RE: New master needs to learn (Full Version)

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Focus50 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/6/2005 1:03:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: frillsnthrills
Why shouldn't we protect the lifestyle from every 2-bit wannabe that couldn't understand the dynamics of the lifestyle if their life depended on it but sure likes the idea of having a girl 'do anything they want'. And that folks, is as far as they get.

A) Because the idea of protecting a lifestyle is kinda irrational

B) Because those "2 bit wannabes" are just as much a part of this lifestyle as anyone else.


The questions reek of vanilla. i realise we are not all the same, but if you belong in this lifestyle, some things you just...'know'. i recognise the right for different 'levels' but this lifestyle is so polluted it is becoming almost non-exisitent. If it burns within you, if it is in your blood.... then you will build and grow on what is already there.

Only if you believe in the "one true way" or believe that how others live somehow changes the quality of your own life.

Just as many people say that the lifestyle is teaming with life and energy and awesome growth.


To all the 'real' Dom/mes, subs, switches and everyone else who belongs here, thanks for existing, it's been nice to know Y/you're there. :-)

And what do you say to the people who say that switches are wannabe fakers who downgrade the seriousness of wiitwd?

What do you say to the ones who say that people who use the "caps rules" are just cyber players who don't know better?

We've all got tons of people just WAITING to tell us we're not "real." What gives any one particular person the oversight of judgement on that?

Actually, frills had quite a bit of thoughtful insight from a sub's perspective and it's generally directed at the OP! You don't have to agree but there sure as hell wasn't any need to try and spoil it with yet another of these tiresome, bone-picking, "drive-by" posts of yours.

Never mind sniping from the sidelines, what do *you* say to the OP? So far, I count 0 for 4....


Wolfie648 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/6/2005 1:12:36 AM)


First off i would like to say hello to everyone for i am new to this site and the lfe style.

Bakc to business, I am new to the life style and would like to become a master/dom. I need the low down of what is expected from a master and from a dom and how do i go about it.
I know there is no specific way to do any of this, besides what the people make of it.

If anyone would like to help me out i would really be greatful for the advice.

Thank you,

read, learn, ask (all of which you seem to be doing)

_above all_ listen to yourself, only you can decide your path. It's not wrong if it's consented to.

D (owner of j)

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/6/2005 6:13:27 AM)


Never mind sniping from the sidelines, what do *you* say to the OP? So far, I count 0 for 4....

Other people posted my thoughts succintly and I allowed that. I had no unique thoughts to give specifically to the OP so I didn't.

This post however I felt I had something to share and offer a unique perspective on.

MasterFerdinand -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/6/2005 6:11:51 PM)

surprised..fyrered? We go there too... We've got to stay on top of the Game somehow! lmao

Focus50 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/7/2005 2:33:55 AM)

Interesting rationale....


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross
I had no unique thoughts to give specifically to the OP so I didn't.

You make it sound as though you're obliged to post in *every* thread, regardless of topic?


Other people posted my thoughts succintly and I allowed that.

Are these "other people" aware they're posting by proxy for you?

Hmmm, I guess they are if you've allowed it..... lol


fldrkhorse -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/7/2005 4:41:58 AM)

Distant Friend,

By happenstance, tonight, I occasioned and perused the newfound site & forums whilst casually surfing -- In a forum for Dominants advice I encountered a post "New master needs to learn - 12/4/2005 11:17:07 AM"
And I read all the comments. I am not a member of the site and unable to offer a guest post. I speak as an elder and long experienced BDSM Dominant. No more, no less. I am the Master of my Beloved & owned, pleasure slave elisabeth. I am a Master of & to her and of & to myself. Also, no more, no less.

I wanted to respond to Afreak's post -- as one of many valid perspectives -- believing that new explorers always need to hear varying views about the BDSM lifestyle -- no matter their chronological age -- I was impressed by the variety of wisdom & comments I saw -- my compliments to you and many peers-

I wondered if you would be so kind to forward my comments to the OP and/or add them to the thread? I will not be disappointed if this violates any rules of the board or protocols -- I saw your email address --

I submit:

|||| Many are familiar with the admonition, "Know thyself" yet few know the source of the phrase and fewer know that the phrase is incomplete without the next part of it.

Thales, (c.600 BCE) was unanimously acclaimed and accepted to be the wisest of the Seven Sages of ancient Greece.

They asked of Thales, "What is the most difficult of all things?"

Thales answered, "Know thyself."

Then ... they spoke to Thales again and asked, "If, 'know thyself' is the most difficult of all things, what is the most easy of all things?"

Thales replied, "Give advice."

Thales preceded Will Rogers, Samuel Clemens, and a host of stand-up comedians with the shortest punchline I have ever taken to heart as both a rejoinder and a glimpse into anthropic philosophy in its purest essence. It is the complimentarity (not unlike non-locality of the physics of quantum mechanics and Neils Bohr's hypothesis) that I conjecture with honorable respect to all the words I have read in the threads therein replying to Afreak's query. ||||

Thank you if you can carry this to the newbie (or wanna-be) -- thank you for reassuring me that there are respectable sources for such as he and for an old dog always capable of learning new tricks, such as me (modern acronyms & abbreviations!!! :-) --

Best rgds,

Dream Master of elisabeth
on the California Northcoast

fldrkhorse -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/7/2005 4:51:19 AM)

Your words are very interesting camgirl, and show maturity. My first boss told me managing people would be the hardest job I'd ever do. His definition was "getting people to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it, how you want them to do it, and make them feel it was their idea.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/7/2005 6:14:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Focus50You make it sound as though you're obliged to post in *every* thread, regardless of topic?

Nope, but if a post interests me and I feel I have something specific and unique to add, I generally will do so.


Are these "other people" aware they're posting by proxy for you?

They aren't posting by proxy, they simply happen to have posted the same thoughts I had before I did. And yes, happens a lot. I swap emails with lots of people on here saying something to the effect of "HA glad you said it before I did!" type of thing.

Hmmm, I guess they are if you've allowed it..... lol

Wrong sense of allowed :)

Masteraction -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/7/2005 8:56:28 PM)



First off i would like to say hello to everyone for i am new to this site and the lfe style.

Bakc to business, I am new to the life style and would like to become a master/dom. I need the low down of what is expected from a master and from a dom and how do i go about it.
I know there is no specific way to do any of this, besides what the people make of it.

If anyone would like to help me out i would really be greatful for the advice.

Thank you,


or which has several links to choose from.

Just a place to start,
or which has several links to choose from.

Just a place to start,.. Hello Afreak... I'm also new to this .. I did do some reading and this is a good place to start.. lot's of Info , and well you need to pace yourself and Lurn... Just my thought's

Focus50 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 2:28:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: Focus50You make it sound as though you're obliged to post in *every* thread, regardless of topic?

Nope, but if a post interests me and I feel I have something specific and unique to add, I generally will do so.

There's nothing unique (or honourable) about white-anting others - presumably because you're bored or bitter or whatever!

The OP is a newbie Dom *in your age group* and the most difficult input for any newbie to attain comes from their complimenting opposite; for him, a fem/sub - such as yourself.

Frillsnthrills offered some excellent fem/sub insight and all you can come up with is A) attempt to trash her post, B) completely ignore the OP in the process (AGAIN) and C) give us all yet another rendition of these signature "junk-mail" posts that have nothing to do with the topic.

Yanno, you're a bit like the hyena! They also come running when there's trouble or conflict - but NOT to help.... Here's a tip, click the back button if you've got nothing to offer. There's wisdom is saying nothing when you have nothing relevant to say, don'tcha know?



Are these "other people" aware they're posting by proxy for you?

They aren't posting by proxy, they simply happen to have posted the same thoughts I had before I did. And yes, happens a lot. I swap emails with lots of people on here saying something to the effect of "HA glad you said it before I did!" type of thing.

Don't you have *anything* better to do with your time? lol Getting a poor impression of these supposedly elitist cliques you're involved with....



Hmmm, I guess they are if you've allowed it..... lol

Wrong sense of allowed :)

Wrong yourself - poor choice of word in that context. *wink*


aFreak -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 3:57:43 PM)

thank you for the new sites to look at for my inromative stage of this process. I will give them a look over to see what extra info that i can get from them that i have not recieved from some of the other sites that have be recomended to me.

please give the distant friend that had givin a great insight to me a "thank you" from me.

Delvin -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 5:28:59 PM)

Training with Miss Abernathy

Reading there, here, and all over is encouraged since that is where all the information of many lifestyles exists. Arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible so when you do begin to meet people at your local groups, online or at the local cafe' you will have some very basic understandings of what is what and who is who.

Personally I would seek out a man that you can sit and talk with, a friend and mentor as time goes on who can offer some help and guidance in the direction you want to go.

Time. Now that you want to start, accept the fact that it is going to take time for you to find yourself within this lifestyle. Time to weed through the many different ideals of this life and time to grow. For some it is nice pace in the right direction while others take a great deal of time to find themselves. DO NOT RUSH IT. :)

You already did the first step which I would give you an A+ on.... You asked for help

Best of luck on your search


fldrkhorse -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 5:41:29 PM)

geez, guys, give it a break. If I wanted to hear people I don't know slam people they dont know I'd listen to Limbaugh.

MHOO314 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 5:57:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: fldrkhorse

geez, guys, give it a break. If I wanted to hear people I don't know slam people they dont know I'd listen to Limbaugh.

or Howard Stern---smiles

mnottertail -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 6:04:24 PM)

So, in order to get this thread back on track........

Is there any hope that I could recieve a blowjob?

A new master needs to learn.......

Therefore, I thought that I could add to this very intellectual conversation, by pointing out fundamental principles.

Kinda fuck a bunch of old greeks and geeks from Thebes...That ain't all of history.

So, why might you be here friend?

To the OP.


FelinePersuasion -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/8/2005 8:44:25 PM)

That is the bigest load of shit I have ever heard, There is no truest way . Therre's no such thing as truest doms or truest subs. Just people who might not match what you're all about.

The ones who belive in a truisim of how to do things and any one else not on the bandwagon of the "true way" and not to do things are the ones full of shit in my opinion.

Not knowing what someone is personally isn't being bored or any less real. When I got into bdsm 6 years ago I thought I was a sub, I went under the personal belief that I was a sub for about a year in a half before discovering I didn't care much for being on the taking side of the orders I liked to give and now I know I am a switch. Who bottoms casually.

And what makes someone a two bit wanna be other than some jerks opnion, Your two bit wana be might just be my idea of a gorgious be all end all.

To all the 'real' Dom/mes, subs, switches and everyone else who belongs here, thanks for existing, it's been nice to know Y/you're there. :-)

Focus50 -> RE: New master needs to learn (12/9/2005 2:09:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

That is the bigest load of shit I have ever heard, There is no truest way . Therre's no such thing as truest doms or truest subs. Just people who might not match what you're all about.

The ones who belive in a truisim of how to do things and any one else not on the bandwagon of the "true way" and not to do things are the ones full of shit in my opinion.

Not knowing what someone is personally isn't being bored or any less real. When I got into bdsm 6 years ago I thought I was a sub, I went under the personal belief that I was a sub for about a year in a half before discovering I didn't care much for being on the taking side of the orders I liked to give and now I know I am a switch. Who bottoms casually.

And what makes someone a two bit wanna be other than some jerks opnion, Your two bit wana be might just be my idea of a gorgious be all end all.

To all the 'real' Dom/mes, subs, switches and everyone else who belongs here, thanks for existing, it's been nice to know Y/you're there. :-)

Nice rant but I'm having some difficulty locating "true" in the passage you've quoted....

Now if you're referring to her choice of "real", what's the big deal? What's "real" is mostly relative to the individual and you've practically said it yourself in your last sentence! Yet when an individual expresses something as real/true/genuine etc within a personal opinion, out come the petty pc police expressing their indignance in crude vulgarities because...?

I see you also didn't trip over the OP on your way here - coincidence? Tis TRULY the season of spiteful drive-by posts....


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