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You Are My Type Of Woman, Right?

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You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 6:56:39 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 6/12/2009
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You sit quietly reading these words, as a whirl of activity is taking place inside your mind.

FACT:  It is just about impossible to be humble when you are striving to be the “best” or trying to be better than others.

Even if you are the best in the world at doing one thing, there are other things - important, worthwhile things - that you cannot do.  And the truth about this fact is, you may never be able to do some of these things!  Add to this the fact that there are a great many things that no person can do, and you can get some idea of your limitations.

If you were to, right now, let your mind go into the future.

Imagine what would happen if you opened the back door (the dark door) of your mind, and allowed a Alpha male... a real man - me - to come inside.  Don’t you want to open yourself up to this new direction in your life?

If your answer is no, it’s because you’re not my type!

Is it because you’re arrogant, beautiful, defiant, jaded, judgmental, sarcastic, shallow, smart, snobbish, spoiled-rotten and a cock-teaser?  WRONG!

Is it because you’re attractive, confrontational, independent, insubordinate, intelligent, irrational, manipulative, materialistic, unpredictable and worrisome?  NO!

Is it because you’re a evil bisexual b.i.t.c.h. (brazen, indecisive, thoughtless, complaining and haughty)?  HELL NO!

You’re not my type of woman because you are a liar!

I’ll prove it to you this way: You must first convince yourself to believe that another person will believe the lie you’re going to tell him or her... or them.  Think about it!  You have to convince yourself to believe your lie, first, before you even attempt to try to convince someone else to believe your lie.

More important than that, you lying to yourself / you being dishonest with yourself is the main reason why you’re not my type.

Your pride (the kind of pride that leans towards arrogance) is rooted in your insecurity about yourself.  If you know you are weak in a certain area, your competition (other smart women) will be able to have that power over you.

FACT:  No matter how beautiful, how “smart” or how talented you are, there is always somebody (another smart woman) who can do something better than you.

You judge other women because it’s a lot easier than looking at your own faults.  Judging other women detrimentally prevents you from trying to improve yourself.  And there is one thing more.  Perhaps even worse, judging others causes strife in your relationship, it prevents you from forming new relationships... and it’s also completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful.

You’re not my type of woman because of your fear!

Fear defined is: an uneasy feeling; feeling that danger or evil is near; dread; anxious thought; concern; being afraid of someone, some place or something.

Yes, you have fear!  And you must stop lying to yourself and admit you have fear to conquer it!  How do you know what you’re afraid of, if you can’t name it?

FEAR is your F_ictitious E_motionally-A_ltered R_eality.  Fear tells you a lot about yourself.  It tells you more about yourself than most people want to know.  Fear makes you ask important questions that maybe you can’t face.

Questions such as:  Am I a good person?  Am I generous and unselfish?  Am I a likable person?  Am I ever going to love and be loved?  Am I a valuable person?  Am I truly independent?  Am I smart?  Am I making a good choice or am I making the right decision?  Everybody fears the answer is: NO.  Oh well, welcome to the club... and stop complaining!

That’s because you fear not being totally organized, polished, stable and on schedule.  And you fear losing security - either financially (through the lost of your material rewards of work or rewards of your ambition) or physically (through the lost of status - your tangible proof of safety).

So you believe (the lie you told to yourself) that you have no fear, huh?

I used to think that as well, but what I didn’t know was not only did I have fear, I had fears (more than one).  And I will never let you insult my intelligence by saying that you have no fear or no fears!  I used to feel the same way, until I learned that the first person you must convince to believe that lie is: YOURSELF!

FACT:  You must first convince yourself/your soul to believe your lie before you can even attempt to try to convince someone else to believe it.

You must tell a lie to yourself about your true feelings before you tell the same lie to, oh well, your friend with benefits / lover / partner / significant other / or spouse or whatever.

And a person who is afraid of someone or something and refuses to talk about their feelings is scared.  IF YOU’RE SCARED, SAY YOU’RE SCARED!  And not to be aware of your feelings, not understanding them, or to be afraid of your feelings is worse than being blind, deaf or paralyzed. 

FACT:  We, the Alpha males of the world, our experience has shown us that there are no such words as “you can’t” there is only “you won’t”.

You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Yes, it’s just about impossible to be humble when you’re striving to be the “best” or trying to be “better” than others.

Never be afraid to admit that you made a mistake!  Part of being humble is understanding that you will make mistakes.  Understand that fact, understand that everyone and every living thing makes mistakes, and you will have a huge burden lifted off of you.  Why do we make mistakes?  Because we (humans) don’t know everything!

You’re not my type of woman because your jaded, “I’ve heard it all, I’ve seen it all and I know it all” attitude makes you feel far more important than you really are!

And any one person (regardless of their educational accomplishments and career/work achievements) can know only the smallest bits and pieces of the massive amount of knowledge that has accumulated over the centuries.

FACT:  We experience only a sliver of the present, we know very much about the past, and we know very little of the future.

Yes, you have made a mistake!

You have lost your sense of wonder and it inspires your curiosity that would make you a keen observer and capable learner.  If you were to, once again, be amazed like you used to be as a child, you will not only be humble; doing so requires you to let go of your preconceived notions and judgments and understand that you don’t know as much as you think you do.

Better yet, you will seek guidance and also be readier to learn!

What is my type of woman?

She is a woman who is totally honest with herself.  She truly appreciates the talents and qualities of others.  She has a sense of wonder (like a child).  She seeks my guidance and my structure.  She is not afraid to be faithfully dependent upon me... and she is not afraid to defer to my wisdom and my STRENGTH.

In fact, she gets her happiness from being humble and feeling and knowing that I am stronger emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and spiritually than she is!

She is my type of woman because unlike some of the other evil witches (ooops, I meant women) that hang out here on this website, that I introduce myself to and attempt to or try to get to know better, she doesn’t have a huge attitude!

She is my type of woman because she doesn’t have a massive, jaded, indifferent, confrontational and ambivalent attitude!

She is my type of woman because she gladly shows me respect and willingly submits to the spiritual (my love and faith-based beliefs), the mental (my positive and optimistic outlook), the intellectual (my acquired knowledge and wisdom) and the emotional (my cool/calm/collected demeanor) - STRENGTH that I possess.

She is my type of woman because she is smart enough to make the right decision to learn to let’s go of meaningless, simplistic comparisons of herself to other women; and she willingly follows my instructions and obeys my commands without worrying about whether she is the best or better or worse than other woman at doing so.

She is my type of woman because she truly desires to work hard (sacrifice a little) and master her fear or fears.

FACT:  Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is the mastery of your fear!

It is the ability of your mind to control your fear and the ability of your soul to overcome your fear.

She is my type of woman because she has the courage to be adventurous and rebellious.  And her act of rebelliousness (doing what is not approved of) - more or less - is the basis of her true personality, her natural and normal sexuality, her real happiness and her success.

She is my type of woman because now she can relax, be comfortable, and be right (make the right decision) and end her search for strength, in order to begin her attempt to unselfishly give her love to me - her new dominant man - and be loved by her new man, in return.

She is my type of woman because she makes a good choice to use her courage and her liberty (her total freedom) to unconditionally surrender her will to me only.  That’s a huge step in the right direction!

And lastly, she is my type of woman because she enjoys her liberty - the total freedom - of daily, loyally and submissively supporting me and my endeavors by enthusiastically and gladly doing things (such as: meeting my expectations, satisfying my needs and satisfying my desires, following my instructions and obeying my commands).

You want to finally end your search for strength, don’t you?  That would be amazing, wouldn’t it?  And being right makes you feel great, doesn’t it?

That’s because you are valuable!  You are unselfish!  You are unique!  You are uninhibited!  You are supportive!  You are open-minded!  You are intelligent!  You are generous!  You are down-to-earth!  And you are appreciative!

Better yet, I love how you have an open-mind for new ideas and new experiences.  It makes life so much more exciting and grand for both you and the people around you!

Yes, I appreciate what you add to my life (you being a tempting, tantalizing and tasty temptation).  And I see and value your virtues... you are SIN (S_exy I_ndependent & N_aughty), right?.  Lol

That’s because you are my type of woman!
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:13:06 PM   

Posts: 28072
Joined: 5/2/2008
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Fella, please at least post in the right forum. 


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to KingCharlesII)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:15:53 PM   

Posts: 2432
Joined: 1/27/2008
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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Fella, please at least post in the right forum. 

Actually, this time I think he got it right.

Or maybe this does belong in Random Stupidity

< Message edited by CarrieO -- 6/24/2009 7:18:27 PM >


"No matter what happens in the kitchen, never apologize"~Julia Child~

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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:17:46 PM   

Posts: 40310
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Not your kind of woman, and I think we should stop anything that might change that, for your safety and my mental state
Thank you
Nothing more


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
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(in reply to CarrieO)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:39:45 PM   

Posts: 42360
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From: Quietville
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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Fella, please at least post in the right forum. 
well Steve, he sorta did. This shit cannot be considered anything other than a joke.





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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:42:12 PM   

Posts: 6412
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*Psst!, OP*
The women who would REALLY respond to your approach are hiding in the "Ask A Mistress" forum. Post there and you are sure to get lucky!


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(in reply to sirsholly)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:48:52 PM   

Posts: 42360
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(in reply to WyldHrt)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 7:50:16 PM   

Posts: 42360
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From: Quietville
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You sit quietly reading these words
nope...i am laughing so loud i scared the cat.





(in reply to KingCharlesII)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:00:51 PM   

Posts: 28072
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*Psst!, OP*
The women who would REALLY respond to your approach are hiding in the "Ask A Mistress" forum. Post there and you are sure to get lucky!

You are eeeevil!


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to WyldHrt)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:05:39 PM   

Posts: 6412
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You are eeeevil!

And you like it
That said, I didn't lie! I'm sure the ladies of the forum would be responsive (CBT anyone?), and he would get lucky (if they let him out with his naughty bits still intact, that would be lucky)


"MotherFUCKER!" is NOT a safeword!!"- Steel
"We've had complaints about 'orgy noises'. This is not the neighborhood for that kind of thing"- PVE Cop

Resident "Hypnotic Eyes", "Cleavage" and "Toy Whore"
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(in reply to DarkSteven)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:12:23 PM   

Posts: 9556
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I thought the joke was supposed to be him naming himself after a past king that basically started the American Revolution by kicking everyone out that wasnt a firm believer in the Church of England (Source) Also a major contributor to what later became the slave trade, and was known for not being able to keep his dick in his pants.

or I am on nerd-overdrive.


Pirate King,

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(in reply to WyldHrt)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:21:21 PM   

Posts: 409
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You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

(in reply to KingCharlesII)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:26:06 PM   

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(Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

LOL! Nice one.
Rum, you say? Have you met my friend Asher by any chance?


"MotherFUCKER!" is NOT a safeword!!"- Steel
"We've had complaints about 'orgy noises'. This is not the neighborhood for that kind of thing"- PVE Cop

Resident "Hypnotic Eyes", "Cleavage" and "Toy Whore"
Subby Mafia, VAA Posse & Team Troll!

(in reply to NYLass)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:27:14 PM   

Posts: 9556
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From: The Desert
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You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

the first step is admitting that you have a problem, the next is finding some way to scrub that horribleness from my brain before it tries to escape again.

What kind of rum?


Pirate King,

The nicest man you'll ever bleed for

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Vitam Piratae Eligo

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(in reply to NYLass)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:31:01 PM   

Posts: 409
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ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

the first step is admitting that you have a problem, the next is finding some way to scrub that horribleness from my brain before it tries to escape again.

What kind of rum?

151 rum.  I know I shouldn't use it with a mixer.   I admit it- I made another mistake.

(in reply to Asherdelampyr)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:45:22 PM   

Posts: 9556
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From: The Desert
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ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

the first step is admitting that you have a problem, the next is finding some way to scrub that horribleness from my brain before it tries to escape again.

What kind of rum?

151 rum.  I know I shouldn't use it with a mixer.   I admit it- I made another mistake.

I became friends with a wonderful seafaring man, a Captain of some distinction :P


Pirate King,

The nicest man you'll ever bleed for

Posting Help

Vitam Piratae Eligo

The Rainmaker

(in reply to NYLass)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 9:58:08 PM   

Posts: 409
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ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

the first step is admitting that you have a problem, the next is finding some way to scrub that horribleness from my brain before it tries to escape again.

What kind of rum?

151 rum.  I know I shouldn't use it with a mixer.   I admit it- I made another mistake.

I became friends with a wonderful seafaring man, a Captain of some distinction :P

Aha!  :Adopting my best Capt Morgan stance:

Crap, can't pose & post.....

(in reply to Asherdelampyr)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 10:04:15 PM   

Posts: 9556
Joined: 11/14/2006
From: The Desert
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ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




ORIGINAL: Asherdelampyr




You’re not my type of woman because you won’t admit you made a mistake!

Hello, I'm Alana and I made a mistake.  I read the entire post.

I'm still not your type of woman, because I snorted so hard my rum & coke spewed from my nose.  (Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

the first step is admitting that you have a problem, the next is finding some way to scrub that horribleness from my brain before it tries to escape again.

What kind of rum?

151 rum.  I know I shouldn't use it with a mixer.   I admit it- I made another mistake.

I became friends with a wonderful seafaring man, a Captain of some distinction :P

Aha!  :Adopting my best Capt Morgan stance:

Crap, can't pose & post.....

Y'know I heard that if you buy enough rum they eventually send you a ship
and a barrel so you can do the stance :D


Pirate King,

The nicest man you'll ever bleed for

Posting Help

Vitam Piratae Eligo

The Rainmaker

(in reply to NYLass)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 10:44:17 PM   

Posts: 1031
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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Fella, please at least post in the right forum. 

I think he did this time ;)


"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." -- Mark Twain

(in reply to DarkSteven)
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RE: You Are My Type Of Woman, Right? - 6/24/2009 10:45:52 PM   

Posts: 1031
Status: offline


(Crap, I snorted coke for the first time tonight.)

Liquid or powder?


"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." -- Mark Twain

(in reply to WyldHrt)
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