Dildos and chastity (Full Version)

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DominaSusan -> Dildos and chastity (1/12/2009 9:05:13 PM)

Had to post about this new experience. So my slave is in chastity-the CB3000. Tonight we played for about an hour and then I put him in a Dildo with a harness for some pleasure (mine). I love to tease and torment him, saying “I can come and you can’t”.  Apparently that is not entirely so, as he actually had an organism while pleasuring me with the Dildo. Has this every happened to you? Was this milking or real ‘man juice’? In any event, it sure was a heck of a good evening.  

Underumam -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 3:04:50 AM)

Domina Susan. It was quite a few years ago for me, but yes, having an orgasm was indeed very simple and required little stimulation. I remember one of the first times I was ever touched by a woman, all she did was stroke it a couple of times and then POW!!  It happened..lol.  I've never been in chastity,(nor does it sounds appealing), but it's quite possible it was "real man juice" as you call it.  You might've stumbled upon the fountain of youth!  :)

beeble -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 12:40:45 PM)


DominaSusan wrote:
So my slave is in chastity-the CB3000. Tonight we played for about an hour and then I put him in a Dildo with a harness for some pleasure (mine). I love to tease and torment him, saying “I can come and you can’t”.  Apparently that is not entirely so, as he actually had an organism while pleasuring me with the Dildo. Has this every happened to you?

I've orgasmed several times in the CB3000.  It's not very pleasurable (I guess that trying to get hard inside the CB restricts the urethra) but it's definitely an orgasm.  After this had happened a few times, I got used to the idea that it only stops me from getting hard and not coming without permission is still my responsibility, even when I'm wearing the CB.  Now I know to relax a bit if things start getting very tense down there, accidents are much rarer.  I did find that, the more restrictive I made the CB, the more I came in it: the one time I tried the shortest possible pin, I came the second I even thought about getting hard.  I now wear it with the longest pin and a fairly lose ring, though the ring is more for comfort: I found it painful to be turned on for more than fifteen minutes or so, with the next-tighter ring.

But it's still not fool-proof.  A couple of weeks ago, I actually had a wet dream while wearing the CB3000.  All I can remember of the dream was that Kita purred, `Come, baby.  Come now,' in my ear and I woke up coming.  Except that I decided that I'd only dreamt I'd had an orgasm until, dozing off again, I realised I was lying in a puddle. That weirded me out a bit but, I must admit to being insanely pleased that, even in my dreams, I only come with my Mistress's permission.


(Apologies for the change of Mistress-name.  She decided she'd had enough of using a different nick here from everywhere else.  It felt kinda weird writing `Imajican'; I've never actually known her by that name.)

Kita -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 2:38:45 PM)

I think it should be mentioned that "several times" is probably in fact maybe 6 in the last 13 months. I wouldn't want anyone thinking it happens "often" and I would have to go back a fairly long time to figure out when the last time was prior to the dream.

I've had very little to do with the technical aspects of the cb3000 so far as what spacers/ring he uses. As we don't use it as any form of "punishment"  (well, other than the points, but that's for suffering, not "punishment," and I decide which he wears and when) he's been given a blanket green flag to have it fit how it feels best. I think it'd be fairly impossible for somebody other than the wearer to try and size it since having it fit improperly is more likely to cause accidents and the like which would lead to ill feelings for all. I know beeble feels *bad* when he has accidents so reducing the probability of him having one by having his cb fit properly is best for all involved. Early on there was a lot more adjusting for fit, but I think he's used the same set-up for at least 9 months.

As for the dreamy bit, after that happened I told him he could come in his dreams as long as he had permission. I think it's one of the hottest ways a boy can have an accident: locked in his cb and coming during a dream where his Owner has "whispered" her permission. *purr*

CdnExplorer -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 3:12:56 PM)

I don't really consider it an accident to have a wet dream. It's not something you can have any control over, any more than I can have control over my heart beating. I'm not sure from the way the original post describes the situation, but I see a lot of people describe any kind of fluid emission from the penis as an orgasm. That's pretty much not true at all. When a guy is excited, and especially when he has been denied for a while, his prostate will swell up with fluid...and with enough pressure some will leak out. Prostate milking is the same thing, fluid release without the climax. It's also true that ejaculation and orgasm are different things, and with practice and strong kegels it's possible to have multiple orgasms with one ejaculation.

This dildo...was it one of the types that goes over the cock? If so, I'd say it likely was an actual orgasm. Only he can tell you if he actually got off though. It should be easy enough to make the distinction between "Uh oh, something came out of my penis" and "Oh my god that felt amazing".

beeble -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 3:32:22 PM)


CdnExplorer wrote:
This dildo...was it one of the types that goes over the cock? If so, I'd say it likely was an actual orgasm. Only he can tell you if he actually got off though. It should be easy enough to make the distinction between "Uh oh, something came out of my penis" and "Oh my god that felt amazing".

I'd assumed he was still in the CB3000 plus a strap-on harness, though the OP was rather vague.  Certainly, when I've come in the CB, the sensation has been neither `Uh oh, something came out of my penis' nor `Oh my god that felt amazing'.  It was definitely an orgasm but it wasn't really very pleasurable.


Kita -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 4:47:38 PM)


CdnExplorer wrote:
I don't really consider it an accident to have a wet dream. It's not something you can have any control over...

I don't either (and I should've put it in quotation marks the first time, really.) I found it very arousing that he only had one in his dream/"dream" while I was giving him permission. Apparently he can't have control over it, but I can [;)]


CdnExplorer wrote:  
I'm not sure from the way the original post describes the situation, but I see a lot of people describe any kind of fluid emission from the penis as an orgasm. That's pretty much not true at all.

Oh I'm certainly aware of the different ways fluid may come out of a penis. I, for one, very much like watching ruined orgasms. The idea of cum dribbling out of a cock without there being any orgasm is wickedly delicious in my book. I think beeble is the one who started calling that "making cum" since that's all there is to it when it's fully 'ruined'. The thought of him still being hard-cocked and _wanting_ to come after having produced ejaculate and then either ceasing the activity or just allowing him edges or ruins after certainly adds a good deal of spice to T&D activities *purr*


CdnExplorer wrote:
It's also true that ejaculation and orgasm are different things, and with practice and strong kegels it's possible to have multiple orgasms with one ejaculation.

Indeed. I have dealt more in multiple ejaculations and one orgasm, though. We haven't explored milking really. I like the control of stroking him and bringing him to the edge or just over it enough to ruin. All in all we've done more external play than internal (we're 4500 miles apart, we don't have enough time together irl to do everything, but hopefully we'll have a change in proximity 'soon') but it's certainly on the list.

suessub -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 6:21:56 PM)

Domina Susan's slave here. Thought I would jump in, since Lady Kita and beeble have made this a fun couples thread (thanks!).

It was a dildo attached to a strap-on harness. And it definitely was an orgasm. But damn it felt weird. Not "bad" weird, and not like the pure frustration of a ruined orgasm. And more than milking. But not the satisfying release a proper unrestricted one. One of the odd things was being aware of all the sensations as they happened, like an outside observer to it all.

Lockit -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 6:39:45 PM)

LOL... thank you for this thread and the timing of it!  I was working in a lil play time frustration recently... and will continue until I have my curiosity sated and results I want.  I kind of want to blow his mind with an experience like this.  I think he thinks it won't happen! hehe 

CdnExplorer -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 6:49:28 PM)

There's a possibility that I learned about from a local guy here who is pretty much an anatomy expert. Apparently it is possible to have an orgasm by stimulating the spermatic cords that attach to the testes. If the base of the dildo was low enough it could have reached those, since they go up past the cock into the body. He's described doing this by vibration and through direct electrical stimulation, and manually squeezing them during stimulation to increase the "power" of your orgasm. Did you feel an odd pressure / almost aching around your balls / groin at all? That's how I'd describe the sensation when you squeeze that cord.

Perhaps you were able to get a little stimulation there from the base of the dildo, and managed to squeeze the prostate a little during the thrusting action. If it was swollen enough, it might have caused some emission to go along with the odd sensation.

DominaSusan -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 7:25:28 PM)

Hi Lockit   You must report back on how your play session goes. I think I will experiment with this a bit more. It was so very different from anything I’ve done and rather a strange way of dominating, but not bad. I’ve also been thinking of electrical stimulation.

Lockit -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 8:32:06 PM)

LOL... I love the mind fuck of a situation sometimes... I love bringing him to a place he hasn't been or never thought of or thinks could never be.  I want him to think... omg... she is going to do what with that or ummm mistress... this won't work... I um.. umm... whoa mistress!  Woohoo... I see it very differently now! lol  I love when the eyes if not blind folded go big and look back at me... just makes me more devious! lol

I think what you did was fantastic!  I am enjoying reading about it... and I may have some new thing to try too!

Although I can't go into detail at the moment... because he does read the friggin boards... maybe later! hehe

Kita -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/13/2009 10:08:55 PM)


CdnExplorer said:
There's a possibility that I learned about from a local guy here who is pretty much an anatomy expert. Apparently it is possible to have an orgasm by stimulating the spermatic cords that attach to the testes. If the base of the dildo was low enough it could have reached those, since they go up past the cock into the body. He's described doing this by vibration and through direct electrical stimulation, and manually squeezing them during stimulation to increase the "power" of your orgasm. Did you feel an odd pressure / almost aching around your balls / groin at all? That's how I'd describe the sensation when you squeeze that cord.

In the department of stimulating "cock tricks," my spouse can actually do this by making a fist with one hand and placing it against the base of his penis, take his other hand and wrap it around the wrist of the fisted hand (for leverage), and pressing in towards his skin and down towards his feet (basically making his penis stand really upright.) He'll do it several times over the course of a few minutes (press, push, hold, repeat... but slowly.) He said he learned to do it when he was a teenager in order to not get sore from stroking. He usually does that until the orgasm is imminent and then gives it a couple strokes at the head to finish off. 

I think it's fascinating to watch, but given my apparent penchant for edging and ruining and all these things, I doubt anybody is surprised ;)

@Susan & suessub:

We've looked at those harnesses online, before. They look interesting enough, but I think we've settled on the cockgag harness instead (the type with an O-ring and lots of straps around the head. Very sturdy)  Not only do I get to have him in a very submissive position (well, as it's on his face he has to be 'down low' anyway ;) but I get to sexualize his face (something I love) and there's no risk of stimulating anything I don't want stimulated, then *grin*

beeble -> RE: Dildos and chastity (1/14/2009 12:46:17 AM)


suessub wrote:
It was a dildo attached to a strap-on harness.

I can imagine that causing enough nudging and humpy-type action on the CB to make me come.


One of the odd things was being aware of all the sensations as they happened, like an outside observer to it all.

Yeah, I find that, too.  Right from the initial moment of realising I've gone over the edge where, for what seems like forever, I know I'm going to come and I can't stop it.


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