RE: Israel says screw you US (Full Version)

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cadenas -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 1:38:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Starbuck09
I'm aware that i'm arriving a little late in the debate but nevertheless... Israel has every right to exist and ,if it chooses, to expand its territories.

Huh? Of course Israel has the right to exist. But NO country has the right to expand its territories. Doesn't matter if you are talking about Israel "needing" the West Bank or Germany "needing" Poland.


ORIGINAL: Starbuck09
Palastine has every right to exist and, if it chooses, to make war on Israel to reclaim it's lost land. Obama has every right to attempt to dictate policy to Israel. Right and wrong are subjective terms there is no monolithic construction that embodies all aspects of these concepts and so each nation has it's own values and implements them as it sees fit. I do not know what is right or wrong I have a moral code which I adhere to but it's inherent value is no more than that of anyone else's...I just believe it is.

Actually, there is a more absolute standard to go by. Within a country, it's called LAW. Applies to everyone equally and defines the difference between right and wrong. You can't just go out and tell a judge "Hey, I decided that killing that person was OK because I decided so."

On the international scale, it's called international law. Same thing. International law is mostly codified in treaties, but it's law nonetheless.

In the case of Israel, international law specifically says:
- If you occupy a territory, it is war crime to allow your own population to settle in the occupied territory.
- If you annex a territory, you can allow your own population to settle there, but you then must also grant full citizenship rights to the local population.

So Israel has the choice of either declaring the West Bank occupied territory and removing all settlements, or declaring the West Bank a part of Israel, and granting all Palestinians full Israeli citizenship with the right to vote.

By doing only half of it, Israel is simply committing a war crime. And that's not just a personal moral view. That's the law.

Starbuck09 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 1:50:46 PM)

Every country has the right to expand it's borders Cadenas just as every country has the right to defend them.  The law is a code by which to live but it is not inherently ''right''. If you chose to kill a person because you thought it was the right thing to do you would be punished by the law but that would not mean the validity of your concept of what is right was flawed, only that the society in which you live decides that it is so. International law is again not monolithic, it is dictated by the  most powerful countries to those that are weaker and is often only binding if the country in question is signatory to certain codified treaties. A good example is the government of Nazi Germany Cadenas they were not wrong per se I simply believe their views were wrong there is an enormous difference and thankfully there were enough people who agreed with me and no doubt yourself when they were needed.  International law is by and large a poor joke that is used by more powerful countries to batter weaker ones into submission. Israel will never change it's stance via moral reasoning nor should it have to it follows what it believes to be right only action will move it and the exact same applies to palastine.

JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 2:20:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Starbuck09

Every country has the right to expand it's borders Cadenas just as every country has the right to defend them.

That's (drawing on my culinary experience) "bordering" on a perfect recipe for war.

Who's house would you recommend I ransack first? (I know my way around Oxford and whilst theres not much oil there, there's plenty of expensive books I could sell on ebay by proxy (forget thinking about defence ... sweet dreams)

Please leave the traffic system the way it is in advance of my arrival, I know all the back roads so the routine chaos will make it feel like an "Italian Job" re-enactment and I do love not getting caught!



Starbuck09 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 2:27:37 PM)

 Yes it is a perfect recipe for war pirate, but that does not change the fact that every country has the right to take such steps. That does not preclude one from disagreeing with a countries actions but your disagreement alone is worthless as your reasoning is not intrinsically more potent or valid then the country you disagree with.
As for Oxford I live in old Headington opposite a pub called the White Hart there are plenty of ransackable houses abounding there take your pick.  I actually reccomend the Oxford tube for a getaway ride though pirate safe, fast and dependable [plus you  arrive in London][;)]

JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 3:03:52 PM)

You forgot the bit about "right to defend" that you earlier mentioned. Poor defence really? (or explain )

It seems you fly your colours high, you are ready to defend I guess (and I don't mean send kids out to do it for you) ?

London via Oxford ! ... shit ... what heinous crime deserves THAT penalty ? (not voting the monarch in to power I guess)


Starbuck09 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 3:13:01 PM)

Forgive me Jonnie but i'm not sure I entirely understand what you are asking. I think the right for a country to defend itself is as valid as the right of another country to attack it. For example I respect israels' decision to seize Palastinian territory as much as I respect palastine's decision to defend said land. The strength of one's moral argument is only relavent to yourself and the society you live in if we had attemted to defeat the nazis with the strength of our moral reasoning I suspect the outcome of world war 2 would have been somewhat less favourable.
I'm off to Sandhurst in September so I probably will be ordering kids about.
London via Oxford? It is a privillege not a journey shame on you Jonathan!

JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 4:06:05 PM)

You therefore must agree that it is my right to attack whomsoever I choose too.

Sandhurst eh? ... so I was right.(unless you're going to the OTHER well known institution of "Berks")

Enjoy the responsibility (assuming you are doing the job properly) and it's rewards.

Isn't that pub on the old coach road? (and of course ... do they sell proper cider?)


JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 4:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Starbuck09
The strength of one's moral argument is only relavent to yourself and the society you live in if we had attemted to defeat the nazis with the strength of our moral reasoning I suspect the outcome of world war 2 would have been somewhat less favourable.

Without "moral argument" and strength of "reasoning" elsewhere (including the country of England) there would have have been a lot less heroes to (join and) fight the Nazis and die, so I say horseshit. (you'll find a lot of that around Sandhurst)


Starbuck09 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 6:40:24 PM)

 I do agree that it is your right to attack anyone you so choose that is the whole point of my argument jonnie. With regards to next post again that reinforces what I am saying that moral reasoning without the action to back it up is useless on it's own as it is not inherently more valuable or ''right'' than any other nation's.
The pubs along a road named Barton Lane which I think [though i'm not certain] could well be the old coach road and yes it does sell real cider.
You were indeed right about my destination pirate and even more so about what I will find there.

JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 7:25:52 PM)

I will find my way to that pub again (if it's not the one I thought, I will find the one you mean).

If I'm passing through Sandhurst area, feel free to "wave" (I'll be the shaven headed one that never salutes "that" flag [sm=evil.gif])


JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 7:32:41 PM)

Back to topic ... the Israel never told the US "screw you" ----------------- discuss?

(if you think that she did ... in what LANGUAGE was it said)


Starbuck09 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 7:32:57 PM)

 Heh heh heh you filthy republican jonnie![;)]

JonnieBoy -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 7:50:20 PM)

Filthy ... goes without saying. Republican ... understood (but not by the vast majority of our current audience [;)] )

Doesn't mean I don't respect what you choose. We may walk separate paths but they will have had similarity once the journey ends.

If ever you have to die ... do a good job of it, we wouldn't want weak looking adversaries, that would prove waste of life as well as make the yanks look harder than they are ... and no-one is stupid enough to think that cockier yanks knocking around is going to be any use to any "mother" (surely?)



Since the US (and in my view the queen ... but what's new!) has been over represented in this thread ... hows about some trad Israeli "screw you" views?

jlf1961 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 10:00:02 PM)




ORIGINAL: jlf1961

The above link is a map of the original plan.

Even more interesting is this series of maps, which show how Israel has been systematically expanding its grip on territory throughout what's left of Palestine and into Syria and Egypt.


This is the current map of Israel.  The Sinai was returned to Egypt after the Camp David accords brokered by President Carter.

The area marked by the 'A' is the Golan Heights, contested between Syria and Israel, presently under the control of Israel.

The areas marked by the B and C are the West Bank and Gaza strip respectively, both areas have been given over to the Palestinians for a Palestinian Homeland.

So, with the exception of the Golan Heights all territory occupied by Israel has been either returned to its previous owner OR ceded over to the Palestinians, thus returning Israel to the borders established in 1948 after the civil war preceding the Israel's declaration of independence.

Thus the maps are no longer accurate.

I find it funny that people have forgotten the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that returned the Sinai to Egypt.

To refresh the memory:
The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David. The two agreements were signed at the White House, and were witnessed by United States President Jimmy Carter. The Accords led directly to the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. They also resulted in Sadat and Begin sharing the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize.


Now, what people have also forgotten was that even in 1977 Israel was willing to recognize a Palestinian state.

NOWHERE was the discussion of Jerusalem being turned over to anyone.

Another point to consider on Jerusalem, the Israeli government has repeatedly refused to allow the destruction of the Dome of the Rock on the temple mount, and maintains military guards on the building, providing police escorts for Muslim pilgrims to the mosque when necessary.

Again, Obama and Clinton have put their collective feet into a puddle that was never part of any peace plan.

Kirata -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 10:11:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

To refresh the memory...

Thank you.


MissSepphora1 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 10:35:57 PM)

My husband was born and raised in Lebanon during the civil war.  His family still lives there.  Is that enough qualifications?


ORIGINAL: BadJezebel


ORIGINAL: MissSepphora1

Lebanon just had a democratic vote today.  It's noting new, they've been having them for decades now.
So how exactly is Israel the "only democratic nation in the middle ease?"
Since, of course, Lebanon is in the middle east, right north of Israel.


What do you know about Lebanon? Are you kidding me?

Ghassan Tuéni is one of Lebanon's foremost statesmen and political writers. He was Lebanon's ambassador to the United Nations, and is publisher of the Lebanese daily al-Nahar. He is also currently the chairman of the Executive Committee of Balamand University.

In his article entitled "Democracy in Lebanon: Anatomy of a Crisis", he writes:

A careful analysis of the mis-exercise of democracy in Lebanon leads us to a number of conclusions:
The checks and balances established between the executive and legislative branches were made inoperative by an 'evil alliance' between the two, and this took two forms:
- The first flowed from the executive towards the legislative branch of government: by practicing extensive nepotism and confessional favouritism, to the detriment of the rule of law, a corrupt undemocratic executive could secure re-election for its party or group in parliament. Hence, instead of emerging from a parliamentary majority, the governing clique "elected" its own majority, and thus could theoretically perpetuate its power unless a major crisis caused a para-constitutional emergency which brought about a change, usually through the dissolution of parliament, the appointment of a neutral coalition or even an opposition government, and the announcement of new elections. The dimension of the change, and its constitutional consequences, were inversely proportional to the importance and effectiveness of the president who was the guarantor of the constitution.

The second form of this 'evil alliance' flowed from the legislative towards the executive: because of the executive's control of electoral results and its generous dispensation of favours, parliament tended to act with complacency towards the former's actions, and save for some formal inconsequential oratorical performances, it avoided censoring the executive. Electoral laws, which were readjusted by self-serving legislatures with the complicity of the executive, were never allowed to reflect socio-political change, popular aspirations, and the emergence of new classes or political forces.

The stagnation of so-called democratic government, and its inability to exercise leadership, particularly in the socio-economic development of the country, were due to an ever-increasing divorce between the ruling clique and the emerging classes. Lebanese democracy was not only cut off from its historical and political roots, it was left floating in a cultural vacuum. Not only was there no genuine democratic society to nurture and renovate constitutional institutions, including political parties, parliamentary blocs, and the civil service, but the very ideals of liberal democracy were thrust aside by the onslaught of authoritarianism and violent change.

. . . .

The conflictive structures which defined Lebanese democracy unwittingly conspired to reduce the country to a mere vent hole for regional conflicts. The national covenant, originally an expression of confessional consensus, became a symbol of stasis. Lebanon's democratic institutions, which were intended to help prepare for the race towards economic progress and stronger democratic rule, became vehicles for the clashing interests of regional powers and their local pawns. The Lebanese parliament deteriorated from being a forum for partisan competition and debate into one for partisan confrontation. And, most significantly, Lebanese political parties, through ideological affinities or financial incentives, genuine fears or pure cynicism, ceded their decisionmaking capabilities to their so-called foreign allies. Gradually, the issues at stake for the Lebanese ceased to be Lebanese issues.

MissSepphora1 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 10:37:02 PM)

Ahhhh... the words of denial...


ORIGINAL: nelly33


ORIGINAL: MissSepphora1

"Instead of Nazi Germany, you have our backs and brethren dying to prevent a global epidemic. We've done an amazing job so far. Were we given Northern Africa by grace? No. We want a small plot of land to call our own. Our God existed thousands of years before the Muslim God."

Don't you guys ever feel guilty knowing a christian country is supporting your "plot of land to call your own".  You did crucify our God, after all.

ummm... the Romans killed Jesus... not the Jews.  Congratulations... you're a misinformed racist!  PS... even if the Jews did kill Jesus, I'm pretty sure none of "us" were around for it.  You fail.

MissSepphora1 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 10:48:54 PM)

I don't care what technologies the israelis have discovered, unless they found a cure for cancer, aids, or diabetes it's not worth the over 1 trillion dollars we've spent on Israel over the last fifty years. 
Israel says they had advanced notice of saddam invading kuwait, and they may have.  I also believe the israelis provided the info about saddam that got us into the iraq war.  they wanted saddam gone, and they got what they wanted.

thepleaser20 -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 11:05:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissSepphora1

I don't care what technologies the israelis have discovered, unless they found a cure for cancer, aids, or diabetes it's not worth the over 1 trillion dollars we've spent on Israel over the last fifty years. 
Israel says they had advanced notice of saddam invading kuwait, and they may have.  I also believe the israelis provided the info about saddam that got us into the iraq war.  they wanted saddam gone, and they got what they wanted.

I have been reading this thread and I have noticed a common pattern with almost all of your posts. I have noticed that you have a huge bias against Israel which is fine. However, you hate Israel based on conspiracy theories which have no evidence or fact.

It is true that America has spent lots of money on Israel, but I am sure it isn't a trillion dollars over a over a 50 year period.

Quote from MissSepphora1
"I also believe the israelis provided the info about saddam that got us into the iraq war.  they wanted saddam gone, and they got what they wanted.

Believing isn't always fact last time I checked. History is not made up of what you "believe" to be or not to be but rather built up of facts. Coming up on this website or any where on this planet and shouting out false information is not the right way to argue a topic like this. This is not philosophy or a science debate where you can use theories to explain your posession. Please try to be more factual and accurate when you are depicting history by using valid sources (I.E. news papers, government website, etc..) to prove what you are saying.

I mean, you don't even sound like you know what you are talking about but that is my personal opinion.

Thank you and I bid you a good day

I am sorry if I have many grammar/spelling/sentence errors in what I have wrote. I am very tired right now.

Arpig -> RE: Israel says screw you US (6/8/2009 11:17:29 PM)



What do you know about Lebanon? Are you kidding me?

Actually, the Lebanese voters just defeated the Hezbollah party.
Seems to me to be a functioning democracy, despite the issues presented in your post.

Edited to correct an error based on a misleading headline....sorry

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