RE: christian terrorism? (Full Version)

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Thadius -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 8:23:57 AM)




Funny how people make generalizations about Christians out of ignorance.

OK Truthi, enlighten us. I have asked you to clarify if the OT rules still apply, and have been given evasive answers about the "Law being fulfilled", but no clear answer on if the various rules laid out in the OT still apply. What I want to know is the following...
1) Do the OT rules still apply, is what was forbidden still forbidden?

2) If the rules still apply, do the prescribed punishments still apply?

3) If the OT rules do not apply, then is bestiality still a sin, if so, on what scriptural grounds?

That will do for now. Can give clear unambigouous answers to these 3 questions?

Not to jump into the middle of this discussion or take the burden off of anybody.... but to simply answer all 3 questions.  Jesus did not change the law.  He even stated that he was not here to change the law.  He became the sacrifice, as to remove the burden of blood sacrifices.

Too, the OT tells us that such laws would not be changed.  It could be argued however, that through translation, transliteration and various edits (whether intentional or not) the words and or context have changed for the modern readers. A good example is one of those pesky 10 commandments "thou shalt not kill" which was originally closer to "thou shalt not murder", it is a slight change but a significant one.  Murder refers to the lying in wait to kill in cold blood with no just cause (imagined causes are not justified).  One must also consider how the understanding of the law changed under the Pharisees, and various others attempting to control the populace (lay folks).

All of that being said, I did once read an interesting debate on whether Mosaic law applied to the Gentiles that were saved by their belief in the Christ.  It is above my paygrade to make such judgements for others, all I can do is continue to study, believe, and live my life by that which I believe

I wish you well,

rulemylife -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 8:25:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: Truthiness

Actually, what I said is that it raises doubt as to if he's a true Christian, because it's hard to imagine followers of Jesus being so willing to murder in cold blood; with Jesus's life being about love, peace, and forgiveness.

That's an entirely different level than what you're arguing. It's not the same at all.

Then what you are saying is we can categorize the Ten Commandments as some being of lesser and others greater importance.

DomKen -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 8:42:11 AM)


Too, the OT tells us that such laws would not be changed.  It could be argued however, that through translation, transliteration and various edits (whether intentional or not) the words and or context have changed for the modern readers. A good example is one of those pesky 10 commandments "thou shalt not kill" which was originally closer to "thou shalt not murder", it is a slight change but a significant one.  Murder refers to the lying in wait to kill in cold blood with no just cause (imagined causes are not justified).  One must also consider how the understanding of the law changed under the Pharisees, and various others attempting to control the populace (lay folks).

Christian apologetics by people who assume no one will ever ask a rabbi is the funniest stuff. The commandment against murder is very specific in Hebrew. It means killing another member of the person's community, not anything about lying in wait or stuff like that. It bans crimes of passion as well as premeditated killing. Jews have long taken it to include jews must not kill other jews.

If christians really carry forward as the inheritors of the jew's special relationship with god then they should reasonably view that commandment as christains shall not kill anyone in their community as well as not killing other christians.

Thadius -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:03:05 AM)




Too, the OT tells us that such laws would not be changed.  It could be argued however, that through translation, transliteration and various edits (whether intentional or not) the words and or context have changed for the modern readers. A good example is one of those pesky 10 commandments "thou shalt not kill" which was originally closer to "thou shalt not murder", it is a slight change but a significant one.  Murder refers to the lying in wait to kill in cold blood with no just cause (imagined causes are not justified).  One must also consider how the understanding of the law changed under the Pharisees, and various others attempting to control the populace (lay folks).

Christian apologetics by people who assume no one will ever ask a rabbi is the funniest stuff. The commandment against murder is very specific in Hebrew. It means killing another member of the person's community, not anything about lying in wait or stuff like that. It bans crimes of passion as well as premeditated killing. Jews have long taken it to include jews must not kill other jews.

If christians really carry forward as the inheritors of the jew's special relationship with god then they should reasonably view that commandment as christains shall not kill anyone in their community as well as not killing other christians.

The reason I explained it as such, is because I do have the right to kill in defense of my home, family, self, and nation.  With that caveate, I would agree with your statement.  As I stated that was merely my explanation of what I understand murder to be.

I am not sure who you are accusing of providing apologies for others... I know I am definitely not providing any or excusing such behavior.

Arpig -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:13:01 AM)

That's my understanding as well Thadius. My point in asking the questions was to further investigate the idea of being a true christian. Since Jesus did not cancel the laws, and they are still in effect, then no true christian would do any work on a Saturday, fail to keep Passover, or wear clothing of mixed fabrics.

All of that being said, I did once read an interesting debate on whether Mosaic law applied to the Gentiles that were saved by their belief in the Christ. 
If this idea of the law not applying to gentiles is correct, then bestiality is not a sin for gentiles, since there is nothing about it in the NT.

That is the gist of what I was getting at, but Truthi has studiously avoided answering my questions. I believe he realises that to do so is either impossible to do using scriptural evidence, or he realises that to do so would destroy his idea of a true christian, since there clearly are none of those, at least by his definition of them.

Arpig -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:22:53 AM)


Actually, what I said is that it raises doubt as to if he's a true Christian, because it's hard to imagine followers of Jesus being so willing to murder in cold blood; with Jesus's life being about love, peace, and forgiveness.

Since you cannot define "true christian" in a manner which allows for anybody to be a "true christian", arguing if somebody is or isn't a "true christian" is irrelevant, since it has been shown that, according to your definition at least, nobody is.


And of course, once again, if you're saying we can't call into doubt that he may not be a Christian, then it is equally inaccurate for you to claim he is one...therefore proving my point with your argument that you shouldn't be calling him a Christian Terrorist.
No, it proves nothing, because your primary supposition is flawed. Nobody said one couldn't call into doubt that he may not be a christian, we only said there is no way to show he is not a christian. He claims to be one, claims to be acting on the basis of his christian beliefs, claims to be acting in the name of christianity. Since you cannot prove he isn't a christian, except by using a fallacious arguement about "true" christianity that has been demonstrated to be both fallacious and unworkable, you are the one who cannot legitimatly claim that your belief he is not a christian is backed by anything other than distatse at being associated with him and his actions.

And now to your analogy

An American living in Asia decides he's fed up with China, and goes and blows up as many buildings/people in China as he can before he gets caught. The American government outright denies any knowledge or desire for that to happen, condemns his actions, and says "He wasn't acting on our behalf at all"

Yes he would be an American terrorist, and it would be American terrorism. What it wouldn't be is state-sponsored American terrorism. Those of us who have claimed this to be an act of christian terrorism have never claimed it was church-sponsored christian terrorism.

And, since you have still avoided my questions I will restate them:

1) Do the OT rules still apply, is what was forbidden still forbidden?

2) If the rules still apply, do the prescribed punishments still apply?

3) If the OT rules do not apply, then is bestiality still a sin, if so, on what scriptural grounds?

Thadius -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:31:05 AM)



If this idea of the law not applying to gentiles is correct, then bestiality is not a sin for gentiles, since there is nothing about it in the NT.

That is the gist of what I was getting at, but Truthi has studiously avoided answering my questions. I believe he realises that to do so is either impossible to do using scriptural evidence, or he realises that to do so would destroy his idea of a true christian, since there clearly are none of those, at least by his definition of them.

I suppose the real question would be, who's job is it to judge whether one is a "real christian" or not.  I know it is not my place to do so.  I can only go by what was written and the information provided... the man claims (ed) to be a Christian, the reports state that he is an American, and I would suggest his actions make him a terrorist (or at least a murderer); thus he is an American Christian terrorist/murderer.  Once he is judged by the laws of man, he will face the judgement of the God he claims to believe in.

DomKen -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:51:30 AM)


I am not sure who you are accusing of providing apologies for others... I know I am definitely not providing any or excusing such behavior.

I wrote apologetics not apologies and your original response is straight out of bad christian apologetics.

Thadius -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 10:06:48 AM)




I am not sure who you are accusing of providing apologies for others... I know I am definitely not providing any or excusing such behavior.

I wrote apologetics not apologies and your original response is straight out of bad christian apologetics.

Again, I am not defending anybody else's doctrine or beliefs... or how they want to act or use such to defend their actions.

Just as I have stated when the discussions have travelled into the accusing all Muslims or followers of Islam as being violent or radicals, I am chiming in here. 

I can only speak to that which I believe and that which I do or do not prescribe to.  So accusing me of being a Christian apologetic is way off target.  I honestly don't care what "Christian doctrines" suggest, or at least those doctrines and traditions that are created by man.

I wish you well,

Arpig -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 2:00:25 PM)


I suppose the real question would be, who's job is it to judge whether one is a "real christian" or not.

Apparently Truthiness is, or at least he claims it. That is why have addressed my questions to him.

RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 3:02:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Truthiness

Actually, what I said is that it raises doubt as to if he's a true Christian, because it's hard to imagine followers of Jesus being so willing to murder in cold blood; with Jesus's life being about love, peace, and forgiveness.

That's an entirely different level than what you're arguing. It's not the same at all.

So, murder is a higher level of sin than all the other sins?  There is no sin level?


That said, yes I can honestly say I haven't broken any of those commandments, as irrelevant as the question is.

So now your are perfection?  Gosh - then I bow to your greatness.  Cool.  Then why do you need Jesus?


And of course, once again, if you're saying we can't call into doubt that he may not be a Christian, then it is equally inaccurate for you to claim he is one

I am not calling him anything.  You are the person doubting his christianity.  I have been quite clear on my standpoint but if you unclear I will say it again.  It is not up to me, nor is it my 'right' or decision to call him anything.  You know, christian doctrine an all that - the whole 'he without sin' mantra - ya dig?  Of course you don't - you are allegedly perfect - my apology.
I am doing is calling out your hypocrasy of sin having levels.

DomKen -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/7/2009 9:01:32 PM)

Just an aside falling back on my days dating a rabbi's daughter, in the jewish tradition none of the 613 laws handed down by god is considered more or less important than the others because making that judgement would be to presume to know the mind of god. So eating pork or shrimp is just as bad as homsexual acts and wearing poly/cotton blends.

Musicmystery -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/8/2009 1:03:44 AM)


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RCdc -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/8/2009 1:34:55 AM)

Pfft.  Nothings for free...[;)][:D]


Brian: It's for the wife.
Vendor: Oh, ehm...twenty shekels.
Brian: Right.
Vendor: What?
Brian: There you are.
Vendor: Wait a minute!
Brian: What?
Vendor: Well, we're...we're supposed to barter!


Kirata -> RE: christian terrorism? (6/8/2009 3:01:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Get your stones here! Step right up! Fresh stones, excellent throwing stones! Free trial! Get 'em while they last! Get your stones here! Stones for sale! Stones! Get 'em now! Stones here!



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