Ahh the contrasts in Him! ;) (Full Version)

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justagirl246 -> Ahh the contrasts in Him! ;) (9/23/2008 6:34:25 PM)

Greetings! :)

This past weekend it was my absolute delight (after the worlds' longest and most traffic construction ridden commute *EVER***!) to meet and spend time with a very intriguing Man known in this medium as SirJoe1211. 

Sometimes, and this is for sure, in a girl's experience true of online Gor, which is more my "stomping grounds", the Men can be a little... well, they forget to laugh, sometimes.  (Not always.. but there is this "Stern and Serious" thing going on sometimes... not saying it's BAD... just observing!).  Experience with r/t Goreans has been limited thus far, but there, too, and as she's spent some time on the fringe of some BDSM groups in a couple of different areas, it seemed to be sort of the "Uniform" for the Doms, as well. (again, just an observation, no disrespect or judgement intended...)....  well...

Sir Joe does not fit this mold!. ;)  He is a *very* funny and intellectual Man.  Quite a pleasant conversationalist, and very well informed on numerous topics, lifetyle, vanilla, politics, etc etc...  It was just awesome. :)  And yet there is not a shred of anything but Strong Male in the Man. (lest anyone think He might be taken advantage of due to His acute sense of irony and humor... )

He's also got a delightful touch with the floggers...(here's where the realms overlap for me... I like being forced to surrender control by the kiss of the leather....)  Just sayin'.... and sporting the lovely reminders still... yum!

I hope that my gratitude is well enough known to Him for a fabulous weekend... and although the word of a bondmaid may not be woth much, it is this girl's hope that perhaps others will get to know this Man a little better and maybe appreciate His unique outlook on the world... she'd like to reserve the *floggers* for herself but that would be greedy... ~grins~

Well wishes!!!  (and more thanks, Master-Sir-Etc. Joe.  ~winks playfully~ :)


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