Long distance d/s (Full Version)

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LowerYourEyes78 -> Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 2:02:58 PM)

My slave recently joined the military. while i support her decision i am also tyring to decide how to procede with our relationship. and if a long distance d/s will work. any ideas and comments are welcome.

jamesthehumanrug -> RE: Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 2:37:52 PM)

greetings lower YOUR eyes[:o]
sir ,
if i may suggest you
join the army yourself
use the same last names(change it for:" military purposes", at your local probate
easy same day....and do this ,before you join.)
the army has lots ,of privillages
you ,and ,your partner can enjoy
if you are afraid ,of front lines for yourself
it don't happen (the gov dont send untrained people ,into front lines,to defend the country)besides youre worth money to your beneficiaries dead ,not the military;usually they loose very valuble equipment with you too so that hikes the cost,if youre lost....
by the time you are finished basic, and,ait and you have a m.o.s.
you know the war will be slowed down or stopped, by ,then
for joining in wartime ;you get a military war campaign medal ;
which gives you free college tution
all kinds of housing loans
and advantages
medical if you check in for something 30 days after discharge
upon request.(d.o.r.,)
....and at least your slave will have learned ,with yourself
how to fold your clothes
and be ready for inspection,
then you 'll see
theres,really , nothing worse, than ending up a civilian,if something happens(personal ,or global)
the only thing that helps you adapt in the beginning
is knowing shes in there too
you can count a big roll of money at nite before you sleep
dont think youre, not a good soldier
even ,after discharge.its permanant!you are a professional.
god bless america
you'll see you own freedom ,by joining
and ,being a part
even if
you stay in ,for ,only the minimum,
just :cause, you say ok 12 years and sign on the dotted line
; dont mean they dont ask you every ten days ,if you are still, in...
.army has the most money ,of all the armed forces,
and ,are the closest ,to the presidents men
(first hand d.o.d.)
advanced behavioral scientist(fbi)....who knew?!
the second you join by adding 2 and 2,on a special entry test correctly
you get an instant title.
you get a dream wish list ,of 3 places you like ,to be stationed ,or see the world.
be all you can be is true,
if you are an image-interpreter female(photographer) :all your pics ,out, of the army are worth 500 times what any civilian can ever sell ,or take.
go ,with her.period,just do it ,if you want ,out,just do, that too.
your cut ,off age ,to join is 36.
even, elvis, did the 2 yrs, in a snap;the biggest king ,of the universe ,in show biz ,of all time...what did ,elton do, besides stay, in england ,and, plagiarize ,with ,paul mc cartney ;get ,john lennon, involved, and ,killed....who's right ,in there....??...
micheal jackson...(jackson, you plagiarists!-WHAT ELSE
DID YOU DO!?!!)...

ginawithaB -> RE: Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 2:54:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: LowerYourEyes78

My slave recently joined the military. while i support her decision i am also tyring to decide how to procede with our relationship. and if a long distance d/s will work. any ideas and comments are welcome.

Difficult decision, Sir. I don't envy you in this choice. You didn't mention how long the two of you have been together and whether this is live-in 24/7 situation or some other arrangment. All these things have to be considered as well as her level of devotion, committment to you and yours to her.

I think it's great that you support her decision. And long-distance relationships are difficult at best, no doubt. But people have made them work. I guess it comes down to the importance of at least giving LD a try...

I think you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and talk to her seriously about any concerns you may have as well as giving her a chance to voice her feelings and concerns.

All the best to you both, Sir. And all my support and admiration to your slave for making the decision to enter military service. While I do not support this administration's military decisions, I am certainly grateful and in awe of our US armed service men and women. They are like no others.


slavejali -> RE: Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 3:03:10 PM)

I would end the relationship...unless your going to follow her around everywhere she is based. i need touch in relationship.

Tempestspet -> RE: Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 3:07:28 PM)

If the two of you are close enough, been together awhile etc... and the two of you got married, you'd go with her. Obviously not on deployments, but you would be with her at her duty stations. For the times she would be away, and deployed... you will have to decide of you can handle it. It can be hard, and it takes a strong person to get through it. The strength of your strength is what carries you through.

If you don't want to get married, it would depend on your willingness to relocate to her duty station area. She won't be picking all her stations, if any for quite awhile, and can't help where they will send her.

Emotionally, the ability to get through that stuff....depends on the strength of your relationship, love, and what you would do to be with her. That part isn't any different from any other relationship that lasts.

If you mean the power exchange while she away, play, and things like that... you have to just....hang in there... she won't be gone forever. And you make the most of the time you have when physically together.

I hope I have hit on at least some of the stuff you had in mind, or were curious about. Did you have any specific questions?

Tempest's pet

AbstractSavant -> RE: Long distance d/s (11/30/2005 3:14:20 PM)

If it were my life and my Master joined the military, I'd likely put our relationship on hold so he could feel free to pursue that part of his life without major emotional ties holding him back. If he came back home eventually and we found we still had chemistry and the situation allowed it, I'd be willing to start up again.

fyreredsub -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/1/2005 5:28:09 PM)

w/in a few hours is distance enough for me.but i'm a slave that needs a tight chain.[8D]

fastlane -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/1/2005 6:07:58 PM)

Only one piece of advice and I know you won't like it. Demand her to marry you and you become her dependent.....uh, lowly dependent Dom....but, look at the bright side....you get to shop at the commissary!

Wolf1020 -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/1/2005 6:57:52 PM)

Long distence is hard, but it works for some better then others. As far as the military goes hundreds of thousands make it work when their other gets deployed. Also is she just thinking of a few years or is she thinking long term career in the military? There is a big difference there as well to be considered. If it wasn't for bad knees and PC BS in the military I myself would have joined awhile ago.

sultryvoice -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/1/2005 7:03:56 PM)

All you can do is discuss it between you and decide what you both think is the best way to procede. A ldr is very hard to maintain but it will also depend on where she could be stationed at the end of boot camp.

I wish you luck in both your decisions. You will do what's best..


MHOO314 -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/2/2005 9:04:58 AM)

There are many many Doms and subs on here that have partners in the armed forces, I might add a profile and solicit their input how to make it work--many are very successful


although She is a Domme, the Mistress in this link may be able to direct you to D/s sites that support military relationships--also you might email JohnWarren, he is well respected and may be able to direct you to some support groups--good luck and she needs our support for her decision---

sweetpettjenny -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/2/2005 12:29:50 PM)

look deep in your heart and you will know your answer

BLKSIRESwench -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/4/2005 2:33:42 PM)

LowerYourEyes78 Sir,

As a submissive who has been in a l/d D/s relationship for over 3 years, i humbly offer my comments on your situation.

For my Master and me, 24/7 is simply not possible. After much soul searching and communication for both of us, the issue became this -- would each of us prefer a more local "hands-on" relationship with someone who might be less compatible?

i truly believe that BLKSIRE is my soul mate insofar as our D/s relationship is concerned. There are difficult times when my selfish desires make me yearn for a 24/7 involvement. However, i sincerely believe that i will never find a Master who is as trustworthy and as perfect for me as Sire. All this to say that the quality of our relationship outweighs the quantity of time we spend together.

my humble suggestion would be to discuss the amount of time and length of distance that you will be apart. That will provide a starting place to determining what your choice should be.

For us it boils down to whether or not continuing the relationship is worth it, and for us it is (even in our limited capacity).

Thank you for reading,

Taik -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/4/2005 2:43:05 PM)

It can be done, it takes lots and lots of work though. If your both commited I suggest start by writing each other short e-mails each day (when she has access) and discuss both your relationship, interests, and world topics/news a bit each day. Its a great way to learn more about each other and discuss things you two might not have been totally comfortable discussing in person, its a way to advance the relationship still over distance. She should get 30 days leave a year at 2.5 a month, you can visit here with out her burning leave, or she can visit you a week at a time every few months. Or like fastlane said, get married and then its a null issue. Hope that helps some. Good Luck

KnightofMists -> RE: Long distance d/s (12/4/2005 3:16:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: LowerYourEyes78

My slave recently joined the military. while i support her decision i am also tyring to decide how to procede with our relationship. and if a long distance d/s will work. any ideas and comments are welcome.

Speaking as one that is enduring the challenges and tribulations of a long distance relationship. I will state solemnly that you are in for a path that will push you intellectually, emotionally and even physically. I have been growing my relationship with kyra for over a year now (my how the time as went by), but it was about 7 months ago that she became collared to me. Long Distance is not where we are going to stay... this fact between us is vitally important and brings great strength when we are at our weakest. We do indeed spend time together... over the past year we have been together for about 6 weeks worth of physical contact. These times are indeed intense and full of deep physical pleasures... not much point talking when we are together... lots of time to do that on the phone when we are apart. Speaking of which, I spend on average 2-3 hours a day speaking with her and web cam(nice to see her too).. not to mention the emails that are sent.

I can't express to you that it is right for the both of you... only you can decide that.... but know this... if it is going to work... the commitment must be demonstrated consistently and continuely from both of you. These actions/behaviors that show this commitment must be seen by both of you as such. I can not stress enough the challenge it will bring you both... but oh my.. when one is vulnerable to you as you are to them in state of love and desire.... no challenge is to much!

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