/2004 5:55:31 AM   

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One group use to have it's munches at a bar with really decent food and Karoake that started afterwards. Other's allow alcohol, but supply coffee and do not promote drinking.

I've also started hearing many folks call "munches" that are held at bars "sloshes." SSDD.


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RE: what is a munch? - 3/1/2004 7:30:52 PM   

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::laughing:: that's exactly it Suz. The place that had Karoake had many get tipsy ::winks:: easiest way for some to get the nerve to sing. Other groups seem to have bars as their locale, but still don't seem to approve of drinking even though there is no play allowed,,,


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RE: what is a munch? - 3/1/2004 8:17:23 PM   

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::laughing:: that's exactly it Suz. The place that had Karoake had many get tipsy ::winks:: easiest way for some to get the nerve to sing. Other groups seem to have bars as their locale, but still don't seem to approve of drinking even though there is no play allowed,,,


Hahaha Sandy,

I'm not sure I'd be fond of karoake for a munch, not regularly anyway. It might be fun occasionally. I can also see needing to be a bit tipsy to appreciate some's voice! ;)

As for the drinking, I'm afraid I'm not a politically correct purist when it comes to the whole "drinking and the scene don't mix" philosophy. I think we are adults, we are (or should be) personally responsible and as such it is incumbent upon the individual to gauge their own consumption and actions. In all the dungeon parties I have hosted I have NEVER posted a 'dungeon monitor' and I prefer to avoid parties in which they do. I usually post this disclaimer when I issue invitations: "You're an adult, act like one and you won't be asked to leave. If you're asked to leave you will never be invited back." I've only asked one person to leave ever and that wasn't at a party, it was a client who came to a session drunk. He never came back (although he did indeed try for a time).

As I've suggested in other posts, I just don't care to participate with people who think their way is the "One true way" and they think that they know what is best for everyone else. Political correctness be damned. Personal responsibility and good judgement will always carry the day.


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

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RE: what is a munch? - 3/27/2004 9:14:17 PM   

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muchies for many years have been set up and given in private settings either a Dominant Masters or Mistresses Home or in a private club. It is only since the inception of the W W W that a Lifestyle that was concidered wrong and perverse by society now meets in public places and even in bars where alcohol is served which is a big no no when Lifestylers are at the business of practicing Ones Lifestyle in scene and where most whom attend such new style munchies continue their meetings in a private place to have a scene. Alcohol and endorphines just dont mix well I have seen in more then one instance.

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RE: what is a munch? - 3/27/2004 9:57:50 PM   

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Hi proudsub,

i just attended my first munch last week Thursday. i had no idea what to expect, and brought my roomie.

The munch was held at a artsy coffee shop in Chicago, and although i was nervous...i went inside. i was surprised at how nice people were, very welcoming....

It was difficult for me to tell who was with whom though, as they were flirtatious with one another...very affectionate. i plan to go to the next one, as this group meets weekly.

Anyways, it was very mellow, they talked about everything from kink to movies, music, work, and cracked jokes......

Afterwards, a few of us went for ice cream. All in all a good experience, nice to be able to discuss one's kinks with other like minded people.



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RE: what is a munch? - 3/27/2004 10:21:27 PM   

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What?? ::laughing:: you mean they didn't get you drunk and try to make you play against your will? They had COFFEE and ICE CREAM! No way!

Just joking btw. Though, from reading other posts I am trying to figure out how having alcohol at a munch has anything to do with/ can be compared with play unsafely. Bit if a jump IMO.



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RE: what is a munch? - 3/27/2004 11:31:00 PM   

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Though, from reading other posts I am trying to figure out how having alcohol at a munch has anything to do with/ can be compared with play unsafely.

Well, i could see where it could be problematic; let's say you've got someone chained up...well, if you're drunk, you might lose the keys or stumble over your caged slave and wind up face down in your collection of paddles and such, and well, that doesn't make You (generic) look too good...ya know?

better to not drink and play, someone could get hurt!


(in reply to EStrict)
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RE: what is a munch? - 3/28/2004 2:03:33 AM   

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Who had vanilla ice cream?


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

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RE: what is a munch? - 3/28/2004 1:08:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: belongtoyou



Though, from reading other posts I am trying to figure out how having alcohol at a munch has anything to do with/ can be compared with play unsafely.

Well, i could see where it could be problematic; let's say you've got someone chained up...well, if you're drunk, you might lose the keys or stumble over your caged slave and wind up face down in your collection of paddles and such, and well, that doesn't make You (generic) look too good...ya know?

better to not drink and play, someone could get hurt!


UUuhhh, Rain? Did you read what you replied to? I asked what drinking at MUNCH, not at a PLAY party or session had to do with being unsafe. If you read the post it was in response to, it was implied that allowing alcohol at munches leads to unsafe play. If that is true, then people shouldn't be allowed wine at dinner at home or in restaraunts, and NEVER think of having a beer with dinner if you are planning on playing that night, even if it is just sexual teasing. I don't happen to agree with that either.



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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RE: what is a munch? - 3/28/2004 3:07:00 PM   

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i just re-read those posts, and yes i did indeed mess up.

And actually, i've not been in this lifestyle long enough to have formed an opinion on this topic.

my sincere apologies,


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RE: what is a munch? - 3/28/2004 3:45:39 PM   

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::laughing:: no biggie. I just wanted to make sure you saw what I actually said to you about the icecream was a joke because of the latter part of the post in reply to Dread's comments. But, if you look in other strings, you will see Suz mentioning she allows alcohol at her parties, giving her guests the benifit of the doubt that they are adults and know what they are doing, and one of the people considered to play the least safely was one that quit coming because he didn't approve of the drinking. He had no problem with someone like himself using a flogger or a whip unsafely though...



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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RE: what is a munch? - 4/1/2004 10:28:48 PM   

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i also live in the Chicago area and would love to know more about the munch you attended. Was it primarily for straight, gay, male dom, fem dom, or all? And, if you would let me know how to find out when the next one may be. I too am completely new and would like to know more about what is in the area. Thank you.

LF Celine

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RE: what is a munch? - 4/2/2004 7:24:21 AM   

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Greetings louisfceline,

The munch i attended was part of The Next Generation Chicago (TNGC). This group, as far as i know, welcomes people in all roles, gay and straight.

Here's the link:

There is also a way to contact the organizers of this group, so you can ask more specific questions.

Otherwise, feel free to email me here, (but not in the message board section) for any additional questions.



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