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BD/SM metal in the Northwest

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BD/SM metal in the Northwest - 11/14/2008 6:50:34 PM   

Posts: 3
Joined: 11/13/2008
Status: offline
Blacksmith,metal fabricator,Tig welder,interested in doing your project.Prefer stainless steel,but flexible.
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RE: BD/SM metal in the Northwest - 4/2/2009 7:33:02 AM   

Posts: 1
Joined: 8/7/2008
Status: offline

Please respond through the message board on my profile,becuase this entry of yours is not recent. Please look for Jayceclone. It'll be an honour if you have interest on my case.

As any project this one comes from a fantasy and is to become for real in a costume, actually a metallic fullsuit. I wonder if you're able to make it real: a fullsuit/body armor made of metal with flexible joints and hermetical enclosure to make a normal guy (me) achieve the silhouette of chromed fembot or t-girl-bot (the same as as a fembot, but with male genitals showing, but as an extension of the suit). This suit is to have invisible internal tubes and perforations where needed to the outside in order to allow the basic body needs and hygien and is to be designed to be worn for very long-term periods - actually as a solution to minimize/avoid bruises and things alike due the act of putting it on and taking it off.

Are you romantic, dedicated, skilled and powerfull enough to make this project real? I know this is possible because renown designes such as Thierry Mugler already did things like that, but to be worn in fashion events and just for a while. Other speciall-effects cinema artists already did similar things to attend movie productions in various films. - Why not to make it now for a fetish life-style?

Please think about it, for I was not able to load your profile on

Best regards.

[email protected]

P.S.: This is no kidding. Be adviced that even if i had the money he pament for this kind of project is to be its proper possibility and funcionalities once made real.

(in reply to youscreamncream)
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