Florida visit. (Full Version)

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scifi1133 -> Florida visit. (11/7/2008 4:36:08 PM)

Just wanted to write about my visit to Florida where I got to stay with Greedy. I could not have asked for a more gracious host. She managed to put up with me being a slug on her couch while I just relaxed and read on my vacation. She was kind enough to set up a lunch to meet other CM'ers as well. As she has posted about already.
There could not have been a more relaxing vacation and for that I thank her.

GreedyTop -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 5:11:43 PM)

you're always welcome here, Sci :) *SMOOOOCH*

scifi1133 -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 5:17:59 PM)

smooooch back

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 5:22:42 PM)

JUST so you know, any houseguests of the male persuasion at my place.....have to put out! [:D]

Good luck getting all the cat hair off!!

scifi1133 -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 6:08:28 PM)

lol well yes thats going to take a washing or two lol....and its not like I mind putting out lol I am a slut after all

GreedyTop -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 6:09:39 PM)

(check the clothes for lizard parts before putting them in the washer,,,,)

scifi1133 -> RE: Florida visit. (11/7/2008 6:33:52 PM)

lol oh I am lol

sirsholly -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 2:04:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

JUST so you know, any houseguests of the male persuasion at my place.....have to put out! [:D]

Good luck getting all the cat hair off!!


LumusandtheLady -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 5:17:26 AM)

[sm=sad.gif]  Dammit - the cats let you escape? I specifically told them NOT to let you escape. We needed proof about..... errrr, never mind. They were in cahoots with Pumpkin da Punky......

ETA - We all know what a fabulous hostess Greedy. And a sweety, the kindest, bestest lady on CM. Tell us sumpin we don't know!!!! [:D]

scifi1133 -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 5:20:28 AM)

Yes I escaped and all photo evidence was on my phone so I have it all lol. Actually I told Greedy last night. I realized I didn't take a single photo while I was down there. So I guess I'm still not real lmao.

michaelOfGeorgia -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 5:34:56 AM)

i go to Orlando with gf and her parents twice a year, myself. not sure when the next trip will be though. things are up in the air these days. can't wait until the next trip.

LumusandtheLady -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 5:39:11 AM)


I think I still have a few bruises from the pokes and pinches proving that I'm not "real" from last weekend!!!

(And how could you be down there that long and not take a single picture? Have lunch with Sappa, LeMis, and Greedy and not get a pic? Did you get to meet RS, CJ, Tulip or Gwyn? Sheesh, it seems like half of CM lives down there.....) *grins*

lize -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 7:30:35 AM)


everhope -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 7:36:44 AM)

i'll be in florida next month the 3rd through the 17...i 'll take some pics... speaking of pics, are there pics of your wedding posted anywhere yet?

LumusandtheLady -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 8:18:46 AM)

Lemme get them posted to my errrrr, Flickr or Photobucket account, I can never remember which one I have. Or Kodak. Or all 3. Oy vey, can you tell how often I use them? I'll have to go digging for the info. I'll holler when it's posted. :)

(Thankfully my holler ain't nearly as loud as holly's!)

LumusandtheLady -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 8:21:56 AM)

And hello lize, you might try posting an intro over on the introductions or visiting Polls & Random Stupidity, this is a thread about someone's visit to Florida and meeting some of CM's other members.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 11:57:37 AM)

PICTURES!  Those things that are on my camera memory chip, you mean?  I have to DO something so someone else can see them?  No wonder I don't use my camera much... [8|]

sirsholly -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 11:59:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: LumusandtheLady

(Thankfully my holler ain't nearly as loud as holly's!)

i take pride in my "BELLOW" [:)]

sirsholly -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 12:00:21 PM)

and i agree with LadyH....


LumusandtheLady -> RE: Florida visit. (11/8/2008 12:05:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

PICTURES!  Those things that are on my camera memory chip, you mean?  I have to DO something so someone else can see them?  No wonder I don't use my camera much... [8|]

Ummmmm, yes, we are still waiting, dear. We should also get the professional shots back early this week. Good gravy, the man took over 800 shots!! We'll be getting all of them on CD and 60 of the best printed out in an album. We got some from Lumus' sister, the ones from S2S and still waiting on the ones from Bear and you.

And to think that all I ever got was about 20 pictures from my first wedding. What a difference! [:D] Wooo hooooo!!!! (And the marriage is already better too!)


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