you don't sound submissive... (Full Version)

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girl4you2 -> you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 12:28:05 AM)

interesting observation from one who does not necessarily (or especially) know one very well. how is someone who is submissive supposed to sound? i've my own ideas, especially when thing are very early on, but is there an expectation that one will just supplant one's personality and be full of deference and not much personality once approached? doesn't sound like much of a relationship to me, but maybe i think too much, or think the wrong things. any ideas, please?

perverseangelic -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 12:32:07 AM)

No answers here, but if I got a quarter for every time someone told me I "didn't sound submissive" or "didn't act submissive" in online chat I'd have a whole lot of quarters.

Focus50 -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 2:30:26 AM)

Absolutely nothing wrong with your brain, ideals or instincts - tip-top working order! And if it's not broken, it doesn't need fixing....

Not so for some who have contacted you but.... lol


slavejali -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 2:54:54 AM)

i guess when people say that..what they are really saying dont sound like the type of submissive slave they are looking for (thats giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not really thinking that all submissives should sound the same) grin..i dont want to be a clone i dont want to be a clone~ grin

jamesthehumanrug -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 5:41:44 AM)

greetings, girl4 you,
i'm the bottom ,of bottoms ,that's the priority ,and, won't perform ,unless it's ,for her :the dom, and,I love, not talking ;speaking ;looking ;it's natural, but, i am ,not ,with her, so i talk, and, everyone knows my personality, now ; wh/ is important, before-hand, but ,not much use ,esp., if it supplants the tops' ego; face, or image ,afterwards. i sang my brains ,out ,and ,made almost everything you hear past 30 +- years ,but, she can remove my voicebox, if necessary ; is'nt, that the ultimate sacrifice? i hope it would'nt be necessary ,and, i'm smart ,enuff ,not ,to have, to force her, into such a position, but, image; function; place; first :personality last,if she( the dom) loves me she'll do it ,rather ,than give me ,up, for a personality embarrassment ,or, too many flamboyant slips(everybody's got one,- "a personality"-, so what's the big deal?); you wanna be known ,for your personality ,or, for you being' the best slave', and, being, under the one you want.she (the dom) wants my voice silent ,or voicing my personality; she's got it;whatever way she demands,and,i'm ,not here,to proove it ,to anyone else,so....
give me your opinion ,about what's a bottom;'nt , THAT important!.

Prunesquallor -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 5:50:41 AM)

Perhaps they are looking for Uriah Heep?

Delvin -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 7:53:31 AM)

hmm, haven't really heard a submissive in the wild for a time, but I do remember that normally in the early mornings, you can find them near the stream drinking, they have this light coo'ing sound.


If someone says this to you, I would just kinda shrug, smile and perhaps bark a couple of times and see if that is what they are looking for. You're fine :) don't let others direct how you "should" be


Wildfleurs -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 8:35:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: girl4you2

interesting observation from one who does not necessarily (or especially) know one very well. how is someone who is submissive supposed to sound? i've my own ideas, especially when thing are very early on, but is there an expectation that one will just supplant one's personality and be full of deference and not much personality once approached? doesn't sound like much of a relationship to me, but maybe i think too much, or think the wrong things. any ideas, please?

I've heard that before and I'm sure I'll hear it in the future, all comments like that do is make my owner laugh.

Basically I find that both online and in real life people sometimes have a very fetishized and high protocool picture in their head of what submissive acts like and how they interact with their dominant.


KatyLied -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 8:48:50 AM)

argh. I can't stand that sort of stuff. "You aren't very sub." "You should be more sub". What? From a few conversations, some men will make these types of observations. It makes me laugh. Then come the demands to test your worthiness (read: subness).

happypervert -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 8:58:34 AM)

real subs wouldn't start threads like this.

Here's all you need to know:
1. Always refer to yourself in the third person i.e "this girl is a twue sub" or "This bitch is on her knees as you command" to reply to that first IM or e-mail
2. Say "Yes Sir" to everything SirDomlyDom has to say; "Yes Master" is even better.
3. Wear kneepads when you meet

You're welcome!

mnottertail -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 9:03:01 AM)

Well, this is also true the other way, don't forget.

But there is always alotta your not a sub, your not a master, what does it mean...? is this normal? I am a slave but don't do windows, I am a master with 40 years experience, WTF is a dildo? How do you put toothpaste on your clit type of stuff on here in sackfulls every day.......

Piss on it. For toleration we all fail miserably. I will put my name at the top of the list. It is not something that we should be bogging down in, that's not why we came here... the fact that someone can't see our inner being and get with our pretty much how the world is built.

Into each life a little rain must fall, goofers and gamers and misunderstandings abound.

Don't get caught, cuz when it's right and beautiful, you will forget the hard work it took to become whole. Everybodies gotta wade thru the dreck of life......that's why you can't tell kids nothin'.....they gotta do it on their own. Otherwise life is a math problem, practice with pencil and paper, just like many do here.......and then get the equation quite wrong very often.


KatyLied -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 9:05:46 AM)


Otherwise life is a math problem, practice with pencil and paper, just like many do here.......and then get the equation quite wrong very often.

Geez....thanks for the pick me up!


mnottertail -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 9:08:49 AM)


You think I am spouting gloom and doom? The alternative is worms and maggots.


ginawithaB -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 9:17:47 AM)



hmm, haven't really heard a submissive in the wild for a time, but I do remember that normally in the early mornings, you can find them near the stream drinking, they have this light coo'ing sound.


If someone says this to you, I would just kinda shrug, smile and perhaps bark a couple of times and see if that is what they are looking for. You're fine :) don't let others direct how you "should" be


LOL, Delvin.....

And to OP, No disrespect, but I've only been on cm since sept this year and only posting for maybe a month, if that, and already I've seen threads like this at least 3-4 times. The answer is whoever is sending you stuff like that are just sore b/c you won't play with them the way they want you to. They're play-fakers...that's all. There are many, many, many of them about-online and off. Anyone who feels they have the right to judge you in that way, without knowing you and expects you to "kneel" before them without having earned that right, is not worthy of you...not your time, not even your thoughts. So, best thing to do is simply push on, and continue to be yourself.

LadyMorgynn -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 9:20:42 AM)

absolutely ROFL!



hmm, haven't really heard a submissive in the wild for a time, but I do remember that normally in the early mornings, you can find them near the stream drinking, they have this light coo'ing sound.


If someone says this to you, I would just kinda shrug, smile and perhaps bark a couple of times and see if that is what they are looking for. You're fine :) don't let others direct how you "should" be



hmm, haven't really heard a submissive in the wild for a time, but I do remember that normally in the early mornings, you can find them near the stream drinking, they have this light coo'ing sound.


If someone says this to you, I would just kinda shrug, smile and perhaps bark a couple of times and see if that is what they are looking for. You're fine :) don't let others direct how you "should" be

Wolf1020 -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 10:38:13 AM)

shrug and move on chalk it up as an idiot guy that jsut want's to get his jollies.

The main reason for this is idiots who believe that "HARHAR I AM THE MIGHTY DOM BOW BEFORE ME YOU subs" (yes, caps turned off on subs on purpose)

Basicly people who think that all subs should bow down and be submissive to them for no other reason then they are "Dom" and you are a submissive and don't want to make any effort to earn the respect it takes a submissive to submit to him.

IrishMist -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 11:47:31 AM)

I get this quite a bit also, mainly because I ask alot of questions, and tend not to bow down to the inevitable "I can teach you everything you need to know". I just shrug them off and go on my merry way with a smile.

Kinkypupper -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 12:03:34 PM)

A submissives words should be from the heart and its noticeable.
No walls, No pretence and no decept. Any hint of those seen and they are just another game player.
After a while its noticeable regardless of the attempt at subtrafuge if they are true of heart or not.

trowizilla -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 12:31:28 PM)


Perhaps they are looking for Uriah Heep?

I love you so much for that. Me, I'm not so 'umble all the time...thank god, or it'd get annoying.

fastlane -> RE: you don't sound submissive... (11/27/2005 12:38:10 PM)

Oh shiat...sub4u2
I have the same problem...only on the Top.
"you are too softspoken to be a Dom"
Geez, I didn't know I had to attend Dom Dialect and Voice school to tell someone to "kIss my ass, coz I can't".

We are what we are...Top/bottom M/s ..... I say to hell with what other people think and to our own selves be true.

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