Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/3/2008 11:59:03 PM)

Ok, so sometimes you end up with someone who c laims they can't speak english, when you try to speak to them,  but they tell you no I don't understand english, in perfect e nglish. If they can't speak and understand english, as they say then how in the hell do they speak it well enough to reject your attempts at talking to them?

I realize some people say that just to be an ass and avoid talking to you, but I am talking about people who're not playing hard to talk to?

If you can't speak english and you don't understand english how in the hell are you saying, in perfect english, no I can't speak english?

monywildcat -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:05:38 AM)

I am willing to bet that the person(s) in question, learned how to say "I can't speak English" in perfect English, because that is a key phrase.

Since I am a card-carrying Native American, I always get approached by folk at the local flea market, that try to speak to me in Spanish.  Hey, we are brown, we all look alike, right?  lol  But seriously.  I learned how to say to these individuals "I can't speak Spanish" in what would appear to be perfect Spanish. 

My mom who was Korean, was able to speak passing English, but I remember in my early days as a wee lass, that she would have to tell some people that she couldn't speak English, in perfect English.  Again, a key phrase when one isn't dealing with their native language. 

This prevents those of us that are not dealing with our native language, to get bombarded by a slew of words we can't understand.  Not that I, or my mom, was being an ass, but we weren't trying to elaborate on the language barrier. 

hlen5 -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:08:41 AM)

   If they live in a land that speaks English as it's official language, "I don't speak English" it's probably the first phrase they learn. It would be kind of pointless for them to say it in Russian, since I'm guessing you don't speak it. Unless they refuse to learn or refuse to assimilate into our culture, I think the kind thing to do would be to cut them some slack.
  Learning a foreign language is hard.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:23:11 AM)

No. Of course you guys were not trying to be asses, but there are some people who will feign not speaking the launguage so they don't have to speak to you.

My dad ran across this alot in germany, you try to speak to them in english, they look at you like huh? you speak to them in german then they will talk to you, but in english.


ORIGINAL: monywildcat

I am willing to bet that the person(s) in question, learned how to say "I can't speak English" in perfect English, because that is a key phrase.

Since I am a card-carrying Native American, I always get approached by folk at the local flea market, that try to speak to me in Spanish.  Hey, we are brown, we all look alike, right?  lol  But seriously.  I learned how to say to these individuals "I can't speak Spanish" in what would appear to be perfect Spanish. 

My mom who was Korean, was able to speak passing English, but I remember in my early days as a wee lass, that she would have to tell some people that she couldn't speak English, in perfect English.  Again, a key phrase when one isn't dealing with their native language. 

This prevents those of us that are not dealing with our native language, to get bombarded by a slew of words we can't understand.  Not that I, or my mom, was being an ass, but we weren't trying to elaborate on the language barrier. 

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:24:32 AM)

Well yeah if they're learning it great, I was just wondering if they don't speak english how'd they tell me they don't speak it in perfect english.

But you're right, they probably learn the key pieces they need to say to function.



  If they live in a land that speaks English as it's official language, "I don't speak English" it's probably the first phrase they learn. It would be kind of pointless for them to say it in Russian, since I'm guessing you don't speak it. Unless they refuse to learn or refuse to assimilate into our culture, I think the kind thing to do would be to cut them some slack.
Learning a foreign language is hard.

hlen5 -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:38:50 AM)

If one lives in a foreign country I consider it an obligation to try to learn the language. When I lived in Germany, I spoke some German (badly I admit). By being in the military, you can stay cloistered with your countrymen and never learn any German.

The indigenous people of an area would generally like a foreigner to make an effort to speak the tongue and generally appreciate the effort.

Edited for spelling. 

FullfigRIMAAM1 -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:40:27 AM)


No. Of course you guys were not trying to be asses, but there are some people who will feign not speaking the launguage so they don't have to speak to you
Why are you trying to speak to people who don't want to speak to you babes?   Are you in a foreign land looking for directions?    M

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:45:26 AM)

No, lol  I needed some help  and these two people were the only ones around and I asked someone something and that;s; whenI found out that they don't speak english.




No. Of course you guys were not trying to be asses, but there are some people who will feign not speaking the launguage so they don't have to speak to you
Why are you trying to speak to people who don't want to speak to you babes?   Are you in a foreign land looking for directions?    M

sirsholly -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 1:32:45 AM)

i can say i do not speak spanish in perfect spanish (i did spend alot of time in Texas so i had to say it alot). 

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 1:58:41 AM)

I can say where is santa clause and who's your daddy in spanish almost perfectly, and I don't speak spanish but I can say it cause i thought it was funny and pleased me with the way it sounded when daddy said it one day I asked him to teach me.

Now like when we're in the car on long drives for some reason I am addicted to saying Donde esta santa clause? and quen esto pappy?

ORIGINAL: sirsholly

i can say i do not speak spanish in perfect spanish (i did spend alot of time in Texas so i had to say it alot). 

Lynnxz -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 3:29:00 AM)

A couple of the guys that work for us will insist that they "Speek no Engleesh!!!" when approached by police officers, doctors, or even us when we ask who wants to go on a Home Depot run, although they are usually joking around. Manuel however, speaks such limited English that "I don't speak English" is one of his few key phrases. It prevents people from babbling on to him I guess. 

Dnomyar -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 3:43:07 AM)

Reminds me of my work. We have a lot of immigrants here. They can speak english but some of them pretend that they don't. One of them was told to do something he did not want to do. He just wanted to goof off. He told his supervisor that he didn't speak english. The supervisor called over his buddy and told him to tell his friend in spanish that he was fired.  

VirginPotty -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 12:56:31 PM)

They speak English goodly enough when you owe 'em $$!

LadyEllen -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 1:56:17 PM)

I am eternally grateful to the secondary school I attended, that I speak German pretty well.

This avoids having to have anything whatever to do with Brits abroad. Verstehe nicht goes a long way towards getting rid of them.


LinnaeaBorealis -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 1:58:00 PM)

Not necessarily, Potty.  One time I approached another driver with an offer of $20 to do something for me & he told me he didn't habla ingles.  Also, No comprende.  I find it hard to believe that anyone doesn't understand "dollars" no matter how little English they speak.  He was driving a truck in the USA.  Methinks my leg got pulled a touch.
There was a mechanic in Cali who had done some work on my truck & we had had a nice conversation.  The next time I stopped there & wanted him to work on it, he told me he didn't habla, to which I replied that I already knew that he habla'd just fine & he giggled rather sheepishly & went to fix the truck.  I think he just didn't want to walk across the lot to where it was parked.  [8|]

sirsholly -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 2:06:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: LinnaeaBorealis

There was a mechanic in Cali

does she know you are discussing her personal life, Linea?[:)][:D][:)][:D][:)][:D]

xxblushesxx -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 2:23:18 PM)

This makes me think of the times I get a manicure or a pedicure, and the people who work there start speaking amongst themselves in their own language.
I always know they're saying insulting things about me!

LinnaeaBorealis -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 2:24:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


ORIGINAL: LinnaeaBorealis

There was a mechanic in Cali

does she know you are discussing her personal life, Linea?[:)][:D][:)][:D][:)][:D]

Dontcha just love Vicodin-brain???

MrQwerty -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 2:25:21 PM)

How do you know they are Russian if you don't speak Russian? Was they drinking Vodka?[8|]

LadyEllen -> RE: Something that's been bothering me about russians and other foreign speakers. (12/4/2008 3:28:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

This makes me think of the times I get a manicure or a pedicure, and the people who work there start speaking amongst themselves in their own language.
I always know they're saying insulting things about me!

Sitting on a beach in Crete - a late booking so we hadnt chosen the place - it turned out to be chock full of Germans!

We sat there for the first two days - and the Germans were busily taking the piss out of we four Brits, at full volume since they thought we couldnt understand them.

Day three I bought Bild newspaper and sat there reading it. Things went quieter but they still didnt fully believe it and kept the insults to low volume.

Then I got up and took the paper to the nearest Abteilung of Germans (Germans abroad come in Abteilungen, like in the Wehrmacht) and asked if they'd like to have it since I'd finished with it? In German of course.

Thereafter we heard not one more comment about us.


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