RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (Full Version)

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LadyTantalize -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/1/2005 6:55:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyElizabeth

What's needed is a few good lawsuits to be won by our side. When a few cities or towns face near bankruptcy because one of these jack booted raids has trampled the rights of some law abiding kinkster. Law enforcement agencies will be forced to relax their antics by politicians facing certain electorial death sentences because they've had to raise tax's to cover the costs of paying out large



Lady T.


What's needed is a few good lawsuits to be won by our side. When a few cities or towns face near bankruptcy because one of these jack booted raids has trampled the rights of some law abiding kinkster. Law enforcement agencies will be forced to relax their antics by politicians facing certain electorial death sentences because they've had to raise tax's to cover the costs of paying out large

What's needed is a few good lawsuits to be won by our side. When a few cities or towns face near bankruptcy because one of these jack booted raids has trampled the rights of some law abiding kinkster. Law enforcement agencies will be forced to relax their antics by politicians facing certain electorial death sentences because they've had to raise tax's to cover the costs of paying out large

Wolf1020 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/1/2005 9:23:11 AM)

Like I said there are idiots on both sides and the far edges of each I wouldn't trust any further then I can throw them. Which do I trust more to keep the country the way I think it was intended? The right wing but as it is going even they are idiots, the majority of both parties are right now.

I'm just going to wait 20 or so years till we can see some libertarians getting some real power in the country. Untill then I will go with the one less likly to screw up the country any more then it already is at the given time where a libertarian isn't running. If one running is then I will pretty much throw my vote away for now on a third party.

LadyTantalize -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/1/2005 9:33:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wolf1020

Like I said there are idiots on both sides and the far edges of each I wouldn't trust any further then I can throw them. Which do I trust more to keep the country the way I think it was intended? The right wing but as it is going even they are idiots, the majority of both parties are right now.

I'm just going to wait 20 or so years till we can see some libertarians getting some real power in the country. Untill then I will go with the one less likly to screw up the country any more then it already is at the given time where a libertarian isn't running. If one running is then I will pretty much throw my vote away for now on a third party.

Too true, there certainly are idiots in every walk of life and I honestly don't really trust any politicians. Personally, I'd rather vote for Donald Duck rather than a right-winger or throw my vote away and aid the chance of another W getting into office - but that just me, and maybe it's because...

darling, I don't have twenty years to wait!! I'd rather enjoy my life NOW by my terms rather than have a fascist dictate of conservative, religious zealotism shoved down my liberal, kinky mouth. *big chuckles*

Thanks for the comments and I do see your point.


Lady T.

Wolf1020 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/1/2005 11:00:54 AM)

lol point well taken. Right now both parties, and both sides, the right and the left are corrupt. The right is filled with fat, rich white guys that are big buisness and increasing goverment control on things they don't like...unlike what they used to be. The left is fillied with fat, rich, white guy socalists and goverment control on what they don't like. And they know they can be that way because we are locked into an a or b voting process and where third parties stand little chance of winning at the moment. I just vote for the guy less likly to complete screw us turning us into a police state or socalists. Maybe someday we will have real candadits agian that will do some good on occasion.

Sweeticing -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 7:33:48 AM)

[:@] I can not imagine going through that I know the first thing I would have done is called a lawyer over. I have such a short temper that I would have landed in jail for going off that was totaly uncalled for.

Wolf1020 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 10:09:10 AM)

I would have grabbed the video camera and smiled thinking of all the wonderful things the tax payers money will be paying for after my lawsuit.

mantis65 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 11:19:04 AM)


To me the far left in this country is just as if not more dangerous as the far right die hard Christians

Yes but this is not A liberal hippy administration in power doing this. This is family values god fearing storm troopers in kicking in Doors to make the world safe for neocons and born agains.
Every one hates porn and perversions (in public at least) they think so they make high profile arrests to show they are the party of morality and are keeping America right with god instead of dealing with Vietnam 2 .

Hillary may suck just as bad but she’s not in power right now the extreme right is

LadyElizabeth -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 2:29:24 PM)

Left or Right, makes no difference. The vocal neo christian masses have the man power to bend the will of any political group.

When people start burning books or trampling the rights of people, who choose to live their lives contrary to what the christian nazi's feel is correct, it's time to take action.

So far up here in Canada, we have been spared this type of hate. But I fear that it will begin to infect our legal system soon enough.

The visions of mass book burnings in nazi Germany flood my mind. When I hear stories like this. I mean no offence to the states. But as long as you have a Templer Knight, crusading from the white house. It's not going to get any better. Also, I can assure you these people scare me more then Saddam did.

girl4you2 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 2:38:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyElizabeth

Left or Right, makes no difference. The vocal neo christian masses have the man power to bend the will of any political group.

When people start burning books or trampling the rights of people, who choose to live their lives contrary to what the christian nazi's feel is correct, it's time to take action.

So far up here in Canada, we have been spared this type of hate. But I fear that it will begin to infect our legal system soon enough.

The visions of mass book burnings in nazi Germany flood my mind. When I hear stories like this. I mean no offence to the states. But as long as you have a Templer Knight, crusading from the white house. It's not going to get any better. Also, I can assure you these people scare me more then Saddam did.

you're not alone in that fear and disgust. you're also well warned to think that it may migrate up to your system as well. this movement is not one based upon democracy or sound, rational judgement. it's far too pervasive.

MsMacComb -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/2/2005 7:15:43 PM)

This is a good example why for $20 a year everyone should join the ACLU the EFF and the FSC.

LadyElizabeth -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 8:43:14 AM)



This is a good example why for $20 a year everyone should join the ACLU the EFF and the FSC.

At this point, I feel that, that is to little to late. Once this type of virus sinks its teeth in to the necks of the policy makers. It's all over, but for the crying.

It took a world war to end the last groups strangle hold on rights and freedoms. What do you think a few rights groups are going to do now. The high courts are filled with people appointed solely on there political affiliation, not their judicial merrits.

This very site turned down a pic I submitted. Of me holding a night stick against his neck and biting the ear of my slave, while he was collared and leashed. No nudity, both of us were actually in our street clothes. Their denlie of this pic is solely based on their fears of legal action taken by nazi like American law enforcement. In the sites own words, "It was against our community standards." Really, we thought it was the tamest pic we had other then my head shot. Which is there now. I thought this was a BDSM community. It actually is, only now It's wearing cuffs. Applied by hypocrits, determined to destroy or stifle anything "they" deem abnormal or wierd.

That is sad and scary.

This is where the lifestyle takes a dark turn down back alleys and in to the closets of old. So much for the strives in the rights of the free in the home of the brave.

Wow, I'm starting to sound like an activist,lol.

Padriag -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 6:11:05 PM)

I have a slight problem with all this folks... the entire report is entirely unsubstantiated.

Here's what I mean. This article originally appeared on, by a "Darklady" who is listed as living in Portland, Oregon. It reports a supposed police raid that happened in Enfield, CT and the events which supposedly took place.

I did several web searches to see if I could find some more information on it, other news articles, but I could not find any. All I could find were listings of the original article which had simply been reposted on various blogs and such... but not one news article from a news agency of any kind.

This "Darklady" is not a journalist affiliated with any news agency... she's just some dominatrix living in Portland Oregon apparently (at least so far as I could find out about her, frankly I couldn't prove she even actually a woman if you asked me too... she does have a web site though, which of course proves nothing).

The Harford Courant, a newpaper for the Enfield, CT area (the town of Enfield is in Harford County, CT) has online archives of news stories going back more than a decade. After serching their archive as far back as Nov 12th, 2005, I could find no mention of the reported events. In fact, the only mention of a Michelle Silva was a high school student who made the honor roll at her high school.

So here's my problem with all this. There's been lots of gnashing of the teeth over this "event", two threads generated over it, lots of references to the US government and police as "jack booted thugs", nazi's and fascist... but there's not one shred of independantly verifiable information to confirm that the raid actually even happened or that the people talked about even exist, much less evidence to support the claims made by the article regarding the raid, what happened, etc.. The only source you have is a dominatrix living in Portland Oregon... and ya gotta wonder, or at least I do, how does a dominatrix in Porland Oregon happen to know what happens in some town 3,000 miles away??? (Sure its possible, maybe her mother lives there for all I know... but you gotta wonder.)

So before you go ranting, donating to various organizations or organizing protest marches... maybe you folks ought to do a little fact checking. Cause I did, and so far I can't actually find any verifiable facts.

What I do know is that in the US the police can't just raid your house, they have to have a warrant. If they do force their way into your home without a warrant and without probable cause, then they are possibly liable themselves for charges of criminal trespass, breaking and entering, destruction of private property, illegal search and seizure, etc. Even if you were actually guilty of a crime, it would end up thrown out of court because of so many violations of the law and procedure... so police have a vested interest in NOT doing such stupid things. You don't need to stop them from what they are doing, stand back and quietly (and smugly) watch and then you sue the town after the fact and likely settle out of court for a large chunk of cash.

BTW, most police officers in the US are not jack booted thugs. They're decent people who live in the communities they serve and really are trying to "serve and protect." I think its flatly shameful to take one unsubstantiated article posted by an unknown individual on a web site as an excuse to start referring to the police department of an entire town as jack booted thugs, nazi's and fascist. Do you know these people? Did you check out the story? Did you bother to find out just who it was you were slandering?


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

As far as the right wing / left wing. Back in the day, the right wing was for less not more government. That "less" included a lot less government intervention into peoples personal business. The problem occurred when religion was able to infiltrate and "Borg-like" assimilated the right.

Blame/Credit (depends on how you look at it) Clinton's victories over Bush I, and Dole which caused the right, aka Republicans, to get in bed with the conservative religious voting block. It won't be over until the religious block loses. As bad as this situation is for the people involved, and the others who are also under scrutiny, it helps. Who reading this story does not see the comparison to Nazism? A lot more people than the government would like to admit periodically coat their "vanilla" with some sort of flavoring. Surely it isn't just us BDSM "perverts" buying all the leather goods on eBay, or keeping those "adult "Toy Stores" stores open.

I love how folks around here always assume its always the "right's" fault and assume any such thing is the fault of the Republicans, and always seem to assume that the "liberals" and Democrats are defending their rights. Fact is, both sides have things to answer for. Keep in mind for example that the CDA, in all its forms including the one that finally did stick, was sponsored by some of those liberal Democrats. This is a problem because the CDA pretty much set the grounds on which all these other obscenity laws are based. So far as I am aware it where all the rhetoric of "obscene material" and "offensive to community standards" being used in federal legistalture first appeared. Funny part was it was mostly those nasty Republicans who fought against the CDA and that very kind of language in it as bad law and struck it down no less than three times. Supposedly the CDA was to protect children by "making the internet safe for children" and make possible to prosecute child pornography... never mind the fact that child pornography was already illegal in the US and there were plenty of laws which made prosecuting it possible, and as far as making the internet "safe for children" how is a piece of US legislature going to govern something that is now an international phenomenon??? Which raised the question why the need for the CDA? When it was eventually passed it became the basis for prosecuting not child porn, but the adult entertainment industry online. This didn't start with Bush (not that he hasn't enthusiastically used it) it started with Clinton. So you can't blame this on the right or the left... its both of them.

My personal opinion is that it has a whole lot less to to do with left or right politics and a whole lot to do with politicians using whatever they think will keep them in office, regardless of whether it is right or wrong.


ORIGINAL: LadyTantalize

Related story....a few years ago I attended a Leather History Class given by Viola Johnson and it was incredible. The memorphilia from our leather history was revealing and touching - items to be saved and cherished, especially since so many zealots want that history destroyed. During the class, Viola talked of a bidding war the erupted on a certain auction site over out-of-print copies of one of her books and then learning that one of the other bidders also was bidding on various other kinky works, hence I beleive communication started (I imagine she assumed she was chatting with a fellow kinkster with an appreciation for erotica and BDSM education) - no, a religious zealot who promoted the fact of being affiliated with a grass-roots campaign to purchase and destroy "obscene materials". That's right, they were buying her book to destroy it. Now I have no proof of such and my relaying the story is heresay, but as dedicated to the leather cause that I know Viola to be, and knowing the fanatical mindset of some over this matter - I believe the story!! Now that's SCARY!

Why is this story, assuming its true, scary?
Its not scary, its an example of someone being a moron.
Follow me on this... I write a book about kink and publish said book.
Some group... we'll say Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority for example... decide to buy up every copy published so they can destroy them.
Fine... by all means Mr Falwell, I encourage you to do so... and I'll laugh all the way to the bank.
First of all if the book is published and nationally marketed through say... Barnes & Noble for example... there's very little chance they will be able to buy all the books... if nothing else there will be others who buy some of the shelves and online before the Moron Majority can buy up the rest so it won't stop people from buying the book.
Either way, they just pushed my book sales through the roof and it becomes a national best seller, I get on Oprah, sell a million copies for $29.95 and become a multimillionare overnight at Jerry Falwell's expense... literally.
Scary... no.... funny as hell, you bet!

So by all means, I hope that damn fool bids outrageously for as many of Viola's books as he can find... really I do. Think of the royalties she'll get (and if not her, some kinkster selling the book who can then use said money to buy more books by Viola, John Warren, Guy Baldwin, Jack Rinella, Dossie Easton, etc helping to keep them all publishing), and since her book is being reprinted it ought to set up her retirement nicely, fund an endowment to preserve that kink library of hers, and pay her to write a few more books.

With enemies like that kink will rule the world!

girl4you2 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 6:41:34 PM)


What I do know is that in the US the police can't just raid your house, they have to have a warrant. If they do force their way into your home without a warrant and without probable cause, then they are possibly liable themselves for charges of criminal trespass, breaking and entering, destruction of private property, illegal search and seizure, etc.

just FYI:
“Sneak & Peek” Warrants

'This section allows for "delayed notice" of search warrants, which means the FBI can search a home or business without immediately notifying the target of the investigation. The Justice Department says this provision has already allowed investigators to search the houses of drug dealers and other criminals without providing notice that might have jeopardized an investigation. Investigators still have to explain why they want to delay notice, and must eventually tell the target about the search.

Critics say that investigators already had the power to conduct secret searches in counterterror and counterespionage probes. The Patriot Act, they say, authorized the use of this technique for any crime, no matter how minor. They say that "sneak and peek" searches should be narrowly limited to cases in which an investigation would be seriously jeopardized by immediate notice. Legislation to cut off funding for such searches passed the House in 2003. However, this provision does not face a sunset as other controversial provisions do, so it may be harder for opponents to amend it.'

It is interesting to read the full patriot act and find out just what the government actually can do these days without fear of repercussions. was a time that illegal wiretapping got some folks into a heap of trouble. now, so long as one party agrees, they can't be sued. we're not in kansas anymore.

i wish you well.

*edited to add that this only addresses one part of the above post, and does not deal with the veracity of the op event.

girl4you2 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 6:51:20 PM)


From December 16, 2002, through June 15, 2003, the period covered by this report, the OIG received the following number and types of complaints:

Number of complaints received suggesting a Patriot Act-related civil rights or civil liberties connection:4 1,073
Number of "unrelated" complaints:5 370
Number of complaints outside the OIG's jurisdiction:6 431
Number of complaints within the OIG's jurisdiction: 272
Number of complaints within the OIG's jurisdiction that state a credible Patriot Act complaint: 34"

stuff happens.

i wish you well.

onceburned -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 7:39:42 PM)


So here's my problem with all this. There's been lots of gnashing of the teeth over this "event", two threads generated over it, lots of references to the US government and police as "jack booted thugs", nazi's and fascist... but there's not one shred of independantly verifiable information to confirm that the raid actually even happened or that the people talked about even exist

Yes, whenever I hear of a newstory and the link is to a blogger or web-only news service, I go searching for news coverage from the mainstream media. Like you, I checked the Hartford Courant. And I checked the Springfield (MA) Republican since Springfield is close to Enfield. Nothing about Michelle Silva or about a dominatrix. I couldn't find any coverage searching or which are usually robust sources of news.


My personal opinion is that it has a whole lot less to to do with left or right politics and a whole lot to do with politicians using whatever they think will keep them in office, regardless of whether it is right or wrong.

Yes, talk about "Getting Tough" on sex crime is like crack for politicians. Here in Iowa, the current hysteria concerns convicted sex offenders. A state law recently took effect which banned anyone whose sex offense involved a minor from living within 2000 feet of a school or day care center.

But local officials in several towns decided that it needed to go further, so they passed local laws forbidding convicted sex offenders from living within 2000 feet of a park or library or even a public trail. In our largest city, Des Moines, such restrictions basically mean that sex offenders can't live there at all. Rural areas are fearful that they will be invaded by large numbers of criminals who have no where else to live.

And just this past week my congressman, who is running for governor, proposed that every single sex offender (not just pedophiles) be forced to wear a GPS bracelet and have the state do real time, 24 hour monitoring of each of them. His opponent in the Republican primary claims that this would ignore the cause of sex crimes.... which is pornography. This guy wants to tax and regulate internet pornography in Iowa to combat crime.

The politicians are falling over themselves in what amounts to an arms race.

DominaEmpress -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/3/2005 9:48:43 PM)


Padriag -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/4/2005 12:23:55 AM)

Long as we're keeping facts straight, let me set a few more straight.

First, I never said it wasn't real. I said it was entirely unsubstantiated... and it is. Thus far we have your word and the word of someone from Portland Oregon for it. I realize this may be very personal for you, but keep in mind that this is the internet... people can and do make all kinds of claims here. It does seem odd that there hasn't been a single news report about it, not even in local press.

Second, DominaEmpress is the "EmpressM" in the article? I'm just trying to keep all the nicks straight so I know who I'm talking to.

Okay, so let's assume for the moment that some sort of raid did occur. I'm still puzzled by it and wondering what actually happened. Why did the police make the raid? Was there a complaint? Is some police chief on a crusade or re-election campaign? I don't know, and with no indepedant reporting on this I have virtually no way to find out. Calling the attorney isn't going to prove anything to me because its his job to make the best case for his client. And BTW, I don't think said attorney would much appreciate strangers from out of state calling to ask probing questions about a pending case. In fact I very much doubt he would say anything to me at all... first because no attorney is going to talk to some person they don't know from out of state about a pending case, and they certainly aren't going to violate the confidentiality of their client (which would set themselves up for a lawsuit).

And as I said, if the police for whatever reason did make a raid without a warrant then they're up a creek without a paddle. Because as I also said they've opened themselves up for quite a lawsuit. Could the notice of the warrant have been delayed, yes... but now that an attorney is involved they have to produce it. If they don't, again, up a creek without a paddle.

Third, I find it a tad suspicious that there's a legal defense fund set up through a personal web site, again with no independant accounting. In fact it says on this site "HELP SUPPORT OUR FIGHT BY BUYING A MEMBERSHIP " and then advertises a half dozen porn sites. Again, I'm skeptical, I've seen too many online scams over the years. If there was legal defense fund it ought ot have been through either a recognized organization or an attorney who's credentials (and accounting) can be verified. Instead we're asked to sign up for porn sites... assuming you are legitimate do you not understand how fishy that looks?

But what has bothered me most about this thread is the amount of emotion it stirred up and the complete lack of fact checking. How many threads are there on these forums about people lying about who they are, what they are, etc. And yet this story, which has apparenlty only been reported in an online magazine, gets accepted without question. It bothers me how quick people are to start calling police officers nazi's and jack booted thugs. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive about that because I was born in Germany. I've had to face the predjudice of people who still carry a grudge against Germany and anyone born there because of that legacy... and that kind of ignorance gets under my skin just a bit. If those police actually had been jack booted Nazi thugs the woman in question would likely have been beaten to death and those of you speaking up on her behalf would be next. The US is NOTHING like Nazi Germany and is a far, far cry from a fascist state. Maybe also because I have friends who are police officers, including the father of an ex-girlfriend who was shot by a 15 year old and will be paralyzed in a wheel chair for the rest of his life.

If the story is entirely true, if the local police raided without cause and without a warrant, I hope the woman in question wins a great big fat settlement out of court. Really I do. But until I see some verification of the story, until the various unanswered questions I have about it are answered, I'll remain skeptical. Or more likely, and since its neither something that affects my life nor something I can do anything about, I'll forget about it and move on with my own life (which keeps me plenty busy these days).

Why? Because this is the internet and these are events happening beyond my reach to confirm or control. I don't know what actually happened, neither does anyone else except those directly involved. I find it odd that there has been no reporting in any other press publication, not local or national. I find it odd that in a case that apparently the attorney is keeping out of the press, they grant an inteview to a self styled online adult enterainment industry resource magazine (which was the best description I could glean from their "about us" section on the Ynot site). So far the only information I have about this case is very one sided, and with no verifiable facts.

So in closing, let me be blunt. I don't really care if its true or not. If it is I hope the woman in question gets a nice settlement check and a police chief gets fired, and if the attorney is half way competent that's probably what will happen. I read the story, I made an effort to check out the facts. I couldn't find any facts. Nothing in my reaction was unreasonable, quite the contrary, it was pretty rational. I haven't called anyone names nor called anyone a liar. I voiced my skepticism about accepting such a story without any such verification. I stated a fact, I can find no independant source on this story by which to confirm it or deny it. I still can't and no one has produced such. So at the end of all this its probably still going to come down to being a story about something that can't be verified.

BTW, did you know your caps lock seems to be stuck?

LadyElizabeth -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/4/2005 4:45:33 AM)

You are absolutely correct Padriag. This story does have the scent of fish to it. But in the light of the present mood of the wonderful folks in policy making and law enforcement, it has an aire of truth and is easily assumed real.

My father-in-law is an ex-RCMP officer, my husband has a close friend, who is a Metro Toronto Police officer. It was with no light heart, that I made that referrance to these police as jack booted nazi thugs.

It is not my "ignorance" that keeps people thinking Germany is still the same. I know for a fact that the vast majority wish they could turn back time and erase the whole of that time from history. I use that term because it musters visions of mass book burnings and late night attacks on those deamed to be an afront to the very way of life of a nation.

Sound familiar?

Lets not put on the rose coloured glasses here either. The nazi party and ideology isn't dead either. It has infected almost every walk of life in one way shape or form. Its effects destroyed Canada's Elite Airborne Regiment. The imagery generated by that terrible time still floods the minds of both the enlightened and the haters. You can't truly believe that I honestly think all these officers are nazi's. If indeed this took place, their actions most definetly do, whatever you think or I think, resemble the first days of the birth of nazism in Germany. You know, before they gained power. Back when they beat and terrorized anyone deamed to be against or not within "their" vision of how people should live, worship, etc.

My rants may be a tad hysteric, but with just cause. You could remove this entire thread and its primer, and still have the complaints posted by girl4you2.

Even the FBI is having difficulty staffing its anti obsenity task force. Isn't it funny when law enforcement has a hard time swallowing the policies of a neo christian government.

I and my husband, who is quite apt at searching things informative out on the internet have gone looking for news of this in the "main stream" media. We couldn't find a mere blurb about it. Go figure. During the Vietnam war, Cambodia killed hundreds of thousands of people and those events got hundreds of feet of press. The Indonesian government killed as many if not more in a genocidal war against some of its own citizens. It recieved less then twenty feet of press. Why? Perhaps the fact that Cambodia was not a US friendly nation, where as Indonesia is. You tell me what makes good news.

This isn't the first time law enforcement would have been accused of trampling the rights and freedoms of people who live outside what the government considers the "norm". So try to be just a little less sanctamonious. I'll try to be a little less re-actionary, like my sig says.

ZenrageTheKeeper -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/4/2005 7:52:30 AM)

Sexual interaction is a form of physical communication. Pornography is merely the recording of this interaction. As all participants within, as well as the people who view it, are consenting adults, this is freedom of speech we are talking about here.

I would put a call in to the ACLU.

Y'know. Reading it over twice. This whole thing smacks of retaliation. The blatant unprofessionalism. The direct mentioning of "tribute." Did you piss some psycho off that could have had a few friends in the police department? Perhaps someone you had photos of someone who either was or in some way related to someone of higher power who didn't want them exposed.

girl4you2 -> RE: Another Raid - #2257 & Obscenity laws at work (12/4/2005 12:18:43 PM)

there could be a lot of "is this real" or "is that one real" and i haven't a clue. all i do is read a bit about laws. there was a case on another thread that i did read about, and i've read a few others, and there's no doubt that rights are being violated to get rid of people that aren't towing the line set up by the powers that be in power right now. it's always happened, it's just a tad easier now is all. paranoia and fear work wonders in favor of the powers that be.

perhaps we might quiet down our own fussing about who is this and who is that, who has stars, who has none, and realize that somebody is passing some awfully disturbing laws to make it easier than ever to do stuff without having to answer to anyone (or if they do, it gets bogged down so much and for so long it's the same thing) and without repercussions.

just let us all stop and see what's going on in the larger picture. no name calling, no blaming, but perhaps seeking solutions. my, that would be fine indeed.

i wish us all well. i think we may just need that and more.

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