RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (Full Version)

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NorthernGent -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/25/2008 1:27:12 PM)



In the grand scheme of things somebody spending twenty minutes of their work day on Collarme just doesn’t match up with, let us say, taking billions of dollars from the government to save your sorry ass and then celebrating in a luxury spa.  Send the mob after them bastards! 

Every company has its’ own rules and regulations.  Employees can either abide by them or not.

It goes without saying, but this isn't the issue.

The issue is this: act responsibly toward your customers. In the event someone wants to spend 20 minutes a day on collarme, then make it known in the marketing campaign so that the customer can make an informed choice. Information in the public domain, Marc.

No use crying about the execs when others aren't upfront with their customers. It's simply more of the 'something for nothing', irresponsible business practice that is ultimately self-defeating.

Timesamyth -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/25/2008 7:26:42 PM)

The majority of my English class was in the library, researching topics for an argumentative piece. We were spread throughout the library in those individual little cubicle deals, the ones where you can't really see who is coming up to you. For some reason when I thought of sophistication and argumentative my thoughts were directed to CM. I figured I was in a fairly isolated big deal. I got into the reading, so much so that I didn't even hear my professor come up from behind. I jumped out of my chair when he started talking though, which resulted in an echoed jump from him. It was a little awkward.

marie2 -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/25/2008 7:28:28 PM)

God almighty, NG, loosen your collar already.  It's not going to kill you.

Shiroka -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/25/2008 8:30:28 PM)

i dont worry about posting anywhere from work, i work from home so it doesnt matter what sites i look at or for how long lol

Aneirin -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 7:20:17 AM)

Ooops, I just tried to access CM at college on their computers, I got a big red and yellow flashing screen to say this was a banned site, now IT will know I tried to access 'porn', as  they have my log in.

But I am ready for them.......

For I use this forum and others to bounce ideas around for my understanding of issues brought up as part of my college course. Kinky is not an indication that forum users are thick, it is my experience that there exists a high level of intelligence in these places.

Oh and my college know I am Kinky, for it is in my art work, it is my inspiration.

Why search books and other publications when by virtue of them being published and on library shelves, they are in fact out of date.

GreedyTop -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 7:26:37 AM)

have I mentioned I love that pic, Aneirin?  (btw, the Pirate corrected me.. I've been pronouncing it wrong...LOL)

Timesamyth -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 9:46:54 AM)

Your college won't even let you access CM? I remember when I first got to my school the first thing I saw posted was in the public computer lab was the go-ahead for any sexual content (even though CM isn't really porn); It basically said anyone could look at porn and wank off provided no one noticed you doing it. They worded it funny though. I wish I had stolen that paper before someone else did.

NuevaVida -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 10:41:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Timesamyth

Your college won't even let you access CM? I remember when I first got to my school the first thing I saw posted was in the public computer lab was the go-ahead for any sexual content (even though CM isn't really porn); It basically said anyone could look at porn and wank off provided no one noticed you doing it. They worded it funny though. I wish I had stolen that paper before someone else did.

Many organizations ban websites by how the website is classified on the web. So, the banning software isn't scanning sites you launch, searching for sexual content, they check a box to ban the "adult content" classification, and CollarMe falls into that category.

Marc2b -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 10:56:28 AM)


It goes without saying, but this isn't the issue.

The issue is this: act responsibly toward your customers. In the event someone wants to spend 20 minutes a day on collarme, then make it known in the marketing campaign so that the customer can make an informed choice. Information in the public domain, Marc.

No use crying about the execs when others aren't upfront with their customers. It's simply more of the 'something for nothing', irresponsible business practice that is ultimately self-defeating.

I still think you’re taking this too far.  Let it be known in a marketing campaign what employees do on their break?  Really now.  Should the marketing campaign mention how many times employees took a bathroom break?  After all, that cuts into company time.  The Dodge Ram, made by workers who really, really, really need to take a piss.  Somehow that doesn’t sound like a good sell to me.  Granted, taking a piss is a legitimate human function and isn’t in the same league as perving profiles on Collarme when you are supposed to be doing your job, but that’s a discipline problem for the company.  Advertising that your employees are lazy fuck-ups kind of goes against the whole idea behind advertising.  Besides, if a company is lax in such matters, and has increased cost – and thus increased prices – as a result, market forces are still in play.  If the competition has lower prices (because it has a more disciplined work force) then the lax discipline company will suffer as a result.  As for those who do purchase from said company – if they are happy with the product/service they got for the price they paid (in a completely voluntary exchange), then what’s the problem?  If they wanted to pay less then they should have went to the other company.  If they didn’t know about the other company then they should have looked around some more.  The customer is not without their responsibilities in the exchange.

Edited to add:  I just perved Timesamyth's profile (and a most worthy profile for perving it is, too)  while at work.  Not going to mention it in the new ad campaign, though.

Phoenixpower -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 10:58:31 AM)

I barely look at it at work, except I am at work 3 days in a row (meaning sleep-in shifts at work) and I want to reply to someone a longer reply and I know it takes a longer amount of time to write it. Normally I just see it on my mobile-internet, which is sufficient until I get home. Also at Uni I can access it without any problems, so therefore I am not into trouble about that one. If I would have computer access on my Uni-placement I would not access there, to ensure to stay on the safe side.

NorthernGent -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 2:18:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: marie2

God almighty, NG, loosen your collar already.  It's not going to kill you.

Ah yes.....the wonderful sight of a kind woman tending to my welfare.

This sort of thing leads me to want to ask you for a dance, Marie..........nothing taxing, mind you......just a slow, contemplative, right cheek on right cheek smooch.

NorthernGent -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 2:23:59 PM)



Let it be known in a marketing campaign what employees do on their break?  Really now.  Should the marketing campaign mention how many times employees took a bathroom break? 

There's a not so subtle difference between relieving yourself at the toilet to save your colleagues the pain of having piss splashing all over their shoes, and spending idle time on a message board when there's work to be done.

Marc, opposing views and all that......let's agree to disagree.

marie2 -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 2:36:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: NorthernGent


ORIGINAL: marie2

God almighty, NG, loosen your collar already.  It's not going to kill you.

Ah yes.....the wonderful sight of a kind woman tending to my welfare.

This sort of thing leads me to want to ask you for a dance, Marie..........nothing taxing, mind you......just a slow, contemplative, right cheek on right cheek smooch.

Mmmm....Not bad... for a tight-ass.

I'm impressed.

mystickoolaid -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 2:42:19 PM)

I looked up (or tried to look up) post orgasm torture one time in the little search window at the top of the screen on firefox. I mostly got a bunch of porn links which I was not interested in... but the search terms were left in the little box... to this day my bf insists I was trying to find some kind of weird porno. LOL

Marc2b -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/26/2008 6:25:09 PM)


There's a not so subtle difference between relieving yourself at the toilet to save your colleagues the pain of having piss splashing all over their shoes, and spending idle time on a message board when there's work to be done.

Yes, I believe I noted that. 


Marc, opposing views and all that......let's agree to disagree.

Fair enough but I don’t really see it as opposing views as rather a disagreement in where to draw the lines (most arguments can be reduced to: where do we draw the lines?).  Your view comes across to me as a bit on the extreme side.  It sounds like you want companies to assure us that we are not paying for the five minutes an employee spent picking his nose (which, now that I think about it, would probably cost more than the five minutes of lost productivity).  My experience is that the answers are rarely – if ever – found in the extremes. 

NorthernGent -> RE: !!BUSTED!! Checking CollarMe at work (11/30/2008 4:59:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: marie2

for a tight-ass.

Not quite. I'm the sort of boss who will take my employees out for a meal now and again to thank them for their hard work, and will buy them drinks at Christmas to thank them for their hard work - paid for from my own salary. But, no one is fuckin around on the computer when there's work to be done.

And, no, there's no prodding around in my tight-ass.

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