RE: The two parties of Yes and No (Full Version)

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CruelNUnsual -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 3:07:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

DS, this is why I don't like Dems or Repubs, they're counterproductive to getting done what needs to be done in this country.
And all that back and forth childish squabbling is a total waste of time.
I certainly hope we're going to see a third and fourth party emerge in the next few years that are more in touch with what The People want done in this country.

There is a mathematical demonstration I cant find the link to anymore that demonstrates that without proportional voting every democracy/representative republic is destined to evolve into a two party system, and once it gets there a 3rd party can never emerge. The best a 3rd party can hope to do is influence one of the two major parties.

Cruel, so are you saying we're doomed as a country?
From out here where I am I see a lot of disgust and exhaustion with the Dems and Repubs.
Like I say I won't throw away my vote on Dems or Repubs. When enough people get fed-up with them we'll have "Change."
Remember, it was Dems and Repubs who've gotten us $10 Trillion in debt. No other party is responsable for that.

No, Im not saying that. Im saying that the only path back to prosperity is to influence the major policitcal parties, not try to replace them. The most effective means to influence them is bottom up, not top down.

MarsBonfire -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 3:39:55 PM)

Cindy Sheehan? Huh?

What does the anti-war protest of a Mom who lost her son in Iraq have anything to do with a trumped up peice of propaganda trailer trash like Joe the Plumber? Please... dew tell!

CruelNUnsual -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 4:33:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Cindy Sheehan? Huh?

What does the anti-war protest of a Mom who lost her son in Iraq have anything to do with a trumped up peice of propaganda trailer trash like Joe the Plumber? Please... dew tell!

you dont think CS was ultimately just a liberal propoganda piece?

I didnt know Joe lived in a trailer park, thanks for the info.

MarsBonfire -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 4:53:50 PM)

CNU... okay, now THIS is weird... I was posting that on the JtP thread... and somehow it ends up here? WTF? (and now the edit function is not allowing me to delete it... some kind of java script error...) Ah, collarme... the joy of it all!

Crush -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 4:58:03 PM)

Actually, JtP lives in a house.   Or did.

You have to learn to ignore folks on here that just like to toss around names, call names, make up facts  and engage in other libelous kinds of activities.  Just attack dogs following the orders of their liberal overlords. Try not to corner them, because then they start wheeling out the big ad-hominem guns, deflector shields,  as well as never providing unbiased support for their "claims."

Remember...“Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.” Robert Heinlein

CruelNUnsual -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 5:07:29 PM)



Actually, JtP lives in a house.   Or did.

You have to learn to ignore folks on here that just like to toss around names, call names, make up facts  and engage in other libelous kinds of activities.  Just attack dogs following the orders of their liberal overlords. Try not to corner them, because then they start wheeling out the big ad-hominem guns, deflector shields,  as well as never providing unbiased support for their "claims."

Remember...“Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.” Robert Heinlein

It was bait, but he didnt bite :)

Crush -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 7:08:04 PM)

Lol....just be sure to keep your inoculations up to date....

popeye1250 -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/9/2009 11:51:04 PM)

Cruel, lol, I want to see the Dems and Repubs out of existance, *extinct* gone, "dissapeared."
It's the same old B.S. with them.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/10/2009 2:04:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Cruel, lol, I want to see the Dems and Repubs out of existance, *extinct* gone, "dissapeared."
It's the same old B.S. with them.

if there were a viable alternative I would be right there with you. Unfortunately we are stuck with the greatest of all evils right now, hopefully to be replaced by a vastly lesser evil in 3 2/3 years.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/10/2009 6:00:52 AM)

There is only one party between them, and that is the Corpratist party. Big Business runs this country, even with President Obama in the White House.


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

It's too easy to be a Democrat or a Republican today.

If you're a Democrat, you demonize Bush and everything he did, and support Obama.

If you're a Republican, you demonize Obama and everything he did (and you expect him to do) and claim that Bush was a success.

Folks, this is NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they founded this nation.  They assumed an informed and active citizenry, and a government that listened to the people.  Not Monday Morning Quarterbacks that sit back while the President acts unopposed, then  critique him.

/end rant/

xBullx -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/10/2009 6:05:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: UncleNasty

I think if they were alive today they would roll over in their graves

Tooooooo funny...

Thanks Nasty!

xBullx -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/10/2009 6:09:10 AM)



There are two big parties, not of yes and no, but rather:

One party of "Bull"
and the
other party of "Shit"

Uhmmmmm, I'm not altogether thrilled with either party so which one are you sticking me with?

Crush -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/10/2009 6:36:35 AM)

Neither, Bull...I'm neither party myself.  

Just the unfortunate nature of a language's non-orthogonal development that your name matches.

popeye1250 -> RE: The two parties of Yes and No (5/11/2009 10:20:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

There is only one party between them, and that is the Corpratist party. Big Business runs this country, even with President Obama in the White House.


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

It's too easy to be a Democrat or a Republican today.

If you're a Democrat, you demonize Bush and everything he did, and support Obama.

If you're a Republican, you demonize Obama and everything he did (and you expect him to do) and claim that Bush was a success.

Folks, this is NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they founded this nation.  They assumed an informed and active citizenry, and a government that listened to the people.  Not Monday Morning Quarterbacks that sit back while the President acts unopposed, then  critique him.

/end rant/

Orion, I agree. We have a seperation of "church and state" in this country and we need a seperation of "Big Business and State" as well.
Someone should go out into the Va. Md. suburbs and take pictures of all the lobbyists mansions and post them on the internet.
That's what all that "foreign aid" money that they get for their "clients" is paying for!

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