Media Credibility Plummets (Full Version)

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celticlord2112 -> Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 6:41:04 PM)

Media Credibility Plummets

An interesting analysis of media credibility--Democrats disregard Fox News and  Republicans disregard NPR.

So one man's news really is another man's propaganda.

Jeffff -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 6:44:21 PM)

In the age of spin and good self esteem...... there are no facts anymore, just opinions.


kdsub -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 7:33:37 PM)

Just stupid perception... It's like the super bowl announcers... each home team viewer eating pizza and drinking beer thanks they're favoring the opposing team.

And we think we're smarter than wheres my banana?


Sanity -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 7:54:24 PM)




Just stupid perception... It's like the super bowl announcers... each home team viewer eating pizza and drinking beer thanks they're favoring the opposing team.

And we think we're smarter than wheres my banana?


pahunkboy -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 7:54:38 PM)

...CNN is not in the basic cable package.  for instance what is known as the family package contains fox but not CNN. 

But with infotainment and canned reports- one looks pretty much like the other- with the difference being personalty commentary.

I dont get the NPR thing.  NPR is about as good as it gets.   Free speech tv, link tv, indi media,  no mention of these....   this is not the same as planted military generals, canned marketing "reports", and the lazy azz investigative reporting.

what is news?  who what why where. and when.    blend in the double talk, the financial interests of the big guys... and add graphics sounds and commericals -teasers, the dancing logo, 

argh.  nevermind.

Thadius -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 7:58:34 PM)

They based the percentages on those that could rate each of the organizations.  I am reading that to mean, only those that had access to each and every one.

Sanity -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 7:59:35 PM)

I would hope that everybody is getting smarter, and tries a little harder to ferret out the truth regardless of where they choose to get their infotainment.


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112

Media Credibility Plummets

An interesting analysis of media credibility--Democrats disregard Fox News and  Republicans disregard NPR.

So one man's news really is another man's propaganda.

Sanity -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 8:01:49 PM)

Oops, I spoke too soon. From the article:


“Democrats continue to give most news organizations much higher credibility ratings than do Republicans.”



I would hope that everybody is getting smarter, and tries a little harder to ferret out the truth regardless of where they choose to get their infotainment.

MmeGigs -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 8:38:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I dont get the NPR thing.  NPR is about as good as it gets.  

I'm with you here.  I liked it better when Talk Of The Nation was two hours of Ray Suarez facilitating hour-long discussions of a particular issue, but that format apparently was overly stressful to the national attention span.  NPR is the single best place to get real news without a bunch of spin. 

Anyone who's really interested in knowing what's going on doesn't rely on one news source, but I don't think that there are that many people who are really interested in what's going on.  They want easy answers and don't want to be bothered with nuance or the possibility of unintended consequences.

MistressNew -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 8:44:09 PM)

Hey, does anybody remember that poll a few years back that showed that Fox News viewers were the least informed people in the US while NPR listeners were the most informed about current events?

Missokyst -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 8:53:43 PM)

Hell, hasn't this been obvious for years?  We don't get news, we get propaganda. 

kdsub -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/20/2008 10:14:23 PM)

I don't think we are getting propaganda.. News organizations reflect the people they serve. All news is processed by people with this prejudiced mind set.

It's not wrong at all...if a news organisation produced news with the mindset of the British it would be the BBC not NBC.

It's impossible for any news organisation to be successful unless they reflect the overall mores and views of the country they serve.

Our news organizations here in the US are free of government controls...but not from financial controls. Otherwise if the news is not what the public wants to see and hear then they will not watch...advertisers will not advertise..and the organisation will have to change or fold.


popeye1250 -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 12:24:50 AM)

Look at the NY Times, they put their Editorials on the front page now.
"News, what's that?"

Vendaval -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 2:40:31 AM)

I recall a scene in one of the Back to the Future movies when the Mad Scientist (played by Christopher Lloyd) is thrust into the future and is in awe of the television programming.  There is a visual set-up with a movie poster featuring Ronald Reagan earlier in the movie. 
Lloyd's character states, "So that is why your President is an actor. He has to look good on TV!"

corysub -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 5:55:35 AM)

It was said previously...."we don't get news, we get  opinions"...which is so true.

Personally, I like can listen to discussions, unfiltered by editors, hear
complete speeches not soundbites that reinforce the agenda of the newscasters..and
the debates on the floor of Congress which really show just how inept, these ideologues on both sides of the aisle are in terms of leadership.  They are all fighting
each other for power and their piece of the pie instead of fighting for what is in the
best interest of the country.   The American dream is being turned into a nightmare by
these idiots...and we all let them get away with what they are doing.  The biggest
example of this is the refusal of Congress to allow drilling for oil, the use of coal,
and the building of nuclear reactors (that importantly powers some european countries).  Instead we are on a quest to "save the planet" and they have us literally chasing windmills like Don Quioxte.  Now the mayor of NYC wants to cover that town with windmills.  Gimme a break. 

kittinSol -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 6:03:22 AM)

Man, the irony! You post an article about media propaganda from the following website:

"Welcome to NewsBusters, a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), the leader in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias."

Not at all biased, that website, is it [sm=biggrin.gif] ! Surely, some kind of joke?

celticlord2112 -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 6:10:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Man, the irony! You post an article about media propaganda from the following website:

"Welcome to NewsBusters, a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), the leader in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias."

Not at all biased, that website, is it [sm=biggrin.gif] ! Surely, some kind of joke?

Do you argue that the Pew Research Center for The People and The Press is similarly biased?  The statistics and the quotes are from their research.

Key News Audiences Now Blend Online and Traditional Sources: Audience Segments in a Changing News Environment

That's the primary source material stating what the article summarizes.

What criticism of the Pew Research data have you to offer?

kittinSol -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 6:20:59 AM)

Then why didn't you just link the original research instead? It has a distinctively different tone. Perhaps you didn't notice that?

Surely, you must see the comical quality of your thread :-) .  

pahunkboy -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 7:11:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I dont get the NPR thing.  NPR is about as good as it gets.  

I'm with you here.  I liked it better when Talk Of The Nation was two hours of Ray Suarez facilitating hour-long discussions of a particular issue, but that format apparently was overly stressful to the national attention span.  NPR is the single best place to get real news without a bunch of spin. 

Anyone who's really interested in knowing what's going on doesn't rely on one news source, but I don't think that there are that many people who are really interested in what's going on.  They want easy answers and don't want to be bothered with nuance or the possibility of unintended consequences.

Do you think All things Considerred, the 4pm program is better then Morning edition?   At times Fresh Air is better then either when there is to much war coverage.  

C-span is good too. Particulary book review on cspan 2 that goes on all weekend.

Maybe the right thinks news is supposed to be like Rush... 

As to CNN if one has to pay more to get that channel then the numbers are scewed  And yet the bush"  put pressure on CNN to go right.  Now the bring on Glen Beck... so they caved.     

pahunkboy -> RE: Media Credibility Plummets (8/21/2008 7:23:25 AM)       the 2nd story which one can skip to, is on media coverage of the economy.    

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