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Signature Lines - 8/13/2004 9:10:13 AM   

Posts: 264
Joined: 1/23/2004
From: Ontario, Canada
Status: offline
Build a thousand bridges in your lifetime, but suck one dick, are you known forever as the bridge builder?

Violet wands. They're everywhere you expect them to be. --Visa

They're always after me lil red ass. --Lucky Charms

Don't beat subs without it. --American Express

You can hear the wax drop. --Sprint

Thud Thud Sting Sting Oh what sweet pain You bring! -AlkaSeltzer

What would you do for a spreader bar? --Klondike

Sometimes you tie up the nuts, sometimes you don't. --Mounds & Almond Joy

P-A-D-D-L-E-S, paddles leave the very best...bruises. --Nestle

Get a piece of the crop. --Prudential

BDSM: The choice of a lewd generation! --Pepsi-Cola

Bottoms. They take a licking and keep on ticking. -Timex

This world's no fun. In my world, there are people in chains and you can ride around on them like ponies... Come beat the softer side of rears -Sears Roebuck-

It's a feel thing -CocaCola-

An ass is a terrible thing to waste. -NAACP-

Just what the Domme ordered -Dr. Pepper-

(close in on 3 frogs in a pond, dressed in leather teddies): S.....and.....M -Budweiser-

Smacks great. Less stinging. -Bud Lite-

Subspace Inside -Intel-

Imagine yourself down on your knees. -Mercury-

Gimme an ache, gimme an ache... -KitKat-

Know what comes between me and that paddle? Nothing -Calvin Klein-

Where's the cuffs? -Wendy's-

I don't want to hold back, I'm a Toys "R" Us Dom... -Toys 'R' Us-

You deserve a spank today -McDonald's-

He likes it. He likes it. Hey SAMmy -Life Cereal-

This is not your father's S+M -Oldsmobile-

Subs. Built damn tough. -Chrysler Plymouth Dodge-

Home of the flogger -Burger King-

The more you kneel, the more you feel -National Education Council-

It does a body good. -National Dairy Council-

(close in on a person holding a small brown egg) This is your ass. (same person holding a large colored striped Easter egg) This is your ass after a scene. Any questions? --Anti-Drug Foundation

What is a Yankee? The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.

Why does a man have a hole in his penis? To get some air to his brain.

What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? One US leader.

How can you tell when a man's had an orgasm? From the snoring.

"The only 'unnatural' sex is that which you cannot physically perform." ....Alfred Kinsey

Panties not best thing on earth, but next to best thing on earth. It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

There are two kinds of pain in the world, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

Reality is for people who don't understand ~sub space~

Kinky is using a chicken feather. Perverted is when you use the whole chicken.Edge Play is when you do piercings with the bones.


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"I never said that I could spell, but I do try my darndest to get my point across" - ND
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