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Lucylastic -> Poor Dick (4/21/2009 8:56:21 AM)


“I guess I’ve been concerned the way that we’ve been presented overseas,” Cheney told Fox News host Sean Hannity Monday night. Cheney said he found it “disturbing” that the new president had gone overseas and seemingly apologized for past actions of the United States"

Im sad that Mr Pres felt he had to, but he did, and it was needed. cCheney seems oblivious to how the rest of the world viewed the US in the  past 8 years or as is more than likely, he just didnt give a damn.Thank god Mr Pres  does.

SteelofUtah -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 9:05:39 AM)

Hmmmmm I disagree.

I think the act of making Appologies for the Country is not something we have given the President the Right to do. I certainly do not think we need to appologise. I believe that something needed to be done and the Commander in Chief made a judgement call....... That was then Agreed to and Followed by the Government that has to approve it before anything happens. The President does not have the ability to make the call all by himself, that is why we have a cabinet and a congress.

That being said, Our Current President does not speak for everyone and because of that making an appology for the COUNTRY is something I take as being inappropriate for the president to do. He can Appologise for himself he has no right to appologise for me.

That being said, by doing what he has done you may want to see how other countries take the Idea of an Appology. Most Middle Eastern Countries see having to appologise as being weak. Is this what we want to be showing those who have already shown a desire to wipe America off the map?

Seriously, Why in the hell is he doing this? When was he asked to do this? What purpose does it serve other than doing what "HE" thinks needs to be done without knowing how the Mass of America feels. I have lost what little respect I had for him. He is however still my President and in that I will continue to support my country behind him, but I no longer respect anything the man does or stands for, he has broken more campaign promises faster than any other president in history and in that has shown me what we are in for. America will be even more disrespected for these actions in the long run. It is sad that none of his cabinet have brought that issue to him and if they have it is even more sad that he has obviously ignored it.


rulemylife -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 9:06:44 AM)

Dick Cheney..............before he dicks you.

(sorry, an old and bad joke, but I couldn't resist)

rulemylife -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 9:11:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: SteelofUtah

Hmmmmm I disagree.

I think the act of making Appologies for the Country is not something we have given the President the Right to do. I certainly do not think we need to appologise. I believe that something needed to be done and the Commander in Chief made a judgement call....... That was then Agreed to and Followed by the Government that has to approve it before anything happens. The President does not have the ability to make the call all by himself, that is why we have a cabinet and a congress.

That being said, Our Current President does not speak for everyone and because of that making an appology for the COUNTRY is something I take as being inappropriate for the president to do. He can Appologise for himself he has no right to appologise for me.

He has no right?

I thought his election gave him that right.

Bush didn't speak for me when he said you're either with us or against us, he didn't speak for me when we attacked Iraq, yet his election gave him the right to speak for the country as a whole.

Lucylastic -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 9:16:09 AM)

Im looking at it from an outsider looking in Steel. Maybe I would feel different if I was an american. But clearly  Cheney is in denial of world views.
Radical Islam is never going to accept America or the rest of the western world, and Israel because it goes against  their radical views, not even if they  bent over and provide the lube.
There was and is a lot of anti american feeling amongst even close allies. Right or wrong. The fact that the man(Mr Pres) can or will say that there have been problems brings to a lot of people  the feeling that things might improve.
Time will tell...

slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 10:16:02 AM)

Do Cheney's views have any relevance anymore?
Did President Obama actually apologise for The United States in any speech...or did he simply allude to past problems and assert a new willingness to engage in consultation with our allies......rather than the unilateral method favored by the former administration.
Perhaps what Cheney should be bitching about is the general feeling that President Obama was clearly drawing a distinction between the way his administration will conduct business and the way the former admin. did.
That is a large step removed from apologising for the United States.

SilverMark -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 10:27:42 AM)

Ever notice the we see and hear more from Cheney now than when he was actually in office?....He sure wasn't as open when he was held accountable...

kittinSol -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 10:32:01 AM)

Cheney hates the change in policy. Cheney feels put upon because everybody is pointing the finger at his gargantuan fuckups. Cheney's pride is wounded, because Obama is attempting to rectify the diplomatic mess that Cheney left behind him the play room. Cheney hates that he didn't flush the toilet and that the White House has released those torture memos. So what does Cheney do? He whines and moans that Obama is painting over his smeared faeces. Just like a two year old.

"Cheney said he found it “disturbing” that the new president had gone overseas and seemingly apologized for past actions of the United States." Note the 'seemingly apologized': this is only about Cheney's perception - and we all know how inacurrate Cheney's perception is.  He is trying to spin this one for all that he can, but now, the whole world knows about Cheney: may he die a lonely and bitter old man.

slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 10:39:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: SilverMark

Ever notice the we see and hear more from Cheney now than when he was actually in office?....He sure wasn't as open when he was held accountable...
Hard to be accountable when you spend a goodly portion of your time in an "undisclosed location"

SteelofUtah -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 11:09:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

He has no right?

I thought his election gave him that right.

Bush didn't speak for me when he said you're either with us or against us, he didn't speak for me when we attacked Iraq, yet his election gave him the right to speak for the country as a whole.

No Election just appointed him as the Political Figurehead of the country.

And you may wanna look as how Congress works because Bush was not the one who cast the deciding vote on what where or who we attack. You give him too much credit. You have a Political Process the President cannot just up and decide you know what I'm gunna blow up France, it just doesn't work that way. As to what Bush said when he said you are with us or against us, I am sure we could play with the semantics of that all day long, ultimatly what I heard was "We won't just stand by and watch, when threatened we will fight back" however whatever he meant you are correct he did not speak for the whole of the country.

HOWEVER, Going to foreign countries and saying that we were wrong for what we did is a matter of opinion, and not one that is sharred by many in this country and as that no election did not give him that right to speak for me in fact if depending on how you read the responsibilities of the President he is supposed to maintain a pulse of the nation and even if his own beliefs differ from that of the majority he is supposed to represent the whole Country not just those who agree with the same things he does.

I do not believe America should appologise for what it has done. It went after what was believed to be a threat at the time, and not because one man thought so a majority of the congressional staff believed this as well.

I believe we did what any other country would have done considering the kind of threats we received, or do people already forget the many who died on 9/11?


slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 11:19:21 AM)

I beg to differ with you Steel,if the opinion that we were ,if not wrong,headed in the wrong direction wasn't the view point of a majority of the country.....what was the recent election about?It seems to me where we had the choice of Bush III(McCain) or a new direction (Obama) rthe electorate by choosing that new direction...repudiated the old.And did in fact elect President Obama to speak for this country to foreign audiences.If he can't...he is the first President to be operating under such a restriction.

kittinSol -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 11:25:56 AM)

Mr. A shoots Mr. B. in the eye. Mr. A 'disappears', so Mr. B's family finds Mr. C and shoots him and the rest of his family, just  because they live close by to Mr. B.

Mr. B's associates never want to apologise for the raving lunacy and for shooting Mr. C, because then they will be seen to be loosing face, and it will annoy the few peopole who were chanting for revenge and retribution at any cost and for the attack on Mr. C, to just go and kill someone, and anyone, to avenge Mr. A's death.

Eventually, a new Mr. O arrives who decides it's time for a cleanup and to actually mend the gap left by the stupid actions of the family of Mr. B. But some of them are upset and still don't want to loose face. What a civilised world.

SteelofUtah -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 11:31:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

I beg to differ with you Steel,if the opinion that we were ,if not wrong,headed in the wrong direction wasn't the view point of a majority of the country.....what was the recent election about?It seems to me where we had the choice of Bush III(McCain) or a new direction (Obama) rthe electorate by choosing that new direction...repudiated the old.And did in fact elect President Obama to speak for this country to foreign audiences.If he can't...he is the first President to be operating under such a restriction.

The Election was about a changing of the Figurhead. it is designed to happen no matter what condition America is in. This last Election was about a Necessary changing of the Figurehead as the old one did the Maximum amount of time we will allow a figurehead to do.

EXACTLY he is supposed to speak for the COUNTRY not for himself and if his views do not reflect the views of the country he should not make appology for it, nor should he make accusations about how America Feels or what America Wants.

Again as is common this is being made about a Man, This is not about Bush or Obama or McCain, this is about the responsibility of the president of the united states of america speaking out on behalf of the country in a way that does not reflect the opinions of the country as a whole. In fact I have seen outrage from people of all political stands asking why we are making appologies to people who committed or were directly attached to parties who committed acts of terrorism against our country.

As an American reguardless of who is President doing something on behalf of a country that is not in agreement is a bad judgement call, and should not be allowed.

This isn't about Right or Left of Bush or Obama this is about that fact that I am not Sorry nor are at least most of my state and many others that have already spoken out against what he is doing, That being said why does he countinue doing so? Because so far from what I have seen it hasn't been about America it has been about agenda.

Bush Had one too I know and I was against what he did too. And I spoke out about it then as well. It just seems that for as much CHANGE as I keep hearing about I keep feeling Deja Vu on a daily basis.


slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:11:00 PM)

And again I disagree...if the election was simply a matter of changing of the figurehead as prescribed by law(Bush having maxed out so to speak) the electorate,if they so chose,could have elected McCain and we would have basically continued doing business in the old tried and true method as espoused by Bush Cheney.
   The electorate rather decided to vote in change....in the person of Mr.Obama,now you can call it deja vu if you like...but as evidence of this change I give you this thread...and all the other points Republicans have been carping about for the last 90 some odd days.If it isn't "change" their bitching about.....than that means it is about personality....doesn't it?

servantforuse -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:24:35 PM)

Mr. Obama apologized for the actions of the United States for the last 45 years. He thanked Daniel Ortega for not blaming him for things that happened when he was 3 months old. Good grief.

slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:33:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Mr. Obama apologized for the actions of the United States for the last 45 years. He thanked Daniel Ortega for not blaming him for things that happened when he was 3 months old. Good grief.
Prove your assertions......

servantforuse -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:42:08 PM)

He was the next to speak after Ortegas 53 minute diatribe blaming the U S for every problem in Latin America. Those were his words.

slvemike4u -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:50:42 PM)

What....your kidding right...telling me those were his words,is what passes as proof?

ienigma777 -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 12:54:58 PM)

"...Seemingly apologized..." Bush/Cheney has left a legacy of....Being the worst administration in the history of the United States. Also as world leaders the two have proved to be the worst in world history. One poster here put it accurately, the only thing Bush accomplished was to make his father look good. ASide from the worst economic disaster the world has ever known; causing a UNILATERAL war devasting the economy of the US as well as the world; the most secret of administrations in it's tortures of 'alledged' terrorist; a president who has penned more 'presidental papers' setting law s whereas he nor any of the administration can NOT be held accountable for any alledged crimes which they may be guilty of; a president who has created the greatest policing agency to spy on it's own citizens since the SS/Gestapo.

And, you bash Mr. Obama for...'SEEMILY to apologize...according to Cheney.

Mr. Obama irked Cheney because instead of a policy of; if you are not with us, (in our empire building) we will bomb you to oblivion, ...Mr. Obama is attempting to open the arena to discussion rather than bombs.
So what is your problem?

Mr. Obama admitted wrongdoings by the US......you seem to have forgotten that the former Bush and his cabinet, administration ALL admitted they were wrong on Iraq......reported in every major news media, cover story, but the aftermath was...okay, so what.

So, now you jump on mr. Obama ????? for.....trying to do the right thing?
Man, do you know, Mr. Obama, our PRESIDENT ELECT....is married to a black woman.

Get a life.

SteelofUtah -> RE: Poor Dick (4/21/2009 1:05:45 PM)

I think this sums up what Obama Said, And to do fact check you will have to look into a few Non American Based Sources because the Quotes used were not repeated in the American Press as Much as they were in Overseas Press.



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