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Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:03:21 AM   

Posts: 886
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I enjoy speaking about and studying religion but it was not the reason I came here.  I was shocked to even find this type of forum here.  That said I have been reading some threads.

They contain several problems.  The biggest one people assume the bible has some sort of authority because the bible says in its pages it does.  No one should be forced to bow down to this type of logic - circular reasoning.  It is like a DOM who demands but does not command respect.  There is no justification, no reason to respect them yet.  What this means relevant to this discussion until you are able to clearly demonstrate and articulate that the bible not the book of Mormon, Qur'an, Book of The Dead, Bhagavad Gita, Veda or Talmud is the true authority then stop quoting it like it is.  Remember you are the one making the positive assertion so you have taken on the burden of proof.

If you tell another person that their 'loved' one is cheating on them they will demand evidence prior to accepting this or taking action - rightfully so.  However, if you tell them an invisible being who created the known ex-nihlo also wrote the book on their nightstand this proposition is simply accepted as true?!?!?!.  Typically the book the believer accepts has more to do with geographic location than any type of informed research.  Most likely there was never a DDx(differential diagnosis)/comparative religious study.  I do not know how to hit this home.  The book was accepted because the family of the believer said so.  The family of the believer accepted the book because the book said it was true.  This not true in every case possibly not yours.

This is dangerous because each holy book makes exclusive claims which contradict each other demanding specific types of actions/behaviours of its followers.  These actions have caused friction in society with people who without religion are the same.  This friction has been escalated to war leading to the worst violence and blood shed man has known since the beginning.  It has also been used to justify torture well outside the realm of S&M.

Yes, yes I know you have faith.  I know understand the biblical definition of faith no need to quote it.  Faith is acceptance of something inspite of or in lack of evidence.  Each holy book has just as many followers with just as much faith as yourself - possibly a great deal more.  9/11 was a demonstration, a vile one mind you, of men with faith.  People have killed, died and tortured for their god will you? 

Aside from personal experience - all religions have believers with personal experience.
Aside from faith - all religions demand faith
Aside from circular reasoning

Why should I accept the bible?


< Message edited by Esinn -- 6/24/2009 10:05:50 AM >
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:07:03 AM   

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From: Quietville
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Why should I accept the bible?


problem solved.






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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:09:13 AM   

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 There is no need to accept the bible you don't look for reasons you should accept it. You look at it's teachings and decide if the ideals it purports are ones that you can put stock in. All ideals demand faith, facism, communism, capitalism, islam, christianity, buddhism E.t.c. none of these is right per se you simply decide that you believe they are right and decide to follow them. Killing for religion is no different to killing for, say, marxism.

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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:16:11 AM   

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Why should I accept the bible?


Accept it as a book?  As a literary piece?  As a textbook to a religion?  As a whole book?  As many books?
The only thing I can suggest is that you should accept something if it's relevant to you.  If not, then don't.



love isnt gazing into each others eyes - it's looking forward in the same direction

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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:16:49 AM   

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I think you should decide if religion will provide a purpose, comfort, or explanation in your life. If not than don't accept any religion..plain and simple.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Esinn)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 11:06:29 AM   

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Why should I accept the bible?

There's a lot of value to be found in the bible, but the irony is, the only way to fully benefit from that value is by recognizing and rejecting the crap that is there too. And the only way to do that is to read it, reflect upon it, and see what elements of the bible speak to who you are. If it feels like it fits your value system and belief system, assimilate it and learn from it. If it doesn't fit who you are, reject it and move on.


Panda, panda, burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Made you all black and white and roly-poly like that?

(in reply to Esinn)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 11:39:46 AM   

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Strange question.
You start with an excellent post, then ask why you should accept the bible. I assume you mean as in accept it as the "right one to the exclusion of all others"
You should not. As you so very rightly stated, one should provide proof beforehand. Proof as in evidence that would convince a sane impartial person. The fact that the bible -or any other religious book- tells it's the only true source doesn't count...*shrugs*...I could say the Silmarillion written by Tolkien is the only true prove me wrong.
Personally, I don't put much stock in the bible as "the only true word of god". Just as with other religious texts it's stuffed with contradictions and stories that have been put together from older sources (the story of Noah and the Ark is one for instance). So count me in the camp of agnostics who ARE actively reading/studying religious texts but are not convinced by any.


Don't worry about what people think about you: other people are already worrying about what you think about them.

"Life" : Life is what happens to you while you're busy planning other things

(in reply to RCdc)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 11:44:37 AM   

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The bible contains a lot of misinformation, and a lot of outright fabrications. The sooner people stop trying to base their lives around it, the better.


I won't see your reply, because I don't use this account anymore.

(in reply to WoodenPaddle)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 11:44:58 AM   

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It's called faith.  That's what religion, the bible, and all associated with it are founded on.  Faith.  If you haven't the faith to believe on just word, thats fine.  Others don't quite see it that way.  Faith in the Holy Bible, which is what I think you are referring to is no more dangerous to believe than any other religious source.  People quote from many things because people believe in many things.  It is up to the individual hearing those quotes to embrace them as our beliefs.  Just mho.


For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearance, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. - Niccolo Machiavelli

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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 1:26:30 PM   

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You don't have to accept anything at all. The choice is yours.

(in reply to Louve00)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 2:11:06 PM   

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Joined: 4/22/2009
From: Cymru
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I have been reading some threads.

They contain several problems.

There's a rumour going 'round that I might be one of them ...


(Why accept the Bible? Well, if it comes free with your hotel room, it's great as an emergency cigarette paper supply!)

(more useful tips on why you should accept the bible available upon request)

(in reply to Esinn)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 2:15:15 PM   

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You can approach this matter however you wish, it is a personal decision.


"Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
great day, I will tease you all the same."

(in reply to Esinn)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/24/2009 10:37:00 PM   

Posts: 1031
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I'm personally accepting cash for religion, others have already said it...pick what you want.  Or not.  The bible, (which version, even), Koran, Torah, etc, etc, for the most part have good things and bad things. 

But what do you expect from something written before the advent of a hell of a lot of things and the knowledge that came along with those things?

Just figure it out for yourself.  And you'll be just fine until you die and find out you backed the wrong prophet....


"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." -- Mark Twain

(in reply to Vendaval)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 1:07:48 AM   

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If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?

(in reply to Esinn)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 1:59:07 AM   

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ORIGINAL: knees2you

If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?

Choices are made in life which may or may not be ones which make you happy. Some choices made because of being a Christian, may not have made a person happy in their life. If they are wrong about the existence of God and the truth of religion, then they at the very least lost the ability to live their lives free from supernatural belief and any subsequent sacrifices/bad choices they made due to this.

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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 5:44:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: knees2you

If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?

What if you die and find out your beliefs were wrong and Jesus wasn't really the son of God?

Do you then lose everything?

Sounds like a pretty one-sided deal to me.

If you believe and are wrong you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

If you don't believe and are wrong you have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

< Message edited by rulemylife -- 6/25/2009 5:48:01 AM >

(in reply to knees2you)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 7:40:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: knees2you

If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?

I'm not a believer, but let's say I'd be, then in my opinion 'christians' with that attitude end up in hell. Believing as a kind of insurance, just in case? That's not true belief at all and should be counted as false belief.

And what have I to lose? Living in a straightjacket. You have this life. That's all you got. don't let it be messed up because of some often misinterpreted moldy book that's shown to have many internal inconsistancies, many cases where this "just" god lets gross injustices go, or even encourages them.


Don't worry about what people think about you: other people are already worrying about what you think about them.

"Life" : Life is what happens to you while you're busy planning other things

(in reply to knees2you)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 7:48:18 AM   

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From: Quietville
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ORIGINAL: knees2you

If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?
faith is not an insurance policy.....





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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 7:50:50 AM   

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which Bible?

You mean one of the originals or the fucked up version courtesy of King James the fuckstick retrofitted to suit what he needed the serfs and thralls to believe in at the time to grease his autocratic wheels?

It's like asking a question about "Blue".  If you don't know that even in a pauper's pallette there are a minimum of three separate and distince blues, and each for different purposes and effects, then you should limit questions about "blue" to Twitter.


I am (now) "Hiltie", hear me ROARRRRR! And have a cuffy cake, they're nice.

(in reply to WoodenPaddle)
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RE: Authority of the Bible? - 6/25/2009 8:04:11 AM   

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ORIGINAL: knees2you

If  A Chritian is right about what they believe in, they have everything to gain.
If they are wrong they lose nothing.
If a non Christian does not believe and he is wrong, then he loses everything.
Why take that chance? Hum?

So the OP asks, why believe? And the only reason you can offer is - just to be on the safe side?

I somehow doubt that'll be enough to persuade him.


Panda, panda, burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Made you all black and white and roly-poly like that?

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