RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (Full Version)

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pahunkboy -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 6:32:22 AM)

On kids.  There is no way to block the larger culture from them.  It is nearly impossible.

Diet or not-look at what people did 90 years ago.  They drank fresh water.  FLUSH the poisens and feel better.  that is a cheap way to clense the body.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 6:33:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

There is absolutely nothing beneficial about high fructose corn syrup.  Nothing.  Stay away from white flour, white rice, white sugar and dairy products.  All are poison to your body.

Dairy is poison? 

Milk is designed to fatten a calf....

I have seen the youtube video of McDonalds food.  That was the last time I ever bought anything from a fast food chain. 

Taboo4Two -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 6:41:06 AM)

Devils advocate post here....The fat passenger takes up too much space left and right and makes it uncomfortable for passengers in adjoining seats. The long legged passenger takes up too much space fore and aft and makes it uncomfortable for the passengers in front of and behind him.

So, where is the outrage towards tall, skinny people with long legs whose knees press against the back of my seat and make it impossible for me to recline? Or, who recline their seat to give them more space for their long legs and take up the space I want to use for my laptop or book in front of me.

BTW...I'm tall, fat, fly first class and voted for McCain.

justgemmie -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 8:22:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold

Here is My vote...
Any airline passenger who is making more than $250,000 per year will pay an extra surcharge to the airline and then that money will be put into a pot and the obese people who need an extra seat will have one without penalizing any of the people who are making less than that.  Sound fair?
I find it amazing that when it is something that potentially affects most people in the pocketbook (as in lots of people have the experience of purchasing or needing to purchase an airline ticket on occasion) it becomes so much more personal, and the thinking completely changes.

greetings GoddessDusty

[edited 'cause i just finished all the posts]

was written before i realized it was sarcasm >>>>>> ummm, this absolutely doesn't sound fair at all (i hope You were being sarcastic).  why should the wealthy be made to pay for the fat?  that just makes no sense.  since when should wealthy people be charged for anything simply because they're wealthy?

i still mean this however >>>>>>>>> although i'm overweight, i'm not so large as to require 2 seats.  however, if i was ,,,, since i have already accepted, directly as a result of my weight, how many different medical problems and other problems associated therewith, i should also accept the cost of an extra seat.  99% of obese people could lose weight one way or another.  if you choose not too, that's fine, i don't care.  but be prepared to accept all of the responsibilities that go with that choice.


edited to add >>>>>>>>>  if i choose to be heavy, it's my choice (yes, i'd like to lose some weight but haven't found the discipline/direction/ability/whatever to do it yet.  some of you seem very adamant that i (generic fat people i) need to change my way of eating cause you don't agree with it.  get over it.  i pay for my medical insurance (not cheap, believe me), at this point i still suffer no health problems directly related to my weight, so .....................

RainydayNE -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 8:25:43 AM)

it sounded like sarcasm to me

justgemmie -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 8:51:17 AM)



BTW...I'm tall, fat, fly first class and voted for McCain.

yay You!!! and i'm being totally sincere cause i'm tall, chubby and voted for McCain (and workin on first class [;)])


mistoferin -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 8:56:54 AM)

I know we are talking about airplanes here but....could part of this be about the seat size itself? It seems to me that several places are trying harder to get more people into the same space. Last year I flew to Florida and I know that I felt pretty the point that my knees and hips were sore when we landed. Also, Sir and I recently went to a new movie theater. I haven't been to one in at least 10 years....maybe more like 15. I was shocked at how cramped in we were. Now, while I could stand to lose 20 lbs or so...I certainly don't consider myself to be obese. I'm also only 5ft 2 so I just can't imagine how cramped I might feel if I was 6ft and 200 lbs.

rulemylife -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 8:58:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

There is absolutely nothing beneficial about high fructose corn syrup.  Nothing.  Stay away from white flour, white rice, white sugar and dairy products.  All are poison to your body.

Dairy is poison? 

Milk is designed to fatten a calf....

I have seen the youtube video of McDonalds food.  That was the last time I ever bought anything from a fast food chain. 

Wasn't there something I read about nutrition in milk?

justgemmie -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:00:42 AM)

hi mist  :)

and yes, i think so too.  i've been about the same size for probably 5 years or more, and they do seem to be tighter than i remember.

oh!  and regarding airlines again ,,,, i just remembered ,,,,, some of the airlines now offer "economy plus" which is ~ for an additional fee (no where near the cost of a second seat) you get a few inches more leg room and i think a slightly larger seat.

well wishes Aall

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:00:59 AM)

Last thing I remember reading was in 1980 kids drank twice as much milk and half as much soda. so why are they so obese if milk is bad???

rulemylife -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:03:03 AM)



Or, who recline their seat to give them more space for their long legs and take up the space I want to use for my laptop or book in front of me.

I usually just keep kneeing the back of their seats and pretend I did it subconsciously.

They usually give up and move their seats upright pretty quickly.

mistoferin -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:03:52 AM)

Aileen is right, if we were meant to consume cow's milk we would have been born baby cows. I do eat dairy in moderation because I love it...but I don't eat it thinking that it's good for me. To make matters worse there are all the lowfat and skim varieties of dairy foods. When they remove those fats they make it even less digestable to our bodies. Allergies to dairy products are probably the number one food allergy out there. Most people don't even realize though that dairy is at the root of their tummy troubles.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:08:34 AM)

quote: why are they so obese if milk is bad???...

milk (and dairy products) contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates and are heavy in saturated fat and cholesterol.  contamination with the cow's blood and pus, as well as pesticides, hormones and antibiotics doesn't help.

mistoferin -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:14:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19

Last thing I remember reading was in 1980 kids drank twice as much milk and half as much soda. so why are they so obese if milk is bad???

Because today it practically takes an act of God to get a kid to get up off his duff and do something physical.

rulemylife -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:22:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

Aileen is right, if we were meant to consume cow's milk we would have been born baby cows. I do eat dairy in moderation because I love it...but I don't eat it thinking that it's good for me. To make matters worse there are all the lowfat and skim varieties of dairy foods. When they remove those fats they make it even less digestable to our bodies. Allergies to dairy products are probably the number one food allergy out there. Most people don't even realize though that dairy is at the root of their tummy troubles.

I'm pretty sure my life has sunk to an amazing new level of boredom when I'm on a BDSM message board debating the merits of drinking milk.

But, nevertheless:

American Academy Of Pediatrics Doubles Vitamin D Recommendation ...
Oct 17, 2008 ... A new clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ...
recommendations on daily serving sizes of milk and milk products for ...$22869
Dairy foods are the main sources of calcium and vitamin D in the diets of Americans. Three 8-ounce glasses of low-fat and fat-free vitamin D-fortified milk or equivalent milk products daily, as recommended by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans ages 9 years and older, provide 90 percent of the recommended Daily Value (DV) for calcium and 75 percent of the DV for vitamin D.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:22:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

quote: why are they so obese if milk is bad???...

milk (and dairy products) contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates and are heavy in saturated fat and cholesterol.  contamination with the cow's blood and pus, as well as pesticides, hormones and antibiotics doesn't help.

Well from what I have read dairy products are very good. Yogurt which contains achidophillus is exceptionally good for you. Dairy has good quality protein. The high fat can be eliminated by getting lower fat versions. So except for people with an intolerance, dairy is good for you IMO and I never go on weight loss programs without it.

Also, no better way to ingest your necessary calcium intake for strong bones.

mistoferin -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:28:45 AM)

I have no plans to debate it. You need to do whatever feels right to will I. The American Academy of Pediatrics also says it's ok to pump children full of things like Ritalin, Prozac and Tylenol.

pahunkboy -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:30:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19

Last thing I remember reading was in 1980 kids drank twice as much milk and half as much soda. so why are they so obese if milk is bad???

Because today it practically takes an act of God to get a kid to get up off his duff and do something physical.

aint that the truth!   a day like today I would go door to door asking to shovel the snow.  and not for $20 ...what the homeowner offers, not a "demand"

eri -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:36:40 AM)

edited because I was being redundant

That sort of thing happens when you miss out on an entire page of posts ...

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Obese has right to 2 airline seats- (11/21/2008 9:44:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

I have no plans to debate it. You need to do whatever feels right to will I. The American Academy of Pediatrics also says it's ok to pump children full of things like Ritalin, Prozac and Tylenol.

And i suppose there is no good reasons or benefits to these drugs?
I have a Um with Aspergers syndrome and drugs like Concerta are a godsend to all of us.

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