Pleasing my master long distance (Full Version)

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hoagie -> Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 5:19:36 AM)

I am a slave in training for the very first time. My master is a wonderful man and I love to please him like I love air! But we live in different cities and it is going to be a while befre we get to meet in person. I keep my journal, send him pictures and perform whatever tasks he asks of me, but I would like to do more. Does anyone have any creative ideas for pleasing my master long distance? He has a stressful job and a lot going on right now. He likes for me to show initiative, so I want to come up with some things that I can do to bring him happiness and let him know that I care without being redundant. Any suggestions would be great. *smile*

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 7:54:14 AM)

Other than the obvious asking him...find out what clothes he likes, what books he likes, wha other interests he has.

And then take those interests yourself. Take courses in them, read books on them, find cool items and send them to him. Make him an integral part of your interests and life.

irishgem -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 11:13:18 AM)

One idea might be to maybe to pay for a subscription to something He might like. For example, insex or some other bdsm site, can sign up for a month's membership..would be a nice surprise :)

ImpGrrl -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 12:18:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: irishgem

One idea might be to maybe to pay for a subscription to something He might like. For example, insex or some other bdsm site, can sign up for a month's membership..would be a nice surprise :)

Sadly, InSex (as we knew it) is no more. It has been sold to a Dutch company. I'm interested in seeing what they do with it (the sale included all content, published and unpublished).

However, the creators/former staff of InSex have created a new site - I'm *very* interested in seeing where that goes. It won't be as extreme as InSex was, unfortunately...

irishgem -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 1:07:55 PM)

Ohhhh...i hadn't known that, thanks for telling me. That's such a shame. Goes to show i don't pay for my clips, shssshh ;) Will be interesting alright to see what they will come up with. Yes, hard to find extreme quality like on insex.

theRose4U -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 3:07:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: hoagie

I am a slave in training for the very first time. My master is a wonderful man and I love to please him like I love air! But we live in different cities and it is going to be a while befre we get to meet in person. I keep my journal, send him pictures and perform whatever tasks he asks of me, but I would like to do more. Does anyone have any creative ideas for pleasing my master long distance? He has a stressful job and a lot going on right now. He likes for me to show initiative, so I want to come up with some things that I can do to bring him happiness and let him know that I care without being redundant. Any suggestions would be great. *smile*

Personally I would be careful of hanging all of my heart strings with someone I've never met in person...just my .02.

That being said I personally like things like massages, good meals, personal hand made items that show someone put their time and love into it.
Massages can be worked into his schedule either with him going to a spa on his way home or even better a masseuse that will "deliver" to his desk. Gift certificates or up front payment can be worked out in advance.
Home cooked meals can be arranged with a local chef for weekly delivery (many services on the net for this). Meals ususally come frozen with labels and heating instructions.
Start working on toys or other momentos that you know he will like and make them with your own hands. Taking the time to learn something like leather crafts, beading, and kinky toy making not only show initiative but also creativity.

littleone35 -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/25/2005 3:36:05 PM)

hi since he has a stressful job maybe get him gift certifcate for a massage in his town. i did that for my Late master (before he moved to NY) and he was so surpeised and pleased that it made me happy. just an idea good luck.


hoagie -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/26/2005 4:57:06 AM)

Actually, I already enjoy novice leather work and beading. I have made a few whips for a friend as well. While I can see the attraction for leatherwork and toy making, how would beading please him? I would love it if there is something that I could make for him.

And thank you to everyone for you thoughts and ideas *smile*.

jamesthehumanrug -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/26/2005 1:56:01 PM)

greetings haogie
my newbee was sick ,of me saying :i was a "slave"(pressure), so,we met, in the personals ,and, i had , to come ,up, with some different-roles ;like dress ,up like a nurse ,by surprize ;one date.
i remember ;
one french-film ;i don't recall the name ,and, this slave was bound,at the foot ,of the bed,around a master ,that was busy; all the time ;typing ,an artisit ,and, writer,and, she was sexually very provocative one evening;teasing the heck,out,of him, and, he could'nt work; and, you thot he finally gave - ,in ,but, instead: he dominated her,;he dropped what he was doing ,after several times telling her ,to STOP!,but ,SHE did'nt, and, he sorta ' snapped ,and, plucked her eyesballs, out ,and ,put them ,on the table, and, stared ,at them, till moring...,thru the whole movie!....
sorry: i got carried away ,that ,probably, has ,nothing ,to do, with your question ,but ,some people are" fragile," when you pressure them ,esp., involving sex. (no coping skills),but,
who knew; such a 'fetish' would exsist ,to, that extreme?!.......

MHOO314 -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/26/2005 2:56:20 PM)

ok is it Me or are james posts impossible to read and understand?

MHOO314 -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/26/2005 3:22:46 PM)

dear hoagie, I love it when subs ask this question---here are some great things you can do:

My first recommendation to LDR, is virtualize as muxh as you can, there are tons of sites that you can send virtual flowers, candy, food and even presents--then there are as many that carry BDSM e-cards, some very hot ones too---

One of My students shortly after I started mentoring did a sweet thing--, I got sick, he sent Me 6 long stemmed white roses--

You can also send letters with your special cologne or pieces of sexy lingerie--these are great inexpensive starters that help keep the relationship alive and connected--good luck!

hoagie -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/27/2005 3:50:17 PM)


Thank you MH00314. I'll give it at try.

fastlane -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (11/27/2005 5:26:13 PM)

LDR's hmmm, is that anything like ADD? because if someone can't pay attention to me, up close and personal...IT AIN't GOIN TO WORK

But I hear there are meds for it?

DMFParadox -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/7/2007 12:53:40 PM)

OW!  NO!  Check with your man before sending him virtual ANYTHING.  Even e-roses.  I know that I get those e-cards so often, from so many different people--even guys--that a bit of bile rises up in me every time I see one... it takes so little effort and time to send one that it's practically insulting, to me.  But everyone's different--so CHECK first.

Use real mail.  Send a real, handwritten letter.  I've got a box I save those in, and when I'm looking for good memories, that's where I look first.  You can't fail with that, unless you get his address wrong.

Roleplay.  Phone sex.  Cyber.  It adds a seriously delicious element when you know that some of the kinks you 'safely' express now may be held against you later.  It's not just for the lurkers and trolls; matter of fact, I usually don't cyber at all unless I'm serious about someone.  It takes a bit of real desire for me to express myself like that, for a sub.

Mutual chores, online games, duelling diaries, picture hunts, sex toy hunts, and more things are available to ratchet up the tension and keep it strong until you have a chance to release it in person.  Be creative, but don't carry all the slack either; as a Master, he'd better be on the ball when it comes to keeping you on your toes.  (godawful pun intentional.)

Regards and salivations, Paradox

michelleryder -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/7/2007 2:34:21 PM)

I sent him gingerbread men i baked for him in the post.No need to spend a fortune most people like little surprises.

heartfeltsub -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/7/2007 2:49:38 PM)

This thread is over two years old. Was there a reason that it got bumped?


Lumus -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/7/2007 6:57:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: heartfeltsub

This thread is over two years old. Was there a reason that it got bumped?


Have you -seen- the recent topics?


j/k [;)]

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/7/2007 8:06:10 PM)

I bought my daddy a plus cthulu 12 inch he's thrilled cause he used to have one he loved dearly and it got lost. I  also show him I am thinking about him by finding items in subjects he likes toshow him and talk about with him, even if we don't buy it.

SirWm -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/9/2007 1:11:30 AM)



ok is it Me or are james posts impossible to read and understand? wasnt You....I think I went crossed eyed while reading it

SixFootMaster -> RE: Pleasing my master long distance (10/9/2007 1:26:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: jamesthehumanrug

greetings haogie
my newbee was sick ,of me saying :i was a "slave"(pressure), so,we met, in the personals ,and, i had , to come ,up, with some different-roles ;like dress ,up like a nurse ,by surprize ;one date.
i remember ;
one french-film ;i don't recall the name ,and, this slave was bound,at the foot ,of the bed,around a master ,that was busy; all the time ;typing ,an artisit ,and, writer,and, she was sexually very provocative one evening;teasing the heck,out,of him, and, he could'nt work; and, you thot he finally gave - ,in ,but, instead: he dominated her,;he dropped what he was doing ,after several times telling her ,to STOP!,but ,SHE did'nt, and, he sorta ' snapped ,and, plucked her eyesballs, out ,and ,put them ,on the table, and, stared ,at them, till moring...,thru the whole movie!....
sorry: i got carried away ,that ,probably, has ,nothing ,to do, with your question ,but ,some people are" fragile," when you pressure them ,esp., involving sex. (no coping skills),but,
who knew; such a 'fetish' would exsist ,to, that extreme?!.......

::breaks in at night, steals all the comma keys on every keyboard in the house, leaves a ransom note...::

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