Gay marriage (Full Version)

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PlayfulOne -> Gay marriage (10/22/2008 7:48:52 AM)

Here in Florida we have Proposition 2 on the ballot this election.  it is a constitutional amendment stating that marriage is between a man and a woman.  I just saw a commercial which claimed they were not taking rights away from anyone jsut defining what a marriage was.  There are many legal rights that come with being married.  Denying a group the rights to marriage is denying them those rights. 

Personally I will be voting no.  Currently it doesn't look like it is going to pass since Jeb Bush (at least one Bush did something right) helped push through a law making 60% of the vote neccesary for a constitutional amendment. 

My question is, How can so many people who want the government out of things decide it is ok for the government to legislate something so personal as marriage?


kittinSol -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 7:53:13 AM)

I always wonder the very same thing about this strange paradox. When it comes to gay marriage though, I think I have found the solution. Rabid conservatives don't like it because they feel  that it somehow diminishes the value of their own wedding vows, since it allows 'sex deviants' from making the same choices as they, holy and godlike as they are, have made.

puella -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 7:53:19 AM)

Well, I look at it this way... if you are willing to only allow a person a fraction of the rights of other citizens of this country, then I am assuming you are also willing to let them pay a fraction of the taxes that you do?

Why should someone who does not use the courts to pay for licences and weddings, have to pay for them for those of us who are 'allowed' that?  And that is just ONE example.

If your church doesnt want to marry gays, fine.  Chances are gays will not attend that church and pay tithes. 

Keep your faith within the house of your faith.

Keep legal rights in the house of the law....

slaveboyforyou -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 7:58:38 AM)

Here in Arkansas, we have a proposition on the ballot to ban unmarried couple from being foster parents.  The group that got this on the ballot has made it clear that it was aimed at gay couples.  I'm voting against it for many reasons.  We have a shortage of foster homes in this state, I could care less about a couple's marital status or sexual orientation when applying to become foster parents, and I am tired of this devisive nonsense from Christian fundamentalists or any special interest group for that matter. 

PlayfulOne -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:00:40 AM)

This is the one that kills me.  The Republicans are always screaming about how everything should be deregulated.  The government shouldn't be involved in anything, yet they support the amendment 76% to 21%.  Thankfully it doesn't look like they are going to be able to get to 60% of the vote to pass it.


LaTigresse -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:03:20 AM)

Personally I believe it is the squeak factor of the wheel called, The Religous Right. The republicans have allowed them way too much power within our government.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:06:06 AM)

if gay marriage bothers people so much...why doesnt marriage between 2 different racies  bother them? these multi cultural marriages have the same rights....and so should gays.

gays are just people.  although we may hit on your spouse!

PlayfulOne -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:06:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Personally I believe it is the squeak factor of the wheel called, The Religous Right. The republicans have allowed them way too much power within our government.

Isn't that the truth.

The polls also show men support the amendment 55% to 41%,  that I get their are way to many homophobic men.  the polls also show women supporting the amendment 54& to 42%.  That one I don't get at all.  I always thought women were smarter.


VampiresLair -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:09:51 AM)

Personally, I have always had more of an issue with the heterosexual marriages where neither party can support themselves yet when they get married they start having kids left and right. Gay marriages hurt no one, they do not devalue MY marriage. OK, so the religious types believe they are an offense in the eyes of God, then let them believe it. Let them, personally, deny gay marriage is valid. However, any of those people who do not believe in that God should not be constrained by the beliefs therein.
Then again I am of the belief that if people would stop fighting against gay marriages and just let them happen, they would no longer be a big deal. The only reason they raise such a fuss now is because there is opposition. Once there is none, they will fade into the sunset and no one will give damn either way.


Dnomyar -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:12:55 AM)

faery. 6 degrees of seperation. It is probably less that that. Inter cultural and inter race relationships have been around as long as man has. What difference is there between same sex couples having kids. Read your bible. Eve was made from Adams rib. What did that make their kids???

Thunderbird56 -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:13:15 AM)

What a crock! What authority does the "state" have to intercede into my marriage? The answer is NONE! How do they even justify a marriage license? I'm single, but if and when I choose to marry it will be an agreement, a contract, between me and my partner and if we so choose our "god".
I've even heard the "God Nazis" use scare tactics like, "Well, if two men or two women can marry each other, where does it stop?". "Next, some guy will want to marry his horse!". Sorry, can't happen, a horse can't legally enter into a contract.
I'm so sick of these people trying to enforce their morality on everyone, and it's not just this issue. Why don't they understand that this country was based on FREEDOM, not enforced morality and intolerance! I'm straight, by the way.

PlayfulOne -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:14:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl

if gay marriage bothers people so much...why doesnt marriage between 2 different racies  bother them? these multi cultural marriages have the same rights....and so should gays.

gays are just people.  although we may hit on your spouse!

only if I get to watch


angelikaJ -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:14:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl

if gay marriage bothers people so much...why doesnt marriage between 2 different racies  bother them? these multi cultural marriages have the same rights....and so should gays.

Interracial marriages bother a great many people in this country and all over the world...

Gays should have the right to marry.

What troubles me is the argument that somehow allowing same sex couples to marry will  corrupt the sanctity of marriage between makes no sense.

edited for redundancy.

kittinSol -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:14:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: VampiresLair

Then again I am of the belief that if people would stop fighting against gay marriages and just let them happen, they would no longer be a big deal. The only reason they raise such a fuss now is because there is opposition. Once there is none, they will fade into the sunset and no one will give damn either way.

Hmmm... except that people are having to fight for letting them happen in the first place. It's not like you can 'just let something happen' when it's impossible for it to happen in the first place.

kittinSol -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:16:56 AM)


Eve was made from Adams rib. What did that make their kids???

It's quite obvious that the Bible got it hysterically wrong, isn't it? Humanity is female by default; male is a genetic mutation of female. Therefore, it follows that if God made anything, it was Woman first [;)] .

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:17:15 AM)



faery. 6 degrees of seperation. It is probably less that that. Inter cultural and inter race relationships have been around as long as man has. What difference is there between same sex couples having kids. Read your bible. Eve was made from Adams rib. What did that make their kids???

  Yes, yes... I know it's off topic... and I'll happily take responses on the other side... but...Ok, so I have to ask this question... I've been dying to ask since I got kicked out of religion class my senior year of high-school (for asking another 'inappropriate' question)... If Eve was made from Adam's rib... then wasn't having sex with her just fancified masturbation???

kittinSol -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:18:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

What troubles me is the argument that somehow allowing same sex couples to marry will somehow corrupt the sanctity of marriage between makes no sense.

I completely agree; yet, it looks as though that is conservatives' main argument against gay marriage. What else can it be? That's the only reason they give.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:20:00 AM)


What troubles me is the argument that somehow allowing same sex couples to marry will somehow corrupt the sanctity of marriage between makes no sense.

the world is brought up to hate.....rather than brought up to love and be open minded. a very small percentage of families are of the latter.

tsatske -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:22:39 AM)

I have a son (have I told you how proud I am of all three of my sons? let me show you pictures.. no, really, i have some right here...) who wanted to be a priest for a very long time. Then he decided that he had a true calling to be a Dad, which is at odds with being a Roman Catholic Father. Now, a few years later, he is converting to Greek Orthodox. I can't help but wonder if he is again thinking of serving - but, when I ask him, he says he has not thought of it, and repeats what his Aunt told him throughout the long period of his childhood while he thought he had a calling - 'Only God can make a priest'
He is a very devout Catholic, rather Roman or Greek.
And he says something very simple, pure, and obvious.
Marriage is a function of religion and faith. Marriage is between the people involved, and God. The goverment has NO buisness in Marriage.
The Goverment should be issuing 'Domestic Partnership' licences to EVERYONE that wants one, because Marriage is outside of what the Goverment has a right to participate in.
It's really that simple. I know it will never fly, so I want to see Gay Marriage pass, because it should be the same for everyone. Seperate but equal has never in the history of man worked, but, don't worry, the conservatives assure us this time will be different.
But, though i promote for Gay Marriage, in my heart of hearts, I agree with my son. They should have 'Domestic Partnership' licenses - for everyone, gay, strait, regardless of color, religion, sexual orientation, creed, nationality, or any thing else - nothing but 'Domestic Partnership' licences - and leave Marriage to the churches and individuals, where it belongs.

GreedyTop -> RE: Gay marriage (10/22/2008 8:23:09 AM)

NO ON 2!!  

Florida already has a law banning same sex marriage.

WTF do we need an AMENDMENT for??

bloody muppets in the legislature here.

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