Subspace and Diabetes (Full Version)

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lovingpet -> Subspace and Diabetes (5/8/2009 7:11:22 PM)

Due to another condition, I have become borderline diabetic.  Yes, add this to my convoluted nightmare of a health bruhaha!  I can well imagine that playing and sailing through subspace can deplete reserves in a hurry.  I am just wondering how to tell the difference between normal subspace physical responses and a problematic drop in blood sugar.  Thanks for the help!


Siouxsie -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/8/2009 7:20:47 PM)

It's frustrating how similar the two are, what with the shaking, sweating and lightheadedness. When I suspect a hypo I pause and try to relax, and if the symptoms, particularly the trembling persist I'll check my sugar or pop a few jelly bellies. :)

lovingpet -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/8/2009 7:28:07 PM)

That is a good idea.  It can't hurt after all, or maybe just give me a bit as a precautionary.  I get very non communicative once I reach a certain point.


chamberqueen -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/9/2009 6:41:44 AM)

Make sure that the person you are with understands the basics of the problem.  I have low blood sugar so I eat just before a session.  I also tend to become very quiet when I need to eat.  I've dealt with the problem for over 20 years, so I made it clear that if I say "I'm getting hungry" that means I need to eat within 20 minutes; if I say "I NEED to eat" it means I need food within the next 5 minutes.  I explained that it did not mean that I was being a brat or trying to get out of doing anything, but this was my way of voicing a real health concern. 

Some of the symptoms can, indeed, come across as similar to subspace.  I get quiet, pale, my break into a light sweat or small shaking, show mild confusion, etc.  I rarely "bottom out" so my Master has never seen that, but that is about the only time when I get truly cranky.  It has gotten so bad that even when food is in front of me I have had to have people tell me to pick it up and eat, and my ex once actually had to feed me because I no longer seemed to have the power to do that.  As you deal with the problem you will learn the early onset symptoms of it and avoid it going to those extremes.

lovingpet -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/9/2009 9:20:12 AM)

I have never been to the extreme of either yet, but that is likely to change soon.  I did have a session end with me being unable to warm up in a 75 F room covered in three blankets.  I was shaking, disoriented, weak, and wasn't talking.  He got me some juice and it seemed to help quickly.  We just really couldn't tell the difference between the two.  I know it was a little of both.  Thank goodness I had someone who chose to watch over me at that time.


FangsNfeet -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/9/2009 10:18:32 PM)

Teach your dom how to use a glucometor. It's never a bad idea to check your sugar before and after a scene.

If you know you're going to scene, I suggest eating some type of power snack prior to getting busy. These snacks include whole wheat toast with peanut butter, a glass of chocolate milk, a whole grain bar, 2 Tbls of honey, etc..... Such snacks should sustain you through subspace.

Being a diabetic or border line diabetic means that your blood sugar is high. You shouldn't have to worry much about your sugar being to low unless you're taking medications to bring those levels down.

GYPZYQUEEN -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/9/2009 10:31:42 PM)

I am diabetic and sub bob recently found out he was...

One of things I was told at a diabetic clinic is to have  1 piece of bread for every hour of strenuous activity planned...although I never said what my activity was..[:-]

THIs allows for exertion( pancreus pumping) ..needing insulin..
and the carbs allow for the pancreas  to be busy
breaking MORE down..thus not as much insulin is released full bore into the bloodstream.

Do that( breads etc) about 20 minutes before..Protein as well as said above..

bob and I take snack breaks for not his..and meat cubes.
before round 2 or 3... will often get an "episode" 24 hrs later after  (eg) a session..moving carpet  or other strain...all you can do is ride the wave or crash..but know what it is...

FOR juice....and SMARTIES  go in the bloodstream fast! good for first aid kit..
a person in a LOW is unable to talk..slurs..gets very crabby and is totally fukked up like they are drunk..the will be unable to discern
to even say a safe be careful


JoanieHoney2001 -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/10/2009 10:55:15 PM)

I'm diabetic and Sir and I have been together long enough that he actually notices when my bloodsugar is getting low before I do. I tend to get flushed in the face and a bit trembly as an early sign. He knows when I start to sweat that my bloodsugar is low enough that I need carbs RIGHT NOW. We found something called "GlucoShot" at our local pharmacy that really helps fast. It's a liquid (I have trouble chewing and swallowing the glucose tablets) that contains 15 grams of fast acting carbs. This has saved me from many a problem. Wallmart has a generic version that is a little cheaper if cost is an issue. In my humble opinion this would be a great asset to any Dom's toy bag. I know it has saved me from a trip to the Emergency Room on a couple occasions.

lovingpet -> RE: Subspace and Diabetes (5/11/2009 11:07:24 AM)

Thanks for all this!  I didn't have an issue this time, but I had not exactly been faithful to my medication which meant my sugar was probably back to being elevated.  I did have to be aware and eat when hungry or when there was a break.  Other than that, it was fine.  I will forward this information to assist in the future.

Any other input is greatly appreciated!


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