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RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC"

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RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 1/31/2006 10:32:40 PM   

Posts: 2895
Joined: 5/22/2004
Status: offline


Here are my thoughts:

* These are professionals and/or scammers that know that they will get a reaction if they appeal to the submissive side of men -- the harder, faster, more abrasive and demanding, the better. Easier to catch the weaker ones hook, line and sinker.

* These are men demanding fantasy material by pretending to be femdoms.

* These are honestly misguided women that think this is the way you meet, greet and approach submissive men.

Does anyone else have any ideas?


57% are men pretending to be Femdoms
20% are professionals
14% are misguided women
09% are scammers

Please don't ask how I know this, because I'm sworn to secrecy...


Honestly...have you ever gotten an email from a femdom (stranger) and it was worded aggressively, slightly demanding

Oh yes...


and did it arouse something in you and engage your interest?

Let's just say that I didn't need to walk over to the coat rack to hang my hat up...

< Message edited by subfever -- 1/31/2006 10:34:21 PM >

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 21
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 1/31/2006 10:38:45 PM   

Posts: 1
Joined: 8/5/2005
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Interesting question...

i have to admit, sometimes i find this approach is the most direct. I've known several R/L Mistresses and have become friends with many
but sometimes the social approach sets a different tone that sometimes leaves things ambigious. For those i met originally met socially,
some have, after a time, asked me to consider a permanent slave position, but by then the friendship was there but not the eroticism
and while i can be comfortably submissive around them, what we developed was a friendship, not a romance. That said, sometimes the
other approach does make me wonder if some of these people aren't from another planet, but at least - sometimes - the thought can
be very hot and that creates, at least for me, an immediate attraction. I think, hey, this sounds like a fun person and maybe we like
the same things :) The strangest thing is though, it's so difficult to find someone sort of in the middle. Someone that can be and really
loves being having the dominant role, but can also be realistic. (there are out there, just must travel in different circles i know).

Love this board.

(in reply to veronicaofML)
Profile   Post #: 22
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 12:39:31 AM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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yeh no kidding i know a homme made close to 30g+ in 1 month. she had a coupe hot clients, of course being an alchoholic binged and p*ssed all away almost as fast lol

sounds fantastic but a tru story!

Gee, I wonder why she drank so much? Could it be that living that kind of lifestyle and catering to male sub fantasies night after night after night would drive someone into drugs, alcohol or depression?

That's the point. VERY FEW pro femdoms work long enough hours/days to make a huge living. The burn out rate is so high among pro femdoms that most only do it for a few years or do it sporadically/short hours. Your earlier post with the calculations was totally ignorant. Why not do some research and find out about the real lifestyle for a pro femdom, such as:

* Cost of overhead
* Per cent of flakes/no shows
* Threat of prosecution
* Lack of career longevity or longterm outlook
* Requirement of attending parties, functions, networking in evenings
* Burn out
* Risk of health due to stalkers, wackos and other safety issues

Subs love to calculate the per/hour fee and fantasize about what it must be like to be a woman able to see clients all day long and engage in fantasy play for good money.

Pros earn every dollar they get. They should charge more money for what they do.


You know i think i am just going to sit by the wayside and let aakaska tell my story for me. Hell she knows more about my life and the people in it better than i do!!!

NO she was an alkee when she was a sub PROIR to getting into the industry. Her drinking was so bad her Dom dumped her.

Well the pro's i know personally are still doing it including her and this happened about 20 years ago roughly. Take it back one retired so far.

Yep i guess the jig is up, you really got me pegged alright!!! you are really something!! What i have no idea.

i was very close friends with 2 pro dommes,(well dated 1), oh make that 3 i forgot one. and i set up their business and accounting systems and maintained their computers, helped enter in accounting data. (thats the money they made), built furniture, helped with many scenes with clients, did photo setups and shoots, wrote articles for her magazine, on top of playing domestic slut, serving at parties and functions, and i did this for a combined total of 12 years. Oh no actually there was no meter running either way we are friends and i pretty much just hung out and putzed around there.

as far as all that itemized crap you listed i wish thats all i had to worry about. sheesh rough life for a stricken paranoia huh? i have to live with the possible threat of spilling my coffee every day.

If thats to much to handle, burger king would be a smart career move. they have a full benefit package you know, but you still have much of the same overhead like:

* Cost of buying a uniform
* Per cent of flakes/no tips
* Threat of prosecution if you rip off the till or hook
* Lack of career longevity or longterm outlook
* Burn out
* Risk of health due to stalkers, wackos and other safety issues like slipping while mopping the floor.

Overhead? what overhead? slaves buy it all, tax free. The only overhead is a part of the basement used for the dungeon and your fantastic imagination.

Cash payments never get reported to the irs, so they are ripping all of us off because no taxes are paid on the majority of the money they take in.

Did it ever occur to you that your time just might be better spent pulling your head out of yer azz rather than trying to bust mine?

Anything else you would like to spout off about me or my life or my friends?

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 1:23:49 AM   

Posts: 3251
Status: offline

To me, the totally down to earth approach *is* seductive. Man cannot live by kink alone.

Very well said.... I wholeheartedly agree. And to take it one step further..... I think we really need to take a good look at how our new lady friend fits in with our family and life-long friends.

Now... I know there are plenty of guys out there that are practically foaming at the mouth ready to tell these ladies that they don't care about anything else and they are ready to drop everything in order to be with her....

Really? I highly doubt it. Maybe a few of you would... but based on my discussions with six or seven of the quality women here.... most that would say that, lie through their teeth and live in a fantasy world.

I know that I want my friends and family to like her and be involved in our lives. And the same goes for her friends and family -- Again... it's both unhealthy and pure fantasy to believe that you, her and kink are the only occupants.

- The Ranger

< Message edited by UtopianRanger -- 2/1/2006 1:26:15 AM >


"If you are going to win any battle, you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do... the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

-General George S. Patton

(in reply to pollux)
Profile   Post #: 24
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 1:43:24 AM   

Posts: 506
Joined: 8/30/2005
From: Home of the Yankees
Status: offline






yeh no kidding i know a homme made close to 30g+ in 1 month. she had a coupe hot clients, of course being an alchoholic binged and p*ssed all away almost as fast lol

sounds fantastic but a tru story!

Gee, I wonder why she drank so much? Could it be that living that kind of lifestyle and catering to male sub fantasies night after night after night would drive someone into drugs, alcohol or depression?

That's the point. VERY FEW pro femdoms work long enough hours/days to make a huge living. The burn out rate is so high among pro femdoms that most only do it for a few years or do it sporadically/short hours. Your earlier post with the calculations was totally ignorant. Why not do some research and find out about the real lifestyle for a pro femdom, such as:

* Cost of overhead
* Per cent of flakes/no shows
* Threat of prosecution
* Lack of career longevity or longterm outlook
* Requirement of attending parties, functions, networking in evenings
* Burn out
* Risk of health due to stalkers, wackos and other safety issues

Subs love to calculate the per/hour fee and fantasize about what it must be like to be a woman able to see clients all day long and engage in fantasy play for good money.

Pros earn every dollar they get. They should charge more money for what they do.


You know i think i am just going to sit by the wayside and let aakaska tell my story for me. Hell she knows more about my life and the people in it better than i do!!!

NO she was an alkee when she was a sub PROIR to getting into the industry. Her drinking was so bad her Dom dumped her.

Well the pro's i know personally are still doing it including her and this happened about 20 years ago roughly. Take it back one retired so far.

Yep i guess the jig is up, you really got me pegged alright!!! you are really something!! What i have no idea.

i was very close friends with 2 pro dommes,(well dated 1), oh make that 3 i forgot one. and i set up their business and accounting systems and maintained their computers, helped enter in accounting data. (thats the money they made), built furniture, helped with many scenes with clients, did photo setups and shoots, wrote articles for her magazine, on top of playing domestic slut, serving at parties and functions, and i did this for a combined total of 12 years. Oh no actually there was no meter running either way we are friends and i pretty much just hung out and putzed around there.

as far as all that itemized crap you listed i wish thats all i had to worry about. sheesh rough life for a stricken paranoia huh? i have to live with the possible threat of spilling my coffee every day.

If thats to much to handle, burger king would be a smart career move. they have a full benefit package you know, but you still have much of the same overhead like:

* Cost of buying a uniform
* Per cent of flakes/no tips
* Threat of prosecution if you rip off the till or hook
* Lack of career longevity or longterm outlook
* Burn out
* Risk of health due to stalkers, wackos and other safety issues like slipping while mopping the floor.

Overhead? what overhead? slaves buy it all, tax free. The only overhead is a part of the basement used for the dungeon and your fantastic imagination.

Cash payments never get reported to the irs, so they are ripping all of us off because no taxes are paid on the majority of the money they take in.

Did it ever occur to you that your time just might be better spent pulling your head out of yer azz rather than trying to bust mine?

Anything else you would like to spout off about me or my life or my friends?

BAH... talk about gettin heads outta a$$es..

"overhead" is money used to set up a business ;)

and no..the storefront space/dungeon space isnt the ONLY overhead they would have to worry about..
your not taking into consideration ....
insurance, for both the building itself.. and to protect the owners /operators from any unfortunate events that MAY happen
communications (telephone, internet/web site, etc etc),
staffing ( i doubt you were the ONLY one working there)
not to mention assorted taxes...
the monthly lease

and last but not least.. building maintenece.. cus lemme tell ya.. i would NOT wanna be strapped to a chair/table when one of your wonderful wiring jobs catches fire.. and everyones hauling a** to save theyre own skins :D

I'm sure the accounting software you used to "enter her accounting data" was free too ... just as im sure the computers she was probably using were free ;)

btw.. im sure she just waltzed into home depot in her leather outfit.... walked down the lumber aisle, bent over a few times.. and the clerks let her walk out with hundreds/thousands of dollars in building material

and yeah.. the threat of prosecution is VERY real.. for ANY number of that means.. she MAY have had to hire a legal team.. more than likely to help write out service contracts/agreements.. cus i SERIOUSLY doubt any contract she herself wrote would stand up in court to an expirienced lawyer.. IF something should happen to one of her clients...cus im sure it wouldnt be hard to find a lawyer that would SHRED through a contract that was self written ;)

furthermore.. im reasonably (read 90%) sure that she would have to register her buisness with the govt.. regardless if most of the income was made off the now you get to add on govt taxes as well :)

Not to mention proving to the irs where this "30g" a month came from... it HAD to come from somewhere...and if she didnt/doesnt show where it came from.. i got 2 words for you..



~ Karma. Being a motherfucker since 1981 ~

Ms. Pacman was the greatest prostitute that ever lived. For 25 cents, that bitch swallowed balls 'till she died.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 25
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 1:54:39 AM   

Posts: 3251
Status: offline

i dont understand it when guys say they are not contacted by them i find that surprizing. maybe things are a changin.

I'm not saying that you are the same guy.... but about six months ago a poster with a very similar moniker to yours was posting on the board with the same ''bitch.''

If I remember correctly.... his profile was actually creative and well written until I scrolled down to the part where he was advertising to many thousands of women {and perspective cons} exactly how much money he { It was a decent chunk of change} made and his net worth in dollars and cents.

And I don't care if he was Warren Buffet in disguise.... with an army of lawyers by his side, ready to impugn the nearest con that knocked at his door...... That is absolutely the most jack-ass move one could make when putting together a profile for collarme. Heck....I'm not even sure using the term ''financially secure'' is prudent.

So if that was you.... now you know why you have all ''cons'' messaging you - If it wasn't... then there must be something else in your profile that attracts scum. I wish I could help you.

Best of luck.

- The Ranger


"If you are going to win any battle, you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do... the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

-General George S. Patton

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 6:37:01 AM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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ORIGINAL: blackpearl81
BAH... talk about gettin heads outta a$$es..

"overhead" is money used to set up a business ;)

and no..the storefront space/dungeon space isnt the ONLY overhead they would have to worry about..
your not taking into consideration ....
insurance, for both the building itself.. and to protect the owners /operators from any unfortunate events that MAY happen
communications (telephone, internet/web site, etc etc),
staffing ( i doubt you were the ONLY one working there)
not to mention assorted taxes...
the monthly lease

and last but not least.. building maintenece.. cus lemme tell ya.. i would NOT wanna be strapped to a chair/table when one of your wonderful wiring jobs catches fire.. and everyones hauling a** to save theyre own skins :D

I'm sure the accounting software you used to "enter her accounting data" was free too ... just as im sure the computers she was probably using were free ;)

btw.. im sure she just waltzed into home depot in her leather outfit.... walked down the lumber aisle, bent over a few times.. and the clerks let her walk out with hundreds/thousands of dollars in building material

and yeah.. the threat of prosecution is VERY real.. for ANY number of that means.. she MAY have had to hire a legal team.. more than likely to help write out service contracts/agreements.. cus i SERIOUSLY doubt any contract she herself wrote would stand up in court to an expirienced lawyer.. IF something should happen to one of her clients...cus im sure it wouldnt be hard to find a lawyer that would SHRED through a contract that was self written ;)

furthermore.. im reasonably (read 90%) sure that she would have to register her buisness with the govt.. regardless if most of the income was made off the now you get to add on govt taxes as well :)

Not to mention proving to the irs where this "30g" a month came from... it HAD to come from somewhere...and if she didnt/doesnt show where it came from.. i got 2 words for you..


i read your post and i nearly broke my jaw it hit the floor so hard.

Well since you wont take my word for it maybe the dictionary will help you:

o·ver·head (vr-hd)
1. Located, functioning, or originating from above.
2. Of or relating to the operating expenses of a business.
1. The operating expenses

The key work here is "operating"

Matter of fact i own a business, thanks for letting me know that.

1) yeh there is breakage insurance for when you break a cane, medical so when the mice get caught up there you can get them removed.

2) telephones? zowee you gotta be joking. everyone has a telephone anyway. clients pay for it.

3) staffing???? what staffing? usually none, occasionally a trusted friend or another slave for body gaurd purposes and or safety for the heavy players that might pass out during a session to help get them down.

4) oh geeez good one! the computers are all freebees, the software is all free the websites are free all compliments of clients, my setup all free.

5) i guess the price of a few 2x6's for andrews crosses and a bench has really gone up lately

6) yes it is, a disgruntled client can turn them in to the irs and/or if they are doing sex acts, leaving a money trail or anything else illegal that is provable in a courtroom the threat of prosecution is very real. just like you or me if we want to speed down the hiway we also have a threat of being prosecuted. as for the ones operating legally, their clients may include cops, judges etc.

7) yeh most pro dommes have the dream team on staff. bet they were terrified when oj took them away for a year.

8) Most pro dommes use part of their house or apartment as a play space and many dont even do that, they just use their house without any hardware. the pro dommes like one of my friends happened to have a huge warehouse that she rented for a rediculous price of 300 bucks per month because the guy was scene friendly. no it was not insured either.

9) service contracts and agreements??????? what freakin attorney is going to write out a service contract that isnt worth the paper its written on in a courtroom? do you actually think these slave contracts hold up in court? Even if they are written in a manner that does not include the words slave they are easily broken in court.

10) i have written several legal contracts and avidavits with clients in my business been to court a few too and they held up in court just fine. just because you dont have experience in these matters doesnt mean everyone is like you.

11) well i do have a registered business. however you can sell on ebay for the rest of your life and never register it as anything in most states. the only way you can get in trouble is if you do not pay your taxes on the sales.

12) whips toys all purchased by clients and slaves

ok now we are back to taxes.

Take a moment and think. if someone walked up to you and handed you 30g in cash money how the h is the irs going to know about it? unless of course a patriot reports you and testifies in tax court that they seen you receive the money.

you gotta think like a politition, didnt see me, didnt do it, cant prove a thing, thats my story and i a sticking to it! then you will better understand they "typical" pro domme setup. hookers and drug dealers pay taxes too right?

Then if that isnt enough some of these business guys have it set up so that some of the money they fork out is actually a partial tax deduction for entertainment expenses so you are paying for their play in lost tax revenues! to add the cherry on top of icing!

you truly are living in a dream world neo, on several levels.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 2/1/2006 8:17:48 AM >

(in reply to blackpearl81)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 7:17:44 AM   

Posts: 4429
Joined: 11/27/2004
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If thats to much to handle, burger king would be a smart career move. they have a full benefit package you know, but you still have much of the same overhead like:

* Cost of buying a uniform
* Per cent of flakes/no tips
* Threat of prosecution if you rip off the till or hook
* Lack of career longevity or longterm outlook
* Burn out
* Risk of health due to stalkers, wackos and other safety issues like slipping while mopping the floor.

Overhead? what overhead? slaves buy it all, tax free. The only overhead is a part of the basement used for the dungeon and your fantastic imagination.

Cash payments never get reported to the irs, so they are ripping all of us off because no taxes are paid on the majority of the money they take in.

Did it ever occur to you that your time just might be better spent pulling your head out of yer azz rather than trying to bust mine?

Anything else you would like to spout off about me or my life or my friends?

Wow, huge ignorance here about running a business vs. working for Burger King. You really have no idea about taxes, overhead, threat of prosecution, or anything related to the pro domme world; hell, you don't even know about how working at "Burger King" is different. Apparently you have little job experience or are not aware of any of the forms you sign when you work for an employer.

It's really funny -- the point about cash not being reported to the IRS. I sure hope you don't become an agent for a pro femdom.

I won't take your post apart piece by piece because you don't have any knowledge about the issues here. I've worked for others, as well as running my own business, and did a thorough investigation about the pros/cons of working in a dungeon before deciding that route was not for me.

You, apparently, don't even understand the realities of working at a Burger King.



Akasha's Web - All original Femdom content since 1995
Don't email me here, email me at [email protected]

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 28
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 7:53:47 AM   

Posts: 1194
Status: offline

Does anyone else have any ideas?
What do sub men think of this approach? Honestly...have you ever gotten an email from a femdom (stranger) and it was worded aggressively, slightly demanding -- and did it arouse something in you and engage your interest?

hmmmmm...let me, i haven't gotten any emails of this nature, but i have a few replies i would use:

The inteligent submissive:

well, thank You, Ma'am for considering me as Your sub/slave...but i would need time to consider Your proposal

The passive submissive:

yes, Ma' due time

The bratty submissive:

yeah, right...let me get back to You after i finish laughing...LOL


Are we having fun, yet?

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 29
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:18:57 AM   

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ORIGINAL: UtopianRanger
So if that was you....

no that was not me but thanks...

(in reply to UtopianRanger)
Profile   Post #: 30
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:22:06 AM   

Posts: 21189
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Wow, huge ignorance here about running a business vs. working for Burger King. You really have no idea about taxes, overhead, threat of prosecution, or anything related to the pro domme world; hell, you don't even know about how working at "Burger King" is different. Apparently you have little job experience or are not aware of any of the forms you sign when you work for an employer.

It's really funny -- the point about cash not being reported to the IRS. I sure hope you don't become an agent for a pro femdom.


< Message edited by Real0ne -- 2/1/2006 8:36:54 AM >

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 31
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:35:13 AM   

Posts: 506
Joined: 8/30/2005
From: Home of the Yankees
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9) service contracts and agreements??????? what freakin attorney is going to write out a service contract that isnt worth the paper its written on in a courtroom? do you actually think these slave contracts hold up in court? Even if they are written in a manner that does not include the words slave they are easily broken in court.

Wow.. so then all i gotta do is find these dommes that are your friends.. sign up for a session.. fake a heart attack, and easy living eh? seein as theres nothing stopping me from suing them.. and anything i sign "isnt worth the paper its written on" so lets see.. now that ive conned your friend outta 250k, + pain and suffering.. guess its easy living for me eh?

your the one getting your panties in a bunch.. not me..

best wishes :)



~ Karma. Being a motherfucker since 1981 ~

Ms. Pacman was the greatest prostitute that ever lived. For 25 cents, that bitch swallowed balls 'till she died.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 32
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:36:54 AM   

Posts: 1317
Joined: 11/19/2005
From: from in wisconsin
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It's really funny -- the point about cash not being reported to the IRS. I sure hope you don't become an agent for a pro femdom.

w/o opening yet one more can of worms..
lemme explain ONE MORE TIME....
my 1st domme...the one i gave $50k to? it was ALL in cash...
and not one cent was reported to ole i r s

money CAN be hidden...
just like my bud..i gave him and his other half..$3k
not one cent was reported

money is EASY to keep hidden when there is no paperwork...



cold hard cash cannot be traced...
my 1st domme--the pro..did business cash only for 30 yrs

< Message edited by veronicaofML -- 2/1/2006 8:59:57 AM >


drugs sex and rock n roll,...drugs are good and so is the rock n roll, sex is over rated"
"go straight to hell, do not pass go and do not collect $200"

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 33
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:46:56 AM   

Posts: 21189
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ORIGINAL: blackpearl81


9) service contracts and agreements??????? what freakin attorney is going to write out a service contract that isnt worth the paper its written on in a courtroom? do you actually think these slave contracts hold up in court? Even if they are written in a manner that does not include the words slave they are easily broken in court.

Wow.. so then all i gotta do is find these dommes that are your friends.. sign up for a session.. fake a heart attack, and easy living eh? seein as theres nothing stopping me from suing them.. and anything i sign "isnt worth the paper its written on" so lets see.. now that ive conned your friend outta 250k, + pain and suffering.. guess its easy living for me eh?

your the one getting your panties in a bunch.. not me..

best wishes :)


i dont recall saying "anything" you sign
i dont know about faking it but a real one, well ya never know what would happen then.
No the domme doesnt have to be one of my friends, can be any pro.

(in reply to blackpearl81)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 8:58:54 AM   

Posts: 6322
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When I hear stories about submissive men being approached online by femdoms with a huge "you are a slave, I am a femdom" demeanor, I wonder what exactly is going on. Are there women that are believing this to be true? That because she is emailing a submissive (who doesn't know her from Adam), he must immediately submit?

We (femdoms who are sincere in our desires, level headed) try and try and try to discourage sub men from addressing "all femdoms" as "Mistress," we encourage them to send level headed, non-worshipful emails as an introduction, and we suggest that the best way to approach a femdom is as a woman first and foremost -- and not to assume any role.

Meanwhile, what is going on then on the other end? Who are these women that are barking orders in the first email, or demanding submission out of the gate? Who are these women that send a total stranger an email that says, "You must respond to me within 24 hours and address me as Mistress or you will be blocked."

Here are my thoughts:

* These are professionals and/or scammers that know that they will get a reaction if they appeal to the submissive side of men -- the harder, faster, more abrasive and demanding, the better. Easier to catch the weaker ones hook, line and sinker.

* These are men demanding fantasy material by pretending to be femdoms.

* These are honestly misguided women that think this is the way you meet, greet and approach submissive men.

Does anyone else have any ideas?
What do sub men think of this approach? Honestly...have you ever gotten an email from a femdom (stranger) and it was worded aggressively, slightly demanding -- and did it arouse something in you and engage your interest?

I think the another reason might be that this "isn't real" so they can pretend to be tougher or bitchier or whatever more online. You can put on a persona online easier than you can face-to-face or ever voice-to-ear. I think some people just think its fun to act out this stereotypical role of femdom.

Note: I did put "isn't real" in quotations for a reason, not because I devalue online per se but because its an attitude I know that some folks have.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 11:34:14 AM   

Posts: 5585
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I think we really need to take a good look at how our new lady friend fits in with our family and life-long friends.

Now... I know there are plenty of guys out there that are practically foaming at the mouth ready to tell these ladies that they don't care about anything else and they are ready to drop everything in order to be with her....

Really? I highly doubt it. Maybe a few of you would... but based on my discussions with six or seven of the quality women here.... most that would say that, lie through their teeth and live in a fantasy world.

I know that I want my friends and family to like her and be involved in our lives. And the same goes for her friends and family -- Again... it's both unhealthy and pure fantasy to believe that you, her and kink are the only occupants.
Excellent advice! M


a.k.a. SexyBossyBBW
""Touching was, and still is, and will always be, the true revolution" Nikki Giovanni

(in reply to UtopianRanger)
Profile   Post #: 36
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 12:08:48 PM   

Posts: 2822
Joined: 4/11/2004
From: Arizona
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ORIGINAL: UtopianRanger


i dont understand it when guys say they are not contacted by them i find that surprizing. maybe things are a changin.

I'm not saying that you are the same guy.... but about six months ago a poster with a very similar moniker to yours was posting on the board with the same ''bitch.''

If I remember correctly.... his profile was actually creative and well written until I scrolled down to the part where he was advertising to many thousands of women {and perspective cons} exactly how much money he { It was a decent chunk of change} made and his net worth in dollars and cents.

*W* I have been having this exact thought. We seem to be on the same page here! Alas, he denies the fact of it. So there must be many boys with these same attitudes. How discouraging! *S*


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to UtopianRanger)
Profile   Post #: 37
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 5:34:48 PM   

Posts: 21189
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ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold


ORIGINAL: UtopianRanger


i dont understand it when guys say they are not contacted by them i find that surprizing. maybe things are a changin.

I'm not saying that you are the same guy.... but about six months ago a poster with a very similar moniker to yours was posting on the board with the same ''bitch.''

If I remember correctly.... his profile was actually creative and well written until I scrolled down to the part where he was advertising to many thousands of women {and perspective cons} exactly how much money he { It was a decent chunk of change} made and his net worth in dollars and cents.

*W* I have been having this exact thought. We seem to be on the same page here! Alas, he denies the fact of it. So there must be many boys with these same attitudes. How discouraging! *S*

if you are referring to me, my profile has been removed from this site for roughly a year i dont think it was even up for 2 months tops before i got fed up and pulled it, and if he read it 6 months ago its pretty obvious it was not me. my profile said nothing about money, another person or cons, and you can do a search my posts on here and again see it was not me. so now you want to paint me as denying the "fact" of it huh dusty?

Alas! i am still waiting for you to respond to my post regarding your other "facts of it" in the MHOO314 thread "When You are the One rejected".

(in reply to GoddessDustyGold)
Profile   Post #: 38
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 5:44:17 PM   

Posts: 2822
Joined: 4/11/2004
From: Arizona
Status: offline
Actually, I didn't mean to say any such thing. Since you had denied it, I was simply lamenting the fact that so many boys have the same poor attitude.
*Does not care to engage RealOne any further, in this, or any other thread*

Have a nice evening.


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 39
RE: Femdom demeanor: "Kneel at your PC" - 2/1/2006 6:08:58 PM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
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ORIGINAL: GoddessDustyGold

Actually, I didn't mean to say any such thing. Since you had denied it, I was simply lamenting the fact that so many boys have the same poor attitude.
*Does not care to engage RealOne any further, in this, or any other thread*

Have a nice evening.

Thank you for clarifying that.

(in reply to GoddessDustyGold)
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