"Are You..... (Full Version)

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MistressOfGa -> "Are You..... (8/26/2008 9:15:28 AM)

...A natural Dominant?"
I was asked this today in an email.
Why yes I am.
Are you?

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 9:49:14 AM)

No, I use Clairol #5.  I touch up my roots every six weeks.  [&:]
All kidding aside, what kind of question is this?  I was under the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that dominance is a character trait.  One is either dominant or one is not.  I wasn't aware dominance came from a bottle and could be changed at will.  Color me confused. 

UmbraDomina -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 9:55:28 AM)

*feels myself up* yes, those are natural....... oh wait thats not what you meant? lol  

Alexandra ~

MamaDomme1 -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 10:10:47 AM)


Many have claimed that I am rather unnatural..... not real sure what was meant by that wisecrack tho!  teehee

Natural here.......

darchChylde -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 10:51:31 AM)

Nope, sorry to disappoint.  LoL, Considering the mail i sometimes get, it is a disappointment to some.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 11:01:30 AM)

I am absolutely natural!  Except for a few titanium and silastic implants. [8|]

LaTigresse -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 11:46:58 AM)

I have to stop and think but, as far as I know, all of my parts, bits and pieces are naturally me. Nothing added, nor subtracted.

Ohhhhhh WAIT! There are those two little clippy thingies on my fallopian tubes. They were added when I was 18.

MistressOfGa -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 11:51:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: SylvereApLeanan

No, I use Clairol #5.  I touch up my roots every six weeks.  [&:]
All kidding aside, what kind of question is this?  I was under the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that dominance is a character trait.  One is either dominant or one is not.  I wasn't aware dominance came from a bottle and could be changed at will.  Color me confused. 

Dominance can not be from a bottle and can not be changed at will. I'm not sure what is confusing to you.
I believe that I am a natural dominant. I do not think that it is inherited or ingrained in me. IMO, Just as babies are born one color, I believe that people are born Dominant. How could they not be? One must have that dominance in them, in order to survive.
I believe as their lives take shape, and they adapt to their environment, they either become submissive or they become a switch.
Is it environmental, I don't know. Many people think it is.
I just know that my sister and I were raised in the same environment and had the same things happen to each of us, yet she hasn't a dominant bone in her body. I, on the other hand, do not have a submissive bone in mine.
How can this be? I don't know. I only know that when someone asks me if I am a natural dominant, I answer yes, I was born this way.
My beliefs and opinions may not jive with what others believe, but they are mine, nonetheless.

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 12:11:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressOfGa


ORIGINAL: SylvereApLeanan

No, I use Clairol #5.  I touch up my roots every six weeks.  [&:]
All kidding aside, what kind of question is this?  I was under the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that dominance is a character trait.  One is either dominant or one is not.  I wasn't aware dominance came from a bottle and could be changed at will.  Color me confused. 

Dominance can not be from a bottle and can not be changed at will. I'm not sure what is confusing to you.
I believe that I am a natural dominant. I do not think that it is inherited or ingrained in me. IMO, Just as babies are born one color, I believe that people are born Dominant. How could they not be? One must have that dominance in them, in order to survive.
I believe as their lives take shape, and they adapt to their environment, they either become submissive or they become a switch.

I couldn't agree more, MoGa.  I wasn't asking why you asked the question, but rather why he did.  I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear that my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek.  It seems redundant to me to ask if someone is naturally dominant.  His question implies that there are those out there, somewhere, who fake dominance or that one can go to the store and buy it. 
Um...what?  No.
Like you, I believe dominance is an inborn trait.  I think submissiveness is also an inborn trait.  Environment develops each trait further, but they are both part of the natural order.  Anyone who has watched a litter of puppies at play has probably observed there is one pup who naturally dominates the others and one who is submissive to all of its littermates.  The rest fall in different places on the spectrum.  Correlate the analogy to human personalities and I think it holds up reasonably well. 
I suppose it's possible that one of those less dominant pups (or humans) could rise to the top of the pack if the most dominant one was removed.  I'm not sure, though, that it follows that the pup or person who is now the pack leader is not naturally dominant, as his question seems to imply.

Venatrix -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 12:48:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressOfGa

...A natural Dominant?"
I was asked this today in an email.
Why yes I am.
Are you?

Nah.  I got this great Domina kit on e-Bay.  All I had to do was add water.

Lashra -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 12:48:12 PM)

Yes I am, from the moment I emerged into this world in the hallway of the hospital. I was unwilling to wait for the damn doctor so out I came in all my Dominant glory.[:D]

I think emails such as the one you recieved could be a from a person who either A) has trouble believing that a female could really be dominant or B) someone who is trying to figure out if your a lifestyle Domme or a pay by the hour Dominatrix.  I've gotten the same question and asked what they meant by it, it was B.


MistressOfGa -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 1:07:25 PM)


All kidding aside, what kind of question is this?  I was under the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that dominance is a character trait.  One is either dominant or one is not.  I wasn't aware dominance came from a bottle and could be changed at will.  Color me confused. 

Dominance can not be from a bottle and can not be changed at will. I'm not sure what is confusing to you.
I believe that I am a natural dominant. I do not think that it is inherited or ingrained in me. IMO, Just as babies are born one color, I believe that people are born Dominant. How could they not be? One must have that dominance in them, in order to survive.
I believe as their lives take shape, and they adapt to their environment, they either become submissive or they become a switch.

I couldn't agree more, MoGa.  I wasn't asking why you asked the question, but rather why he did.  I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear that my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek.  It seems redundant to me to ask if someone is naturally dominant.  His question implies that there are those out there, somewhere, who fake dominance or that one can go to the store and buy it. 
Oops, I did misunderstand. I was wondering why you would be confused lol

Um...what?  No.
Like you, I believe dominance is an inborn trait.  I think submissiveness is also an inborn trait.  Environment develops each trait further, but they are both part of the natural order.  Anyone who has watched a litter of puppies at play has probably observed there is one pup who naturally dominates the others and one who is submissive to all of its littermates.  The rest fall in different places on the spectrum. 

Funny  you should mention puppies, I almost used that analogy! GMTA
Correlate the analogy to human personalities and I think it holds up reasonably well. 
I suppose it's possible that one of those less dominant pups (or humans) could rise to the top of the pack if the most dominant one was removed.  I'm not sure, though, that it follows that the pup or person who is now the pack leader is not naturally dominant, as his question seems to imply.

Thank you for clearing that up. Nice to see we are on the same page finally lol

MistressOfGa -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 1:11:49 PM)



Yes I am, from the moment I emerged into this world in the hallway of the hospital. I was unwilling to wait for the damn doctor so out I came in all my Dominant glory.[:D]

I think emails such as the one you recieved could be a from a person who either A) has trouble believing that a female could really be dominant or B) someone who is trying to figure out if your a lifestyle Domme or a pay by the hour Dominatrix.  I've gotten the same question and asked what they meant by it, it was B.


I love how you came out! lol My own mother wouldnt look at me for 3 days after I was born, because I wasn't a boy. So needless to say..I had to be strong.
I suppose I should be flattered that they think that I am a pay by the hour..or not? lol Nothing on my profile says anything about being a pro. Go figure. <straight face>

Pyrrsefanie -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 2:22:14 PM)

I always had a tendency to take charge and assume a "dominant" role in everyday life pretty much ever since I can remember.  My family constantly regales me with hilarious stories about how they had to bail me out of the principal's office for forcing a boy in my class to put on a dress and be the mother when we were playing house, or my new personal favorite, when I told my music teacher in kindergarten "You're dismissed."

My first D/s experience, however, was in a submissive role.

Now I've settled into my dominance and it feels much more comfortable, but I don't know, does taking that little detour mean I don't qualify as a natural dominant?  What the Hell is a natural dominant, anyway?  As far as I know I'm still sugar, spice, and everything nice, not Splenda, caramel color, and potassium benzoate (to preserve flavor).

MistressOfGa -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 2:35:12 PM)


Now I've settled into my dominance and it feels much more comfortable, but I don't know, does taking that little detour mean I don't qualify as a natural dominant?  What the Hell is a natural dominant, anyway?  As far as I know I'm still sugar, spice, and everything nice, not Splenda, caramel color, and potassium benzoate (to preserve flavor).

Of course you qualify. The meaning of a Natural Dominant in this context is mine, it doesn't mean it is any more or less than how others view it. If you feel like you were born a dominant, then chances are you will agree with me as to what a natural dominant is. If not, then you may have your own views about it.
I love what you said to your music teacher. It could have been worse...when the male doctor delivered you, you could have dismissed him after he pulled you out lmao!

Pyrrsefanie -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 2:37:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressOfGa

It could have been worse...when the male doctor delivered you, you could have dismissed him after he pulled you out lmao!

Actually, I refused to come out.  [:D]  They had to go in and drag me out almost three weeks after my due date!

If Pyrr don't wanna do it, Pyrr don't do it!

Missokyst -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 2:52:18 PM)

I am a natural dominant.  That is my personality is one that can call the shots when need be, take over as boss, make things happen.  As a person and an organizer, I am naturally dominant.
However, I am not a female dominant, nor would I choose to be one.  I lack the desire for power.  I prefer it if I don't have to take control, but when I can see people wandering around like ants which have had their nest disturbed I have the desire to set things straight.
For me it is more helpful than dominance.

MizSexyVixen -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 3:12:13 PM)

Is this a nature or nuture question? I believe both apply.

I was born late weighing 3 pound due to the fact the placenta pulled away from my mother's womb and I was starving for a few weeks. None the less, I survived. Did I learn my survival instincts in the womb? Or did I develop them?

There must have been some "nature" there or I would have never been born.

MsStarlett -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 3:51:39 PM)

Dang... Sylverë got my answer!  *sniffle*

Most fake thing about me is this $6K bridge over the spot where I tried to eat a steering wheel when I was 16.

MySweetSubmssive -> RE: "Are You..... (8/26/2008 5:15:02 PM)

Hmmm ... if dominance is an inborn orientation or trait, then what are we to make of switches?  Perhaps because I am not dominant all the time, I get a little impatient with the "natural dominant" trope.  I see this as a part of the kaleidoscope of myself.  I submitted for a few years, and enjoyed the hell out of it (when I could get ahold of someone I respected and enjoyed), and now I dominate.  I like jumping inside someone's head, observing him and playing with him, I feel best when I am the center of the relationship.  I'm good at what I do.  But natural?  *shrugs*


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