Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (Full Version)

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Thadius -> Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 9:12:48 AM)

As many know I disagree with our current president on many issues.  However, the man was fairly elected and is my president.  I cannot phatom the thought process that some of these nutjobs possess.  The Secret Service has issued a warrant today for one such nutjob.


The Secret Service was hunting Friday for a gun-toting man who told a Utah bank manager he is "on a mission to kill" President Obama.
Daniel James Murray purportedly made the threat after withdrawing nearly $13,000 from his savings account at the First National Bank in St. George, Utah.
A warrant for his arrest was issued Friday.
Murray's whereabouts are unknown, but a court affidavit indicated he once lived in New York and has recently been in California, Utah, Georgia, Oklahoma and possibly Texas.
He has at least eight registered firearms, the Secret Service told the Salt Lake City Tribune.

This man is on the run with $85k in cash and a slew of weapons... the worst part is that in one of his statements he used the term "We". 

Mezrem -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 9:36:50 AM)

I agree the use of the word we is and should be troubling. Though I do not agree with the President on many of his issues I have no desire to see him harmed.  I hope the Secret Service finds Mr Murry soon so that he (and any possable cohorts) an be dealt with.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 10:00:54 AM)


This man is on the run with $85k in cash and a slew of weapons... the worst part is that in one of his statements he used the term "We".

There's a lot about this that's pretty disturbing when you reflect on it for a moment (aside from the fact that he's planing to kill  the president, of course.)

Who is this guy? What's his story? From what I've been able to piece together from the article, it looks like he's been traveling all over the country for weeks, if not months, particularly in areas that are known to be hotbeds of extreme right-wing religious fundamentalism. He winds up in Utah, and deposits $85,000 in a bank. Where'd he get it? Why does someone from New York drive all the way to Utah to open a bank account and make a deposit? They've got banks in New York; I've been there, and I've seen them. They're all over the place. Big signs on the front and everything. Then, after he withdraws the money, he shows up at a bank in Iowa. Why? Collecting more money? Whose?

It looks to me like someone's funding this guy. It doesn't sound as though he had this money in his possession when  he left New York, because it wouldn't have made sense for him to drive all the way to Utah to deposit it. It sounds like he got a check from someone, or more likely multiple checks from multiple someones (the article's not clear on that, being that it's the Daily News, after all), and sat around in Utah waiting for the check(s) to clear. It very much sounds as though his purpose for barnstorming around the country was to meet up with contributors, and when he'd amassed a certain amount, decided to cash it out. And then apparently went to Iowa to collect some more. Thus the "we".

He may be a nut, but the circumstances strongly suggest he's not a lone nut. It looks like he's got people with pretty deep pockets subsidizing his grand little adventure, and I think it's a pretty good bet he's got some sort of network of people providing him with shelter and, perhaps, logistical assistance of some sort. He's clearly insane, and evidently not very bright, so I don't doubt the Secret Service is up to the task, but the more pressing issue (IMO) is who's he fronting for? What's the whole story here?

And what's up with that friggin' bank? A guy makes death threats to a teller if he doesn't get his money, and then when he gets the money, makes further direct threats against the life of the President of the United States, and what do they do? He comes back the next day, and they give him the rest of his money. Did they not report this on the first day? When he came back the next day, why were the police apparently unaware of the situation? How did he just walk right in, collect the rest of his money, and sashay right back out again? How does that work?

DomKen -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 10:59:23 AM)

Consider another case of an assassin of a prominent black man. James Earl Ray, at the time MLK was killed an escapee from a Missouri prison, somehow made it to London with money to take an international flight and 2 convincing fake passports. Officially Ray is supposed to have acted alone but where did all the money come from for the trip to London, fake passports etc. come from?

The rumor always has been that white racists paid for Ray and based on the wheres and whens of this new guys cross country adventure it sounds like he could have been visiting certain groups of white supremacists to collect weapons and funds for a hit.

Arpig -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:13:25 AM)


based on the wheres and whens of this new guys cross country adventure it sounds like he could have been visiting certain groups of white supremacists to collect weapons and funds for a hit.

Looks that way. The first of many, I am afraid to say.

MarsBonfire -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:26:04 AM)

Hummm... makes you wonder what went on in the back rooms of the C-PAC meetings, huh?

Vendaval -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:29:35 AM)

I doubt very much he is acting alone and would like to read the FBI profile on his mental state and motivations.

Good to see you posting again, Thadius. [:)]

Mezrem -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:33:39 AM)

I have to agree with the people posting further upthread. There are groups in this country, I am sad to say that would kill a man for the color of his skin. They would do this for no better reason then he has made something of his life. We can do little at this point other then hope.. or if we see this man to contact the police.

popeye1250 -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:39:10 AM)

Don't these people realize that we have *elections* for "wacking" politicians?
And, they're much more interesting. Wait 'till Nov of 2010. We'll see some "CHANGE" then!

BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Nut jobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 11:55:24 AM)

Unfortunate there is a whole under ground of people that supports theses types of people and their ideas,You would think that our government would have infiltrated all theses groups by now but it seems like more springing up every day..the color of a mans skin doesn't give anyone the right to end his life,what in the hell is wrong with America.....large sums of money and IDS THAT PASS SCRUTINY AT THE BORDERS SHOUT THE HANDWORK OF WELL ORGANIZED UNDERGROUND...BH

angelikaJ -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:01:17 PM)

He is likely "crazy" (schizophrenic) and he could be acting alone.
A delusional thought process might make him think he is part of a group.

He has or had elderly parents.
It could be their money he has been using.

Kirata -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:09:53 PM)



I have to agree with the people posting further upthread. There are groups in this country, I am sad to say that would kill a man for the color of his skin. They would do this for no better reason then he has made something of his life. We can do little at this point other then hope.. or if we see this man to contact the police.

The evidence suggests that he is (a) mentally ill, and (b) a religious nut.

He was known for wandering around, "wearing a black cape and muttering to himself," and his neighbors called him "Cape Man". His property was "dotted with assorted religious statues, including a 'glowing cross' in the back yard by the tool shed" (the latter apparently referring to an illuminated cross of which I have seen many), and he was reported to be wearing a t-shirt, "with the words, 'My way is the highway -- God' emblazoned across the chest with a Christian cross sprouting wings."

So unh, where does this racial theme enter the picture? Ain't it bad enough as it is?


Marc2b -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:18:46 PM)


As many know I disagree with our current president on many issues. However, the man was fairly elected and is my president.

Agreed. I used to laugh at those he’s not my President bumper stickers during the Bush era and think to myself, oh yes he is - whether we like it or not. I am definitely not one of those who is enamored of President Obama but you will never catch me with one of those bumper stickers.

As for the nutjob, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Let’s face the facts: there are some real loony tune, white supremacist nutballs out there. Klu-klux-klan types, and neo - God gave America to the white man – nazi types, and the white militia types that like to run around the forest with guns preparing for the great race war. They will look upon a black man being elected to the Presidency as the beginning of Armageddon. People have been taking shots at Presidents for a long time but this time, whether we like it or not, there is the added element of racism. We can only hope that the Secret Service (and probably the FBI as well) will keep a sharp eye on the loony bastards. I wouldn’t be surprised if some brave souls have been infiltrating some of these groups but, of course, they can only go after the ones they know about.

I shudder to think what would happen to this country if President Obama is ever assassinated.

Marc2b -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:22:32 PM)


Hummm... makes you wonder what went on in the back rooms of the C-PAC meetings, huh?

Do you have anything more constructive to add other than closed minded, ideological hatred? This kind of bigoted attitude is the very thing perpetuates the divisions within this country.

Kirata -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:22:35 PM)



I shudder to think what would happen to this country if President Obama is ever assassinated.

If you want to delve into the possible machinations of whoever is backing this poor slob, that may have more to do with it than Obama's race. If you were part of a cabal that wanted an excuse to grab power, there couldn't be a better excuse.


kdsub -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:23:24 PM)

Not to worry...I'm sure it is just another case of Christian terrorism.


Arpig -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:23:56 PM)


I shudder to think what would happen to this country if President Obama is ever assassinated.

President Biden.......**shiver**

Marc2b -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:27:16 PM)


President Biden.......**shiver**

Yeah... that thought occured to me to but I'm thinking along the lines of street riots the like of which we have never seen before.

Kirata -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:27:45 PM)




I shudder to think what would happen to this country if President Obama is ever assassinated.

President Biden.......**shiver**

Well you know what they say, "Cui bono?"

Note to Mars: It ain't gonna be CPAC.


Musicmystery -> RE: Nutjobs coming out of the woodwork... (6/5/2009 12:32:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

Don't these people realize that we have *elections* for "wacking" politicians?
And, they're much more interesting. Wait 'till Nov of 2010. We'll see some "CHANGE" then!

All we need now is a party with some ideas.

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