Having a Real Slave (Full Version)

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aa -> Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 6:22:28 PM)

What was the last country in the world that Slavery existed in it? An African country or Asian country?

Imagine that there was a country that people can still own Slaves, is it an interesting fantasy for any body? Especially for some dominants it can be interesting to imagine about having a real slave. I think I enjoy thinking about it.

ImpGrrl -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 6:39:09 PM)



What was the last country in the world that Slavery existed in it? An African country or Asian country?

Imagine that there was a country that people can still own Slaves, is it an interesting fantasy for any body? Especially for some dominants it can be interesting to imagine about having a real slave. I think I enjoy thinking about it.

It still exists in many places - mostly illicitly, but it exists. It even exists in the US.

And no - I think it's abhorrent. My d/s focuses on *consensual* relationships - which "real" slavery is anything but.

MistressDREAD -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 6:41:44 PM)

slavery is alive and well in every country in the world today My dear aa.
be it concensual or forced and effects men, woman and children equally.

MistressDREAD -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 6:48:27 PM)

and befor anyone goes and reads aa's profile and thinks
this is weird Im sure he ment his weight at 67 kilos being
where he is originally from. ~smiles~ just an observation.
Welcome AA. To the cival and industrialized way of thought.

amayos -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 7:40:40 PM)

I have heard it said by reputable sources that slavery (especially child labor and sex and human trafficking) is more prolific now than ever before in human history. Considering there are six billion humans living on this planet, that's not so hard to believe.

As for the thought of owning a real slave—yes, it is lovely, but needn't be a thing relegated to just fantasy. In fact there are many sentient creatures out there who willingly seek to become slaves in the truest sense of the word.

LadyMorgynn -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 7:56:00 PM)

I don't think we're allowed to post links here, but google real slavery and look at the top couple of entries.


ORIGINAL: amayos

As for the thought of owning a real slave—yes, it is lovely, but needn't be a thing relegated to just fantasy. In fact there are many sentient creatures out there who willingly seek to become slaves in the truest sense of the word.

truesub4u -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 7:59:04 PM)

For long term consent, a "Slave contract" is often used. It is important to remember that BDSM "contracts" are only an agreement between consenting people and are usually not legally binding; in fact, the possession of one may be considered illegal in some areas. Slave contracts are simply a way of defining the nature and limits of the relationship and are not intended to carry legal force.

And knowing all we know from history... why would anyone want to own someone that doesn't want to be there?

thetammyjo -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 8:06:00 PM)

Plus, from my point of view (slavery is one of those historical things I study) as much work as a consensual owner-slave relationship can be, it was so much more work historically or if you perfer non-consensually.

I mean, think about it, to own someone you must either keep them in a state of fear of you or the state, enforce that fear, OR have someone who is a generational slave and to whom such fear is almost ingrained. As an owner in these systems you could never truly relax or trust your slaves who could (and did) do things to harm you, your property, and each other as a way to lash out at their condition. When you see how owners and the state punished slaves and how they talked about legal and social conditions, it becomes clear that in fact the masters were often operating under fear of any potential slave uprising.

I, as a consensual slave owner, never worry about being poisoned, having my house damage, or having Fox harm himself to get away from me nor do I have to employ people or rely on the government to help me maintain my ownership of him. I have earned his service and his devotion; as long as I am worthy of it, he will remain mine. That's something I'm hard pressed to believe any historical slave owner could say.

But oh, yes, PS, it can still be a very hot fantasy!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 9:01:43 PM)

Oh the idea of being raised as a courtesan from an early age...or some spoiled bride to a far off baron...or some court entertainer, sure.

But of the 95% of slaves in history who did back breaking work with no choice at all? No not really much desireable.

OscarHargraves -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 9:16:07 PM)

May I suggest a trip to the Middle East? A little romp around Saudi Arabia or up the Gaza and into Jordan? India, or maybe Pakistan? Maybe you'd prefer the other direction..... Try Korea, Thailand, Viet Nam or good ol' mainland China. You think slavery would be neat? Take a look at people there. Many of them are true slaves living in poverty and filth with little to eat and no clean water. Their efforts, their thoughts and their lives aren't worth as much as you carry in your wallet to eat at McDonald's. Travel around the world and see what others have and how they exist (I wouldn't call it living) and you'll better understand why so many risk their very lives to sneak across our borders for a chance to work as a cleaning lady in a motel or a clerk in a 7 to 11 here in America.

Oops! I fell up onto my soapbox again. Sorry........

LadyMorgynn -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 9:22:31 PM)

I have lived in Saudi. Slavery has been illegal there for a long time. Jordan doesn't have slaves. It has hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians there however which doesn't help the standard of living, no fault of either the Jordanians or the Palestinians, and a bit fault to the rest of the world. Gaza and West Bank have millions in worse conditions than many slaves.... the world likes to call them refugee camps but in fact they are actually concentration camps that would make Mussolini proud. Not what anyone would call consensual.

But of course, nobody cares about those people. They're more expendable than even those living nonconsentually as slaves.

<mounting on MY soapbox>


ORIGINAL: OscarHargraves

May I suggest a trip to the Middle East? A little romp around Saudi Arabia or up the Gaza and into Jordan? India, or maybe Pakistan? Maybe you'd prefer the other direction..... Try Korea, Thailand, Viet Nam or good ol' mainland China. You think slavery would be neat? Take a look at people there. Many of them are true slaves living in poverty and filth with little to eat and no clean water. Their efforts, their thoughts and their lives aren't worth as much as you carry in your wallet to eat at McDonald's. Travel around the world and see what others have and how they exist (I wouldn't call it living) and you'll better understand why so many risk their very lives to sneak across our borders for a chance to work as a cleaning lady in a motel or a clerk in a 7 to 11 here in America.

Oops! I fell up onto my soapbox again. Sorry........

MistressDREAD -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/28/2005 10:49:43 PM)

And You fell [[up]] so gracefully OscarHargraves

endentured servents
are also slaves in the
truest sence of the
word as they work
to pay off their freedom
not only around
on the other side of
the world but right
here legally in the
good ol US of A.
Men, Woman n children
I might add.

Take a walk onto a sugarcane
field in south florida,
a watermellon field in georgia,
a tobaco farm in the carolinas
a peanut farm in alabama,
a cotton farm in louisiana.
or a apple orchard in Canada
and youll find endentured servents
who work for field leads all
year just to pay for the right
to leave the group with many
even being illigal to the country
they are working in and only end
up in the hands of immagration
to be sent back home and start
over the circle of endenturment
again to gain freedom. I love
My concensual slaves.

Morgaine289 -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 1:13:28 AM)



slavery is alive and well in every country in the world today My dear aa.
be it concensual or forced and effects men, woman and children equally.

What she said.

ExistentialSteel -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 2:35:28 AM)

Oscar, your perceptions of some of those countries may be a bit dated.

I was an Army officer for 20 years and lived in Jordan and Korea for long periods a few years ago. Today, both of those places have a high standard of living and, in many ways, societies that are better off than ours. You can walk down city streets in both of those places at late night without fear. There is little crime.

As far as the standard of living, you would be surprised at how both of those countries have recovered from their past hardships and now have very comfortable living conditions. If you visit Seoul, Korea or Amman, Jordan, you will notice the luxury, but bring plenty of money because hotels and things are not cheap for visitors.

I’m a patriotic, conservative, American, but I’m the first to admit, there is much more poverty and division of wealth in this country. Slavery, to me, is busting your butt in a low paying job and paying credit card companies 15%.

JohnWarren -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 5:10:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Oh the idea of being raised as a courtesan from an early age...or some spoiled bride to a far off baron...or some court entertainer, sure.

But of the 95% of slaves in history who did back breaking work with no choice at all? No not really much desireable.

Yup, it's like all those people who wish they lived back "in the days of chivalry" and forgetting that most of the people back then lived little better than animals.

happypervert -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 7:48:43 AM)


[sarcasm ON]
Yeah sure, sounds like lots of fun.
[sarcasm OFF]

LadiesBladewing -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 8:02:35 AM)


Imagine that there was a country that people can still own Slaves, is it an interesting fantasy for any body? Especially for some dominants it can be interesting to imagine about having a real slave. I think I enjoy thinking about it.

I've thought about this, ever since my introduction to Gor -- about what it might be like to live in a world where slavery was expected, visible, accepted and legal. I think, though, that even in that world, I would not be the Owner who would be happy with involunatary slavery. I -like- the fact that those who choose to serve with us do -choose-... that they have made a decision about their lives, and that decision is to yield that life up in service. I value that in a way that I could never feel good about owning someone who did not choose to be in that life, and whose drive and ambition was to be free of the burden of belonging to someone else against his or her will.

It is for this reason that I do not use the term "slave" when referring to those who serve us. "Slave", to me, implies that sense of this being something outside of the person's control... that being in this kind of service wasn't something that he or she went looking for, begged for, and eventually, yielded him or herself up to. That concept degrades both of us, I think. I -like- knowing, and reminding our servants, that they made a -decision-, with consequences, and the consequence of the decision is that they now live in service, and have indentured that life to our House.

Just my thoughts.
Lady Zephyr

nephandi -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 8:22:42 AM)

Well firstly there is a diferance between slaves as in a human being owned by another and pepole that have no choice but to work for a pay that will not even cover their food needs becouse it is the only thing they got, it may be a smal differance, but it is a diferance. i know of no cotries in the world where actual slavery is alowed, though ilegal slavery is quite common and while it may be a nice fantasy, it is not a good thing.

LadiesBladewing -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/29/2005 8:27:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi

Well firstly there is a diferance between slaves as in a human being owned by another and pepole that have no choice but to work for a pay that will not even cover their food needs becouse it is the only thing they got, it may be a smal differance, but it is a diferance. i know of no cotries in the world where actual slavery is alowed, though ilegal slavery is quite common and while it may be a nice fantasy, it is not a good thing.

*nodding* Those are called "wage slaves"... so dependent upon the paycheck that they are unable to seek out a better life, because they live so close to the edge that even the brief "break" to try to find something better than what they have would drive them into destitution.

Unfortunately, because of the extension of credit in our culture, this "wage slave" line has gotten very high. There are many people making a perfectly good income who hate what they are doing, but cannot stop what they are doing to find work that they love or cannot afford the pay-cut that would come with finding a place to work that they believe in, because they are so deeply in debt that to do so would leave them and those who depend on them destitute.

A sad statement on our culture's "invisible" enslavement of one another. "I owe my soul to the Company Store."

Lady Zephyr

Rubyb -> RE: Having a Real Slave (12/30/2005 3:51:06 PM)

Is it an interesting fantasy?

Sure. Fantasy is anything we want to make it.
No one ever needs to get sick, grow old, go to the bathroom, whatever.

We can enjoy the fantasy all we want, it's so much better than reality
for a non-con slavery relationship.


ORIGINAL: happypervert


After reading Happypervert's suggest link, here's another eye opener:

The US Gov does a report every year on the illegal trafficking of persons.


...No country is immune...

These data showed that, of the estimated 600,000 to 800,000 men, women, and children trafficked across international borders each year, approximately 80 percent are women and girls and up to 50 percent are minors. The data also illustrate that the majority of transnational victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation. With a focus on transnational trafficking in persons, however, these data fail to include millions of victims around the world who are trafficked within their own national borders.

The alarming enslavement of people for purposes of labor exploitation, often in their own countries, is a form of human trafficking that can be hard to track from afar. It may not involve the same criminal organizations profiting from transnational trafficking for sexual exploitation; more often individuals are guilty of, for example, enslaving one domestic servant or hundreds of unpaid, forced workers at a factory.

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