Master's Code of Ethics (Full Version)

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MasterAramis -> Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 6:05:49 AM)

Before I begin, I am directing this question to those Masters who are part of a Master and slave dynamic. Secondly, i am not here to impose my views on anyone but to try to gain an understanding of what others do.

Many professions operate on a published Code of Ethics, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants etc. Many Masters that I know of, operate on a Personal Code of Ethics, including myself. It dictates how I run my life and be the man that I am. Of late I have become curious as to whether my ethical approach to myself as well as to how I manage my property is similar or dissimilar to others. So I would like to know if indeed you have this? Did you write it out or is it just something you are?


Aramis Duval

leadership527 -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 6:36:35 AM)

something I are. 

I manage my wife as if she were the woman I loved -- as if I wasn't lying through my teeth when I said things like, "You're the most important thing in the world to me".  Given the clarity of my priority scale, all decisions pretty naturally flow from there.

Note though that while I have a "woman who obeys without question", I'm not really sure that I am a part of the "master and slave dynamic".  Your call whether you see a wife who obeys as a part of your dynamic or not.

CalifChick -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 8:20:09 AM)

Great now my brain hurts.  You have a code of ethics that involves a woman you don't love, but you're married to, and you lie through your teeth and tell her that she is the most important thing in the world to you?


KnightofMists -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 8:20:49 AM)

"Do thy will, Harm None"

This is the rock I stand on.... Everything comes from there.

LaTigresse -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 8:51:21 AM)

Shouldn't everyone, male female dominant submissive master mistress or slave........all have their own personal code of ethics, whether it is written or not?

Dnomyar -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 9:10:36 AM)

Cali I take it you have a problem with that.

CalifChick -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 9:41:55 AM)

A code of ethics defines values, standards and principles, and defines the manner in which you strive to live your life.  I suppose you could have an "unethical" code of ethics, although that seems to defeat the purpose as well as being an oxymoron.

Hence the reason my brain hurts.


leadership527 -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 9:46:30 AM)

I worded it poorly with sarcasm CalifChick, sorry.  Yes, I love my wife, myself, and our marriage together dearly and all decisions flow from that.

CalifChick -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 9:55:03 AM)

Oy vey.


MasterAramis -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 10:43:27 AM)


Oy vey.

I would agree

DesFIP -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 1:20:41 PM)

If he needed to write out a code of ethics, I'd assume he didn't live by them. After all, something imprinted in your heart doesn't need to be referred to frequently to prevent making a mistake.

He protects his own. Whether me, our blended family, pets, cars etc - he does the best he can to make sure we're all safe and healthy. Beyond that, you can tell who he is by how he lives. His moral code shines through.

sirguym -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 2:04:03 PM)

The key to being a good Master, Dominant, Daddy, Husband, Top, whatever is consistency.

You don't have to be the same as anyone else, but your decisions and actions have to be consistent, or you'll give those around you mixed messages.

That only happens when you know yourself and have worked through your own set of personal ethics, amongst other things.


ORIGINAL: MasterAramis

Before I begin, I am directing this question to those Masters who are part of a Master and slave dynamic. Secondly, i am not here to impose my views on anyone but to try to gain an understanding of what others do.

Many professions operate on a published Code of Ethics, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants etc. Many Masters that I know of, operate on a Personal Code of Ethics, including myself. It dictates how I run my life and be the man that I am. Of late I have become curious as to whether my ethical approach to myself as well as to how I manage my property is similar or dissimilar to others. So I would like to know if indeed you have this? Did you write it out or is it just something you are?


Aramis Duval

Skully7000 -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/4/2008 11:44:50 PM)

My Code of Ethics has always been: Do the Best that I can with the information and resources that I have available to me at time.

I am quite happy to say that looking back: "I don't regret the things I did, only that I have not Done!"


slaveluci -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/5/2008 6:05:52 AM)


If he needed to write out a code of ethics, I'd assume he didn't live by them. After all, something imprinted in your heart doesn't need to be referred to frequently to prevent making a mistake

I couldn't have said it any better.  Exactly!..........luci 

DomDolf -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/5/2008 11:11:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: KnightofMists

"Do thy will, Harm None"

This is the rock I stand on.... Everything comes from there.


Ialdabaoth -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/5/2008 6:53:22 PM)

Rule one: I will always initiate negotiation from a position of peership. I will raise her to my level of discourse if necessary, before continuing with negotiation.

Rule two: I will never take advantage of one power disparity to create another. When negotiating, I will stay within the bounds of that which was negotiated, and if those bounds must be transgressed, I will re-establish context as peers before negotiating new boundaries.

Rule three: I will always seek to understand and empathize, even if the slave does not. I will never assume that things are "her fault". I will never assign blame. I will only seek to correct that behavior which is detrimental. I will always seek to forgive all behavior that affects me harmfully, and seek to resolve the cause of that behavior rather than punish or coerce the behavior itself.

Rule four: Before the relationship begins, and after it has ended, I will strive to conduct myself with humility, with respect, and with decorum. I will not indulge in dominance displays for the sake of social status. I will not indulge in displays of superiority for the sake of attracting mates. I will merely offer an opportunity to negotiate. By the same token, I will not blame or begrudge those who do indulge in dominance displays, who do indulge in displays of superiority, who do feel the need to tear others down to achieve a superior position - as they have clearly walked a different path from me and my capacity for judgement is finite.

Rule five: I will acknowledge that my adherence to these rules is also finite, and not assume that I am doing a good job simply because I'm trying to follow them. I will reserve compassion for others, not myself. I will hold myself to the highest standards at all time, and seek to correct rather than blame when I fail - and will always seek to redress harm caused by my failure, no matter what the personal cost.

FirmControl -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/5/2008 7:27:39 PM)

I try to live by the words of Thomas McCaulay, who said,  "The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew that he would never be found out."

Lordandmaster -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/5/2008 7:35:56 PM)

My code of ethics is:

Heaven and Earth are not humane; they treat the myriad creatures like straw dogs.

MasterAramis -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/6/2008 4:43:13 AM)


Thank you so much for putting the time and effort into this response, this was they type of thing I was looking for. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on my OP very much.

Again, thank you.


MasterAramis -> RE: Master's Code of Ethics (9/6/2008 4:45:12 AM)


Heaven and Earth are not humane; they treat the myriad creatures like straw dogs.

Do you care to elaborate?


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