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scifi1133 -> DC (5/11/2009 1:43:29 AM)

I had a great time meeting all the CM'ers that made it up to Reds birthday bash. DC Novice, Trapped, Tulip ,Tat&peirced, Greedy, Caro, and of course the woman of the hour Red.
Also great to meet Reds other half after hearing about him for so long.
Everyone there was as much fun in real life as they are on the boards and my side is still hurting from laughing so hard.
DC Novice showed us all his sadistic side of a death march through the city......lol. Just had to walk us all to death right past the university for exercise research and then right next to the hospital lol.

Final note that will make sence to but a few.
aaaaaaaawwwwwww yeah this is the love doctor riding on the love train. Now entering Falls church station baby. All doors open to the rear.
You guys were great and made for a wonderful weekend off.

lronitulstahp -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 4:00:48 AM)

Awwwww Yeah...we had a great time! GT,Tat, and i are awaiting our flight and reminiscing about the fun we had. As always parting from Red is sweet sorrow...and ladies the OP is quite a cutie.

i loved meeting the DC folks, and what a space they have at The Crucible. Thanks to Frasier and the staff there for allowing us to have such a blast and watch really nice scenes.( Kana, i am a fan now*swoon*)

We're just sitting here at Dulles trying to figure out which city should have us descend upon it next...............

Phoenixpower -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 4:06:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: lronitulstahp
We're just sitting here at Dulles trying to figure out which city should have us descend upon it next...............

that's easy....London [8|]

Daddysredhead -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 6:49:19 AM)

*laughing hysterically to the point of snorting*

Oh my goodness...  where do I start?  I absolutely LOVE you all for coming up for my birthday!!!  You made it the most special one I've had in recent memory.  I can't think of any better way to enjoy a birthday than the way I was  able to.  Wow...

What a crazy little place this CM thingie is!  I have never met such really great people than I have from here.  I was lucky enough to spend Saturday evening with: Greedy, Tulip, Tat, Caro, Sci, DCnovice, Trapped, Kana, littlewonder, lovingpet, and of course, my yummy DB.  There were others from here who don't post much and a few local scene people in attendance.  Sunday, the day I realized that I'm actually as out of shape as the fitness magazines say, lol...  We (the first 7 listed above and myself) went on a walking tour of some of the memorials.  OK, well this is what we tell our families we did, when it actuality, it was a suicide mission of the less than able-bodied.  (It was led by DCnovice, who had no technical troubles with ambulating from place to place, which makes me think he actually spends all of his free time at Gold's Gym or something... *nods*)  [:D]   The rest of us apparently have one foot in the grave.  *hehehe* 

I have thought of so many funny snipets from this weekend, to tickle the memories of those who know:

At McDonalds near my place, when the brothas (old neighbors) said "hey" to me and I chatted with them for a minute... 

Tat: "Did you hear how she broke it down?  She's speakin' ebonics up in here with the thugs... You think [DB] knows He's datin' a black woman?"  [:D]

Coming around the beltway, trying to get to our exit, when the truck was in my way...

Me: "Mother-f---er, you know you better get the f--k outta my way, I need to get over!  I'll smack the s--t outta you!"
Greedy: "[Red], baby... he's trying to let you in, that's why he slowed down, honey..."
Me: "Oh, thank you, Sir, that was very sweet of you... thank you!"
Tulip: "What the heck?  [Red] is all bi-polar up in here, screaming at the man one minute like she's a thug, then thanking him like that."
Sci: "She went gang-banger to Southern belle in 2 seconds, that's crazy."  lol...

On our "scenic" route around DC Saturday night, after leaving the club:

DB: "Ladies, we have just left the Capitol Heights section of DC.  This area is a little less... um..."
Tulip: "White.  This area is a little less white.  That's why we got a white woman in the car, they'll probably leave us alone with [Red] in the car."
Me: "Yanno, when we come through some of these places in my car, I just look out the window like I've been carjacked and people just leave us alone."

On the way back from the club, Tulip, Tat and I talking about "stuff"...

DB: "I can't even imagine how you ladies talk when there isn't a man in the car... dayum."

Coming back from the death march/tourist trip to DC Sunday, relating the story of DB's shock at our candor...

Me: "I thought it was funny how [DB] was shocked out of His mind last night during our "discussion."  What was funnier was Him saying He couldn't believe what we must say when there wasn't a man around."
Greedy: "[Red], look in your rearview mirror, darling."
Me: "What is it?"
Greedy: "We still have a man in the car... [Sci] is right here, remember?"  lol...

At dinner in DC Sunday night, on the phone with DB telling Him about my outing with the gang...

Me: "We're having a great time.  Went to the different memorials, having dinner now, oh and [Sci] is filling in since You aren't here, Daddy.  He popped me right on the ass, where You beat the crap outta me last night... TWICE."
DB: "That's good.  OK, you all enjoy yourselves.  Talk to you later."
Sci: "What did He say?"
Me: "He said GOOD!!!  What the hell?  Did you all make a pact last night or something?"  [:o]
Sci: "Bwuahahahahaha!!!"

There was more... if you wicked people remember, please post your musings.  I have nearly cracked a rib laughing this morning.

Thank you all, seriously, for making this the best birthday weekend ever.  Thank you for traveling from all over.  I couldn't have asked for more.

Love, Red and DB

dcnovice -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 7:59:28 AM)


DC Novice showed us all his sadistic side of a death march through the city

Sadistic side? Sweet little old me? (Okay, well maybe not little.)

I always forget how much walking there is between monuments here in DC! Happy to report that we ended the day with the same number of live bodies as we began it. (Wishing one was dead does not count.) I thought it was quite thoughtful of me to end our little stroll by a hospital! Mercifully, none of us needed it. [:)]

It was great to meet so many cool CM folks at Red's bash!

GreedyTop -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 8:01:53 AM)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, yeah!

from one who shall remain nameless:  If you hit me again, maybe I'll remember
me to Red:  TELL me when your car is going to make wierd sounds!

This was DEFINITELY a weekend to remember!! Thanks again to the Death March survivors for indulging me...

DCnovice, Trapped, Kana, littlewonder, DB, lovingpet... so good to have met you all...  *smooches and hugs*  y'all need to come to FL! We can do it again at Woodshed!! 

trapped... did you finish painting?

and although they probably won't see it... apologies to High School Musical for scaring them on the Metro!

Sci.. I'm sure it was you that dropped the change on the escalator..... ;)

Daddysredhead -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 9:04:31 AM)


Tulip: "You know that poor man on the metro wanted to be in our group.  He looked so sad."

Sci: "I said get to work and make that money... Don't make me tell you twice."

Daddysredhead -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 9:05:39 AM)



Sci.. I'm sure it was you that dropped the change on the escalator..... ;)

Was THAT what locked up the escalator???  LMAO, cracking a rib...

caro44 -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 9:16:03 AM)

I had the bestes time with all my friends. RED, you are the most beautiful and sweet Redhead I know, Thank you for everything and you know what I mean.

Greedy(Monkey) you know I love you. Tulip and Tat thanks for the wonderful time, you girls are a real Hoot. DC and Trapped I so enjoyed meeting you both.

Last but not Least, Thank you Sic for getting me on the right road back to Richmond. My weekend was the best. I love you all.


Daddysredhead -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 9:18:24 AM)

*hugs Caro*  [:)]   I love you bunches, lil lady.

OK... can anyone tell me what a strainer, a shoe, and a can of Lysol have in common?  [:D]

GreedyTop -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 9:42:40 AM)


lovingpet -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 11:01:00 AM)

What a hoot and great to meet everyone at least briefly!!!  Had a great time and look foward to getting to know everyone a bit better! 


trappedinamuseum -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 11:45:55 AM)

It is probably a good thing P couldn't stay.

You guys bring out the sassy in me.  I am pretty sure I would kinda sore today if he had been there.

GreedyTop -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 1:08:25 PM)

ya think?? LOL

scifi1133 -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 1:23:32 PM)

Think nothing lol I'm damn sure of it lmao.

trappedinamuseum -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 1:24:26 PM)

Yeah...the "I don't remember; hit me again" probably would not have ended well.

I miss you guys already.

scifi1133 -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 1:25:56 PM)

LOL Yea that one was pretty good.
"Hit me again I might remember"

Daddysredhead -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 3:41:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: trappedinamuseum

You guys bring out the sassy in me.

Thank gary you said "guys"... usually, I just get the blame for your sassy behavior.  [8|]

beargonewild -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 3:49:01 PM)

Dayum...I am so gonna have to make it for next year Red!  Rumor has it that Sci was wearing his kilt  lol.

lronitulstahp -> RE: DC (5/11/2009 3:49:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Daddysredhead


ORIGINAL: trappedinamuseum

You guys bring out the sassy in me.

[sm=jaw.gif]She had sassy in her purse before we even got there!!!!!!!*stunned*

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