RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 6:40:41 AM)

Thank you for admitting that this is a right-wing and partisan politically motivated protest. Nobody said it was illegitimate (well, except for yourself): it's just not real, and not everyone is fooled by it  :-) .

Let them play 'Lefty'. Who knows? Someone might even get victimised by the police: wouldn't that wonderful, to have a few martyrs to cry about on Fox television :-) ?

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 7:24:29 AM)

Of COURSE they're all right wingers.

Who on the left cares even the slightest about spiraling deficits... [sm=passthelube.gif]

Owner59 -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 8:42:22 AM)

How nicely that fits on a bumper sticker.

A good analogy would be a family on the verge of financial ruin because they spend say 1/4 of the family income on heating(ie,US health care costs) per year.

That family is spending a hundred percent(twice) what other households are spending to heat the home b/c there`s a section of wall missing on one side of the house and the furnace is old,outdated and out of repair.

The republicans would reason that we can`t afford to fix the wall or replace the furnace b/c they`ve spent all the household`s money and used up all the credit and there for must spend twice as much as other households to heat the place.

Get the logic?

President Obama is spending the money to repair the gaping hole in the wall and replacing the old furnace which will in the long run will save more money and pay for itself.

The republicans have been spending the household income like drunken sailors but it`s money spent to build bottomless pits  in the middle east, to throw more money into.What do they have to show for it?

What the President is doing is investing in America and American jobs.Using those investments toward things that will pay future benefits instead of frig`n Iraq.

This new found fiscal responsibility sounds a little fishy.

I don`t think it`s sincere.

kittinSol -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 9:41:02 AM)

Some lovely tea party goers - what a friendly bunch of people, concerned with the future of the next generations.

rulemylife -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 11:55:02 AM)



Of COURSE they're all right wingers.

Who on the left cares even the slightest about spiraling deficits... [sm=passthelube.gif]

You're kidding right?

After Bush came into office with a surplus and promptly turned that into a deficit with his tax cuts.

A deficit he ran every year he was in office.

Deficits that doubled the national debt during his two terms.

kittinSol -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 12:08:32 PM)

Sssshhhhh! We're not supposed to be talking about Bush, remember? That was a long time ago.

slvemike4u -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 2:13:15 PM)

Seems like just yesterday Kiittin.

Vendaval -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 2:25:04 PM)

Fast Reply -
The Boston Tea Party was really about the importation of cheap, imitation China knock-offs and second rate tea and lack of proper servants to perform their duties.  [8D]

slvemike4u -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:03:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Some lovely tea party goers - what a friendly bunch of people, concerned with the future of the next generations.
Lovely sentiments heh.

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:12:48 PM)

Yep, I disliked Bush's deficits and I clearly recall how Democrats HOWLED about them - which makes the left's absolute love and affection for the much larger Obama deficits (as well as Progressives' disdain for these Tea Parties) all the more hypocritical.

Obama's deficits are on track to beat the deficits of all other presidents COMBINED.

But that's okay, because they're OBAMAS budgets.

What total crap.


ORIGINAL: rulemylife



Of COURSE they're all right wingers.

Who on the left cares even the slightest about spiraling deficits... [sm=passthelube.gif]

You're kidding right?

After Bush came into office with a surplus and promptly turned that into a deficit with his tax cuts.

A deficit he ran every year he was in office.

Deficits that doubled the national debt during his two terms.

YoungLust -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:21:22 PM)

He's been in office for less than 3 months and inherited a mess.

Try to use some logic when you post, please.

slvemike4u -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:22:20 PM)



Yep, I disliked Bush's deficits and I clearly recall how Democrats HOWLED about them - which makes the left's absolute love and affection for the much larger Obama deficits (as well as Progressives' disdain for these Tea Parties) all the more hypocritical.

Obama's deficits are on track to beat the deficits of all other presidents COMBINED.

But that's okay, because they're OBAMAS budgets.

What total crap.

Well sanity there is the little matter of what use the money is being put to.Most of us prefer the way Obama spends the money.Call that partisan,but some of us can actually stomach deficit spending if the reasoning behind it is sound.....enriching ones friends is no justification for mortgaging our childrens future.Fixing the infrastructure,unfreezing the credit market...getting the economy on the right foot and investing in the industries of tomorrow seem to be a more prudent use of our resources.

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:49:57 PM)

He's responsible for his own budget.



He's been in office for less than 3 months and inherited a mess.

Try to use some logic when you post, please.

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:51:19 PM)

The only differences between Obama's spending and Bush's spending is that Obama is spending exponentially more money.


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u Well sanity there is the little matter of what use the money is being put to.Most of us prefer the way Obama spends the money.Call that partisan,but some of us can actually stomach deficit spending if the reasoning behind it is sound.....enriching ones friends is no justification for mortgaging our childrens future.Fixing the infrastructure,unfreezing the credit market...getting the economy on the right foot and investing in the industries of tomorrow seem to be a more prudent use of our resources.

FullCircle -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 3:59:21 PM)

People say that exponential thing without looking at what an exponential curve looks like.

It's not as straight up as they think and it can't be compared on such a short basis because we would still be at the flat part.

Why they say this, we not know[8|]

Building settlement is exponential, concrete strength is exponential, human created budgetary changes are kind of zigadyzaggy; nothing so sublime and elegant as an exponential curve turning to infinity. Economists they wish they could create something so beautiful nevah will they though.[8|]

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 4:04:46 PM)

Yeah, fine, great. Lets hijack the thread in order to haggle over fine distinctions in the meaning of the English language...


FullCircle -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 4:12:10 PM)

It's not English it is the other R: maths, keep up.[8|]

Sanity -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 4:18:18 PM)

And the math adds up to scandalous deficits which cause even Democrats to feel uncomfortable... and to reach really far for some way, any way to hijack the threads in which they're discussed.


ORIGINAL: FullCircle

It's not English it is the other R: maths, keep up.[8|]

FullCircle -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 4:26:52 PM)

You have to be part of the US electoral system to be a democrat I was simply making conversation about an observation, you are not the first person to use the term in that way.
If you are going to compare the Obama budget with the Bush one at this early stage in i.e. 3 months compared with the two term total of eight years then the exponential curve is not the best curve for your case, as it will simply say ‘no change yet, still flat’

rulemylife -> RE: Boston Tea Party Was Over A Tax Cut,Not Tax Increases (4/17/2009 4:36:43 PM)



Yep, I disliked Bush's deficits and I clearly recall how Democrats HOWLED about them - which makes the left's absolute love and affection for the much larger Obama deficits (as well as Progressives' disdain for these Tea Parties) all the more hypocritical.

Obama's deficits are on track to beat the deficits of all other presidents COMBINED.

But that's okay, because they're OBAMAS budgets.

What total crap.

They are on track to that based on Congressional Budget Office calculations.

The same CBO that predicted in 2000 a string of surpluses through 2010.

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