You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly ofBO (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly ofBO (2/5/2009 6:11:21 PM)

Why is that? I wash with dove soap, and I scrub and rinse a number of times, I use cloth wash cloths,But there's still the slightest hint.

I've noticed lingering smells other times too on my partner, like even though he just had a bath and washed with soap, his crotch still smells slightly stale like pee and sweat. He uses body wash and a loofa scrubber.

I drink about 3 or 4 bottles of water a day and am carefulish of what I eat, and he well he drinks about 4 sodas a day, which equals about a case of soda a week, and he's not careful about what he eats.

I understand that what you eat can sometimes come through your pores and stink you up, like garlic and stuff, but most the time, I don't think  that is really the culprit.

Is the soap not strong enough, are we using the wrong techniques?

Rainfire -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly ofBO (2/6/2009 5:39:58 AM)

It could be a number of issues, including washing clothing, yourselves, diet/exercise and living quarters. If your clothes aren't getting clean enough in the wash (proper water temp and detergent) and you put them back on, you could still smell the odor. Do either of you smoke? Smoking adds a scent to everything as well.

If you're worried about it, I would strip-clean everything, linens and blankets on the bed and wash in hot water, Febreeze the crap out of everything, try another soap/body wash, air out the house/bedroom and wash all the clothing, several times if necessary.

You might also consider asking your doctor, just in case.

Just my two cents.....  [sm=2cents.gif]

Good luck.

sirsholly -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 5:51:53 AM)

do you bathe daily? If so, my guess would be your clothing. You can buy an odor eliminator for the laundry. I am not certain but i think Fabreeze makes one. 

VirginPotty -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 6:48:18 AM)

OP, seems to me that you have multiple issues w/BO.
Get it checked out by your Dr. instead of asking folks online.

suhlut -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly ofBO (2/6/2009 7:12:01 AM)

Years ago.. i learned a secret way of removing "scents" from clothing.. when a laudry basket of clothing that was in my closet and handnt been hung and put away yet, had been attacked by a cat..

i tried washing the clothes in regular laundry soap.. over and over..but it still smelled like cat urine..and i nearly decided to throw away all those clothes.. BUT..happened to ask my mother in law.. whom is in dry cleaning buisness... how to remove the scent.

So, she told me.. to use something called Sudsy Ammonia.. and that worked GREAT... but... its next to impossible to find now, so now i use regular bottles of plain ammonia.. or lemon scented ammonia..add in a cup or two with every load of laundry.. and it comes out of the dryer smelling sweetly of the scent of your chosen laundry soap.

Yeah..btw.. Sudsy Ammonia worked so well in removing the cat urine scent.. that i continue to still use Ammonia in my wash.. cause it works GREAT at removing scents.. like deoderant in my husbands shirts.. and any urine scents in my UM's clothing... food scents.. any scent you can imagine... from laundry. I also believe it kills any bacteria in the clothes.

So, i use bleach on my whites.. and Ammonia in any other load. Word of caution though.. ammonia smells AWFUL.. its very strong.. and no matter if it says Lemon NOT try taking a sniff... it will ALSO send off fumes when you pour it into the washing machine.. will be standing there clothes are gonna STINK like ammonia when they come back out... BUT they DONT!...

Start up washing machine.. add in laundry soap... and then ammonia.. wait till washing machine is filled and let it gyrate a few seconds.. to add in clothes. BE CAREFUL.. about the fumes though..they can nearly knock ya
Personally.. i then choose to let the clothes soak for 30 mins to an hour, before turning on the machine.

When clothes come out of dryer.. they smell great.. like whatever scent  is in laundry soap!

Also.. in another thread.. i have talked about the decision to stop buying most bottled household cleaning agents..and that i have switched to using vinegar.. either straight or mixed with water.. according to recipes found online.. well thats working great for me.. and its much cheaper.. BUT.. vinegar is ANOTHER scent remover.. and so.. i have tried it..and it DOES work at removing scents from clothes as well.

Lynnxz -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 8:16:11 AM)

Maybe it's your towels? My landladies washer has issues, and will stink up the clothes every once in a while. I just try to leave the top open as much as I can, and dump vinegar in it when it's not in use. 

SultryItalian -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 8:25:38 AM)

I tend to sweat easily, especially when I am nervous, so I use Gold Bond Medicated Powder in areas when sweat starts or where it tends to build-up. I also use a prescription strength antiperspirant/deodorant. I also wash my body several times and with a cloth washcloth, but I use Dove Exfoliating Body Wash. The beads make my skin feel soft, smooth, and keeps the dry skin in check.

suhlut mentioned vinegar in the wash and for cleaning. I also use vinegar in the wash. I also use a paste of baking soda and vinegar for sweaty arm pit stains on white shirts, or when the um gets something on her clothes. I also use vinegar for disinfecting aquarium stuff, too. Needless to say, I buy vinegar by the gallon and baking soda in the largest quantity I can find.

Lynnxz -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 9:33:51 AM)

And C thinks I make all this vinegar stuff up! [:D]

SultryItalian -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 9:39:05 AM)



And C thinks I make all this vinegar stuff up! [:D]

[:D] I've gotten loads of weird looks when I say I use vinegar in the wash or for any kind of cleaning! It's the best thing to counter-act ammonia-based fluids (like urine).

I also used it when I had rats as pets for cleaning their cage and toys, and also when I had cats.

Rainfire -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:02:08 AM)

[sm=dunno.gif]  I've used vinegar for years, that and baking soda. For a natural bleaching agent, lemon juice works wonders. If you have a garbage disposal, running a little orange or lemon through it will freshen it up. Or putting some baking soda in it and letting it sit overnight.

Vinegar is great for softening clothes too in the rinse cycle of laundry. There's no smell and it's cheap. In all the years I've used vinegar, I've never once had anything end up smelling like vinegar. [:)]

SassySarijane -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:06:05 AM)

Sounds like you washed good from what you said. If you are washing good everyday and using a clean washcloth and towell everytime then it shouldn't be a problem. Your system could be out of wack and a doctor visit might be a good thing. I have an herbal supplement I take because at one time I did have issues with it no matter how often I bathed and that combined with frequent, 1-2 or more times a day, washing and showering and using deodorant works wonders for me.

sirsholly -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:27:03 AM)


And C thinks I make all this vinegar stuff up!


And C thinks I make all this vinegar stuff up! [:D]

have a small bowl of warm vinegar ready when you are painting. It is great for removing any splatters, especially on the windows, and does not smear.

sirsholly -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:28:35 AM)


So, i use bleach on my whites.. and Ammonia in any other load.

it goes without saying...never ever mix bleach with ammonia

Aylee -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:42:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


So, i use bleach on my whites.. and Ammonia in any other load.

it goes without saying...never ever mix bleach with ammonia

Oh SURE!  Take away ALL my fun! 

sirsholly -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 10:45:42 AM)


YourhandMyAss -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly ofBO (2/6/2009 11:05:09 AM)

We don't smoke no.  When I say I still smell traces of BO, it's my skin under my armpits. after my bath..

ORIGINAL: Rainfire

It could be a number of issues, including washing clothing, yourselves, diet/exercise and living quarters. If your clothes aren't getting clean enough in the wash (proper water temp and detergent) and you put them back on, you could still smell the odor. Do either of you smoke? Smoking adds a scent to everything as well.

If you're worried about it, I would strip-clean everything, linens and blankets on the bed and wash in hot water, Febreeze the crap out of everything, try another soap/body wash, air out the house/bedroom and wash all the clothing, several times if necessary.

You might also consider asking your doctor, just in case.

Just my two cents.....  [sm=2cents.gif]

Good luck.

MsFlutter -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 11:10:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


So, i use bleach on my whites.. and Ammonia in any other load.

it goes without saying...never ever mix bleach with ammonia

wow... I read that as 'never mix bleach with ammo' [sm=anger.gif]

YourhandMyAss -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 11:28:32 AM)

I sweat a lot myself, mostly at night when I am sleeping. I'll wake up and under my breasts are soaked in sweat and so will any other flabby area be too.

I tried putting some poweder inbetween the folds where sweat gathers, and it didn't work lol. I guess I was just to moist and foldy for the powder to stick around cause no matter how well I powdered there'd be no trace of it mid day lol.


ORIGINAL: SultryItalian

I tend to sweat easily, especially when I am nervous, so I use Gold Bond Medicated Powder in areas when sweat starts or where it tends to build-up.

SassySarijane -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 11:32:04 AM)

I have used either powder with cornstarch in it or just plain cornstarch. Cornstarch works wonders. I can get sweaty like that also YHMA. I just take a wet washcloth and wipe off those areas and pat dry and use the cornstarch if it is needed.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: You ever been really sweaty and stinky took a bath washed real good but you still smell faintly (2/6/2009 11:35:30 AM)

I need to speak to my Doctor soon anyway I will mention that to her as well.

ORIGINAL: SassySarijane

Sounds like you washed good from what you said. If you are washing good everyday and using a clean washcloth and towell everytime then it shouldn't be a problem. Your system could be out of wack and a doctor visit might be a good thing. I have an herbal supplement I take because at one time I did have issues with it no matter how often I bathed and that combined with frequent, 1-2 or more times a day, washing and showering and using deodorant works wonders for me.

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