RE: Who's she/he? (Full Version)

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lizcgirl -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 2:55:08 PM)

My vanilla friends that I don't see often I simply introduce Him by name, which is weird for me because I never call Him by His first name. For the ones that know about us, I usually say something like "this is my Master.." or whatever mood I'm in at that time. As for me, He simply says "this is roxie". Our body language says more than a simple introduction, I'm sure.

SirJohnMandevill -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 3:40:52 PM)

My submissive lady introduced me to her family and friends as her "friend." They know it's much more than that, but aren't aware of the D/s component of our relationship, nor do they know of her lifestyle yearnings. Both my submissive lady and I tend to keep our private lives very, well...private.
Les (Purveyor of Fine, Handcrafted Kink)

daddysliloneds -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:11:34 PM)

if i neglect to make a formal introduction before one of my friends is too curious to wait any longer, they sure the hell wouldn't point and say "who's he/she".  they'd say, "hi, my name is______, and you would be?", while shaking their hand.

if i'm the one to jump in with the formal introductions, i would say, " this is ray, the man that i adore; ray, this is _______".

or was that too simple for you?

SlaveIndigochild -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:16:26 PM)

[color="#660066" size="4"]Fast reply:
it's hysterical some of the possibilities....
somebody please continue this thread............

SlaveIndigochild -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:18:17 PM)

Fast reply:
it's hysterical some of the possibilities....
somebody please continue this thread............
Ed to add;
Hi this is Master, the man whose cock i worship, whose feet i lick and whom i beg to micromanage my every move.....oh god fits of giggles

laughing so much i'm pressing the wrong keys help!

apiercedkitty -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:19:52 PM)

As we're not involved in a "relationship," i would say, "This is my friend, Soandso." Most of my close friends know i have friends of the opposite sex so it's not that big of a deal - and i'm not even sexually involved with all of them :)

littlewonder -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:21:56 PM)

They're not asking who it is if they're my friend. They already know he's the guy I'm seeing since they know who I'm with and when most of the time.

If I run into an acquaintance who asks then I say "This is (insert name)" and leave it at that. If they ask further than I will tell them it's the man I'm dating.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 4:36:19 PM)

In my world, defining relationship labels quickly is laughable.  I'd introduce them by name, if someone prods further, they get whatever answer seems appropriate at the time.  It might be owner, it might be dude I hang with, it might be slut...just depends.

shiazn03 -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/16/2008 5:07:37 PM)

yeah, friend and/or significant other seems about right.  [:)]

peace out, all!  [:D]

IronBear -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 3:27:49 AM)

This will depend on the precise situation and the persons making the enquiry. The basic primary responce is to explain thatr the slave if collared to the home is a member of my houshold staff. If she is collared to me, I'll introduce her as my Aide de Comp and leave it at that. However since most people who know both Neets and I, know of our lifestyle, thus it is more likely that they would assume that anyone with us and being subservant will be a collared slave. 

Dnomyar -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 3:49:28 AM)

daddysliloneds I don't believe we have met. But as long as you don't use my name in vain.

Lashra -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 4:06:34 AM)

I say "this is my boyfriend" and let it go at that. People do not need to know the intimate details of my relationship with him. If it were him being asked he'd say "Thats my girlfriend". Pretty easy answers


thishereboi -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 4:38:40 AM)

Hi Debby, this is my friend Katy.....Katy this is Debby.

Seems simple enough.

RapierFugue -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 4:45:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakkan

Imagine a situation like this: You are walking down the street with your Dom/sub. Suddenly, you meet a friend that doesn't know anything about your relationship, and, after you say hi and all, he asks,

"Who's she/he?"(your Dom/sub)

How will you reply? And, how will you expect your Dom/sub to reply, if you're the one thats being introduced?

When asked questions like that I generally kill the person who asked, and bury their body in the woods.
Safest way really.

slaveluci -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 5:00:05 AM)


With my late husband, I never used his first name; never. I always referred to him as Master; in front of family, friends, co-workers...everyone. The one time I was required to actually use his name, it took me almost 5 minutes to spit it out...that was when we got married [8D]

[:)]This reminds me of something I posted about our wedding back in May.........."Whenever it was time to say I (state your name) take you (state His name), I did not say His given name.  I never call Him that and I wasn't about to start there.  I said, 'I (stated my name) take you' and there was what seemed like a very long awkard silence while waiting for the preacher to continue.  I think he thought maybe I'd forgotten Master's I waited him out and we continued.  I'm sure no one else even noticed but it was very important to us both that I not call Him by a name I have never called Him by".............luci

daddysprop247 -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 7:04:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakkan

Imagine a situation like this: You are walking down the street with your Dom/sub. Suddenly, you meet a friend that doesn't know anything about your relationship, and, after you say hi and all, he asks,

"Who's she/he?"(your Dom/sub)

How will you reply? And, how will you expect your Dom/sub to reply, if you're the one thats being introduced?

why would you have a friend that knows nothing about your lifestyle? unless you are talking about a former friend, like someone from high schoo/college/etc. that you haven't been in touch with in years??

anywho, in that situation, first i'd find the person horribly rude and wonder why i was ever friends with that individual. then i would be silent and smile towards my Master. Daddy always introduces himself, that is just the way it goes, i do not present him like he is my property, he presents himself. so he would likely either nod or offer his hand for a quick shake, say his name and then ask the person who the heck were they and how they knew me.

softpjOS -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 10:31:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakkan

"Who's she/he?"(your Dom/sub)

How will you reply? And, how will you expect your Dom/sub to reply, if you're the one thats being introduced?

Since i haven't lived here that long, it's most often Mistress introducing me to Her friends or business aquaintences.  Depending on which it is, i'm introduced as Her secretary or Her friend.   I have introduced Her to people as my "Boss" ... little did they know...  lol well... i do *work* for Her [:D]

Lynnxz -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 10:35:29 AM)

Even in my semi-nillar relationships, I've never actually introduced someone as "This is ____ my boyfriend!!!!" If we show up together, chances are pretty good that we are friends or dating or what have you- I don't think it's necessary to go into details.

My mother however......"Oooo! Who was THAT! He's good looking... Are you dating? Are you going to get married? Will I have GRANDKIDS?!"


My mother is a little nosier than most I suppose. I tell her we are dating, and leave it at that.

IrishMist -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 11:28:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


With my late husband, I never used his first name; never. I always referred to him as Master; in front of family, friends, co-workers...everyone. The one time I was required to actually use his name, it took me almost 5 minutes to spit it out...that was when we got married [8D]

[:)]This reminds me of something I posted about our wedding back in May.........."Whenever it was time to say I (state your name) take you (state His name), I did not say His given name.  I never call Him that and I wasn't about to start there.  I said, 'I (stated my name) take you' and there was what seemed like a very long awkard silence while waiting for the preacher to continue.  I think he thought maybe I'd forgotten Master's I waited him out and we continued.  I'm sure no one else even noticed but it was very important to us both that I not call Him by a name I have never called Him by".............luci

LOL when I stumbled over his name...everyone...absolutly everyone...thought it was hilarious they actually snickered during the ceremony.  I was so embarassed lol; they teased me about it months.

LadyPact -> RE: Who's she/he? (9/17/2008 11:33:21 AM)

I can promise you that this is a bit different when you are poly.  Especially if everyone is out somewhere together, like Christmas shopping.  This has happened to Me, when I ran into someone from work and My clip was wearing his collar.  I still just introduced him as clip but that person from work has looked at Me in a whole new light ever since.

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