i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (Full Version)

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xoel -> i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:03:16 AM)

i have been thinking about this for weeks.... and was hoping to getsome information, experiences, etc... i have been more and more curious about humiliation, i think because of a horrible experience last year that left me wrecked for weeks. i think that i want to explore this in depth because it scares me, but want to know more about itand i am not sure what questions to ask. i did bring this up with the One who owns me, but have yet to have an in depth conversation regarding this subject... Has anyone else come to this point, and not known how to move forward?

JewAndCelt -> RE: i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:09:42 AM)

I wouldn’t say what you wanted was a “deeper” level but more of a different experience.

I also am scared of humiliation but I also crave it. I stopped trying to rationalize it and just went for it.

All the advice I can give you would be to have a very in-depth conversation with you’re Dom and talk out all the concerns and issues that you have. After the conversation if you are open and honest with him he should have a pretty good idea what you “need” and what he will do with this information.

You said that he has not gotten back with you about it yet. I would continue to be patient. He is probably mulling the whole idea over in his head. He will get back to you soon enough I’m sure.

Good Luck.


Dnomyar -> RE: i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:25:16 AM)

If you had a bad experience then it may take you some time to get into this. Take it in bits at a time.

RealSub58 -> RE: i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:28:12 AM)

My Sir knows several subissive women who need humiliation.  Something I am curious about...to understand.  I know I dont want or need it or even desire it.  He put me in contact with themvand I picked their brains some.  It helped me understand to some level.
You might want to take that route.

sub4hire -> RE: i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:35:09 AM)

Communicate all of your concerns and fears.  If you cannot do it while talking to the person.  How about putting it in writing?  It's a start to further the communication down the line.

xoel -> RE: i want to explore my submission on a deeper level... (9/17/2008 8:48:29 AM)

thank you all for your responses. i so apprecate it!

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