I'm a new Domme seeking advice (Full Version)

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sweetmocha -> I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 8:10:55 AM)

Hi all,

I'm a new Domme who is seeking advice on how to be the best Domme I can be. I have ideas, and am naturally a very controlling, dominant women, but need to know just what subs expect from a good Domme, or is it okay to just wing it! Is it okay to have the sub train me to be a good Domme? Help!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 8:13:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: sweetmocha

Hi all,

I'm a new Domme who is seeking advice on how to be the best Domme I can be. I have ideas, and am naturally a very controlling, dominant women, but need to know just what subs expect from a good Domme, or is it okay to just wing it! Is it okay to have the sub train me to be a good Domme? Help!

Life is all about winging it :) Everyone will have different expectations. Treat this just like any other relationship.

sweetmocha -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 8:23:14 AM)

Thank You Lucky...I think I was panicking!

veronicaofML -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 8:42:09 AM)

Hi all,

I'm a new Domme who is seeking advice on how to be the best Domme I can be. I have ideas, and am naturally a very controlling, dominant women, but need to know just what subs expect from a good Domme, or is it okay to just wing it! Is it okay to have the sub train me to be a good Domme? Help!

normally............i do not/ will not/ tell anyone...to go find a book,...on this lifestyle, because usually most folks have a clue about what they want...


YOU are too...unsure...of Yourself? maybe? YOU....SHOULD go find a book..
it is all about what YOU as the DOMME want...
you want a service slave?
you want a part time play subbie?
you want a sex slave?
you want_____________________x, y and z.......

YOU make up YOUR mind in YOUR heart........

then go looking for what You wish for.

and btw?

welcome to the boards

and uh?
good luck!

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 8:59:18 AM)

Welcome to the boards, sweetmocha.

I see you have nothing filled out on your profile. Depending on what you are seeking, you should have something there. Since you orient as a lesbian, you might be strictly seeking a femsub. Or perhaps you would consider a boy in the strictly D/s and service areas. I have a straight Domina friend who seeks a second slave for Her household, and she doesn't care if she finds a boy or a girl. As She says 'I can beat the ass of a female the same as a male". So it is important to put your requirements out there. Else you may be sifting through alot of superfluous mail.


I have ideas, and am naturally a very controlling, dominant women

Also, don't confuse controlling with Dominant. As a Dominant, one does need to be in control, but I do know people who are very controlling and they are not Dominant at all. They are bossy and domineering, but they need the control to feel in control. So there is a difference.

The one thing I will share is that you should be honest. There is no problem with learning from and with your submissive. Just make sure you always feel comfortable with any play. If that means finding a mentor in your area, and learning certain skills before you jump in, then do it. Take it slow, and you will be fine.

sweetmocha -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 9:00:15 AM)

Thank You Veronica,

I most certainly know what I want...so I won't be needing a book!![;)] Just a good sub/slave!

MHOO314 -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 9:45:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: veronicaofML

Hi all,

I'm a new Domme who is seeking advice on how to be the best Domme I can be. I have ideas, and am naturally a very controlling, dominant women, but need to know just what subs expect from a good Domme, or is it okay to just wing it! Is it okay to have the sub train me to be a good Domme? Help!

normally............i do not/ will not/ tell anyone...to go find a book,...on this lifestyle, because usually most folks have a clue about what they want...


YOU are too...unsure...of Yourself? maybe? YOU....SHOULD go find a book..
it is all about what YOU as the DOMME want...
you want a service slave?
you want a part time play subbie?
you want a sex slave?
you want_____________________x, y and z.......

YOU make up YOUR mind in YOUR heart........

then go looking for what You wish for.

and btw?

welcome to the boards

and uh?
good luck!

If I can add to veronica--make sure you know the difference between Dominant and domineering----huge difference that can result in disaster---

MysticalPhoenix -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 9:48:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: sweetmocha

Is it okay to have the sub train me to be a good Domme? Help!

No, although that's what they'll try and do.

Experiment and find out what you like, what you are into. It's not something that happens overnight, it's a progression, and your interests may change over time.


siamsa24 -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 9:58:07 AM)

I disagree. When I first met my partner I had been in the lifestyle for over 5 years and he was barely familiar with it. He had a tendency toward dominance, but needed help. I guided and taught him pretty much everything that he knows (although I think he does some of his own research, he has been suprising me lately). This does not make him any less dominant or me any less submissive to him. This simply means that I have more experience and know more then he does, and there is nothing wrong with that.

sweetmocha -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 10:22:59 AM)

Thanks all for the responses, they've all been very helpful.

Could you please give your definition of domineering as opposed to dominant. I hope I'm not domineering, but hell, I'm wondering now!

seaturtle50 -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 11:09:25 AM)


Could you please give your definition of domineering as opposed to dominant

It's like the difference between demanding and compelling. There is of course a place for demands (as You see fit) but to dominate one is to compel that one to (want to) obey, by Your very nature. Because of Your dominance over them.

The latter lacks arrogance.


MHOO314 -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 11:52:21 AM)

Dear Goddess, You have been silent much too long, I was sure some of these posts would draw you out before now--I am glad to see you again--

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 12:14:35 PM)

Hathor! I did have a computer crash and then was out of town for 3 weeks (holidays with family)...now I am trying to finish up with a move. Too many boxes, too little time. I am sure much has occurred while I was out of the loop, and I am trying to catch up now on these boards and get a sense of some of the newer posters.
Sorry for the temporary hijack, folks!
As you were! *S*

sweetmocha -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 12:31:30 PM)

Thank You so much for the clarification of being dominant and domineering. The latter never even occured to me until I posted my inquiry here.

I appreciate all the reply's and will be seeking out all of you wonderful womens advice in the future.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 12:35:15 PM)

Reading will help a lot...
I've read a few books, and am still winging it, but there are safe ways to wing it until you find a comfort zone. I'm still trying to find a comfort zone, but have never permanently hurt anyone.
I just picked up a book that should have been the first one I read as a domme because it's sooo basic, and think you'd like it as a newbie: The Sexually Dominant Woman by Lady Green; others I've read and liked are: Screw the Roses send me the Thorns, The Loving Dominant, The Sensual art of Female Domination, etc...
Also I found a lot of non-intimidating help AT AKASHAWEB.COM.
Welcome and enjoy, M

Real0ne -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 2:30:52 PM)

Hello Mocha,

Being a "good" domme is not as important as being a good person.

If you are a good person and have a dominate nature you will be a good domme by default.

Like any other relationship it takes two people in cooperation withone another to make things work.

How you define yourselves in that relationship is really up to you and your partner, and your partner is the "only" one in the whole wide world that needs to feel you are a good domme. not us.

So no one on this board can really tell you what a good domme is or should be, that is, beyond what all people look for in vanilla relationship, such as trust honesty etc, pretty typical stuff. and the rest is pretty much up to chemistry and how well you get along with one another and how well you can work with one another and keep each other happy or at least content.

The best advice i can give to you is to be yourself, and find a partner who is at a minimum a good partner on the vanilla side and also is a submissive to you, someone who feels comfortable with you at the helm and who is willing to give you the basic things you need in both the nilla and the ds aspects to be satisfied.

D/s is exactly like any other mainstream relationship in that it requires that both partners work in a cooperative effort to create an agreed atomosphere to live in a manner both of you dream of.

Remember being dominant is fundamentally nothing more than possessing the personality trait of a leader, and submissive is that of the follower. Thats it nothing more! All else is by personal design and preferences.

It does not mean you are better, higher, or somehow a greater human than your submissive partner and it does not mean that your sub or slave is less of a human than you are, or any other dominant for that matter. It means you are two people sharing your lives together much in the same way a puzzle fits together to create a whole picture.

In the real world however, i have known several dommes who are criminals, alcoholics, and drug or people abusers, and they proudly list themselves as "female supremicist, or "female superiority" and they are only to happy to control someones life, and i certainly will not allow myself to be led by anyone like that and you will find many of the same problems with subs out here. People are people and you have all the same garbage here that you have in the nilla world in triplicate as this way of life is a magnet for those who have an agenda or are unaccepted for some reason in the nilla world.

So basically if you live a moderately issue free life by default you will exhibit the ability to lead another without destroying them along the way. and that is a noteworthy accomplishment in itself.

i think it is very important to remember that "real" power, fosters humility, thoughtfulness and a truly caring and giving soul, not arrogance, avarice, closed hard hearts and cold souls as those who are in this for business venture, or in the case of a sub seeking to mooch off of you with nothing to give you in return.

Its important to remember that your domme nature and your subs sub nature is an exchange with one another. You exchange the energy you put in the relationship with the energy that your partner puts into it. Sharing that in a satisfactory manner to both of you will offer you a lifetime of happiness i am sure.

i think another thing to be aware of is not to over step your abilities. Move slow and at a comfortable pace for both of you, know what you can effectively and correctly control in your slaves life.

an example of what i mean by this for instance, is that last week i was talking to a domme who i have been having conversations with over the last few months. She told me she would not be my domme unless i quit my work and (flip burgers so to speak), simply because she did not understand what i do therefore i should not be doing it. Well i have 6 years of my life invested in this, and it is working, and of course i had to decline.

The moral of the story is that she like the greater majority of potentials i have met, overstepped her capabilities in understanding and made demands on me that are way beyond what i am willing to do for her. Negotiations were not an option so i had no choice but to move on. Had she taken the time to at least understand i am sure things would have been different.

So this is really no different than finding a partner in a nilla relationship with a twist if you know what i mean. Like most things in life, you will get a partner according to the way you approach going about it.

i for one want somoene i can get to know and someone who shares intimacy with me as well as D/s. Few out here willing to take the time to get to know me, to bad so sad i move on. Its a well known fact that if they do not have the time for me now then they certainy will not later.

So if you are seeking a life partner or very long term relationship dont fall into the trap that so many do out here that there are a zillion potentials and get the "so what" attitude like so many dommes do, these people have revolving doors and find their perfect sub once a month or not at all. i have observed many as they come and go on a regular basis or have been here since 2003. unfortunately it feels like i am falling into the be here forever myself even tho my needs are quite simple.

So choose your method of searching wisely as well, and search in a manner to match what you ultimately are seeking.

Always keep in mind that that controlling another bears a huge responsibility and you have to be willing to accept that. Always remember that you are sharing with each other, not the "its all about me crowd". Its about both, it takes two to be domme and sub.

Bottom line is that there are no rules here, it is whatever works for you. If you find a very experienced sub let them show you. You are no less a domme because you will control this. right?

This site is great for reading and listening to people gripe. You can get a good idea of what the subs like and dislike about dommes and form your own opinion. i think there is an ask a sub section too so you can ask a sub what they like about their dommes and what they do not like. and all that is only academic because in the end its what you and your sub likes which may be entirely different than anyone else on this site! that is the beauty of this lifestyle, that you can be totally unique.

Oh and that is smart btw not to post a profile, do your own hunting ;)

Well time for a movie and some old fashioned hot buttered popcorn!

Anyway i bid you good luck in your search and hope this helps.

the real 1

Real0ne -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 3:07:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweetmocha

Thanks all for the responses, they've all been very helpful.

Could you please give your definition of domineering as opposed to dominant. I hope I'm not domineering, but hell, I'm wondering now!

domineering is overbearing control, like an overbearing dominant, but the word could be applied to anyone who exerts or tries to exert overbearing control on someone esle and that can be domme or sub or nilla.

seaturtle50 -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 4:52:04 PM)


Remember being dominant is fundamentally nothing more than possessing the personality trait of a leader, and submissive is that of the follower. Thats it nothing more!

i like your post(s) overall RealOne, but must say - in my case i do in fact posses all of the personality traits of a leader. It is my quest as a submissive man to surrender myself and all of those traits over to Her protection and care.


Bottom line is that there are no rules here, it is whatever works for you.

Ah, Yes!! i must say that the fact that each of the participants in a D/s relationship decide what they want the dynamics of their personal relationship to be, is almost intoxicating to me. A custom relationship that fits the parties involved, without "shoulds" and "woulds" is one of the most attractive aspects of this lifestyle to me.


sweetmocha -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 5:46:27 PM)

Wow...Thank you so much for the advice. You must really be a great person to take so much time out of your day to write such a thorough response. It has helped me greatly!

Thank You

veronicaofML -> RE: I'm a new Domme seeking advice (1/25/2006 7:09:03 PM)

If I can add to veronica--make sure you know the difference between Dominant and domineering----huge difference that can result in disaster---

with ALL due respect? what do YOU call the difference?

seems in MY mind here...that it is one and the same..
bear with me a minute.
domineering..in my mind;
someone that is overbearing and demanding?
someone that calls ALL the shots..

what's the difference?

in THIS household it is the same thing.

so PLEASE......

YOUR definition?


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