I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (Full Version)

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Crush -> I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 11:37:20 AM)

Just Kidding....

Actually, it seems to me that it would be a matter of the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution: 

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

With a little 10th Amendment thrown in:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

awmslave -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 11:54:01 AM)

"People" here mean your representatives in the Congress. They are sitting down right now with the representatives of the health insurance and medical lobby to decide what you are entitled to. 

servantforuse -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:14:50 PM)

Not only will they decide what you are entitled to, they will decide when you can see a Dr. How often you can see a Dr. And who that Dr. will be. When the Federal govt. starts paying the bills, they will take control of your medical history and your private files...

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:33:13 PM)

Yup. And not only that, if you don't like it, we'll make you sick, too. So watch it, eh?

Owner59 -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:33:41 PM)

You say that as if someone doesn`t make those decisions now......

Why the fear mongering?

servantforuse -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:36:19 PM)

My insurance allows ME to make those decisions, for now..

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:38:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

My insurance allows ME to make those decisions, for now..

Really? Your insurance plan doesn't have provider networks? You can get any treatment you think you need, from any provider, at any time?

Vendaval -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 12:45:06 PM)

And I got a bridge to sell y'all in Arizona.


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda
You can get any treatment you think you need, from any provider, at any time?

DomKen -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 1:34:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Not only will they decide what you are entitled to, they will decide when you can see a Dr. How often you can see a Dr. And who that Dr. will be. When the Federal govt. starts paying the bills, they will take control of your medical history and your private files...

And how can that be worse than the for profit HMO I belong to now deciding the same things?

CruelNUnsual -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 1:41:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

My insurance allows ME to make those decisions, for now..

Really? Your insurance plan doesn't have provider networks? You can get any treatment you think you need, from any provider, at any time?

There isnt an insurance plan in the country that prevents you from going to any provider at any time.  As a consumer you should

1. checked that the providers that give discounts are in whatever plan you do buy
2. if you dont have the opportunity for 1, then you need to decide whether paying more is worth it.

FirmhandKY -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 2:01:04 PM)




ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Not only will they decide what you are entitled to, they will decide when you can see a Dr. How often you can see a Dr. And who that Dr. will be. When the Federal govt. starts paying the bills, they will take control of your medical history and your private files...

And how can that be worse than the for profit HMO I belong to now deciding the same things?

The difference is, if you don't like your HMO, you can cancel your policy and change providers.


DomKen -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 2:24:49 PM)






ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Not only will they decide what you are entitled to, they will decide when you can see a Dr. How often you can see a Dr. And who that Dr. will be. When the Federal govt. starts paying the bills, they will take control of your medical history and your private files...

And how can that be worse than the for profit HMO I belong to now deciding the same things?

The difference is, if you don't like your HMO, you can cancel your policy and change providers.


No. I can't. My insurance is an emploment benefit.

FirmhandKY -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 2:37:31 PM)


No. I can't. My insurance is an emploment benefit.

Change jobs. 


servantforuse -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 2:43:30 PM)

There are 3 large clinics where I live. They all except my insurance, and I am able to change at the end of each year if I would choose to do so. I'm just sick of this cradle to grave mentality where the govt. should take care of us and run everything in our lives.

Crush -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 2:55:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: awmslave

"People" here mean your representatives in the Congress. They are sitting down right now with the representatives of the health insurance and medical lobby to decide what you are entitled to. 

No actually, People means just us folks....not our representatives.....that's a common misconception.

Owner59 -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 3:05:21 PM)

"cradle to grave mentality where the govt. should take care of us  "

At what point before the grave, do we toss`m out on the street to fend for themselves?

What age? At age 70? At 78? Over 80? When their rearends start leaking or when they can`t feed themselves anymore?

When`s the best cut-off time?

Might we toss all the poor,old and sick in to your neighborhood?

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 3:06:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

My insurance allows ME to make those decisions, for now..

Really? Your insurance plan doesn't have provider networks? You can get any treatment you think you need, from any provider, at any time?

There isnt an insurance plan in the country that prevents you from going to any provider at any time.  As a consumer you should

1. checked that the providers that give discounts are in whatever plan you do buy
2. if you dont have the opportunity for 1, then you need to decide whether paying more is worth it.

Why do you assume the coming health care reform will prevent you from doing the same thing you can do now?

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 3:13:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

There are 3 large clinics where I live. They all except my insurance, and I am able to change at the end of each year if I would choose to do so.

That's a pretty car cry from the radio talking point you recited earlier. You have 3 large clinic nearby that all happen to accept your insurance - that's not the same as having absolute choice over all your medical decisions, which is what you asserted earlier. Unless you can provide some reason to believe the new health care system will give you fewer choices than you have now, you're just spouting off for no reason at all. Do you have any such reason?


ORIGINAL: servantforuse
I'm just sick of this cradle to grave mentality where the govt. should take care of us and run everything in our lives.

Which means... uh... what, exactly?

DomKen -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 3:18:54 PM)




No. I can't. My insurance is an emploment benefit.

Change jobs. 


Is that really the best you can do in defense of your claim?

kittinSol -> RE: I found It! I found it!! Where healthcare is a "Right" in the US... (5/13/2009 3:19:48 PM)

God forbid any money should be spent on citizens' health when 651.2 BILLIONS of dollars have to be spent on the military budget for the 2009 fiscal year.

Priorities, people! Priorities.

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