War funding...how times change (Full Version)

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housesub4you -> War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 2:12:54 AM)

Last year when Bush asked for more war funding, the news was filled with GOPer's sayiing if you don't vote yes for this war funding you don't support the troops and you are helping the terrorist, they even questioned ones honor to this country in voting NO

In this weeks vote on war funding, every elected GOP voted NO.  So it appears they no longer support the troops.


MarsBonfire -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 4:24:16 AM)

Why, oh why does the GOP hate America? 

thishereboi -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 5:30:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Why, oh why does the GOP hate America? 

The GOP doesn't hate America, you just can't see anything with those blinders you wear.

Why, oh why do you post such stupidity?

thishereboi -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 5:33:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: housesub4you

Last year when Bush asked for more war funding, the news was filled with GOPer's sayiing if you don't vote yes for this war funding you don't support the troops and you are helping the terrorist, they even questioned ones honor to this country in voting NO

In this weeks vote on war funding, every elected GOP voted NO.  So it appears they no longer support the troops.

Yes and at the same time the democrats where screaming bring the troops home NOW. Now it seems the democrats have decided that the war is ok after all and lets send more money and troops. It appears they now support the war.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:00:16 AM)


Maybe politicians should stop including things in bills that have nothing to do with that bill.


Aneirin -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:03:10 AM)

Who, what organisation or company is making lots of money out of these wars ? Are they people in positions of power or influence ? It has just got to be benefiting someone for this to keep going, when the countries are in economic crisis. Maybe, it could be asked, just what do the forces hope to achieve with theses wars, what are they going to gain ?

Louve00 -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:21:27 AM)

The GOP seems to just hate everything a Democrat says.  Its becoming the big divide between our nation.  And maybe I've got it wrong but the dem's arent saying war is ok and lets send more in (to Iraq, as that is what you both are commenting on), but they aren't about to just......drop...the war on terrorism. (does the GOP think we should just drop the war on terrorism?  Maybe I'm behind the times.)

OrionTheWolf -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 10:28:00 AM)

It happens both ways. This is why I do not like most polticians that are party affiliated. It has caused a huge divide in out government, the people and those that reap the rewards are in a whole different party and power structure.



The GOP seems to just hate everything a Democrat says.  Its becoming the big divide between our nation.  And maybe I've got it wrong but the dem's arent saying war is ok and lets send more in (to Iraq, as that is what you both are commenting on), but they aren't about to just......drop...the war on terrorism. (does the GOP think we should just drop the war on terrorism?  Maybe I'm behind the times.)

Louve00 -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 11:21:17 AM)

Since most politicians are party affiliated, its hard to avoid a side.  My only wish is there were more sides to choose from, and there are, but they don't have much influence.  We're forced to pick between a republican or democratic point of view since it seems republicans and democrats hold all the cards of power.  From there, I will side with the side that coincides most with my point of views.  (as non-existant as some of them may be [;)] ).  I will side with you Orion though, that it does happen both ways.  Sometimes its more dramatic than not...most times a logical person can't help but roll their eyes, though.

thishereboi -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 2:47:20 PM)



The GOP seems to just hate everything a Democrat says. 
All of the GOP...wow and you know this because they all confide in you. Amazing
Good thing no democrats act like this. They are all flowers and sunshine when it comes to anything on the right.

Its becoming the big divide between our nation
And it's all because of the GOP? Those bastards.

Louve00 -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:14:54 PM)

I'm not going to start slinging assumptions at you.  It takes just a moment to listen to the news, read the paper, browse the internet to hear whats going on.  If you think thats confiding in me, wow have I impressed you!!!

And as assumptions go, well there ya have it.  You assume I think only republicans can sling mud.  No, no....not at all.  For right now, democrats don't have to sling mud, they won the election.  Let's see who slings the mud, next election, eh?

And you don't see a divide between the nation as far as democrats and republicans go???
Look around a little more.  Listen to more than just the posters on the forums.

thishereboi -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:21:02 PM)


And you don't see a divide between the nation as far as democrats and republicans go???
Look around a little more.  Listen to more than just the posters on the forums.

Yea I see it and comments like this make it worse



The GOP seems to just hate everything a Democrat says.  Its becoming the big divide between our nation.  And maybe I've got it wrong but the dem's arent saying war is ok and lets send more in (to Iraq, as that is what you both are commenting on), but they aren't about to just......drop...the war on terrorism. (does the GOP think we should just drop the war on terrorism?  Maybe I'm behind the times.)

Yea its all those bastard on the GOP

Louve00 -> RE: War funding...how times change (6/18/2009 6:27:53 PM)

Maybe you'd have taken less offense if I'd have said the dem's hate everything the GOP says?  It would be about right, ya know.  However, (*grins, hating those forevers) had I said it that way it wouldn't have made much sense since it was the GOP who is now voting against war funds, when they were ready to call anyone unpatriotic if they were against it...um...when?

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