RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (Full Version)

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NuevaVida -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:10:52 PM)


(gotta do it, sorry)

He's from Barcelona.

Basil Fawlty 


softness -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:13:56 PM)




ORIGINAL: softness

edited because I caught bad spelling of the thugs today ... bleugh

Just had to ask, if you misspell a word does that mean you don't really speak English??  [8D]

Its a fact ... and when I leave the classroom and am not in fact there for them .. I stop being a teacher until I re-enter the room ....

am just some bird with a red pen and a strict looking hairstyle

with regard to the thread.
Someone likes the sound of their instrument the best in the whole orchestra, and are quite prepared to drown the rest of us out proving this point. Let them .. we all know the qualities of our own instruments

leave him to diddling his tuba

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:14:36 PM)

Yes living together is the key for me..It's really what will determine whether a relationship will work or not. You can do all the right things and it will still be wrong when you move in. That's the final test to a M/s relationship and only then would i consider mine 24/7..I might be working towards 24/7 but i wouldn't be there yet.

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:16:45 PM)

Thank you.

RCdc -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:18:35 PM)

I do wonder about people (dominants) who don't want a live - in though?  Some people really desire their own space.  Some even have seperate bedrooms or pay for external accomodation of their s-types or pets.
Meh - I am probably just complicating matters.  I do appriciate your patience debating it with me though.

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 4:21:01 PM)

It's not hard to figure out i think. Not always but usually it's a sign of not wanting to make that full commitment..age old story ya know.

And your welcome. I enjoyed it.

I'm off for a bit to lube my tuba. be back later.

MasterJ3d1 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 9:47:36 PM)

being together 24/7  builds up a strange energy as long as you are polar genders and have the natural vibe.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/2/2008 8:22:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

24/7 to me is living in the same house, with a dominant/submissive relationship.   And i would think most other people would consider it the same. *ducks and runs*

I can't serve my Sir if i am living in another house, therefore i am not at his beck and call 24/7 (even though i work out of the house).

Having said that  - you can call your relationship anything you want, and who cares what others think. Of course if you are in Delaware and he is in Mississippi, then be prepared for some ridicule. [:)]

I think I will agree to disagree with this sentiment, and offer up an example from outside the BDSM/Ds realm to consider.

I am ordained clergy in a semi-monastic order. I live at a distance from the monastery. I strive to live according to the tenets of our path, and do the work in the community that my path requires. Does this mean that I am not in service to my order when I am not in the monastery? Of course not. I am in service to the order as long as my mindset remains on living in accordance with the tenets of my order, and since my mindset is on the tenets of my order all the time, it follows that I am a full 24/7 cleric within my order.

Why is it, then, that a servant who lives and works at a distance from hir Keeper, and yet abides by the tenets of the relationship, is -not- considered in service to her Keeper under those same terms?

Calla Firestorm

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/2/2008 8:27:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darcyandthedark

I do wonder about people (dominants) who don't want a live - in though?  Some people really desire their own space.  Some even have seperate bedrooms or pay for external accomodation of their s-types or pets.
Meh - I am probably just complicating matters.  I do appriciate your patience debating it with me though.

We would -love- a live-in, and have had live-ins before, but our current domicile already contains 2 "rubber-band adults" (adult children who have rebounded for home due to economic stress), making our home already too full to take another body physically into our home. Sometimes, pragmatism and desire are not on the same page. *grins* Therefore, in order to avoid any mis-representation, we make it very clear to our servants that "live-in" is not an option right now, until our girls are able to get their respective companies off the ground and move into their own place (or until we decide to bite the bullet and purchase in the "exhorbitant home price and high taxation" home-buying environment in our area).


FlamingRedhead -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/2/2008 1:32:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: natasha66

Although Master and i do not live together, i consider myself His slave 24/7.  i proudly wear His collar.  He owns me; i am His.  i was in conversation with a "Dom" here this morning and he said that because W/we do not live together it is not 24/7.  Then he proceeded to call me a "blonde" (i have brown hair, btw).   Just because i had a different view on the matter, he felt compelled to insult me.  The nerve of some people lol.   Anyway, i would love to hear what 2/7 means to subs/slaves and the Masters out there.....thanks!!!!

To me, 24/7 refers to a live-in arrangement where D/s is practiced outside of the bedroom.  The reality is that life happens, and each couple determines how much D/s is incorporated into their daily lives.

kiwisub12 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/2/2008 2:12:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: CallaFirestormBW


ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

24/7 to me is living in the same house, with a dominant/submissive relationship.   And i would think most other people would consider it the same. *ducks and runs*

I can't serve my Sir if i am living in another house, therefore i am not at his beck and call 24/7 (even though i work out of the house).

Having said that  - you can call your relationship anything you want, and who cares what others think. Of course if you are in Delaware and he is in Mississippi, then be prepared for some ridicule. [:)]

I think I will agree to disagree with this sentiment, and offer up an example from outside the BDSM/Ds realm to consider.

I am ordained clergy in a semi-monastic order. I live at a distance from the monastery. I strive to live according to the tenets of our path, and do the work in the community that my path requires. Does this mean that I am not in service to my order when I am not in the monastery? Of course not. I am in service to the order as long as my mindset remains on living in accordance with the tenets of my order, and since my mindset is on the tenets of my order all the time, it follows that I am a full 24/7 cleric within my order.

Why is it, then, that a servant who lives and works at a distance from hir Keeper, and yet abides by the tenets of the relationship, is -not- considered in service to her Keeper under those same terms?

Calla Firestorm

For my Sir, service is physical service - if there is no-one there to get his coffee, then he isn't being served. He isn't into metaphysical service, and doesn't believe in it.

For me , adhering to the tenets of a religious order is different from serving a master. The masters demand different things *grin*. My Sir wants me there to serve him coffee, cook him meals and be available to be pinched on the nipples. Imagining pinching nipples is not as satisfying as actually doing it - or having it done.

If in your relationships metaphysical works for you, more power to you, but it wouldn't work for me and my Sir - hence my opinion. and that is what it is - my  opinion. I am not denegrating anyone elses relationship, i am simply sharing what works for us. [:)]

MasterJ3d1 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/3/2008 8:00:51 PM)

Have any of you REAL girls experienced strange energies being togetjer 24/7.   Have any of you seen colorful fractals and visions of full scenes? 

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/3/2008 9:43:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: natasha66

Although Master and i do not live together, i consider myself His slave 24/7.  i proudly wear His collar.  He owns me; i am His.  i was in conversation with a "Dom" here this morning and he said that because W/we do not live together it is not 24/7.  Then he proceeded to call me a "blonde" (i have brown hair, btw).   Just because i had a different view on the matter, he felt compelled to insult me.  The nerve of some people lol.   Anyway, i would love to hear what 2/7 means to subs/slaves and the Masters out there.....thanks!!!!

I have a headache after reading through all of the responses to this one! [:(]

My Master and I see each other regularly, but do not live together.  I am His slave, His collared property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  My status does not change whether I am in His presence or not, nor does our relationship. 

Now with that said, I don't believe I saw anyone address the fact that submission does not mean service.  You can submit to the authority of another without being service oriented at all. 

If someone has authority over you, they can exert that authority in a gazillion ways without being in your presence at that moment. 
For instance, I will text or call my Master to ask permission to go do certain things, like coffee with friends from the local BDSM club.  He calls me and tells me to do (fill in the blank) and I do it.  It works this way because I am subject to His dominance, control, authority or whatever word you want to use, at any time, whether in His presence or not.

It is a state of mind and a state of being that does not change when you are apart.

I am service oriented and that is a part of our dynamic, so I'll add this.  Serving anothers wants, needs or desires is as varied as the individuals involved.  He calls me from the fire station frequently to bake up pies, cakes, etc for Him and the guys at work.  He calls me to take care of His dog sometimes.  He calls me to do things for Him such as making phone calls and checking on stuff, etc.  He and I are playing an online game called Travian, and when He is at work, I play His account for Him.

These are just some of the many ways I serve Him that have nothing to do with living together.  It is me doing things for Him that make His life easier or just because He wants it.

So we are a 24/7, non-cohabitating Master and slave.  [:)]

Just my nickels worth and my opinion only matters in my little world. [:)]

CarinaKitty -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/5/2008 1:04:45 AM)

24/7 I think is dependent upon what is done with it. If you have an entires day schedule planned by him for each and every day, than I believe you are serving him even in another state. At the same time, whether you would or not, you can always lie, and it's nearly impossible to be punished. I've had both online and real life doms, both 24/7.  the online dom controled more of my day-to-day life (schedule) than the Master who lives with me. as I said, I think it depends on what you do.

pdv99 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/5/2008 1:38:16 AM)

Words mean only what we choose them to mean.
In a D/s relationship I guess they mean what the Dominant chooses them to mean.
24/7? The etymology is from 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Well, it defines something as full time, with no exceptions. But it doesn't in itself say anything about location or living arrangements. So I guess that's down to individual taste. And for me, everything comes back to not labels, but the interaction between a "set" of unique individuals, and whether it works for everyone or doesn't. If it doesn't, then for ***'s sake (insert own deity or expletive) talk about it. To each other.

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