RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (Full Version)

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NeedToUseYou -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 3:52:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ozzfan1317

I agree Russia seems to be almost pulling a Hitler and Systematically just taking little pieces of Land with just the right Lame Excuse to take them semi peacefully. I have this really bad feeling they will be after The Chezch Republic and Poland next.

I agree Russia may be starting that trend, but you're forgetting that the US has been in that business for decades. Look around the world and count how many military bases we have, compared to russia. Look at our military budget. Look at the aggressive foreign policy. Putting a Missile right on the border LOL. It's equivalent to me going to your house standing in your neighbors yard and pointing a gun at you. Then saying what?, it's for that other neighbor(who is in a wheelchair, tossing pebbles:Iran). LOL. It's all fake, lies, deception, bourn out by men with egos larger than than their value of life. It's for people that value team more than team members. We must protect the house even if it means all the people living in it should die. That kind of retarded mentality. Territorial Pissing.

Tell, me if I started swinging a bat two inches from your face would you get mad? Probably. If I pointed a gun a couple feet from your head would you get mad? Probably. If I pointed a Missile at your house from a few miles away would you get pissed? If I pointed a whole bunch of missile at your country from 50 miles away would you get angry and feel like someone was trying to threaten you.

Granted Russia is a bunch of bastards to, but we(US government, and military) are bastards as well. To much dick wagging. To much bravado. It will eventually end up like Bush says "In the form of a mushroom cloud", at least it's more probable than Iran attacking us, and leading to that outcome. This russia game is not a game we want to start. It's complete folly to suggest we will destroy a billion peoples lives if they attack Poland, because the nukes will be a flying. That is what Rice said, to translate it into an outcome. Do, you think if they are crazy enough to invade poland, they won't shoot Nukes if they start to lose, okay. LOL.  Leave this to Europe. It is there business. Not ours, they are big boys. This is their business and situation to sort out, at least it should have been before we went and swung a bat.

Whoever said it was like a game of chess, I think that is pretty much right, most pieces end up dying in chess except the protected king figure. Both sides take part in the initial decision to begin conflict with the same goal in mind. (to kill the other).  The nearer to complete dominance the less pieces surrounding the ruler(death and war, and power concentration). Winning merely would represent more control in the hands of fewer people(pawns dies, no one worries about pawns same with government decisions).

Yeah, it is a lot like chess, winning is losing though, unless you're the king. No, one on this board is a king. At least politically. hehe.

Just my uneducated view of two powers participating in bad actions.

Both countries would do well to put their dicks back in their pants. But countries like people get drunk. Russia is drunk on it's future of controlling vast resources that europe will desperately need and is getting antsy to cop a feel on its neighbors(drugs will do that to you), and the US well, is just used to beating the kids, that can't fight back and thinks this translates to real countries.

God help us all. And we think we are better than dogs. LOL. We just run in bigger packs.

Domestic Terrorist Watch List Member since 8/22/08. LOL. Probably before actually. My computer runs slow sometimes I wonder[:(]

celticlord2112 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:06:31 PM)


I agree Russia may be starting that trend, but you're forgetting that the US has been in that business for decades.

When it was the Soviet Union, and before that when it was Tsarist Russia, Russia flexed military and political muscle every bit as much as the United States.

Russia is not "starting" a trend....the kindest assessment is they merely are returning to what they have always been, a territorially ambitious central Asian/east European power.

NumberSix -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:13:00 PM)

no more than a horse apiece, they are securing their borders from weapons of mass destruction as we are, and the rest is unintended consequenses.


celticlord2112 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:46:34 PM)



no more than a horse apiece, they are securing their borders from weapons of mass destruction as we are, and the rest is unintended consequenses.


What weapons of mass destruction does Poland have?  Or Georgia?

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:47:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


I agree Russia may be starting that trend, but you're forgetting that the US has been in that business for decades.

When it was the Soviet Union, and before that when it was Tsarist Russia, Russia flexed military and political muscle every bit as much as the United States.

Russia is not "starting" a trend....the kindest assessment is they merely are returning to what they have always been, a territorially ambitious central Asian/east European power.

Yes, I should have said, recontinuing, or something similiar, but if you stop don't you have to start again?  Anyway, I think the point is we are screwing up right along with russia.

Thadius -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:49:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112



no more than a horse apiece, they are securing their borders from weapons of mass destruction as we are, and the rest is unintended consequenses.


What weapons of mass destruction does Poland have?  Or Georgia?

Obviously you have never been in a house full of folks eating gwumpkie, sausages and drinking beer.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 5:54:21 PM)


Obviously you have never been in a house full of folks eating gwumpkie, sausages and drinking beer.

By that logic, vodka and borscht could qualify as chemical weapons......

cloudboy -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 8:45:06 PM)

I lost track of this thread. Has anyone mentioned Gorbachev's contribution to the debate yet?

NumberSix -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 8:55:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112



no more than a horse apiece, they are securing their borders from weapons of mass destruction as we are, and the rest is unintended consequenses.


What weapons of mass destruction does Poland have?  Or Georgia?

Well, two countries, I suppose the idots take on it would be twice what Iraq had.

Can you count higher? 

cloudboy -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 9:14:51 PM)

Must say I didn't get that Georgia started the whole conflict by attacking Ossetia until I read Gorbachev's editorial in the NYT. Without question the American media portrayed the Russians as the aggressors.

NumberSix -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 9:19:27 PM)

OK, cloudie, no fucking around now, what's the bottom line?

Alumbrado -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 9:20:45 PM)


Georgia started the whole conflict by attacking Ossetia

Much like Vietnam started that war by attacking the Maddox?[;)]

Vendaval -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/22/2008 9:39:56 PM)

Kimchi and Soju


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


Obviously you have never been in a house full of folks eating gwumpkie, sausages and drinking beer.

By that logic, vodka and borscht could qualify as chemical weapons......

celticlord2112 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/23/2008 6:42:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

Must say I didn't get that Georgia started the whole conflict by attacking Ossetia until I read Gorbachev's editorial in the NYT. Without question the American media portrayed the Russians as the aggressors.

Obviously a Russian commentator has the most objective view of the conflict....[8|]

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