RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (Full Version)

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thishereboi -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/8/2009 1:40:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Okay, sure. Fair question. Why would the GOP care if "JtP" walks away from them? After all, it's been five months since the election, and close to 8 since we first heard about "good ol' Joe." Hell, he should have faded from the spotlight the night after the election. After all, his only value to them was as a symbol... a supposed "average Joe" who would be harmed by Obama's nefarious plans to lower his taxes. But he didn't fade away...

The reason they should care is that now, with his rejection of the GOP, he becomes another symbol entirely. Now he becomes a symbol of how the vast majority of the American people are turning away from the GOP's failed policies.

Personally, I really don't care. As I said, his fading back into obscurity is overdue. The guy was a fake from day one, when he walked up to Obama and tried to "ambush" him about his fiscal policies (while a friend video-taped the exchange). This was a guy who wanted to manufacture his own celebrity, and who succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. All he had to do was lie. Lie about his name. Lie about his being a lisenced plumber. Lie about his wanting to buy his employer's company. Lie about how Obama's tax revision would "ruin" him. Lie about his background and history.

Pfft... good riddance.

I don't see the vast majority of people who are changing from repub to dem. I have heard of 2 on CM so far but don't know anyone personally who have switched. On the other hand, I personally know 4 who have stated they now consider themselves republicans and don't trust the dems anymore. But for the record, I doubt that means much either. For as long as I can remember people have switched from one to the other and it really didn't make a whole lot of difference in the long run. But if you want to think that this means the end of the GOP, go right ahead and enjoy it while it last. The pendulum will swing back the other way before long. It always does.

janiebelle -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/8/2009 2:24:42 PM)



He`s more of  Libertarian and Ron Paul type.

I don't think he'll be a cozy fit with Dr. Paul's bunch.

MarsBonfire -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/8/2009 3:09:24 PM)

Interesting. I was basing that opinion on a CNN online the poll that shows that 83% of people (based on a sample of 10,000) believe that the Democrats are putting the country on the right track... up from a near dead heat, taken in the days just after the election. But, I can see where your scientifically conducted, wide-ranging sample would beat that out.[8|]

But you are right about the pendulum swinging back and forth... unfortunately, (to stretch the anology) the basis for the US is what's strapped to the slab below it, like in the story by Poe.

Please see the thread, "Parties of Yes and No" where I  said that I think getting the country into a more moderate frame of mind is what's required if we're going to solve our problems. But, if you really want to keep slagging on each other, I can do that too... I'm easy.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/8/2009 4:07:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Interesting. I was basing that opinion on a CNN online the poll that shows that 83% of people (based on a sample of 10,000) believe that the Democrats are putting the country on the right track... up from a near dead heat, taken in the days just after the election. But, I can see where your scientifically conducted, wide-ranging sample would beat that out.[8|]

Huh?  63% believe he is doing a good job and 57% agree with him on the issues. How does that fit with 83% "on the right track?

You couldnt get 83% of any group to agree that the sky is sometimes blue.

slvemike4u -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/8/2009 7:07:54 PM)

Sure you could Cruel...all you have to do is phrase the question right...

subrob1967 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/9/2009 1:11:35 PM)

Cindy Sheehan...Nuff Said

Owner59 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/9/2009 9:19:21 PM)

How is one of bush`s victims relevant here?

Enlighten us,....rob.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/9/2009 9:46:53 PM)

I'm missing the point also.

DarkSteven -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 4:34:55 AM)

The McCain campaign made three people famous: Joe, Palin, and Meghan McCain.

Joe was nothing more than a blue collar guy who believed the standard GOP talking points and repeated them.  For some reason I'll never know, the McCain campaign latched onto him.  He was able to make the claim that Obama would raise his taxes but was never able to back it up.  (In fairness to him, the proper justification, that higher taxes would be necessary in future to pay off Obama's high spending, could have easily been countered by showing Bush's buy-now-pay-later approach.)

Palin is a tragedy.  She's attractive, ambitious as hell, speaks decently, and seems to love the rubber-chicken life.  She also has a great story in her personal life.  She's dumb as a brick but that can be overcome with proper handling.  She was trained to give the talking points, but not to understand them or be able to explain them.

Both Joe and Palin were plucked out of relative obscurity, given talking points, and let loose.  Obviously, the McCain campaign failed both of them, and they both came off looking foolish.

The jury's still out on Meghan.  She's attractive and seems articulate.  Nobody seems to have challenged her views directly and made her back them up, so I don't know if she can.  Surprisingly, this 24 year old kid who's never run for office is emerging as one of the more powerful voices for moderation within the GOP.  Also surprisingly, the right wing branch of the GOP, which has been vicious about blasting those deemd too ideologically impure, has been coy about attacking her.

xBullx -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 5:57:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Complained that Obama would raise his taxes while he didn't pay his taxes anyway.

Maybe he has been offered a position on Obama's cabinet...

Owner59 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 6:06:43 AM)

Snappy Bull.Very snappy....[:D]   (but wasn`t Geitner in the bush admin.?) never mind.....

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 8:26:54 AM)



Snappy Bull.Very snappy....[:D]   (but wasn`t Geitner in the bush admin.?) never mind.....

No, he wasn't.  Playing fast and loose with facts again?  (Federal Reserve members are not part of Administration)

Owner59 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 9:02:00 AM)

but are appointed by....  whatever..... He was a bushie....[:D]

But Bull`s dig is still funny.....

You know about funny.....don`t you?[8|]

subrob1967 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 5:23:44 PM)

Point is Sheehan was elevated to national prominence, used by the Dems as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Dems.

Joe "the plumber" is elevated to national prominence, used by the Repubs as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Repubs.

Two sides of the same coin, and neither are news, or even relevant.

MarsBonfire -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 5:46:42 PM)

Except that Cindy had a real beef with the Bush policies that took her son from this Earth. Joe the Plumber was just some lying ass who wanted to be a celebrity. (Thus his video taping the "ambush" of Obama, which he released as a viral through GOP sites.)

Yeah, Cindy got caught up in her own media exposure. As such, she drifted off her own message. I can understand that. (Sort of reminds you of that Meet John Smith movie.)

But Joe was just this know-nothing creep who was all too willing to trade his personal integrity for fame.It was interesting to see his reaction when he realized that every last detail of his personal life was about to become public record.

ax2777 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 5:49:02 PM)

Throw em' all out!

Owner59 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 6:02:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Point is Sheehan was elevated to national prominence, used by the Dems as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Dems.

Joe "the plumber" is elevated to national prominence, used by the Repubs as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Repubs.

Two sides of the same coin, and neither are news, or even relevant.

I don`t recall any dem "using" Cindy.

I do recall Rushanidy demeaning ,degrading and abusing this Gold Star mother.

"Joe" went on tour with McPalin and proved to be just as fake and just as lame as gramps and Sarah.

Ms.Sheehan was then and is now,genuine.

And nothing can compare to the abuse she suffered at the hands of the neo-cons,putting her son in harm`s way to die for nothing

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 6:21:43 PM)




ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Point is Sheehan was elevated to national prominence, used by the Dems as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Dems.

Joe "the plumber" is elevated to national prominence, used by the Repubs as as an attack dog, and became disillusioned  and left the Repubs.

Two sides of the same coin, and neither are news, or even relevant.

I don`t recall any dem "using" Cindy.

I do recall Rushanidy demeaning ,degrading and abusing this Gold Star mother.

"Joe" went on tour with McPalin and proved to be just as fake and just as lame as gramps and Sarah.

Ms.Sheehan was then and is now,genuine.

And nothing can compare to the abuse she suffered at the hands of the neo-cons,putting her son in harm`s way to die for nothing

however pure her original motivations and actions, she went way over the line when she kissed Chavez' ass and called for the downflall of the "US Empire". Code Pink is funded by the same left wing organizations that funded Blowboy's campaign and trotted her out for Bush bashing.  

Owner59 -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 6:27:49 PM)

You lose son?  Lose one to a crackpot commander?

I heard her once say that bush has abused her son.That`s true.

I honor her sacrifice ask neo-cons not to hide behind her skirt or use her for their own political ends. She`s been abused enough.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Joe the "plumber" leaving the GOP (5/10/2009 6:50:07 PM)



You lose son?  Lose one to a crackpot commander?

I heard her once say that bush has abused her son.That`s true.

I honor her sacrifice ask neo-cons not to hide behind her skirt or use her for their own political ends. She`s been abused enough.

She lost her son to a just and necessary war, like more than a million other mothers in US history. She deserves no special dispensation for treasonous actions. She abused the memory of her volunteer son.

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