RE: Why the economy is F---d (Full Version)

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JohnSteed1967 -> RE: Why the economy is F---d (6/22/2009 5:52:05 PM)

Again this is why I went from Supporting Obama to Cursing the Day he was put into office. He has not shown any real change, Just more of the same. I am sure you have heard the saying

"Like trusting a fox to guard the Hen House"

To Me it seems like that Farmer Bush went out and let all the wall street and Banker Foxes guard America's Hen House and being Foxes did what they do. Now Farmer Obama come along and instead of getting rid of the Foxes and beefing up Security around the Hen House, "Oh Gosh, Mr. Fox, I am just gonna have to buy you new and bigger Chickens to guard and promise me you won't Eat these"

Perhaps that is Simplistic and perhaps I am naive but Obama is just letting every one else make the decisions and not being a real leader. I remember when he said that he was going to start a Manhattan style project to eliminate the need for foreign oil.

If you know anything about History They took a spot out in the woods cleared the land, built a town, hired dozens of Workers, Scientist and support staff. and ushered in the Nuclear Age. HMmmm lets see if the government did that today how many instant jobs would they create??? How many people would no longer be homeless? How many loans would have to be taken out with American Banks and American Companies?

But wouldn't that have gone along way to fixing what is wrong with America and not giving money away but getting something for the money we invest?

pahunkboy -> RE: Why the economy is F---d (6/22/2009 6:44:22 PM)

McCain voted for the bail out also.  
nearly everyone who DID was reelected 2 weeks later.   

But my oh my- the election was a fun year long circus and we was pumped!       good entertainment !!!

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