ultimate achievement (Full Version)

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Surrenderwithin -> ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 6:42:13 AM)

This question is meant mostly for anyone who identifies as a slave, although I would be interested in hearing others perpectives as well.

As a slave what do you see as the ultimate achievement?

I suppose I could ask the reverse to the Masters out there.... What do you see as the ultimate achievement or milestone for your slave?

Lost in thought,

Dnomyar -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 6:53:04 AM)

Good question. The following post will be a learning exprience for me.

Twicehappy2x -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 7:00:23 AM)

There is no one ultimate achievement. Life should be a continuous growth and learning experience no matter what title you hold.
Think about it, for each thing you accomplish or learn, there is always room for further growth.

IrishMist -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 7:03:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Twicehappy2x

There is no one ultimate achievement. Life should be a continuous growth and learning experience no matter what title you hold.
Think about it, for each thing you accomplish or learn, there is always room for further growth.

I have to agree with this. There is no ultimate; only ever changing [:)] 
For each success, another stepping stone appears.

chamberqueen -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 8:12:40 AM)

For me, it was getting my collar.  Now that I have done that I am looking for ways that are mostly internal - tearing down emotional brick walls that have taken me decades to build up, stopping a tendency to roll my eyes even when no one can see me, being not just willing but excited by new and unexpected tasks that in the past I never thought I would have been able to do, etc.

If I climbed Mt. Everest today it might be my ultimate achievement, but by tomorrow I would be looking for a new one.  There is never a single goal that will fulfill you for the rest of your life.  Instead there is a series of opportunities that allow us to shine.  It might be as small as giving a smile and an "I understand" when your heart is breaking because your Master had something come up and has to miss His appointment with you, or might be as big as being loaned out or accepting a new play partner into your dynamic.  What comes easy or exciting to one of us might be something so big that they question their relationship to the next one.

eyesopened -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 8:24:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Twicehappy2x

There is no one ultimate achievement. Life should be a continuous growth and learning experience no matter what title you hold.
Think about it, for each thing you accomplish or learn, there is always room for further growth.

What she said.

If I should ever attain the "ultimate achievement" as a slave, it seems everything would be downhill from there and I never want that to happen.  However, I recall a moment from my childhood where I lie on the see-saw (or teeter-totter depending on where you are) face up moving this way and that until I was completely balanced, lying there, staring at the clouds, totally at peace.  So yes, to be totally balanced and completely at peace with myself and the world around me, THAT is the ultimate achievement.

FlamingRedhead -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 8:24:44 AM)

Keeping Daddy happy for as long as we both live.

leadership527 -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 8:34:11 AM)

"ultimate" implies that we were "done".  Since I'm not planning on being "done" with my wife until one or both of us dies, I don't really have the concept of "ultimate" achievement.  Flaming said it well, "We need to keep each other happy for as long as we both live."  I'll be content when I get the little checkmark next to that todo item.

Dnomyar -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 9:32:31 AM)

Life is full of little ultimate achievements.

Leatherist -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 9:35:41 AM)

For some, it might be "Going an entire day without creating everest from a pebble"


littleone35 -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 10:33:49 AM)

I would have to say my highest achivement is graduating college Master was totally supportive i don't know sho was happier me or him.  My ultimate achivement will be keeping Master happy for life.

Matt's littleone

batshalom -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 4:12:11 PM)

Omg. My ultimate achievement is just submitting. I don't have a very nurturing / soft / demure personality - when I get pissed at him or don't want to do something, or whatever would cause me to not submit to his wishes, it is a supreme accomplishment to follow through with my word to surrender. It's not just with this Dom - it's been with them all. I have an extremely strong personality and it's highly satisfying in an almost physically painful and delicious way to submit when I really don't want to.

goodpet -> RE: ultimate achievement (8/22/2008 5:09:14 PM)

I would have to go with the ones along the lines of there is no UA.....Um.. wonders if that is kind of like, there is no spoon?...

Some of the best  achievements i have done would seem so little to most people, and the biggest to others seems almost anti-climatic to me..  

I lead an active, exciting life so there are many great moments and every time in my life when i think i have reached the top of outstanding achievements or moment.. another one comes along that tops it.. but then again i have a good out look on life that allows me to see achievements and great events in even little things. 

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