RE: online gone wrong (Full Version)

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sensura -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 8:35:21 AM)

Wonders why most everyone is blaming him.  All he wanted was closure. hmmmm


KatyLied -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 9:10:08 AM)


Wonders why most everyone is blaming him. All he wanted was closure. hmmmm

Huh?  He wanted closure from someone who has no interest in pursuing anything with him.  Isn't that "closure" enough?

weleda -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 9:51:27 AM)




Wonders why most everyone is blaming him. All he wanted was closure. hmmmm

Huh?  He wanted closure from someone who has no interest in pursuing anything with him.  Isn't that "closure" enough?

LOL, the internet is serious business.

rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 2:22:48 PM)




Wonders why most everyone is blaming him. All he wanted was closure. hmmmm

Huh?  He wanted closure from someone who has no interest in pursuing anything with him.  Isn't that "closure" enough?

Yes it is quite enough.  In terms of what's done is done.  I brought the issue here not only for sympathy,  which I got plenty of,  but also for criticism like yours.  Which I also got plenty of.   Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with or in this pathetic ass predicament.  Mooning like some school child over some unrequited emotional, short term,cyber connect.  But I have learned something out of this about myself and a bit more about what the deal is when commnicating with people here. 

Now I'm sure you'll find some way to bust me up over what I just said, that seems to be your nature. 

I can't wait to see. 

rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 2:25:24 PM)

Because when sharks smell the chum,  they cannot resist.

It's okay,  toughens me me up, you know.

Thanks for your kindness....

RedMagic1 -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 2:29:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: rastermanblu
I have learned something out of this about myself and a bit more about what the deal is when commnicating with people here.

That is what matters.  Your passive-aggressive labeling of unnamed posters (presumably including me) as sharks, when I described actions you could take to achieve objectives, is static on the line.  And if you think everyone on CM is "fucked up" in a negative way, you really have no idea what kind of people have active profiles on this site.

CalifChick -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 2:48:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: rastermanblu

Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with

Hell, I'll take a bite.  Perhaps it would be a kindness to the ladies of CM if you found other waters to navigate... ones where you didn't feel that you were fucked up, and by extension, others were fucked up as well, and that means the very ladies that you seem to want to meet. 


sirsholly -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:08:04 PM)

I wonder what the other side of this story is. were dumped. Deal with it.

RedMagic1 -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:12:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

I wonder what the other side of this story is. were dumped. Deal with it.


sirsholly -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:16:51 PM)


rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:28:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick


ORIGINAL: rastermanblu

Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with

Hell, I'll take a bite.  Perhaps it would be a kindness to the ladies of CM if you found other waters to navigate... ones where you didn't feel that you were fucked up, and by extension, others were fucked up as well, and that means the very ladies that you seem to want to meet. 


Shark.  That's what I meant.  Taking a bite that is.  You only read what I said negatively.  I actually very much appreciate the negative along with the positive,  not your's so much.  I appeciated the very fact that people where willing to chime in when I posted.  And the negative comments have a great deal of value to me as well.  It does force one to look inside and at least for me, to ask is there, could there be truth in what they strangers are saying to me.  So it forces me to look at what happend from different perspectives and that is immmensely thought provoking and valuble. 

I'm new at the online socializing scene.  I made a mistake, I don't hold it against her,  I should have known better.  I should have kept my emotions much more in check.  But for me she was a most stunning woman, and she sent me lovely poems and kisses, and who said she wanted to see me then she stopped.  I fell for her, unrealistically and lost her in the process.  For that I coudn't feel much worse.

I tend to adore the women on here and that's while I'll keep hanging around.

RedMagic1 -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:32:32 PM)

What is the positive way to read, "Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with"?

sirsholly -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:37:57 PM)


I made a mistake, I don't hold it against her,

i read all your posts and not once did i get this impression. Odd.

rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:51:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


I made a mistake, I don't hold it against her,

i read all your posts and not once did i get this impression. Odd.

Time has passed.  Some of what I learned here helped as well.  Did I feel that way three days ago?  No, not at all.  

Now I do.  Perhaps a bit of regret mixes in as well.     

rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:52:52 PM)



What is the positive way to read, "Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with"?

and dude would you please stop looking for insult when none is intended. 

RedMagic1 -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 3:56:33 PM)

What is the noninsulting way to read the words you typed, and I quoted?

sirsholly -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 4:04:22 PM)


Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with

i agree with Cali and Red. This statement is indicating that all on CollarMe are "fucked up" and i see no way to take it other than in a negative light

lusciouslips19 -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 4:06:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: sensura

Wonders why most everyone is blaming him.  All he wanted was closure. hmmmm


You think closure can come from a message board? Hmmmmmm.
WHats to close from one you've never met. Its all fantasy. Its like closure with an imaginary friend. Besides-

Closure does not come from "without"
but comes from "within".

girlygurl -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 4:11:11 PM)


Look if I were'nt fucked up, anyways I would not be here on CM to begin with

I am in no way "fucked up" and it's really unfortunate that you think this of those that are here on CM. I personally have made wonderful friends and wouldn't trade it for the world.


rastermanblu -> RE: online gone wrong (2/11/2009 4:16:42 PM)



What is the noninsulting way to read the words you typed, and I quoted?

And so fair sir you have deemed that I have insulted you.  Sir I have not but now I shall.  Why is it that you a dominant male, feel that you should be concerned with my problems with a woman.  Is this this thread not "Ask a sub..."  If I wanted your opinion, I would have certainly gone to the "ask a dom..." thread.  But here you getting into a conversation that I wish to have with submissive women,  therein lies my interest Sir,  their point of view and insights into the quandry I presented.  I have no interest in your thoughts on this subject and consider it a bit queer that you would take such interest in my life. 

Are you the defender of the realm here?  Don't make me laugh.

Perhaps I think you are a bitch and need to shut your trap where my life is concerned.

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