RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (Full Version)

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Cagey18 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/7/2009 6:08:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Faith moves mountains.

It also makes one stare slack-jawed at FoxNews Channel. [;)]

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/7/2009 7:57:56 PM)




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


Repeat, with emphasis: The 9/11 Commission (once again) disagrees with you.  Did you neglect to read all the way to the end?  I made it big and bold above so you can't miss it.

I read it and the language was compromised from the original text in the spirit of a "bi-partisan" commission. Give me an alternative, plausible explanation for WJCs words.

Nope, not playing that game.  Already gave you the 9/11 Commission own report to explain Clinton's words.  If you have trouble comprehending how "there was no indictment outstanding" synchs up with "we had no basis on which to hold him", then you're beyond help.

I accept your concession that there is no other plausible interpretation of Clintons own words, since you cant provide one.

Cagey18 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/7/2009 8:13:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual




ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


Repeat, with emphasis: The 9/11 Commission (once again) disagrees with you.  Did you neglect to read all the way to the end?  I made it big and bold above so you can't miss it.

I read it and the language was compromised from the original text in the spirit of a "bi-partisan" commission. Give me an alternative, plausible explanation for WJCs words.

Nope, not playing that game.  Already gave you the 9/11 Commission own report to explain Clinton's words.  If you have trouble comprehending how "there was no indictment outstanding" synchs up with "we had no basis on which to hold him", then you're beyond help.

I accept your concession that there is no other plausible interpretation of Clintons own words, since you cant provide one.

I in turn accept your concession that there need be no other plausible interpretation of Clinton's own words, since I already provided one.

ModeratorEleven -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/7/2009 10:18:23 PM)

Folks, trim your quotes. 


Owner59 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 6:09:07 AM)

"I accept your concession that there is no other plausible interpretation of Clintons own words, since you cant provide one. "

We`re still waiting "for you to provide" proof that there is a liberal media bias.pssst  You saying so isn`t

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 7:53:36 AM)



"I accept your concession that there is no other plausible interpretation of Clintons own words, since you cant provide one. "

We`re still waiting "for you to provide" proof that there is a liberal media bias.pssst  You saying so isn`t

I provided the links, forget how to click on them?

popeye1250 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 10:59:43 AM)

I kind of figured there'd be problems with Hillary as Sec. of State.
She came out and said that, "I'm going to have a more "robust" foreign policy." What does that mean exactly?
Everyday she's comming out with more pronouncements and proclamations. Funny but I thought that the job was to represent the U.S. to foreign countries.
This is why I'm a big fan of *job-descriptions* in government. Evidently Hillary is trying to make the job into something that it isn't.
With a person like her we need to have strict guidelines as to what she can and can't do.
President Obama needs to keep her on a short leash otherwise he's going to have problems with her.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 12:15:54 PM)

From what I have been reading, she has been doing pretty well with the Afghanistan-Pakistan issues. I am sure once many of the immediate things are taken care of, she may be able to focus more on the Palestinian issue.

The biggest reason I posted this is because many Dems have accused me in the past of fear mongering, when I have mentioned the dangers of the Taliban or other radicals in those areas, getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Now since it is coming from Secretary Clinton, they may actually try and look into what is going on, rather than take a partisan approach of opposing anything mentioned to address the immediate dangers.

I do not have any problems so far with how she has been doing.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 1:32:01 PM)

Every step forward she makes, Dumbama takes two steps back.

Lorr47 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 9:39:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has harshly criticized Pakistan's government saying it has abdicated to the Taliban, adding the potential collapse of the Pakistani state would pose a mortal threat to global security. "

Now can we understand why no more nations should have nuclear weapons? So what if Pakistan does fall to the Taliban or the loosely confederate groups that Pakistan is facing?

"We cannot underscore [enough] the seriousness of the existential threat posed to the state of Pakistan by the continuing advances, now within hours of Islamabad, that are being made by a loosely-confederated group of terrorists and others who are seeking the overthrow of the Pakistani state, which as we all know is a nuclear-armed state," she said."

Even a progressive such as Clinton sees the danger that could occur. This is pretty strong talk, and very similar talk about another country several years ago.

After parsing the above quote of Clinton's statement, just where is she stating something that is incorrect?  I am watching an interview of the president of Afghanistan and a highly placed official of Pakistan and they are saying basically the same thing.  For weeks I have watched the so called "experts" say the same thing.  If anything, she is behind the curve.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 9:52:42 PM)




ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has harshly criticized Pakistan's government saying it has abdicated to the Taliban, adding the potential collapse of the Pakistani state would pose a mortal threat to global security. "

Now can we understand why no more nations should have nuclear weapons? So what if Pakistan does fall to the Taliban or the loosely confederate groups that Pakistan is facing?

"We cannot underscore [enough] the seriousness of the existential threat posed to the state of Pakistan by the continuing advances, now within hours of Islamabad, that are being made by a loosely-confederated group of terrorists and others who are seeking the overthrow of the Pakistani state, which as we all know is a nuclear-armed state," she said."

Even a progressive such as Clinton sees the danger that could occur. This is pretty strong talk, and very similar talk about another country several years ago.

After parsing the above quote of Clinton's statement, just where is she stating something that is incorrect?  I am watching an interview of the president of Afghanistan and a highly placed official of Pakistan and they are saying basically the same thing.  For weeks I have watched the so called "experts" say the same thing.  If anything, she is behind the curve.

He didnt say she was incorrect. The only one who is mishandling things is Blowboy.

Lorr47 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 10:46:16 PM)


He didnt say she was incorrect. The only one who is mishandling things is Blowboy.

The reason I copied OrionTheWolf's opening entry was that it contained the quotes that the replies were addressing.   I realize he was not claiming she was incorrect. I needed the quotes.

In first reading the replies, I felt that some were criticizing her for stating a truism that has been uttered by many of late. (Although in re reading the replies I have to confess some confuse me as to what they are claiming: eg, that the statement is wrong; that the statement is reckless etc.

As to your statement "That the only one who is mishandling  things  is Blowboy," I do not know who Blowboy is but will assume it refers to Obama.  If we attributed the quoted language to Obama, is that part of your allegation of mismanagement?  Does the statement somehow become incorrect because Obama now is the source? On military matters we are probably kindred spirits.  However, I would never put troops on the ground in Pakistan; been there, done that about 30 years ago and would never consent to it again.  Using air power alone will not resolve the matter.  Using air power and tactical nuclear might, but might not. The best bet would be to manuver India and Pakistan into a religious war, but who would win?  What should Obama be doing that he is not doing now?  Anything he might do would seem to weaken the main government which is the wrong thing to do.  When the experts say this is the biggest problem in the foreign affairs area in 50 years could it be because there is no answer?

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 11:20:06 PM)




He didnt say she was incorrect. The only one who is mishandling things is Blowboy.

The reason I copied OrionTheWolf's opening entry was that it contained the quotes that the replies were addressing.   I realize he was not claiming she was incorrect. I needed the quotes.

In first reading the replies, I felt that some were criticizing her for stating a truism that has been uttered by many of late. (Although in re reading the replies I have to confess some confuse me as to what they are claiming: eg, that the statement is wrong; that the statement is reckless etc.

As to your statement "That the only one who is mishandling  things  is Blowboy," I do not know who Blowboy is but will assume it refers to Obama.  If we attributed the quoted language to Obama, is that part of your allegation of mismanagement?  Does the statement somehow become incorrect because Obama now is the source? On military matters we are probably kindred spirits.  However, I would never put troops on the ground in Pakistan; been there, done that about 30 years ago and would never consent to it again.  Using air power alone will not resolve the matter.  Using air power and tactical nuclear might, but might not. The best bet would be to manuver India and Pakistan into a religious war, but who would win?  What should Obama be doing that he is not doing now?  Anything he might do would seem to weaken the main government which is the wrong thing to do.  When the experts say this is the biggest problem in the foreign affairs area in 50 years could it be because there is no answer?

No...I agree with Clinton.   Im not attributing it to Blowbama (that should clarify that issue :) ).  What I was referring to was the many missteps that he's already made regarding foreign policy, from minor blunders like bowing to apologizing for America,  being pushed around at the economic summit, coming across as Chavez' bitch, his naivete in his approach to Iran..I could go on and on.

He made one decent appointment and he should let her run foreign policy, because he is totally lost.

Owner59 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/8/2009 11:24:35 PM)

Considering most of the actual hijackers were Saudis and most of the money came from Saudis,that`s a bit lame.

Who`s side are you on,Saudi Arabia`s?

It wouldn`t surprise me.

The Saudis are not our friends.They are friends with dick and george,though.

I wonder if that`s the same sword used at public executions in Saudi Arabia? [:D]

thishereboi -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 4:06:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual




He didnt say she was incorrect. The only one who is mishandling things is Blowboy.

The reason I copied OrionTheWolf's opening entry was that it contained the quotes that the replies were addressing.   I realize he was not claiming she was incorrect. I needed the quotes.

In first reading the replies, I felt that some were criticizing her for stating a truism that has been uttered by many of late. (Although in re reading the replies I have to confess some confuse me as to what they are claiming: eg, that the statement is wrong; that the statement is reckless etc.

As to your statement "That the only one who is mishandling  things  is Blowboy," I do not know who Blowboy is but will assume it refers to Obama.  If we attributed the quoted language to Obama, is that part of your allegation of mismanagement?  Does the statement somehow become incorrect because Obama now is the source? On military matters we are probably kindred spirits.  However, I would never put troops on the ground in Pakistan; been there, done that about 30 years ago and would never consent to it again.  Using air power alone will not resolve the matter.  Using air power and tactical nuclear might, but might not. The best bet would be to manuver India and Pakistan into a religious war, but who would win?  What should Obama be doing that he is not doing now?  Anything he might do would seem to weaken the main government which is the wrong thing to do.  When the experts say this is the biggest problem in the foreign affairs area in 50 years could it be because there is no answer?

No...I agree with Clinton.   Im not attributing it to Blowbama (that should clarify that issue :) ).  What I was referring to was the many missteps that he's already made regarding foreign policy, from minor blunders like bowing to apologizing for America,  being pushed around at the economic summit, coming across as Chavez' bitch, his naivete in his approach to Iran..I could go on and on.

He made one decent appointment and he should let her run foreign policy, because he is totally lost.

Well I don't know about anyone else, but it sure clarified things for me. Nothing like some good old fashioned jr high name calling to set the mood for CM. I am going to have to assume "dumbama" wasn't a typo either. Way to impress the masses.

popeye1250 -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 11:10:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

From what I have been reading, she has been doing pretty well with the Afghanistan-Pakistan issues. I am sure once many of the immediate things are taken care of, she may be able to focus more on the Palestinian issue.

The biggest reason I posted this is because many Dems have accused me in the past of fear mongering, when I have mentioned the dangers of the Taliban or other radicals in those areas, getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Now since it is coming from Secretary Clinton, they may actually try and look into what is going on, rather than take a partisan approach of opposing anything mentioned to address the immediate dangers.

I do not have any problems so far with how she has been doing.

Orion, you just bolstered my argument. She shouldn't be getting the U.S. "involved" in "The Palistinian issue."
That's between Israel and Palistine not the U.S.
Israel blows up part of Palistine so the U.S. Taxpayers are *expected* to pony up $900m to re-build it???
This is *exactly* the type of thing that our government shouldn't be doing. Our govt. needs to remember who they're working for.
They should not be getting us involved in the internal affairs of foreign countries. Didn't we have enough of that kind of thing under Bush and Clinton?
President Obama promised us "Change", so far it's beginning to look like we're going to have "four more years of Bush policies."
Where's the beef? Where's the "Change?"

rulemylife -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 11:59:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

From what I have been reading, she has been doing pretty well with the Afghanistan-Pakistan issues. I am sure once many of the immediate things are taken care of, she may be able to focus more on the Palestinian issue.

The biggest reason I posted this is because many Dems have accused me in the past of fear mongering, when I have mentioned the dangers of the Taliban or other radicals in those areas, getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Now since it is coming from Secretary Clinton, they may actually try and look into what is going on, rather than take a partisan approach of opposing anything mentioned to address the immediate dangers.

I do not have any problems so far with how she has been doing.

I've always seen most Democrats make the exact opposite argument.

That we were fighting the wrong war and had diverted resources to Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, I've seen Republicans consistently defend the Iraq invasion while downplaying the importance of capturing Bin-Laden or Omar and claiming victory over Al-Quaeda and theTaliban.  Particularly the Bush administration itself.

Even just a few weeks ago many here were arguing against Obama's decision to send more troops to Afghanistan.

Crush -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 1:40:53 PM)


We`re still waiting "for you to provide" proof that there is a liberal media bias.pssst  You saying so isn`t

Here ya go...fully explained, contradicted, reviewed, responded, etc, etc, etc.
You don't even need to spend $10 on it.......

But then, I am a real academic and intellectual pursuer of truth, being a tenured college professor for over 25 years and all...

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 2:26:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Orion, you just bolstered my argument. She shouldn't be getting the U.S. "involved" in "The Palistinian issue."
That's between Israel and Palistine not the U.S.

I do not like involvement abroad either, but we have already been involved and assisted in creating a mess. We need to clean up these messes before we withdraw from them.

Israel blows up part of Palistine so the U.S. Taxpayers are *expected* to pony up $900m to re-build it???
This is *exactly* the type of thing that our government shouldn't be doing. Our govt. needs to remember who they're working for.

Peace in the Middle East tends to create a better economic and globally political environment. It depends on how the money is handled and what we get for it.


They should not be getting us involved in the internal affairs of foreign countries. Didn't we have enough of that kind of thing under Bush and Clinton?

Actually it goes back much further than that, and we are already involved. Finish what we are involved in, and then step away.


President Obama promised us "Change", so far it's beginning to look like we're going to have "four more years of Bush policies."
Where's the beef? Where's the "Change?"

Comments like this have been made by a few others. These comments have nothing to do with my OP. All these kind of comments do is detract. Just like all the Bush comments made by some in topics that are irrelevant.

Secretary Clinton is doing exactly the job a Secretary of State should do. Hopefully Obama will consult with her a bit more before his international meetings and such.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Secretary Clinton warns of Mortal Threat (5/9/2009 2:31:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

I've always seen most Democrats make the exact opposite argument.

Not the ones that slung it at me in these forums over the last two years. Didn't see a single person that identifies as a Dem step in to mention some of the "facts" either. Most of the time they were derailed into who created the Taliban, and who's fault it is that we have Al Queda.


That we were fighting the wrong war and had diverted resources to Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan.

That was never part of the issue with the topics I made these comments on. Also, how we are fighting the war in Afghanistan now, is differently than what we could have done in the beginning. I have mentioned before that we should not have committed resources to Iraq before finishing the Afghanistan mission.


Meanwhile, I've seen Republicans consistently defend the Iraq invasion while downplaying the importance of capturing Bin-Laden or Omar and claiming victory over Al-Quaeda and theTaliban.  Particularly the Bush administration itself.

Even just a few weeks ago many here were arguing against Obama's decision to send more troops to Afghanistan.

Yeah I tend to notice how some people positions change depending upon who says what. Hopefully everyone is more on the same page.

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