RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (Full Version)

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MrRodgers -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 1:29:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

The olman gets smarter as I age. We discussed Waco, and at one point when the question came around of who the Davidians were hurting, noone, then why, he replied "A show of force to keep the people in line".

I think that about covers it.


Wrong. The feds had a valid federal warrant to serve and were fired upon.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:17:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

It is more than just a PR blunder. It shows the Feds using their powers inappropriately, by threatening NYC officials to keep it quiet.

This is the part I find odd about this whole thing.  I've read a number of different articles about this, and like the article in this thread, they claim the FAA "ordered" the mayor's office and the NYPD to keep silent under threat of sanctions.

The only problem with that is the FAA doesn't have any legal authority to be giving directives to a city government and certainly does not have the authority to levy any type of sanctions.

Sounds to me like a lot of people are trying to cover their own ass on this one.

I have no doubt that a lot of people are doing a bit of CYA in this entire scenario.

But lets talk a bit about your assumptions:

1.  That it was solely the FAA "ordering around" the officials of NYC,
2.  That the person who said that the FAA "ordered" the city to keep quiet about the event was both telling the truth, and accurate in his comments.

First, in a thread about this subject which was deleted, I gave what I thought the most likely reason that would be cited for lack of public announcement: secrecy on the "movements of the President".

I suspect that all the announcements had, by default, a statement about it being a violation of Federal law to disclose the information due to routine security surrounding the movement of the President or his aircraft.

In the bureaucratic world, that is the same as "threatening" - because that is what it is - a threat from the Feds in the event of disclosure.

The person that you are relying on in assumption 2 could therefore be partially correct, and also totally covering his ass.

This, of course, is also supposition on my part, since neither you nor I know the facts.  So I'm waiting an investigation that will reveal the actual facts.

But ... the fact is ... this was an utterly pointless event, caused by an inherent lack of concern about the people of NYC, and caused by normal bureaucratic operations.

As for your first asssumption ... since there were more federal agencies involved than just the FAA ... how do you know what else occurred, or what other federal agency might have some culpability?


FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:21:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

The only thing I saw about this that would irk me if it really mattered to me........was that the NYC government was notified and the person that was notified chose to keep it quiet. Mayor Bloomberg was furious as I would be. I understand that person has been severely reprimanded.

While I think the whole photo thing is foolish as hell, I certainly do not fault the feds for upsetting the citizens of NYC. They were notified.

hmmm ... please show me any indications that the citizens of NYC were "notified".


FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:22:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

It's a PR blunder of ridiculous proportions, but I can think of far worse things that would justify being wary of the federal government. However, they occurred in 2003, so they wouldn't justify the partisan political point that the OP is trying to make [8D] .

Pray tell ... what "partisan point" is the OP trying to make, my dear?


FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:24:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

The same old posters making the same old claims.....would any of you care to hazard a guess at just how much time our President spent on this vital piece of trivia......during the planning stage and prior to the actual flight?
All guesses welcome....

Again ... a claim of partisanship ... please, pray tell me what "the same old point" is, that I'm making, Mike?

All guesses welcome. [:)]


Sanity -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:30:51 AM)

But there is stimulus money that has to be burned, flushed, buried, gotten rid of in any way possible. In no way they could have wasted that kind of money (around $380,000.00) in a studio.



What they should have done... Here

LaTigresse -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 8:28:05 AM)




ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

The only thing I saw about this that would irk me if it really mattered to me........was that the NYC government was notified and the person that was notified chose to keep it quiet. Mayor Bloomberg was furious as I would be. I understand that person has been severely reprimanded.

While I think the whole photo thing is foolish as hell, I certainly do not fault the feds for upsetting the citizens of NYC. They were notified.

hmmm ... please show me any indications that the citizens of NYC were "notified".


Forgive me, I read 3-5 news feeds daily and watch it on television several times a day. I do not remember which particular one it was, only that it was an article about Mayor Bloomberg's reaction and how he was going to deal with the employee that kept the information from him.

If you wish to make any sort of assumption that I made that up, feel free. No skin off my arse.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 12:09:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse




ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

The only thing I saw about this that would irk me if it really mattered to me........was that the NYC government was notified and the person that was notified chose to keep it quiet. Mayor Bloomberg was furious as I would be. I understand that person has been severely reprimanded.

While I think the whole photo thing is foolish as hell, I certainly do not fault the feds for upsetting the citizens of NYC. They were notified.

hmmm ... please show me any indications that the citizens of NYC were "notified".

Forgive me, I read 3-5 news feeds daily and watch it on television several times a day. I do not remember which particular one it was, only that it was an article about Mayor Bloomberg's reaction and how he was going to deal with the employee that kept the information from him.

If you wish to make any sort of assumption that I made that up, feel free. No skin off my arse.

My, my, aren't you prickly today.

You also seem to be missing the point.  Since when does notifying a low level bureaucrat qualify as "notifying the people"?

If the population had been notified, then "the people" would have known.

Did the people know?  Apparently not.


sirsholly -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 12:14:27 PM)


Since when does notifying a low level bureaucrat qualify as "notifying the people"?

If the population had been notified, then "the people" would have known.

Did the people know? Apparently not.
. The federal government notified the NYC government, thus making it NYCity's responsibility to notify the people.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 1:03:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


Since when does notifying a low level bureaucrat qualify as "notifying the people"?

If the population had been notified, then "the people" would have known.

Did the people know? Apparently not.
. The federal government notified the NYC government, thus making it NYCity's responsibility to notify the people.

So, I ask again ... who notified the people?

And if you are trying to shift responsibility from the Federal government to the local government, what's up with the requirement imposed by the Feds to keep it secret?

And does it really matter which (or if both) levels of government screwed the pooch?

They are all governmental bureaucracies, which was my original point, and is certainly still valid.


LaTigresse -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 1:08:55 PM)

If prickly means sick of nitpicking putzes.........then yeahhhh, colour me prickly.

Sorry you don't like the current president. He wasn't my first choice either. But.......I kinda think that #1, this particular subject isn't that big of news and obviously not to NYC either since it wasn't front page on the morning paper (the one I receive via the net) there this am and #2, there are bigger federal issues, than some moron making a bad decision about flying a plane for a stupid photo op.

rulemylife -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 4:40:17 PM)



I have no doubt that a lot of people are doing a bit of CYA in this entire scenario.

But lets talk a bit about your assumptions:

1.  That it was solely the FAA "ordering around" the officials of NYC,
2.  That the person who said that the FAA "ordered" the city to keep quiet about the event was both telling the truth, and accurate in his comments.

As for #1,  they are not my assumptions, assuming you believe the report you posted is true.  They were stated in your link:

In a memo obtained by CBS 2 HD, the Federal Aviation Administration's James Johnston said the agency was aware of "the possibility of public concern regarding DOD (Department of Defense) aircraft flying at low altitudes" in an around New York City. But they demanded total secrecy from the NYPD, the Secret Service, the FBI and even the mayor's office and threatened federal sanctions if the secret got out.

As for #2, my post stated the opposite.  I believe most of these media reports regarding this are full of inaccuracies.


First, in a thread about this subject which was deleted, I gave what I thought the most likely reason that would be cited for lack of public announcement: secrecy on the "movements of the President".

I suspect that all the announcements had, by default, a statement about it being a violation of Federal law to disclose the information due to routine security surrounding the movement of the President or his aircraft.

In the bureaucratic world, that is the same as "threatening" - because that is what it is - a threat from the Feds in the event of disclosure.

The movements of Air Force One when the President is on board are rarely a secret within this country.  Presidential visits are announced days or weeks in advance.

Even on last-minute trips the FAA and the airport authority are given as much notice as possible. 

The FAA in turn, establishes temporary flight restrictions in the vicinity of the destination airport that are published in advance to alert the users of that airport and other nearby airports within the restricted area of  special operating rules and the potential for delays.


The person that you are relying on in assumption 2 could therefore be partially correct, and also totally covering his ass.

This, of course, is also supposition on my part, since neither you nor I know the facts.  So I'm waiting an investigation that will reveal the actual facts.

Me too, but again, I'm not relying on him (or them), your article is.

One fact I do know for sure is the very headline of the article is inaccurate. 

The FAA has no jurisdiction over any of these agencies save the aircraft they operate and the airports and airspace they use.

Particularly ridiculous is the claim that the FAA threatened the Secret Service.  The FAA issues temporary flight restrictions regarding the President and other high-level officials at the request of the Secret Service.  Besides, what sanctions would they be able to threaten them with? 


But ... the fact is ... this was an utterly pointless event, caused by an inherent lack of concern about the people of NYC, and caused by normal bureaucratic operations.

Yes it was, but not the first time one of the Presidential aircraft was used for photo ops.

As you mentioned earlier, secrecy related to security is my guess as well.  Mainly because they were operating over a small area at a very low altitude for an extended period of time.

Regardless, there were obvious mistakes.  Either the decision to do this should not have been made or there should have been better planning and communication with all involved.


As for your first asssumption ... since there were more federal agencies involved than just the FAA ... how do you know what else occurred, or what other federal agency might have some culpability?

I don't. Which was my point.  Your article and the other news reports, including condemnation by some Senators, are blaming this largely on the FAA and they do not have the broad authority being attributed to them.

(By the way, interesting series of posts in a row.  Someone complained to me recently about my shotgun posts.  Sort of happens when you get behind on a thread, huh?)

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 7:22:04 PM)


You write a lot of words, most of which I basically agree with.

I guess I could have been clearer in my earlier post to you on the subject.

I agree the FAA doesn't have the authority to "threaten" much of anyone, other than air related individuals and industries.

My main point is that this was a government snafu, initiated by the Feds, and certainly perpetuated by the local government.  A comedy of errors, pointing to a common defect in governmental organizations: they really do not care about the people that they "serve". 

Sure, individuals within those organizations certainly can, and will .... but as a matter of structure, and bureaucratic principles governments don't "care" about anything other than themselves.


ElectraGlide -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 7:33:26 PM)

If it was a photo-op situation, it is as bad as the time potato head Dan Quayle flew to California during a earthquake disaster to get photos and leave without asking the state what he could do to help. Politicians will do any dam thing to better their self image in the future.

igor2003 -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 8:17:39 PM)

fast reply

This is not intended for anyone in particular. Just a thought I had while reading the thread. What if this was done simply to see the reaction of the they would respond after going through 9/11. Not saying that would be a right thing to do, or a wrong thing to do. Just a "what if" that seems to fit a lot of what went on...the secrecy, etc.

Owner59 -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (4/30/2009 9:20:17 PM)

The Mayor`s office was informed(tho the Mayor didn`t get the memo)the cops knew,the air traffic people knew.


There are a lot of "theories" including a rouge pilot stealing the jet and Obama intentionally dissing/mocking NYC...

It was just a dumb mistake.There`s going to be an investigation and someone`s going to get spanked.Obama admitted it was a mistake.

At least we know the guy who f`d up won`t get the "Metal Of Freedom" or an "at-a-boy" from this President.[:D]

slvemike4u -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (5/1/2009 11:57:23 AM)




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

The same old posters making the same old claims.....would any of you care to hazard a guess at just how much time our President spent on this vital piece of trivia......during the planning stage and prior to the actual flight?
All guesses welcome....

Again ... a claim of partisanship ... please, pray tell me what "the same old point" is, that I'm making, Mike?

All guesses welcome. [:)]


Firm,I don't know why you are assuming I refer to you in the above post.My "same old posters making the same old claims" referred specifically to those trying to make a claim of prior involvement and intimate knowledge on the part of the the thread,you will find numerous post's by numerous posters asserting hands on control by the President on what amounted to a photo op.As far as I can remember you did not make such a post,so..........

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (5/2/2009 5:36:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Firm,I don't know why you are assuming I refer to you in the above post.My "same old posters making the same old claims" referred specifically to those trying to make a claim of prior involvement and intimate knowledge on the part of the the thread,you will find numerous post's by numerous posters asserting hands on control by the President on what amounted to a photo op.As far as I can remember you did not make such a post,so..........

Ok, fair enough.  Sorry about that.

I do find it interesting (and somewhat amusing) that the shoe is on the other foot, in reference to blaming a President for every little thing that happens, though.  [:)]


slvemike4u -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (5/2/2009 9:19:42 AM)

Okay,now I'm interested...what "every little thing" do you feel former President Bush was blamed for that he didn't merit through the bumbling,at times downright stumbling 8 years of his administration?

FirmhandKY -> RE: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic (5/2/2009 6:50:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Okay,now I'm interested...what "every little thing" do you feel former President Bush was blamed for that he didn't merit through the bumbling,at times downright stumbling 8 years of his administration?

Hell, Mike.  Name anything.  According to some members of this forum, he was the devil incarnate.


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