An Amazing Introduction to the Culture (Full Version)

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OttersSwim -> An Amazing Introduction to the Culture (9/4/2008 2:08:40 PM)

I wanted to post a report of what has been just an amazingly safe and responsible introduction to the whole BDSM and Poly culture. 

My wife and I recently made the decision to go poly.  My wife had found someone and we both decided that it was time. I was looking for someone who was not only poly, but who also kinked as I am on a path of integration and balancing out all of the facets of myself. 

I got a very casual and friendly email from SthrnCom4t over on PolyMatchMaker just saying hi and offering to chat if I was interested.  We did, several times, and it was through chatting with her that I learned of CM via her recommendation.  We both felt a connection, and I asked for a meeting.  She asked if she could meet both my wife and myself first and we readily agreed.  We all had dinner at a local restaurant and we felt that she really did all of the right things and was a wonderful ambassador to the poly/kink lifestyle.  In addition to answering a lot of our questions, she really tried to get to know us and our life and evaluate our understanding and commitment to adopting a lifestyle like this.  We all clicked and she and I had great chemistry - no one wanted to go home.

Once home, she and I jumped back on chat and talked for about 4 more hours. 

We have now met twice just she and I, and she has done everything possible to make the experience slow, safe, based on trust, and totally positive - which is really wonderful for a complete virgin like me.  Her skill at establishing domination over me was eloquent and subtle and totally effective (see my post on Dropping In).  Things are proceeding into a relationship that I am head over heels about and I hope will last for many many years.

The entire experience has been so great, that I am much more open to trying many things that I once thought would be difficult if not hard limits for me.  I am so excited to explore everything I can get my hands on (or that She will let get hands on me!) and integrating myself into this great community.

Cheers!  :)

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