New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (Full Version)

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TheHeretic -> New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 10:18:21 PM)

...Or is Congress worse than a mad monkey?

   What's your take on the cartoon?  Is it a racist shot at the President, or just a joke in bad taste about the bill? 

MasterShake69 -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 10:42:59 PM)

clearly its about congress because obama didn't write this bill he just took credit for it.

But if it was about Obama would it be racist?
I say no.

If you say yes then i would first do a google search of the words "BUSH CHIMP"   smirkingchimp is a well known liberal anti bush website and thats just one of many sites.

slaveboyforyou -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 10:43:52 PM)

I don't think the cartoonist was being deliberately racist.  But he should have known better.  It's obviously a reference to the chimpanzee attack in CT, but I don't see the humor in that.  The cartoon isn't funny, and I went through and looked at a few other cartoons this guy has drawn.  I didn't see any of them as funny.  Jokes in bad taste are fine with me, as long as they are good jokes.  He sucks; I don't know why they keep him on the payroll there. 

Vendaval -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:01:28 PM)

I think it is both.  And because I know the history of political cartoons that showed various immigrant groups and African slaves as monkeys and apes, it is very offensive.
These images are specific to Irish immigrants -

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:25:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69

clearly its about congress because obama didn't write this bill he just took credit for it.

I agree. It's stupid, and not very funny to anyone older than about 8, but it's not racist. It's a shot at congress, not the president.

MasterShake69 -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:36:51 PM)
Is this racist?
Philip SlaterNew Scientific Study Reveals Obama is a ChimpA new study reported in Science found that while chimps and orangs could count and add as well as human children, only humans were able to learn by watching others and seeing how they do things. It is now possible to understand the peculiar inability of the Obama administration to profit from the experiences of others. Prior to reading this new study I was under the mistaken impression that Obama was a parrot, because of his apparent inability to say anything about the economy except 'its in crisis', which he repeats mechanically every time the topic is raised. But now the scales have fallen from my eyes: Obama is a chimp. It seems so obvious now, watching him speak.

or is this racist?
Philip Slater New Scientific Study Reveals Bush is a Chimp A new study reported in Science found that while chimps and orangs could count and add as well as human children, only humans were able to learn by watching others and seeing how they do things. It is now possible to understand the peculiar inability of the Bush administration to profit from the experiences of others. Prior to reading this new study I was under the mistaken impression that Bush was a parrot, because of his apparent inability to say anything about Iraq except 'progress is being made', which he repeats mechanically every time the topic is raised. But now the scales have fallen from my eyes: Bush is a chimp. It seems so obvious now, watching him speak.
funny how things change when you replace obama with bush and iraq with the economy ;)

Kirata -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:46:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

I know the history of political cartoons that showed various immigrant groups and African slaves as monkeys and apes...

Historical fact is one thing, present reality is another, and projection is "the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way" [ref].

Vendaval -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:49:36 PM)

At the very least, the cartoon artist needs to be aware of that history before publishing his work and the potential for a very negative interpretation. 

slaveboyforyou -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:55:08 PM)

Ven, I'm going to have to agree with others here.  The historical portrayals of racial minorities as monkees (specifically blacks) was obvious.  It wasn't a hidden message when cartoonists of old did that.  If this guy had actually drew a cartoon of Obama as a monkey doing a tap dance, holding a banjo, with a slice of watermelon in his hand.....yeah I'd be on board with you.  But that's not what this was.  The guy referenced the recent chimpanzee tragedy, and it was in bad taste.  It was a stupid joke that wasn't humorous on any level. 

Vendaval -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/18/2009 11:57:22 PM)

Like I first stated, IMO it is repulsive on both levels, both in reference to the chimp attack and on a racial level.  It is fine if we do not agree on this completely by the way.

MasterShake69 -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 12:23:00 AM)

but nobody was repulsed when bush was compared to a chimp?

Can late night comedians make fun of Obama like they did with Bush?
or do they have to be careful and treat him with kid gloves?

Vendaval -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 12:37:17 AM)

It is not appropriate to compare George W. Bush to a chimp either.

MasterShake69 -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 12:59:19 AM)

then would a person linking there website to a bush chimp website be wrong too???

that site was linked by well over 90'% of liberal blogs and web sites.
the people who claim to have the greatest toleration of others seem to be the most intolerant.

it will be fun the next 4 years. Any insult or slight obama suffers, Bush had suffered 10 fold.  Its just a  quick google search to prove it.

Vendaval -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 1:11:48 AM)

Are you done trolling for the night yet? 

Lucylastic -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 4:35:05 AM)

I know the rigamarole about the racism stuff, but honestly the first thing I thought about the cartoon was the old adage monkeys and typewriters eventually coming up with the works of shakespeare/congress bill.
Im not surprised that it has drawn this criticism tho, it is bad taste in my opinion. which is strange cos usually I like bad taste stuff, this one just meh.

TheHeretic -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 6:56:38 AM)

        Thanks for the replies.

      My first impression of the (not all that funny, nor thought provoking) cartoon was as a shot at Congress and the stim bill.

       What I find racist is the expectation that there must be a different standard applied to President Obama than to George II, or any other President for that matter, because of his skin color.  Editorial cartoonists are supposed to walk with heavy boots.  It's in their job description.  In my view, it is those who want to shriek about this not treading lightly that are practicing racism.


thishereboi -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 7:19:40 AM)

Did you feel the same way when people referred to Bush as the chimp in charge? I think the comic was in poor taste but I don't see it as racist. It reminds me of an article where a women was having a fit because her neighbor had  refered to her kids as monkeys because they were always up in her trees. She claimed it was a racial slur while the neighbor said it was because they were always up in the tree.

hardbodysub -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 7:39:48 AM)

It's a stupid cartoon, not very funny, but it's not racist. The cartoonist was obviously saying that the stimulus package was so stupid that a chimp could have written it. I disagree with the cartoonist, and I don't think it was very funny, but nothing racist at all was implied.

Just another AORWIDE, "Assummtion Of Racism Where It Doesn't Exist". The Democrats and liberals in general are shooting themselves in the foot by making a big fuss over nothing. It's what gives ammunition to their opponents. Sure, sometimes racist references have been made using apes and monkeys. But references to apes and monkeys are frequently made, and the vast majority of them have nothing at all to do with race. For chrissake, liberals, stop wasting time on issues that only exist in your mind, and focus on the real problems. You'll get more respect from everybody that way.

rulemylife -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 7:40:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69

it will be fun the next 4 years. Any insult or slight obama suffers, Bush had suffered 10 fold.  

Poor Dubya.

How he suffered for us all.

I'm gonna miss him soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

hardbodysub -> RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... (2/19/2009 7:41:20 AM)


the first thing I thought about the cartoon was the old adage monkeys and typewriters eventually coming up with the works of shakespeare/congress bill.

That image came to me as well.

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