Posts: 23574
Joined: 11/6/2005 From: Northern (yet still part of the South) Virginia Status: offline
Hib, the bewbage factor was at maximum density today. Any more and we may have had to knock out a wall, I swear. *from the thread I started... to consolidate it to one* Wow... it was the nicest and silliest brunch I can remember. This afternoon, DaddyBoo and I went to Philly to meet sunshinemiss and purepleasure. It was so awesome. We talked and ate and goofed off with each other, and talked my beloved DB into staying to eat with us, rather than go off to His own devices. We told Him that He was more than welcome to join us, and the over-abundance of cleavage that was to be had at the table.   How could He resist? We tried to keep the references to people to their screen name or given name only, as to prevent confusion for our token male. I loved all the squishy, big bewbie hugs that we exchanged, and I think the other girls enjoyed the Big Daddy hugs. *yummy* We both had fun, laughing and chatting about any and everything with these two beautiful women. The hawtness factor at the table was set to "10" today. It sizzled. Thanks, gals! It was a blast. ~ Red & "DaddyBoo" (IntenseMaster)
< Message edited by Daddysredhead -- 12/28/2008 5:25:12 PM >
Founding Member, Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's Do not challenge me to a battle of wits & come to fight unarmed. Are you really that stupid? ~ Bless your heart 13th doughnut