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Age Requirements - 8/17/2004 7:30:47 PM   

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I am asking this question because lately My email has been flooded with emails from young men requesting to be slaves or submissives.

I normally require any potential slave to be at least 35 but have accepted in the past younger but no younger than 27. I just feel that a 19 year old doesn't have a true understanding of the lifestyle. Especially now days when it's all been fantasized and they have no clue of what it is really about. Normally I suggest they do some reading on the subject before they offer themselves because that can be dangerous.

I was just curious as to any age requirements (too young, too old) that any other Dommes may have.
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/17/2004 8:55:39 PM   

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I like for there to be commonality... I dont listen to Lawerence Welk.. and I couldnt tell you who Tupac was. so yes I have age requirements.. I want someone with whom I can share a common language which includes reference material for that general understanding of what I am talking about. If a young man is 24 and we share alot in common then ok.. Im flexible.. If a older man is 55 and we share alot in common than ok Im flexible.. but generally I look at submissives btwn the ages of 30 to 45..

< Message edited by Sylverdawn -- 8/17/2004 8:56:18 PM >


“When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.” Elyane Boosler

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(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/17/2004 9:19:24 PM   

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I certainly thought it was strange that I was getting so many emails and contacts from younger men, and glad I am not the only one. Although it is quite complimentary, I tend to require males to be in their 30's and if they have no prior training, usually set them out to read up on the D/s lifestyle and come back to me at a later time. Younger ones appear to be less respectful, however than older submissives, although I do cap my age requirements at about 45. Just my own choice.



Lady Bonaventura
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/18/2004 12:18:10 AM   

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I too perfer males at least waving distance to my age. Not that I feel they are more mannered or even in some instances better trained. Simply because they are more settled, less likely to become restless and begin looking over the fence to the greener pastures....>over there. Sundew


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RE: Age Requirements - 8/18/2004 11:18:46 AM   

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Here are two earlier threads on this topic:

18 yr olds

does age matter



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RE: Age Requirements - 8/18/2004 11:26:05 AM   

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I have to say "aye" with the girls here, it's a tough call sometimes, but we have our solid lines on both ends. I got an email from an 18 year old the other day, and he said, "i've had three years training, mistress." My minimum age requirement is 35 also. However, if a 33 year old boy consistently demonstrates the desired responsibility/maturity/submission/chemistry etc. That works too. On the upper end my limit is 45, however again...if a 47 or 50 year old has some pep in his step, isn't whining and complaining constantly, and the chemistry is right, then I would seriously consider the possibility.

I'm curious to know how many other Dommes have received email from young Dom's (in the 18-30 year old range) seeking to be mentored. Has a new brood just hatched?

< Message edited by LadyBeckett -- 8/18/2004 11:28:30 AM >


Lady Beckett


"Submissive boys yearn to fall into their proper place, so the rest of their life will." ~ Lady Beckett

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RE: Age Requirements - 8/18/2004 11:52:16 AM   

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Do requests for late night phone sex in which they want to demonstrate their deep desire to be submissive to me.. count as mentoring requests??????????


“When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.” Elyane Boosler

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RE: Age Requirements - 8/18/2004 12:31:35 PM   

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I am 52 and constantly get requests from younger men for sessions. I have sessioned men from 19 to 72 years of age. For me, YMMV, in casual sessions age does not matter much. For a friendship involving ongoing sessions or consideration for a collar, age really does matter because I too need a common context for the basis of the friendship. By the way, the younger crowd seems to break down into two flavors: spank me wank me which is the majority flavor and the minority flavor realize that they are clueless and need a teacher.
Ana :)

(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/19/2004 9:54:53 PM   

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I am 47 and prefer men close to my own age. I try for at least 35 but have gone with male subs as low as 28. I use 60 as the upper cut off point. I am contacted by very young men all the time some not even legal.

Best wishes, Vivian

< Message edited by MistressVivianCA -- 8/19/2004 9:59:18 PM >

(in reply to MystressAna)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/19/2004 11:43:50 PM   

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I think it has become an epidemic among young men who are feeling their oats and guess they figure well let's try this without having a clue as to what they want. I recently was approached on yahoo by this young man who wanted to be submissive when I told him one thing I do is orgasm denial he was like for how long. He lasted 3 days and then decided he was a switch. But in the same breath said he needed a Domme to help him with his new buttplug. I put him in Ana's spank me wank me column. And ummmmm Sylver I don't quite think that those late night request count as mentoring sessions.

And Lady B I have not yet had a request from a young Domme wanting to be mentored but after some of the stuff I have seen lately would be glad to do so. Talking about subs not having a clue neither do some of the new batch of Dommes.

(in reply to MistressVivianCA)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/20/2004 2:56:45 PM   

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Age is irrelevant to me.. It is maturity that matters. While Ashton and Demi have mad the May/December romances popular, I won't deny that often times younger men want older woman to teach them everything.. give themselves to them body and soul and make them great lovers, then they use that information to so woo the girl of their dreams.. As of Next week I will be 37, I have had lovers 25 years older than me, and as young as 21. They all have their place.. Boy toys can be fun, if you can keep emotional distance.. older can be more intense in my personal opinion. Age has never been a big deal to me.. I've predominantly only dated or been involved with persons 10-15 years older than me, ever since I can remember, but as I age.. youth has it place. I know it is stereotypical of me to say that with youth comes stamina and with age comes quality, because I have known exceptions on both counts hence what matters is perspective and maturity. If it is just casual.. what difference does age make.. if it is serious.. then, it all is dependent upon how confident you are as the Domme with your life and whomever you choose to share it with.


(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/20/2004 5:50:06 PM   

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From: Scotland/Tennessee
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How interesting that you would mention that, and I have realized that I don't actually have occasion to speak with young Dommes. I generally communicate (personally) with those, like myself, who are more experienced. I can actually recall only one time that a Domme has ever requested that I mentor her. On the other hand, I get requests from males all the time.

This has brought up some other questions for me, so I'll start another thread.


Lady Beckett


"Submissive boys yearn to fall into their proper place, so the rest of their life will." ~ Lady Beckett

(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/20/2004 9:46:49 PM   

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I too receive a lot of e-mails from the under 30 crowd. Someone must be training them or they wouldn't grow into the experienced subs of 35 - 40 that we all love so much. Alas, that someone is not me. There are too many demands on my time to waste it on a sub who isn't capable of giving the service that I require.

(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/21/2004 8:35:23 PM   

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I am a Female Dominant looking for that one male submissive and I must say that age does matter. I'm 45 years old and would prefer to have common experience in regard to time. So, I figure 35 at the young end and 55 at the old end would probably work for me.

Besides, how many times would I have to say.."I am NOT his mother", if he was 20 or 21? ::smile:::

(in reply to alphadomme)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/22/2004 3:07:18 PM   

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I am 32. My span is -5 or +15. Though I will make an exception now and then. I’m most definitely not ageist.

Younger: I have found, in my experience, that most boys and girls under 27 are into it by curiosity. I was there at one time too and I try to remind myself of that when dealing with them. I may have a scene with someone younger but I won’t have one as a partner.

Older: Unlike mistresscece2u, I get contacted by a bunch of men much older then me, 45-60. I’m not sure if it’s due to the overall lack of Dommes or if they fantasize being dominated by a younger woman. I know for one man, being dominated by a girl around the age of his daughter was even more humiliating for him, therefore more of a turn on.

- LA


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(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/22/2004 4:49:21 PM   

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I have gotten some inquiries from those much younger than I am too. Since what I'm looking for is just one sub, I also tend to stick close to my own age range. Some days that's hard to do, though...some of the young ones are just so darn cute.

(in reply to mistresscece2u)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/22/2004 8:51:45 PM   

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I can consider older men, to a point. But there is something about being with a younger guy that just icks me. Sort of a robbing the craddle, corrupting youth thing. But, beyond that I just can't see what we would have to talk about. "How was school today, dear?"

At my last job a 16 year old boy started following me around like a lonely puppy. I'm almost 40 now. A friend thought I should date him. But all I could think was that we have nothing in common and our goals in life were far apart. I wanted a husband, romantic getaways and he wants to finish high school. Ick!


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RE: Age Requirements - 8/23/2004 7:54:43 PM   

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I think so...I've been getting young'uns emailing me. In fact, I just dismissed a 20 yr old slave. It was a learning experience. Though I'm a shade before my 30th b-day, I prefer the mature slave 35-45.

BlackGoddess aka Queen Janai


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(in reply to LadyBeckett)
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RE: Age Requirements - 8/24/2004 3:21:44 PM   

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From: Seattle, Washington, USA
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In my professional life, age doesn't matter as long as he is legal, so in answer to the "who trains the 20 somethings who turn into the 30 somethings we all love?" I'd hazard a guess, us ProDommes do. My youngest so far that I accepted as a prosub was 21 and I've had many in their early 20's come for training.

In my personal life, I have a very strict limit on the ages I will consider for a relationship of depth. 33-45 is it, no exceptions made, ever. I don't do gen gap crap and I want someone I can relate with. I don't care how hip the 55 year old is... or how cute the 25 year old is, had one last night barking up my tree, 24, adorable, had to pass him along to a Domme friend a bit closer in age with him. *shakes head and sighs,"boys."* She's gonna love him... *evil laughter*



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RE: Age Requirements - 8/29/2004 10:00:08 AM   

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*LOL* Wow i am SO glad i found my Mistress well we wont say how old i was :) Maybe i can show the other point of veiw here, though i doubt it, i don't usally agree with those my age, so ill show my point of veiw lol. (I'll point out now i just crawled out of bed, late play party last night) On being young and submissive...(hmm reflecting on those spoke zarathustra) As i'm sure every Dom/me has heard, "I've always felt this, it's so a part of who i am..." Yeah well it does ring very true to me and i wont go back to my first submissive memory but will say since i was 11 i have always had a wonderful "friend" who was quite a bit older then i and was a sort of Mistress without the title or the said relationship, thats just who the dynamics were, thats the deep connection we had and the strong sense of love. I moved all the time so this person changed but it's very odd who it has worked out. When i was 14 i lived with a Domme who took me in as a child of her own, i learned alot about the lifestyle during that time, she was VERY open and i got to read everything, and meet lifestyle people who came to the house, now she didn't let me play or wacth play so there was no "abuse" She was just very open with me and i've been learning ever since. I also met my Mistress at her house, who is alot older than I, and it may seem very wrong to many but i was very mature and she took a lot of time to get to know me before anything happened, i must say i did have to use every bit of cute(ness)? in my body to win her but thats not the point ;) Umm yeah im not sure where i was going but final point, I agree there are many young people who know little have little respect and claim to know all, not every young person is like that, i'm always learning always growing and gaining a new perspective in the lifestyle and in life...Its not easy to be young and submissive or dominate because our minds are always changing but i think we can make some wonderful partners when sincere....Wishing all well....back to bed or to find my keys *LOL*

(in reply to MistressZanthia)
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